Chapter 2826: Feel like I'm doing it again

"President, do you want to take any tough measures?" At this time, a player of the Dragon King Guild took the initiative to say.
After knowing the inside story, he was also very uncomfortable with the actions behind that mysterious force, which was completely villain behavior.
However, after Long Xing Tianxia was angry, his face gradually calmed down, waved his hand, and said.
"Need not!"
"Why?" The Dragon King Guild player didn't quite understand.
The other party came to the door provocatively, and at this time, he didn't even take action to deter.
"As for the reason, you don't need to know for the time being." Long Xing Tianxia said slowly, "Your next task is to collect this list, and the city that the mysterious force wants to associate with, you also get me one. Here comes a list."
"But, the president..." What else did the player say.
But Long Xingtian directly waved his hand and interrupted him, "There are some things that you don't understand. Just do what I said!"
"Don't worry, none of these people can run away."
"Yes, President!"
After watching that player leave, Long Xing Tianxia's complexion was also a little bit more embarrassed.
To be honest, when he got this list, he was also quite angry when he knew that the mysterious force had been instigating the relationship between the players in Luoyun City.
Can't wait to kill each other directly.
However, there is a reality in front of Longxing Tianxia.
The real master of Falling Cloud City is Ye Feng, not his dragon travels in the world.
Even when the night wind is about to leave, almost all the rights of Falling Cloud City are handed over to Longxing Tianxia, ​​so that the entire Falling Cloud City Order Maintenance Alliance and even the Assassin League will obey the orders and arrangements of Longxing Tianxia.
But in the bottom of my heart, those players still agree with Yefeng, not Dragon Xing Tianxia.
Although he can now command the players in Lost Cloud City, he can't make them truly work together to fight against that mysterious force.
Only the night breeze is there.
In other words, if the night wind were there, this kind of thing would not happen at all in Fallen Cloud City now.
With Ye Feng's thunder means, as long as someone provokes the relationship among the players in Falling Cloud City, they will be chased directly out of the sky.
Now these people just came out and jumped while Su Ye was away.
"The Asian Squad Tournament should be over soon."
Long Xing Tianxia said to himself.
From the very beginning, Longxing Tianxia has been following the progress of the Asian team game. The overall form is as he expected, and the Night Wind team is rampant and invincible.
Even the Ten Nations League, headed by the island nations, was directly eliminated under the scouring of the Night Wind Team, and it would not become a climate at all.
Now the Asian team has reached the final match, the alliance team has assembled, and the slime on the night wind team has also been promoted to the royal level.
Everything is ready on both sides, and there is only one head-on battle.
Of course, Long Xing Tianxia has never changed his mind. The champion of the Asian team will eventually be the Night Wind team. No matter how many Yaozi the opponent has, it will not change this ending.
For a moment, Long Xing Tianxia couldn't help but think of what he had been fighting against the Yefeng Team when he first entered Falling Cloud City.
Things at that time were really funny.
However, the final result was quite good. Long Xing Tianxia recognized his own strength and voluntarily brought his own Dragon King Guild and Ye Feng to reconcile.
Now, although their Dragon Kings Guild has always been below the Assassin League, and is the second-ranked team in Fallen Cloud City, the overall strength of the Dragon Kings Guild is definitely the top of the entire Huaxia District.
If there is a ranking of the power of the Huaxia District Guild, Longxing Tianxia is confident that the Dragon King Guild can enter the top ten of the Huaxia District. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network
The reason behind this is that, in addition to the fact that Longxing Tianxia is leading the Dragon King Guild to develop with all its strength, the more important thing is that Su Ye created the conditions for Falling Cloud City.
Among all the cities in the Huaxia District, Fallen Cloud City is the most prosperous. Top equipment items that are not available in other cities can be seen everywhere in Fallen Cloud City, and some items that are not available in other cities are even sold.
