Chapter 234: Zerg vs. Undead (3)!

Chapter 234 Zerg vs. Undead (3)!
The Zerg Army of Ling Zhan among the four-way army actually followed the normal speed of the Zerg, and could reach the elven empire capital Augsburger two days ago. However, it was only at the last minute that the mood to turn the elven empire from despair to hope was conducive to receiving this huge empire after the war.
The Super Warcraft Empire only sent two powerful Super Warcraft family members, the Shadow Leopard and the Demon Tiger, to pay the remaining undead with Ling Zhan's Zerg army.
The Hai clan's army did not advance slowly, but they were the farthest from Augsburg city. At this time, they were still a dozen miles away from the official contact with the undead army.
The Bright Empire was advancing very slowly. Even so, the 400,000 troops also advanced dozens of miles away from the city of Augsburg, forming a neat formation, strangling and killing the weak outer undead. , Did not intrude into the core area of ​​Augsburg city and the army of the undead face to face, to save the allies of the Elven Empire.
On the side of the Light Empire, a lance team formed in a dense formation formed a whole, constantly spearing the lances under the command of the officer, and struck a machine, constantly crushing the undead in front of it. The weapons in the hands of these soldiers are blessed by bright magic. As long as those undead are stabbed, a holy light will burst out, purifying those undead and making them impossible to resurrect.
The dense rifle arrays are constantly destroying an unorganized undead. Although the number of those undead was out of sight, but under the squeeze of the rifle squares of the Bright Empire, they were continuously slaughtered, and there was no quantitative advantage.
In addition, the Light Empire did not mean to advance, and did not ask for no power, but for nothing, but slowly and firmly paid out the undead around. Although there are still many soldiers who died under the attack of those undead, it is nothing compared with the undead.
The undead in that periphery did not evolve under the influence of the undead command tower. Otherwise, the army of the 400,000 bright empire would not be so easy.
"I don't know who won the war between the Demons and the Undead."
Kant's wise eyes looked at the distance. At this time, the brightest troops of the bright empire had been withdrawn. Although the 400,000 army was invincible against ordinary undead, but in the legend, the gods had a headache. The undead legion had no chance at all, and it was the battle between the two most overbearing races on the lower continent of Augsburg.
Suddenly, Lord Kant's eyes narrowed. Although his eyesight was not as good as some special races, he was also a ninth-class powerhouse and was extremely sensitive to fluctuations in strength. He could feel in the sky that a huge force of evil was approaching them with a terror.
"Undead Dragon!" In the horrified eyes of the great Kant priest, a thousand undead dragons appeared from their horror in the sky.
"what is that?"
"Bone Dragon? No, it's the Undead Dragon!"
If the undead mage can get a dragon's bones and use special magic, he can transform that dragon's bones into bone dragons. These bone dragons can only use bones to attack, and their strength is much weaker than that of dragons. The undead dragon is a feared undead dragon transformed by the undead command tower, and has incredible power.
The appearance of those undead dragons also caused a panic among the bright empire soldiers below, the kind of horrible monsters soaring in the sky, and the huge body could give people a great sense of oppression.
"Don't panic! Get ready ...!" A bright empire officer yelled.
The undead dragon in the sky does not have the dragon family that can naturally suppress the dragon power of other weak races, but these Ace of Heath have a very abnormal death dragon breath.
A thousand mouths of the thousand undead dragons, and a large black expanse of weird death dragon's breath fell among the bright empire soldiers in a dense formation.
The bright empire soldiers suddenly burst into white light. On their bodies, they have blessed a lot of light magic, making them have good resistance to the magic attacks of the undead.
It's just that these white rays can't reach the strange and abnormal death dragon breath, the bright empire soldiers who have been contaminated with the death dragon's breath ignite a layer of black flame that can be filled with chill at a glance. The armor worn on his body was completely burned by the black flames.
Many people were only contaminated with a little bit of death's breath and gradually burned to ashes. They just couldn't be burned in an instant, they could only cry in misery, rolling on the ground and making screams of sorrow. Those weird black flames also have a contagious function. If they are too close, the black flame will be slowly burned to ashes.
