Chapter 532: That's easy

"... these days, we have sold a total of 71 space portals, and our reservation is 466."
The time has come to mid-July. This is the internal performance of the Pet Master Association since the introduction of statistical space transmission technology.
The reporting staff said in a loud voice:
"The number of sales doesn't sound like much, but considering that we have only a short time to launch the space gate, most of the people who have come to our headquarters from various places are still on the road. It is foreseeable that the situation will continue to rise in the future.
For the time being, space transmission technology has brought great benefits to the association ... In order to obtain space transmission technology first, the Yueyang Empire in the central region will be used as a strategic means to wage war with neighboring countries. Adamantite is transferred to half of our association's mining proceeds. They are the first client of our association, and the first set of space doors is what they get ... "
The people reporting all the time, Cao Yan was sitting next to Ji Qianshan, and he was watching the space technology promotion and income situation.
During the same period when the two major associations launched a series of promotions, the sea community also began to promote space transmission technology in the underwater world.
Cao Yan quietly counted this period of time, his share of profits generated by the cooperation with the two major associations and the sea clan, extremely happy.
The space transmission technology has not been available for a long time, but the profit it brings is enough to make Cao Yan among the top tyrants in the green jungle world. What is more important than income is the expansion and accumulation of resources and connections.
Cao Yan's plan for himself, using technology as a means to turn the green jungle world into a technology colony, has begun.
That night, Cao Yan returned to his home, released abalone again, and entered the abyss.
Soon after, he came to the position where the abalone and the Enemy fought last time.
There are still traces of warfare around. After the flowing and melting rocks have solidified, they have a strange shape.
Abalone was using Cao Yan's command to use space power to open the crack in the space where the Fire Devil had appeared at first, and it immediately filled with a hot flame.
Cao Yan took root carrots as a snack in one hand and tasted deliciously, while taking out a semiotic matrix in the other.
This is a new kind of matrix he made, not the previous space transfer matrix.
Its structure draws on the core system of the ancient continent.
Many symbols in the matrix are intertwined, forming a mysterious running track.
Shrinking only a large array of palms, it gives people a sense of thousands of mysteries.
Cao Yan previously told the fake system that it was related to this new symbol matrix to keep Yan Mo for a small experiment.
When he took out the matrix and pulled it with mental force, the matrix slowly stretched out, and thousands of symbols were suspended in mid-air, similar to the situation when he transmitted the matrix in the exhibition space of the association that day.
Cao Yan took a bite of the carrot, mobilizing his mental strength, and pulling the matrix.
Those scattered symbols fell one by one around the cracks in the space where the flames came out.
At the next moment, many of the symbols of the matrix shimmered and began to operate, and the red flame elements inside the crack were drawn out by the matrix. After being integrated into the matrix, they accumulated and superposed, and gradually gathered in the center of the matrix to form an elemental light cluster, like the sun So dazzling.
Cao Yan's matrix refers to the formation of the structural system of the core area of ​​the ancient continent. The purpose is to further explore the mystery of the core structure of the ancient continent.
The core structure of the ancient continent can absorb the essence of the entire ancient continent and nourish the core area and nourish the corpses.
This matrix of Cao Yan mimics the system of the ancient continent, and also has the function of absorbing and absorbing elemental energy.
He released the matrix and extracted the fire elements in the cracks in the space to test the strength and effect of the matrix.
The result was still in line with expectations, Cao Yan muttered, "It is similar to what was expected, but this matrix lacks a core energy source to promote its long-term operation."
About an hour later, Cao Yan took the matrix and abalone away from the abyss, returned to the residence of the association, and then took the matrix out again.
The flames in the cracks in the space have been absorbed, and the matrix has become red. It is somewhat warm in the hands. The most amazing thing is the fire element light group formed in the middle. The fire element is almost liquid, and it is boiling. .
Cao Yan opened the matrix again. In an instant, hundreds of symbols filled the entire room.
He then took out the beast-catcher ball containing the flame demon and placed it at the core of the matrix, so that the matrix wrapped the beast-catcher ball.