In addition, under the arrangement of the night wind, the Assassin League, as the top guild in Fallen Cloud City, will also take the initiative to open up wasteland, produce dungeon strategy and monster strategy, making it easier for players in Fallen Cloud City to upgrade.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels
Under such unique conditions, the development of players in Fallen Cloud City has naturally become very easy.
The player relaxes, and the guild naturally becomes stronger.
"Fortunately, I left Tianlin without anger at the beginning." After thinking too much, Longxing Tianxia couldn't help but shook his head and said.
"Persistence really means victory."
"Next, I will try my best to stabilize the situation inside Falling Cloud City. For specific issues, the night wind still needs to come back."
"Under such a situation, in the entire sky, only Ye Feng alone can turn the tide."
Longxing Tianxia is very clear about his position.
In the management of Fallen Cloud City, he is a play supporter.
The main force is the night breeze.
"Go to City Hall again!"
Long Xing Tianxia then picked up the list and went out to find Romney.
In the final match of the Asian Squad.
"Please note that the final game has entered the next hour. Congratulations to the surviving squads. You will have the right to promote a thousand wild monster soldiers, and you can select a thousand wild monster soldiers again."
"In addition, please pay attention to check your backpack. The current map coordinates of each team in the final match have been sent."
Following the system's message prompt, the countenances of everyone in the Night Wind Squad were also a little more solemn and joyous.
The solemn thing is that the situation in the coordinate update on the map this hour shows that the fifteen teams of the alliance have already gathered, and they are not far from the night wind team.
Next, they will definitely come directly to the Night Breeze Squad to start the battle. The strength of the Night Breeze Squad against 15 teams is a huge challenge for the Night Wind Squad.
It may fail.
Happily, the imperial-level slime can be upgraded to the imperial-level slime.
The existence of a thousand imperial-level slimes will definitely increase the victory of the Night Wind Team by several levels.
Everyone in the Night Wind Squad was also very curious about what level of strength the slime who upgraded to the emperor rank would reach.
Under the gaze of everyone in the Night Wind Squad, Su Ye, as the captain of the Night Wind Squad, directly upgraded a thousand imperial-level slimes to the emperor-level.
After the flashes of white light, the emperor-level slime has changed.
Originally it seemed to be majestic, but at this time, it was full of majesty, and his gestures revealed an unspeakable majesty.
Especially the windbreaker that appeared behind the Emperor Slime, fluttering in the wind and hunting.
This made the night wind team smile.
"This look is so handsome!" Rod said to Su Ye.
Su Ye just checked the information of the Emperor-level slime for the first time, and was very satisfied, "The more handsome is the information about the Emperor-level slime."
"Let me see!" Rod immediately checked.
"[Slimes]: 30-level emperor-level wild monsters, blood volume: 20 million, magic attack: 30,000, physical defense: 70,000, magic defense: 100,000!"
"Remarks: Slime comes with twelve skills [Swallow], [Reproduction], [Acid], [Splash], [Black Armor]... [Flight], [Enhancement], [Deterrence]."
"[Swallow]: Swallow other wild monsters to gain the strength and appearance of the opponent."
"[Reproduction]: Emperor-level slime monsters can multiply fifty king-level slimes or ten royal-level slimes!"
"[Acid]: The emperor-level slime will continue to flow out a highly corrosive acid solution, and a swamp of acid will be left wherever it passes."
"[Splash]: Targets within three kilometers of the opponent's circle can continuously shoot out a rain screen of super acidic liquid."
"[Black Armor]: When under attack, the black acid on its surface will automatically condense into a layer of black armor, which can reduce the damage received by 60%."
"[Flight]: Emperor-level slime, capable of flying in the sky, can reach a maximum of one kilometer, and lasts for two hours."
"[Enhancement]: After use, each attack power is increased by 50%, duration: 3 minutes, cooling time: 1 hour."
"[Deterrence]: As an emperor-level slime, it is natural to have the deterrence of wild monsters of the same level and below the emperor-level within a hundred meters of the opponent, making them a little fearful of the emperor-level slime."
