Chapter 382: found it!

Seriously, every ordinary person can awaken spiritual power, but the probability is very low.
But Su Chen discovered a little. No human on the earth controls the power of the mind, which is very strange.
Until now, Su Chen suddenly reacted, seemingly lacking a catalyst.
This catalyst is the soulless power of the moon!
Following Su Chen's gaze, they saw an ordinary-looking woman with a panicked face, waving her hands incessantly, and then a person in front of her with her hair on fire.
"Fire, fire!" This man was stunned. What the is this, how did his hair catch on fire?
Of course he did not know that this was the initial use of spiritual power, and it was also a masterpiece of Yuri ’s recruits, using the instantaneous burst of spiritual power to directly generate flames.
Fortunately, there was water all around, just go down a bucket and the fire went out.
"In the moment just now, I seem to feel a strange power, is this the spiritual power?" The Emperor Kong looked at Su Chen.
"Yes, she awakened the power of the mind, but it is only a preliminary application. The power of the mind is different from the general power. Whether it is powerful or not depends entirely on herself ..."
Su Chen probably said something about the power of the mind, but Su Chen did not mention some bad uses of the power of the mind, such as controlling others.
Just for the Red Police soldiers, Su Chen can guarantee that they will not randomly use spiritual power, but once a large number of people have spiritual power, it may cause chaos in human order.
In the end, Su Chen decided to take away the woman who had awakened the power of the mind, and let Yuri Duplicate and Libra Duplicate observe whether there are any new people in charge of the mind.
Su Chen did not stop the spread of spiritual power. Sooner or later humans will know what spiritual power is, and now contact is not a bad thing.
Only when he comes to the moon can he awaken his spiritual power. The number is still very scarce, and Su Chen doesn't even care about it.
"In this way, the back of the moon is still a place of trials that can inspire spiritual power?" Su Chen smiled and issued an order to prevent everyone on the moon from entering the back of the moon, but he himself ordered the men Go explore.
In the face of spiritual power, the troops of the Yuri camp are all masters. This time Su Chen dispatched the units of the Yuri camp.
They came all the way to the point b reached by the ten teams. They also saw the marks left by the ten teams. The only difference was that they did not see ghosts.
You can see the mark because the space is interleaved, but you ca n’t see the ghost. Naturally, it is the protection of the spiritual power. The surrounding spiritual power ca n’t erode them.
Moving on, no traces of lunar men were found, and the map on the reconnaissance plane was the same, as if there were no aliens on the moon.
Su Chen touched his chin: "Since there are metal fragments, it means that there must be intelligent creatures here, how can it not be found?"
Su Chen suddenly thought of a possibility. He looked at his feet. Do these aliens live underground?
It is really possible to think about it. After all, the surface of the moon is almost impossible to survive, and there is no food or water. Even aliens cannot survive.
Thinking of this, Su Chen decided to look for the lowest place on the moon, and then ... let people make holes directly! The huge drill bit provided by Yunru began to drill on the ground. The ground was violently shaken. At the beginning, nothing was found. Almost all of the rock formations were below. , Finally found out.
"Commander, we found some ferns and a few insects." A soldier's report.
Su Chen's eyes lit up, and there was no hole under the moon!
"Expand the cave entrance and send a thousand soldiers to explore."
Soon, the cave was enlarged to the size of 500 meters. Su Chen suddenly saw the following situation through the map.
As the soldiers said, here is a huge passageway with artificial traces, surrounded by various ferns and some plants that have never been seen before, most of them emit a faint light and illuminate the dark below .
"Surviving in this environment all year round, most plants will give birth to a fluorescent gene, but the number of plants that emit fluorescence on the earth is scarce. Not to mention, most of them cannot emit fluorescence for a long time, but it seems that here can do this, I'm curious."
Yun Ru, who was standing next to Su Chen, saw this pair, and his face once again showed a fanatic expression unique to scientists.
Su Chen doesn't care about fluorescent plants. What he wants to know most is whether the aliens here are still alive.
According to his observations, the traces on the passage indicate that no one has been here for a long time, otherwise the plants here cannot grow so densely and abundantly.
A thousand Red Police soldiers, each in groups of five, entered the channel and searched separately. Their purpose was to find aliens. Before the other party did not actively attack, they could not take the initiative to take action. This was Su Chen ’s order.
Of course, Su Chen would not be merciless if the other party died.
The original local map cannot be developed, but after the soldiers enter, the underground map appears. Unlike the previous one, the upgraded system has also been improved in terms of maps.
In the past, even a soldier developed a map, but once it exceeded the range of the base's instruments, then after a while, the map would become dark again.
It's not now. As long as the map developed by the soldiers will always be displayed, Su Chen feels that the system really understands himself more and more.
A total of two hundred teams of Red Police soldiers will disperse the team every time they encounter a fork. Each team has entered a different channel in less than ten minutes.
I have to say that the underground world is really extending in all directions, there are caves everywhere, and some places are quite dangerous.
After all, it is underground, and faults will appear in some places, and you will step into the abyss if you are not careful.
For elite red police soldiers, there is no difference.
By the way, the minimum of these Red Police soldiers is Tier 5. After the mutant beast submits to the humans, the promotion tasks that the Red Guard soldiers originally needed to reach the peak of Tier 4 have been improved.
Now the red police soldiers can theoretically rise to the top of the ninth order in one go!
After reaching the ninth level peak, there will be a new promotion mission, but Su Chen still does not know, after all, his most powerful arm, only the eighth level peak strength.
About an hour later, suddenly a soldier's voice came: "Commander, found it!"
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