Chapter 381: Free mental power

Who is the eleventh person?
The captain ’s eyes glanced at his teammates, but no matter how he looked, he only saw ten people. He believed his teammates would never make trouble at this time. Who made the voice just now?
"Who is it, get out of me!" The captain yelled, and the strength of the seventh-order strongman suddenly broke out, flying all the dust around.
The players hugged the group tightly, and as soon as they found a trace of abnormality around them, their weapons would shoot.
"Are you looking for me?"
Suddenly, an eerie voice came from the captain's ear. He punched him subconsciously without leaving his hand.
But the punch was empty and there was nothing.
"Ah!" At this moment a player screamed, and the captain looked at him suddenly, only to see the player's face in horror.
"what happened?"
"Then ... over there." The team member pointed his finger in one direction. The captain looked over and suddenly he saw a scene that he couldn't believe.
He saw them before them!
That's right, in the eyes of the captain, he clearly saw himself in the other team, among them he and the various players. They didn't seem to see the existence of themselves and others, and their actions seemed to be ... establishing marks.
"What is this situation, is it our past? Or is the image of what happened before us retained here?"
The captain couldn't believe it, just when he was about to send a distress signal through the live broadcast room, he found that the live broadcast was interrupted.
That's right, at this moment, all the pictures in the live broadcast room were broken!
This situation was naturally seen in Su Chen's eyes. Other people's pictures were broken, and his class was not broken.
The map shows that there are no enemies around everyone, but the signal is cut off, indicating that there is a problem.
"Let the Red Police soldiers shoot and rescue them."
This time the incident was Su Chen ’s temporary intention. He was naturally responsible for rescuing these people. At present, it seems that these people should be in no danger, just like being trapped there.
In Su Chen's eyes, these people seemed to have no danger, but in the eyes of these people, they experienced a series of absurd things.
Hitting ghosts and seeing myself in the past didn't say anything. There were even magical scenes such as finding themselves suddenly appearing in a cemetery, scaring them to almost urinate their pants.
If they did not believe that the emperor outside would definitely send someone to rescue them, it is estimated that they themselves collapsed.
The news of the interruption of the live broadcast quickly spread to all human beings. They knew what dangers those people must have encountered, and they were very worried.
The human emperor immediately stated on the forum that they had sent people to rescue, and they would definitely not let those people have an accident.
The red police soldiers were heavily armed and rushed in with a large amount of war weapons, ramming all the way, without taking any detours, and found the squads.
But when they came here, they found that these people were like crazy, holding their hair and screaming, and several of them looked a bit broken.
"Is this a heart attack?"
The Red Police soldiers did not dare to neglect, but the commander's order brought these people back intact, so two people came out of the army, Yuri and Libra.
They are all powerful people who use spiritual power. Even if they are copying people, their strength should not be underestimated.
Yuri's replicator and Libra replicator shot together, the spiritual power spread all around, covering all the players, and their expressions gradually relaxed gradually until they were calm.
"Commander, we feel that there is an unowned spiritual force here. Someone should stay here, and it will happen when they are triggered."
Hearing his report, Su Chen pondered for a moment. Why is there an unowned spiritual power on the back of the moon, is it left by the aliens living on the moon?
"Can it be cleared?"
"Yes, but it takes a lot of time. There are a lot of free spiritual powers here."
"For the time being, take them out safely."
After a period of time, all the players who entered the adventure on the back of the moon were rescued and lost the interference of the spiritual power. They quickly woke up.
"Huh, why are we coming out, aren't we exploring?" A team member was dumbfounded.
"Also exploring, you almost died inside. If your majesty sent someone to save you, you are already dead." The next person said angrily.
Everyone woke up as if they had lost the memory inside. They only remembered that they were exploring inside. As for what happened inside, there was no impression.
They have no impression, but people who watched through the live broadcast still remember passing by.
At the beginning, they were all normal, but when they walked to a certain place, they stopped suddenly, and then one by one showed a terrified expression, screaming seriously, I do n’t know what happened, and then the live broadcast broken.
"You really don't remember what happened later?" The Emperor Dong came to these people and asked with a serious face.
"Master Donghuang, we really don't remember that," the team members said.
"I really want to have some impressions. I remember I really want to see ... ghost?" Said a captain with some uncertainty.
The appearance of this word made everyone present feel cold behind.
"Don't talk nonsense, there is no such thing as a ghost in the world!" The Eastern Emperor reprimanded, even if he became an emperor, he had never seen a ghost. This is absolutely nonsense.
"There might be ghosts, but they are definitely not here." A voice sounded.
Everyone looked at it, it was Su Chen.
"See Your Majesty!" Except the Eastern Emperor, everyone respected Su Chen respectfully, and their eyes were full of reverence.
"Sir Emperor Su, why are you here?" Dong Huang was a little surprised.
"Of course I will give you the popular science." Su Chen said seriously.
East Emperor's mouth twitched, science?
When they knew that the culprit that made them look like that was just a force they had never been in contact with, they were stunned one by one.
"Mind force? Is it so terrifying?" Dong Huang was surprised.
He knows that some extraordinary people have special extraordinary abilities, for example, Leng Yuwei possesses illusion, and the effect seems to be similar to that of spiritual power, but this belongs to two kinds of power.
"Your Majesty, if we can also control the power of the soul, is it even more powerful to fight in a different planet?" Said one person with great energy.
"Well, your idea is very good, but there are always a small number of people who can control the power of the mind. This probability can be said to be one in a thousand ... Hum?"
Just as Su Chen was talking, he suddenly felt that a person in the crowd suddenly had a hint of spiritual power on his body. Was this awakening?
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