Chapter 235: Zerg vs. Undead (3)!

After receiving Doris' notice, all the sea people were hidden in the water.
The undead dragons in the sky soon flew over the sea clan.
Hidden beneath the sea is a mouthful of a warrior with a fish-like body like a triangle. Numerous sharp ice arrows appear from the sea below, pointing directly at the undead dragon in the sky exuding an evil breath. .
The rest of the sea races showed their magical powers, ice snakes, ice arrows, water arrows, and combative arrows in the sky. The most powerful ones are those whale beasts that look like hills. These whale beasts have a huge mouth, and they seem to have a horrible water cannon in the sky.
These sea races are in the sea and use magic to be no worse than being in the sea.
The strength of those undead dragons in the sky is also extraordinary. Except for the eight and nine undead dragons that were bombarded by the horrible whale beasts, their skeletons could no longer be condensed. Various water magics were blocked.
Seawater can resist a variety of attacks and can offset most of the damage. It is a natural protective cover for the sea! When Heath and Poseidon fought, they also suffered a lot. In order to make the sea water disappear, the only way to destroy the Fangtian Haizhou is to protect the Fangtian Haizhou's miracle tree no less than the jīng spirit tribe's miracle tree. If you want to destroy it violently, it is still difficult to do it urgently. Race, Nether Heath has another solution.
"Let's go!" The eleventh-level undead dragon Brady smashed a water cannon spouted by a claw, roaring.
The undead dragons raised their giant claws, and 4,000 zombies were thrown into the sea.
Watching the zombies fall into the sea smoothly, the undead dragons flapped their wings and flew to the other side under the leadership of Brady.
As soon as the 4,000 zombies fell into the sea, they were easily torn to pieces by those sea soldiers.
"What's the matter?" Doris, looking at the undead dragon turning away, was full of doubts hiding in the sea.
Although full of doubts, the Fangtian Haizhou urged the sea below to gush forward.
But it didn't take long for a thick stench to come from the place where the 4,000 zombies were torn, and those with low-strength sea fighters near the zombies soon appeared one after another with peculiar pustules full of stench.
"What is this?" Those sea soldiers with low strength looked at the large bales that were pouring out of their bodies. Their bodies were weak for a while. After shaking their bodies a few times, they lost their strength, their eyes turned white, and they floated onto the water. There is no intake air.
Soon these sea soldiers died. At the moment of their death, the pustules on their bodies were instantly broken, and the pus water filled with viruses flowed into the sea below, and then continued to spread with the seawater.
In such a speed of horror, the undead have not yet formally engaged with the undead, and the sea area is filled with one after another sea fighters who have died or are waiting to die, and countless numbers of them are available for these sea tribes. The marine life consumed by the soldiers was covered by a nasty stench.
The horrors of the viruses carried on the bodies of the zombies were revealed at this time. Among the sea clan, all the soldiers below the fifth level had been infected and died, and the soldiers at the sixth and seventh levels were floating above the sea. The big mouth gasped, relying on the powerful fighting air pressure to restrain the discomfort in the body, and continued to pant.
The viruses on these zombies are inherently highly infectious, and that sea area has become the best vector for the viruses on those zombies, so they can infect almost all sea fighters so quickly.
Since the Bright Empire traveled on land and blessed Bright Magic, those soldiers had a higher resistance to these viruses. If you want to use these virus zombies to infect them, the effect is far less than in this mobile sea area. Among the sea people.
Doris quickly stopped the movement of the Fangtian Haizhou, and Liu Shen walked in front of a mermaid with an eighth-level cultivation and asked, "Mr. Buman, what should we do?"
Doris is a royal family of the Mermaid Empire. Although she has only seven levels of strength, she wears various treasures and is not infected by the terrible virus.
"Disperse this sea area, separate alive and uninfected fighters, and send enough people to find a doctor who can treat these diseases. Anyone here can't find a doctor who can treat these diseases. Can't return to the mermaid empire! "The mermaid old man was very knowledgeable, and soon thought of a rumor about the undead army, his face changed, and he said solemnly.
"However, most of us will not be able to survive on land after we disperse this sea area, and without this sea area, what shall we do with our food?" Doris is indeed the commander of this sea tribe. On the leader, two questions were quickly raised.
The food of the sea fighters of these mermaid empires is all kinds of marine life and some other materials living in that huge sea.
"Without leaving this area, I'm afraid we will die soon. Only by leaving this area, we can still have a chance of life." The old mermaid said lightly.
