Chapter 533: Cao Yan's gang of evil forces continues to expand (2-in-1

The Favorite Black Tech Lair Chapter 533 Cao Yan's Evil Forces gang continues to expand (two chapters and one chapter) audio novels listen online
Conquering the magic pet will generally face two situations;
One is forcible capture. The magic pet is first weakened, and then the contract is signed. The success rate will be relatively high.
In the other case, the magic pet voluntarily followed, agreed to sign a contract, and the two parties reached a relationship similar to a combat partner;
This contractual relationship is not binding, and both the magic pet and the pet master are equal. In some extreme cases, the magic pet may not obey orders and even defect. Of course, this kind of contract also has the advantage that it will not occupy too much of the spiritual position of the pet master.
A small number of spiritually talented pet masters can still have one or two such equal contract magic pets on the basis of the magic pets already signed.
The unicorn Tianma in front of him, like the abalone, is a monarch-level creature. Based on Cao Yan's professional level, he can only take the initiative to follow this path.
"Since you say I am a good and honest person, I have something to say." Cao Yan let the abalone continue to translate.
Tianmahai's blue eyes were pure, and felt that Cao Yan's words were fine. He liked honest people, and responded with spiritual fluctuations, and agreed with Cao Yan's words.
This horse is not only blind, but also silly ... Abalone's psychological activity again.
"The old man who hurt you that day is also my enemy. He is strong. I need you to help me."
Cao Yan said that he had a tentative intention to make the abalone translate into mental fluctuations, and then waited for Tianma's response.
He has prepared a series of speeches, and 60% to 70% are sure that he can fool the Tianma and promised to become his teammate.
However, what Cao Yan didn't expect is that the rhetoric and routines he prepared were useless, and Tianma got on the car himself. "In order to repay your kindness to save me, I would like to stay and help you, but this help is Indefinite, limited to three months. "
How about three months?
Cao Yan straightly said, "For someone who saved you, you are only willing to pay him back for three months?"
Tian Ma was stunned, and explained the mental fluctuations. "My racial nature is good at running and traveling. If I stay in one place, I will gradually degenerate because I lose the ability to run freely. There is no possibility of advanced. As such, I Add another three months and stay with you for half a year. What do you think? "
"What's your life?" Cao Yan asked.
"It depends on the extent of my evolution. If I can be a totem creature, I can survive for 10,000 years. If I stay at the level of a king, I can live for about 4,000 to 5,000 years. I have just entered my youth. If I stay at the current stage, , Probably to survive for another three or four thousand years. "Tian Ma is an honest child, and he said in his own duty.
This horse is about to finish ... Abalone continues to be mentally active.
"You can still survive for three or four thousand years, so if you count on four thousand years, it would not be long for you to pay for one hundred years. I think one hundred years is appropriate, and that's how you feel? After all, one hundred years That's one-tenth of your life. "Cao Yandao.
"a hundred years."
Tianma was shocked and stared at Cao Yan.
Improving from half a year to a hundred years!
However, what Cao Yan said seemed very reasonable. He repaid Cao Yan's kindness with a few tenths of his life. Tianma felt that it was not excessive and he was speechless.
"I can agree, but I ask for a fixed time each year to go out and travel." Tianma passed down the spirit flustered.
He didn't even bargain, this child is really ... This is a psychological activity of Cao Yan. "Closing. You will take two days a week vacation, eight days a month holiday, and one month of annual leave in the future. But when do you take a break, you must listen to me to arrange During our cooperation, you must obey my orders. "
"it is good."
Tianma shook his head and promised to come down. It always felt that there was something wrong, and it couldn't be said. It sounded that the conditions given by Cao Yan were really good.
The two parties successfully signed the spiritual contract of the partner.
This contract method is similar to abalone, but Tianma is honest, so it is not necessary to wear a spiritual chain.
"I'm going to give you a name so that you can call it easily."
Cao Yan looked at Tianma up and down, and said that something of the horse was extraordinarily large ... His eyes moved over Tianma's lower abdomen ... Well, the rumor was right, a very proper name appeared in Cao Yan's mind.
Tianma hissed softly and turned into a mental wave, expressing "I have a name, called Guangyan, and I hope to keep my name."
Considering that Tian Ma had just joined, it was not appropriate to forcibly deprive him of his real name. Cao Yan was disappointed and said, "OK."
Upon hearing this, Abalone hurriedly said, "I actually have my own name."
Cao Yan waved his hand. "Your name is not as good as abalone and cannot be changed."
When Cao Yan stepped out of Tianma's beast trap, the window was already bright, the rising sun was rising in the sky, and the endless light and heat were dissipating the darkness of the night.
