Chapter 2827: Social death at the scene

The information of the Emperor Slime has made all players outside of the Asian team believe that this time the final match is over.
The Night Wind Team will sweep everything.
So everyone showed confidence in the Madman team and other Alliance teams, and couldn't help showing a mocking smile.
However, the Alliance squad for the Night Wind team does not know the information of the Emperor-level slime. They have 15,000 Emperor-level wild monsters on their side, and will defeat the night through these imperial-level wild monsters. The wind team's future is full of confidence.
"Captain, now we are about eight kilometers away from the Night Wind Squad!" A madman squad player in the front turned his head and said to the madman excitedly.あ奇奇 Novel 蛧ヤ~7~1~7~(ωωω).qq7(1)<First issue, domain name, please remember
He was even able to see the scene where the Night Wind Squad was hanged by the Alliance Squad.
"When the time comes, don't panic, follow my orders and arrange to act." Although the fanatic's face also showed a smile, but at this time, deep down in his heart, he was still a little cautious about the Night Wind team.
After all, they are the strongest team in the Asian team.
He played against the Night Wind Team, and so far, he has not won.
"I see, Captain!" The player of the Madman squad said absently.
In his mind, the strength of the Night Wind team is naturally beyond doubt, but no matter how strong they are, is it possible that they can be stronger than the Alliance team?
This is simply a fantasy.
Perhaps, when they fight the Night Wind Squad, the Night Wind Squad will be crushed by the Alliance Squad.
Rather than thinking about the night wind team, it is better to think more about what they should do after killing the night wind team to win the Asian team championship.
"Boom boom boom!"
On the side of Yefeng Team, Su Ye and the others had heard the rumbling footsteps from afar, shaking the sky.
"Boss, here comes!" Luo Luo turned his head and said to Su Ye with a smile.
"Listening to the movement, fifteen teams, there should be a lot of them now, they are all united."
Facing the menacing alliance of fifteen teams, Rod's expression at this time was not only not panic, but also full of excitement that could not be concealed.
Not only Rod, but the smiles on the faces of everyone in the Night Wind Squad were also unabashedly revealed at this time.
I have been waiting for the finals of the Asian Squad Tournament.
Now it is finally here.
Fifteen Alliance squads, with more than 200,000 wild monsters, are walking swiftly. Even if they have not been seen at this moment, the ground under their feet is already trembling slightly.
This is the result of their footsteps.
Everyone in the night wind team looked into the distance looking for a voice, a black line appeared at the end of the sky, and then the line slowly elongated, gradually turning into a black curtain pulled from the horizon.
In the end, that piece of curtain turned into a black wave, and the monstrous sound echoed in the Gobi, deafening.
"Ho ho ho!"
"Boom boom boom!"
At this time, Su Ye couldn't help but grinned and said, "The movement is indeed a bit big!"
Following that, Su Ye's voice suddenly sounded over the slime army.
"Ready to fight!"
"When the target is within 500 meters, all the emperor-level slimes will attack!"
"Normal-level slimes, all charge me forward. As long as I encounter the corpse of a wild monster, I will devour it for the first time, turning the opponent's abilities into my own!"
"Roar!" The slimes don't make a human voice, they can only use the voice squeezed out of their voice to represent their attitude.
At the next moment, all the slimes entered a state of combat.
The ordinary slime is ready to go straight forward, and the emperor slime is ready to take off at any time and become a bomber in the sky.
Su Ye's plan is simple.
Emperor-level slimes are the main force in the battle this time. They have terrifying health and defensive power. There is no need to worry that the imperial-level slimes will be instantly bombarded by the wild monster army of the alliance squad because they are too far ahead. .
On the contrary, the wild monster army of the Alliance squad didn't know that they could sustain under the attack of the corrosive solution of the Emperor Slime for more than half a minute.
As for the ordinary slimes, Su Ye treated them as cannon fodder from the beginning.
However, the ordinary slime has abundant blood volume and defense, and can also swallow the corpses of wild monsters and gain all the abilities of the opponent.
This can be regarded as a snowball tactic.
The more the opponent's dead monsters, the stronger the strength on his side.
If the ordinary-level slime can swallow the corpses of the opponent's five thousand imperial-level wild monsters, then the normal battle will completely enter the ultimate unsuspecting unilateral slaughter game.
When the opponent is still two kilometers away, although this distance has entered the attack range of the emperor-level slime, at this time, because of Su Ye’s order, they did not attack those who entered the attack range. Monsters and players, launch any kind of offense.
They are still waiting.
At this time, Rod saw the Madman squad walking in the forefront of the league squad, and couldn't help but smile.
"The Madman squad leads the battle!"
Su Ye couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.
Recall, it seems that a few hours have passed since the last time the Madman squad saw itself and ran away.
But at this time, the other party turned out to have made a comeback again. In a way, this matter was indeed full of irony.
If the madman team is full of confidence this time, it is still swept by the night wind team...
Su Ye couldn't help but want to laugh. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network
at the same time.
A player in the Madman squad exclaimed.
"Captain, the army of wild monsters chosen by the Night Wind team, seems to be a slime!"
Followed by a Madman squad player on a flying monster, flew into the sky, looking at the overall composition of the monster army in the Night Wind squad.
Then he said loudly to the fanatic.
"Except for some strange monsters, the main monster army of the Night Wind Squad is all slimes!"
Hearing the sound coming from his ear, the fanatic raised his head and looked forward. At this time, his expression was filled with a bit of anger that he had never felt before.
"It turned out to be a slime!!"
The madman knew about the slime.
It was a wild monster with only defense and blood volume, without any offensive ability.