The matrix runs and functions, and begins to ingest power from the slayer catching ball at the center.
This is why Cao Yan keeps the Enchanted Demon. Once this matrix is ​​in operation, he will ingest the beast catching ball, which is the power of the Enchanted Demon in the ball.
In other words, Yanmao will become the 'battery' of this matrix, provide the matrix with energy consumption for operation, and serve as the energy core of the matrix.
The core system of the ancient continent can absorb the breath of the ancient continent, perform a process similar to 'purification', and finally form a mysterious energy substance to nourish the corpse, although it dies, it still hoards its power in the corpse. , Preparing for resurrection.
Cao Yan also wanted to see if his matrix uses the same principle. After operation, he can absorb the power of the elements of fire and fire, and finally be able to brew and refine something.
At this point, he retracted the matrix, and the matrix was instantly folded back to the size of a beast-catcher ball, and the middle position was wrapped with the beast-catcher ball that contained the flame demon.
The inflammation of the ball has been suppressed by abalone many times recently, and it has been in a weak state. I don't know about the changes outside the ball. For the strength inside and outside the body, it is quietly taken in by some kind of power.
Cao Yan puts the symbol matrix into a trapping ball, and then bathes and sleeps.
The abalone took the initiative to float to the corner of the room, silently serving as a guard.
It was so proactive to serve Cao Yan because it had already thought about it and decided to be a dog leg for a while. However, once the seal's power is lifted and more blood is obtained from Cao Yan, it will immediately kill Cao Yan.
Well, abalone is so planned.
At midnight, the night was deep.
Cao Yan in his sleep suddenly felt the pet assistant's assistant on his wrist shaking, immediately sobered up, took a look at the message pushed by the pet assistant's assistant, and then took out an animal trap again.
There is a symbol blinking on that sphere.
"Tianma woke up from a coma."
Cao Yan got up and got out of bed, opened the catch ball, and walked in with the abalone.
The space inside the ball is filled with a faint white mist, and it goes into the sky, as if in the clouds.
That Pegasus has awakened from a coma ~ ~ It is full of golden and bright, the forehead of the forehead is dazzling with thunder, the light is dazzling, and the supernatural power is extreme.
As soon as Cao Yan entered the space inside the ball, Tian Ma hissed softly and issued a mental wave, not an attack, but a search.
Abalone is a spirit of Warcraft, and can communicate with the same powerful Spirit of Warcraft simply.
At this time, abalone was very consciously acting as a mental fluctuation translator: "Boss, its mental fluctuation is asking who you are?"
Before Cao Yan had the abalone comatose while Tianma was in a coma, he sent a spirit mark to his consciousness.
The effect of the imprint is very simple. It is to incorporate Cao Yan's spiritual seeds into Tianma's consciousness, just like a spiritual implantation, or a method similar to conscious hypnosis.
Performed by the abalone who reached the 11th level of the king at the time, Tianma was mentally imprinted into the coma and was unaware of it.
The effect of branding is to affect Tianma's consciousness, and to give it a kind of sense of intimacy and trust in Cao Yan.
This spiritual imprint is the skill used by pet masters to capture high-end magic pets. When encountering a powerful Warcraft that cannot be directly captured, you can find suitable opportunities and quietly plant this spiritual imprint, which will subtly alleviate Warcraft's impact on the catcher. Resistance and resistance.
At this time, Cao Yan asked Abalone to recount his spirit and responded, "You were hurt by the Pope, and I saved you later."
Abalone passed the words to Tianma in a spirited manner.
That day, Ma thought about it. The situation on that day was indeed the case. In addition, Cao Yan's spiritual imprint was playing a role. He had no doubt about Cao Yan, nodded his head, and responded with spiritual fluctuations: "I believe in you, I can feel that you are a person of good heart and integrity. "
Said that Cao Yan was a kind and honest man, this horse was blind ... Abalone's heart was moving.
Cao Yan thought secretly: This horse believed me, and it was easy to handle.
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