Doris nodded, and said nothing more. She raised her hand and a blue magical light glowed to the Fangtian Haizhou.
The Fangtian Haizhou's blue color suddenly made his way to the huge sea area below, and then the area lost control of Fangtian Haizhou and scattered.
Looking at the corpses of the Dihai tribe, Doris' heart was filled with endless fear of the undead army. The heads-up sea people are not afraid of anyone, but such a weird death has made them unable to fear the undead army.
After the army of the Undead Dragon easily destroyed the Bright Empire and the Sea Clan, they flapped their wings to intercept the powerful long-range attacking cluster of the Ling Zhan—the laser scorpion and the knotty army.
The undead command tower was shielded within a range of more than ten kilometers near Augsburg city, making Ling Zhan unable to observe the movement of the undead army through the host, but beyond that range, Ling Zhan's host's vision could be clear Captured the movement of the undead army.
Far away, Ling Zhan discovered that the undead dragon army was rushing towards his laser scorpion and the nodular army.
"Attack!" Ling Zhan locked the distant army of undead dragons through the vision of the host. Under one idea, those Zergs who were marching stopped their advance.
Numerous bone spurs and lasers covered the undead dragon army.
It's just that Mughes is also a strong survivor who has survived countless interstellar wars. When deducing how to deal with the Ling battle, he has already taught Brady the combat method for dealing with these long-range firepower strikes.
The army of undead dragons are very far apart from each other, and at the same time, the orbits are extremely elegant, and they have avoided most of the bone spurs and laser attacks. They can't be avoided. A death dragon breathe out, destroying those bone spurs and lasers. Dense coverage attacks are not very effective.
Even though the effect was not very good, those bone spurs and laser attacks completely destroyed more than 40 undead dragons. At the same time, more than a dozen undead dragons were blown out of the body by the bone spurs, but these undead creatures didn't feel anything, and continued to fly to the Ling Zerg army.
The undead dragon Brady, who has an eleventh level of repair, is even more horrible. He swelled a dozen miles away. A group of horrifying death dragons flew far away and quickly turned to the sky. Among them, a knotty insect was instantly burned into ashes.
Among the thousand undead dragons, there are fifty-four undead dragons with ten levels of horror power. The fifty-four undead dragons are also a huge mouth, and the fifty-four death dragons died instantly. Fly well into the sky.
Soon, more than forty arthropods in the sky and among the arthropod army of Ling Zhan were burned into ashes by the death dragon's breath, and the remaining death dragon's breath was intercepted by those horrible bone spurs and lasers. .
The death dragon's breath of death dragons is not fast, far less than the speed of the multi-section spurs, which is like the color of a cannon, but each group of dragon's breath locks a multi-section insect. , The threat to the Ling Zerg army far exceeds the orc empire and the Tesiriya empire.
Almost every moment, nodules are burned into the ashes by the death dragon's breath of those undead dragons in the sky.
At the cost of the complete destruction of two hundred undead dragons, the remaining eight hundred undead dragons quickly approached the army of gnarled and laser scorpions.
In the process of approaching, the terrible undead dragon also killed more than six hundred arthropods. In particular, the eldest dragon, Brady, who had the eleventh level of repair, hit all the breath, and one dragon killed more than thirty knotty insects.
The gnarled and laser scorpion army has a guard consisting of two thousand flying wing mantises, one hundred thousand raptors, and three thousand spiny snakes.
After the eight hundred undead dragons approached ~ ~ two thousand flying wing mantises greeted them, waving the mantis arms in their hands and chopped at those terrible undead dragons.
The 3,000 Hydralisks below also continuously spit out venom and bombarded those undead dragons.
The venom of a Hydralisk may not be enough to threaten those Undead Dragons, but under the corrosive concentration of 3,000 Hydralisks, it is easy to completely wipe out an Undead Dragon.
Unbeknownst to them, those undead dragons who ignored the Hydralisks paid a painful price. More than twenty and nine levels of the undead dragons were eroded by the three thousand thorns.
Faced with those mighty flying wing mantises, those who belonged to the mid-range combat powerhouses, and the close-range combat were also extremely powerful, and the horrible death dragon breath sprayed on those flying wing mantises.
Many flying wing praying mantises that could not escape were directly burned into ashes by those death dragon breaths.
However, there are still many flying wing mantises flying to the undead dragons on their own terrible speed, and the mantis in their hands chops heavily at the undead dragons. (!)
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