Precisely because of this, the Madman squad did not choose any slime to waste its precious place in the army of wild monsters.
The fanatic couldn't help but think of what happened in the last few hours. If he knew it, the Night Wind Squad had chosen a large number of slimes as its monster soldier.
Then at that time, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, he would bring the Madman team directly to the Night Wind team for a head-to-head battle.
In the end, he might be able to single-handedly defeat the Yefeng team.
Recalling the scene at that time, the face of the fanatic turned red and white.
The night breeze at the beginning was obviously a plan to empty the city, and the Madman Squad was scared away by Su Ye alone with 10,000 monster soldiers.
After the incident, the madman squad still boasted each other, especially as the captain of the madman squad, he was almost nowhere to be boasted.
Those things are all live!
Thinking about it now, it's really shameful.
Fanatics can now imagine that even if they defeated the Night Wind team and won the Asian team championship in the future, in the Huaxia District, what kind of words the players will use to treat the Fanatics team in the end.
Not only the madman, but the expressions in the faces of everyone in the madman squad at this time are also very unsightly.
After all, the Madman squad was scared away by Su Ye alone, and they were all participants.
In the live broadcast of the Madman squad, the players laughed madly.
"Hahaha, the fanatic finally reacted!"
"It's so shameful!"
"Everyone looks at the face of the fanatic, it looks like pig liver."
"There is nothing miserable in life than when I did something that I thought was awesome, and afterwards, it was really stupid when I thought about it. What's worse is that it was broadcast live before and after. The worst thing is that, There are hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room!"
"Hahaha, the Madman team is completely dead this time!"
"How confident the Madman team was, how embarrassing it is now!"
"The fanatic never thought that the face slapped so quickly, and he didn't give any time to prepare, so he slapped it suddenly."
"The heart of the fanatic is dumbfounded and embarrassing."
The barrage of the madman team's live broadcast room drifted crazily, and the number of them was no less than that of the night wind team's live broadcast room.
However, the content of this barrage, compared with the night wind team, is a mockery of the Madman team.
After all, the sudden death of such a top team is rare even in the sky.
In the final match of the Asian Squad.
The fanatic clenched his fists, and his awkward expression was filled with anger that could not be concealed.
He turned his head and said to everyone in the Madman squad.
"You should all know what to do next!"
"Got it!" The madman team nodded solemnly and earnestly.
The easiest way to avoid embarrassment is to sweep the person who caused them embarrassment.
Obviously, if, under the leadership of the Madman Squad, if the Alliance Squad can show its strong strength and instantly sweep the Night Wind Squad, then the embarrassing situation can still be restored.
In addition, because the main monster soldier in the Night Wind Squad is a slime, this makes the Madman Squad from the depths of his heart, showing some contempt for the overall strength of the Night Wind Squad.
Back when the Night Wind team was able to destroy the four teams in the final game, it should be entirely based on their team's own strength, rather than the strength of the wild monster army in the team.
After all, no matter how strong the slime is, where can it be so strong.
At the same time, the players in the Alliance Squad behind the Madman Squad, when they learned that the main monster army of the Night Wind Squad turned out to be a slime, everyone's faces showed some relief.
"I was shocked. I thought that the night wind team was in the hands of some terrifying wild monster. It turned out to be just a bunch of slimes!"
"In the Asian team match, the Night Wind team actually chose slimes. These guys don’t have any offensive power. The reason why the Night Wind team chose slimes is probably because of the use of slimes. Defensive power creates conditions for the Night Wind Team to kill other teams."
"Does this count? We have won the war against the Night Wind team ahead of time."
"Slimes?! Hahaha, they are the weakest among the 100 wild monsters in the final match, and they have no combat power at all."
"I really didn't expect that the Night Wind team would choose slimes as their main force. Is this to reduce the difficulty of our game this time?"
"The failure of the Night Wind team has been doomed from the moment they chose the slime!"
"Brothers, wait for the opportunity to see if you can kill Ye Feng. He is the strongest player in China, no matter who kills him or what method you use to kill him, you can be famous for Tian Lin."
"The chance to kill Ye Feng alone is here!"
Amidst the roar of the players, UU reads www.uukanshu. The com army keeps advancing.
At this time, they have completely ignored the night wind team, and even the fanatics think that unless Su Ye can show some subversive hole cards at this time, otherwise the failure of the night wind team will become foregone conclusion!
The contemptuous smiles of the Alliance Squad players were completely revealed in the pupils of the Night Wind Squad.
"Boss, they seem to despise us very much!" Luo Luo said to Su Ye, weighing the dagger in his hand.
"You can see it!" Su Ye nodded.
"But this is also very good, knowing ourselves and the enemy, a hundred battles are not dead, they don't know our hole cards, but we know their hole cards."
"In this way, we are more sure of victory."
Long Zhan asked curiously, "How old is it?"
Su Ye replied: "At least ninety percent!"
"Why is there only ninety-nine percent?" Long Zhan asked.
Su Ye smiled and said, "Give them a little hope!"
If these alliance teams truly unite, completely obey the command of one player, and value the slimes in the night wind squad, then they still have some chances to defeat the night wind squad in the war.
However, the current situation is that none of these alliance teams can afford the Night Wind team, and everyone's expressions are full of undisguised mockery.
It seems that at this moment, the failure of the Night Wind Team is already doomed.
Their victory is also destined.
Under such circumstances, they do not fail, how is that possible?
"Boom boom boom!"
The mighty alliance team came towards the night wind team, and only their footsteps echoed between heaven and earth.
On the side of the Night Wind Team, all the slimes were still standing still, waiting patiently.
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