An attack by the thousand undead dragons caused the death of tens of thousands of bright empire soldiers, and the neat and tight spear formation was self-defeating.
Losing that neat and tight formation, a large number of zombies and skeletons burst into the bright warrior, and the killing was launched. Without the protection of a dense formation, a light warrior would face the attack of more than one undead. Although these undead are not as perverted as those evolved under the Augsburg city, they also have about four levels of cultivation. Although these bright warriors are also elite, it is impossible to pick a few undead warriors, and the casualties are rising rapidly. .
After the thousand undead dragons spewed out two death dragon breaths again, the original formation of the 400,000 bright empire army suddenly collapsed, and everyone scrambled to run behind.
And those undead warriors are constantly hunting down these bright empires.
"Good! Is this the true strength of the Undead Army?"
Looking at the thousand undead dragons in the sky, there was no strong style, and the great Kant who fled on a group of horses was shocked. Although he had expected that the undead legion would be strong, he did not expect Will be strong to this extent.
Although the brightest empire of the Bright Empire has been drawn, there are still several trump cards hidden in the remaining 400,000 troops, but in the sky, the thousand undead dragons will use thunderous means in such a short time. The 400,000 Emperor of the Bright Empire was defeated, and the Bright Empire was defeated without the opportunity to open any hole cards and suffered heavy losses.
As if sensing the vision of Lord Kant, in the sky, the icy dragon's head of the largest undead dragon swept away, and a breath of death dragon's breath spewed out instantly.
In the heart of the great Kant priest, a magic scroll of a nine-level magic sacred barrier was instantly crushed, and a sacred wall of incredible defense power appeared in front of him.
The black dragon's breath full of weird light suddenly hit the holy light wall.
The death dragon's breath easily dissolved a large hole on the holy light wall, and then instantly drowned the horrified Kant priest, and a horrible black flame instantly burned him to ashes.
"Bright Empire, settle!" In the sky, the strongest undead dragon, Brady, looked at Lord Kant and was burned to ashes by its dragon breath. He said lightly, and then slapped the huge bones and wings. With the thousand undead dragons whistling and flying in the other direction.
Although the Bright Empire still has a large number of troops that have not been killed, in the defeat, human fighters without fighting spirit can only be the target of the undead warriors below.
The more powerful and powerful the creatures converted with the Undead Command Tower are during their lifetime, the more powerful and potential they are after being converted by the Undead Command Tower.
These undead dragons have the highest potential among the top 10 species converted by the Undead Command Tower, and have great potential. Although they are currently only 9 to 10 levels, as long as they have the time and Plenty of life energy, Heath in the heyday can even sacrifice these undead dragons to level 12 or higher. Used as interstellar fighters and interstellar mechas released by aircraft carriers in interstellar warfare, the potential is far beyond those of death knights.
Even if the death knights of the heyday of the heyday did their best, they could only sacrifice the water skin to the eleventh level, and the potential and combat power of the two arms were no longer at the same level.
In the sky, the mermaid empire Fangtian Haizhou's silver light flickered, and a long sea was moving strangely fast. On that sea, countless sea fighters formed a magnificent army.
A very beautiful and heroic mermaid girl, Doris, holds a magic gun and navigates a wave ~ ~ Meiyu reveals anxiety. The closer it was to Augsburg City, a horror of fear rose from her heart, as if the most terrifying was ahead, and they were the poor worms heading to hell.
"We must be able to win!" Doris silently encouraged herself in her heart, and she was a good fighter with a seventh-level advanced repair, and soon got rid of that irritable mood.
"That's where the battle is!" After getting rid of that mood, Doris looked forward, and as the waters below moved, she could already see the undead wandering around.
"What's that?" Just as Doris was looking ahead, a group of small black dots in the distant sky were flying towards this side.
After blessing herself with a hawk-eye technique, Doris clearly saw that the small black spots in the distance that were becoming clear were the strongest trump card of the undead army-the undead dragon.
Just a few more zombies with pus on their bodies, under the claws of those undead dragons.
"Everyone be careful! The undead dragons of the undead army come to attack!" Doris roared almost.
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