Now that there are two kings of Warcraft, Cao Yan feels it necessary to sort out the structure of his thugs and streamline members.
With Pegasus, the previous mount ghost nightmare can be eliminated.
Cao Yan immediately turned on the servant assistant, took out the Nightmare Catcher Ball, opened the delivery system, and delivered it to Auch.
"Auch, this nightmare has given you away. It has the possibility of devouring and assimilating each other with your skeletal warhorse. You try to promote the soulfire contact between nightmare and skeletal warhorse, which may promote the evolution of the skeletal warhorse to become a bone nightmare."
"Thank you, boss," Och replied in seconds to his assistant.
"The boss is eccentric." Peach blossomed up.
"The boss is eccentric +1." Dai Huanyu also appeared in line.
Another avatar lit up on the screen of the assistant system, a new member's spell silently observed.
Cao Yan sneered, "Peach blossom, I was going to give you a piece of star. The fist is so big. It seems that you don't want it? Dai Huanyu, before you return the nine-tailed scorpion you gave back, and the star Debris. "
Taohua immediately acknowledged and said, "I just said something wrong, I like the stars fragments most, the boss is mighty!"
"Boss mighty +1" Dai Huanyu followed closely behind.
"Boss mighty +2" Auch lined up.
"Boss mighty +3"
As Cao Yan's servant, the spell was also implanted in the Chinese language mastery during the cultivation of the spacecraft, and quickly adapted to the chat between the servants.
"Newcomer, as per the rules, you are going to give gifts to our old members. What gifts do you have for us?" Dai Huanyu started bullying Mengxin.
Mantra "What to do if nothing?"
"Then take a fruit picture." Dai Huanyu sternly said.
The curse asked, "Did you also send it?"
"Of course, but the fruit photos of me and Taohua were only issued to the boss. Who asked us to come early." Dai Zhaoyu said.
Cao Yan said he was unwilling to "send it."
"If the boss wants to see, I'll go now, face to face ... I can still buy one, get one free, and bring peach blossoms. Does the boss want to see?" Dai Wanyu quickly responded.
Cao Yan felt that if he continued to talk, he would be scammed by his hooligan female servant, and decided to dive. Now the attendants have grown to four, and then continue, I am afraid that the attendant system is going to become a chatter group.
After diving, he no longer cares about the messy chat mode of the assistant system, and continues to streamline the World of Warcraft.
When Ji Qianshan was in the ancient continent, he was given a devil spider as a mount.
At present, the demon spider was also taken out by Cao Yan, sent out, and given a spell to find a place in the jungle at dusk, as a temporary helper.
After that, Cao Yan sorted out other recently captured Warcraft, and when he was ready to return to the magic city, he took it to his own auction house and sold it.
The magic pet of Commander Cao's commander was the egg, the big stick, and the circle. The outer followers were big cats, ant colonies and little fat dogs. Abalone and Guangyan, which are regarded as cooperative relations, have been added.
There are also two pillars of followers.
The members of the evil forces under Cao Yan continued to increase, but in fact, the main pets were only eggs, sticks and circles, and they also had the greatest growth potential.
Cao Yan also arranged most of the items in his hand, including as many as six monarch-level biological bones he had harvested during the ancient continent. The bones of these kings, which have been devoured by the ant colony, are quite luxurious, but they work well.
In this stage, the ant colony continues to multiply and grow, and its combat effectiveness continues to soar.
In addition, Cao Yan still has God blood (two-fourths of a drop), crystals of Divine Fire, elemental debris gathering balls, a part of the withered World Tree trunk in the ball, and several branches of the World Tree in the ancient continent. There are also new productions. Matrix structure, and several artifacts stolen from the church temple.
The magical ancient book and an ancient awkward long bow are things that Taohua and Dai Huanyu have long coveted.
Others include Baoyue's betting loss to Cao Yan's Dinaradoya's blood and other items. Cao Yan passed through these things, sorted them out, and avoided omissions.
After doing this, Cao Yan couldn't help but think about it. There were two more ace fighters under him, and it seemed that it was time to do something, otherwise I was sorry for the king level of the two fighters.
In the evening of the day, Jiang Zi and Ji Wen came to Cao Yan.
They were going shopping and asked Cao Yan if he would go.
Cao Yan was going to buy some things for Wang Li, so he walked with them, took two guards, Pandas and Yude, out of the association headquarters, and came to a main street in the city of the gods.
The city of Shenyu has a strong ultra-modern mechanical sci-fi style, with its architecture and prosperity.
The breeze came slowly.
Walking in the street in the evening time, the crowd was crowded and relaxed.
It has been more than a year since Cao Yan came to this world. When he saw people walking on the street, some people were homesick.