The imperial-level slime, in terms of attributes, outperformed the imperial-level slime too much.
Now even if this emperor-level slime has the ability to single-handedly challenge the level 30 holy monsters, Rod completely believes it.
It is too strong.
Directly from the bomber, it evolved into an air carrier.
At the same time, Su Ye also shared the information of the imperial slime, and actively let the audience in the live broadcast room of the night wind team see the information of the imperial slime.
When the information appeared in the live broadcast room of Yefeng Squad, hundreds of millions of players instantly boiled over.
The barrage is the live room screen of the floating night wind squad.
"Fuck, it's still an emperor slime, it's a god!"
"An emperor-level slime is worth 10,000 wild monster soldiers. There is absolutely nothing to lie in my words."
"It seems like I want a slime monster! If I can train it to become an emperor, then I can almost walk sideways."
"A 30th-level emperor-level slime's message, how terrifying it looks, I also believe that he is a 60th-level emperor-level wild monster."
"Fengshen's vision is quite good indeed, it turned out that the slime was chosen as the soldier of the wild monster army in the final match."
"This time, if the Yefeng team can't win the Asian team championship, then there is definitely a shady."
"The Night Wind team is worthy of a miracle team. It is replaced with other top-notch effects. If it is known in advance that all the teams in the final match will unite against themselves, I am afraid that there is no confidence in winning the final match."
"The strongest team in China will eventually become the strongest team in Asia."
"I seem to have seen the night wind team standing on the podium, holding the Asian team championship trophy."
"Hurry up! Let the final war become a unilateral sweep of a thousand imperial slimes."
At this moment, in the live broadcast of Yefeng Squad, all the audience believed that the final champion of the Asian Squad had no suspense.
at the same time.
Only ten kilometers away from the Night Wind Squad, under the leadership of the Madman Squad, fifteen Alliance Squads headed straight towards the Night Wind Squad.
"Captain, we now have 15,000 imperial monsters!" The madman squad player walked beside the madman and said excitedly.
"This number is almost equal to the number of wild monsters currently owned by the Night Wind Squad. We can completely wipe them out by sweeping."
"Fifteen thousand emperor-level wild monsters!" The madman repeated it again. At this time, there was a little more joy in his expression.
In the final match of the Asian Squad, all the selections of the teams are the same as that of the Night Wind Squad, from the beginning to the end they only raise the strength level of a thousand monsters individually. UU reading
After so long.
Not only did the night wind squad's 1,000 slimes become the emperor rank, but the alliance's 15 teams accumulating 15,000 wild monsters had also become the emperor rank.
If this number of wild monsters are integrated, it is an invincible force.
Rao was a fanatic who was a little unsure about the result of the final game at the beginning. At this time, there was a little more smile on his face.
Even for the decision he had not chosen to lead the eight teams to find the Night Wind team, but to integrate the other teams in the Alliance, he couldn't help but click a thumbs up in his heart.
This kind of decision is really perfect!
No matter how strong the Yefeng team is, it can't face the power of 15,000 imperial monsters, so let's be indifferent!
After all, this final match is, at a certain level, an exam-oriented education. Everyone chooses from a hundred kinds of monsters. Everyone can only upgrade a thousand monsters in one hour, and get an extra one in an hour. Thousands of wild monsters.
The same starting line, the same sports background.
The Night Wind team can never turn to overtake anymore.
Unless they have a very terrifying hole card, it is difficult for the fanatics to imagine how the Night Wind Squad will sweep the army of hundreds of thousands of wild monsters and 15,000 of them.
Following that, the fanatic gave an order.
An army of hundreds of thousands of wild monsters immediately increased their movement speed.
In the madman team's live broadcast room, when the players saw this scene, everyone laughed.
"Hahaha, are the fanatics too confident now?"
"Perhaps, the fanatics have forgotten that when the final match just started, they were scared to run away when they saw Fengshen."
"Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, the fanatic feels that he can do it again."
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