"Mr. Xiao Cao, this is one of the famous snack shops in the city. The snow tree preserves in his house are delicious. What are you going to buy?"
When Gyantse arrived in the city of Divine Realm, he quickly found out the delicious and interesting places in the city. Wang Li likes to taste all kinds of snacks, and Cao Yan asks Jiangzi to take himself to the famous snack shop in the city, ready to buy something to take back to please the woman ticket.
Cao Yan walked into the shop while talking with Jiang Zi and Ji Wen.
The shop is small, but the business is good, and the boss is a fat middle-aged man.
When Cao Yan came in, the boss was personally taking seven shop assistants, busy packing various things, and taking away the customers who bought them.
There were seven or eight people lining up in front of Cao Yan and others. After they came in, someone was waiting in line behind them.
Then came a customer from outside the shop, a young girl with beautiful blonde hair, actually Ferrier.
At this moment Ferrier is a little fat and her face is not the same as before. She used magic means to cover up her original appearance, so she looks like two people.
She had noisy to go back to the deep sea, mainly because she hated Cao Yan, and wanted to go back and tell Neptune that she didn't agree with the marriage. But she rarely came out of the deep sea. The girl was very instinctive and curious about everything on the land. Later, Bao Yue returned to the deep sea first to deal with matters.
Baoyue left her guard to protect Ferrier, and she returned to the deep sea first.
This was Ferrier running away from the shop without a guard, and when Cao Yan was seen on the street as a 'big enemy', he subconsciously followed.
Relying on her magic to hide her face and secretly monitoring her enemies makes her a little new and interesting.
Inside the store, it was Cao Yan's turn to buy something.
He glanced at the assortment of food on the counter, including crystal pastries, candies, candied fruits and nuts, and preserved meat, which are common in snack shops.
Cao Yan said to the fat boss, "Come on everything, save things with different lengths of time, and help me keep it separate."
"it is good."
At the moment when the fat boss responded, a sudden change occurred.
The fat boss's face suddenly appeared murderous, and while he opened his mouth to promise Cao Yan, he spit out a Scripture with a golden flame from his mouth, and fell to Cao Yan's heart.
The attack was abrupt and quite subtle.
Pandas and Yude have always been with Cao Yan, but because Cao Yan had to give way to the various snacks in the counter, he stood beside him separately, which caused Cao Yan to be a fat boss two feet away. .
The two were facing each other with only one counter in the middle.
The fat boss is actually a lurking member of the church hidden in the city of the gods, and is also a leader-level professional.
Not long ago, they received a secret order for the verdict from the owner of the verdict, demanding that the lurkers in the Southern Territory assassinate Cao Yan at any cost, so the fat boss chose a positive action at the first opportunity, regardless of his hidden status for many years.
The sudden attack of the hidden priesthood clergyman, at such a short distance, the assassination was almost a mortal situation.
Pandas and Yude were shocked.
In the flashlight, the character of the scripture has approached Cao Yan's eyebrow ~ ~ but I saw Cao Yan'an's Roussu's hand grabbing it, the power of life martial arts operation in the body, for him powerful power and shot speed The scriptures burned to the brow's heart, and they were grasped in time.
Cao Yan's shot is like a pen from God, which seems to be an understatement. In fact, he has used ball play. He has seconded the sticky power of the egg to slow down the scriptures that attacked. Then he uses the terror force of the circle to The supreme force field dispersed the holy fire carried by the scriptures, and finally slashed the scriptures with a large stick of lightning to destroy its lethality.
Only then did the probing put the scriptures into the palm of his hand, and he performed his magical performance unscathed.
Cao Yan's operation horrified the fat boss on the opposite side.
He did not hesitate to expose his fatal blow, and Cao Yan cracked it so easily!
Beside, Ji Wen and Jiang Zi, unexpectedly and amazingly behaved to Cao Yan, they stunned together. The change just now was too sudden, and the two had not even had time to produce other emotions. The attack was resolved by Cao Yan.
Behind him, Ferrer witnessed the whole process, his expressions were in sync with each other, and his faces were astonished like Jiang Zi and Ji Wen.
As for the other customers and clerks in the store, because the change is too fast, they have not fully reacted.
A soft sound.
Cao Yan's body was filled with lightning, and a lightning tentacle was stretched out. The fat boss was drawn into a void crack. It was the abalone who swallowed the fat boss.
Pandas and Yude looked so dull that the clerks squatted against the wall.
The two looked at the shop assistants with hot eyes, but then something changed. Behind Cao Yan, there were two customers who entered the shop behind him. The customers who were waiting in line suddenly exploded and attacked Cao Yan from behind.
This is a serial assassination, the fat boss is just a prologue, not all!
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