Chapter 1097: Fanwaizhi Live World 65

Chapter 1097: The World Outside the World 65
The five people in the van buried their heads, shrunk and hid in the car motionless.
The monsters lost their goals and dispersed instantly.
They looked for intruders in the parking lot like headless flies, and were irritated by the sound of the non-stop alarm! Smashing cars like a vent, causing more alarms to sound!
The people in the car did not speak, and the barrage also fell silent.
For a long time, someone quietly launched a barrage:
[This cabbage ... quite impressive ...]
[Who just scolded her for leading the team to run blindly, huh ~ if it were not for the cabbage, it would be ruined now? 】
[(′ Ε `)? How good is the cabbage, green, healthy and nutritious ~ why do you keep scolding her? Caicai is not afraid, uncle loves you ~ Uncle will reward you with luxury cars ~】
[A little girl from other people, it ’s great to have this kind of performance. I ’m just someone who scolded the screen and scolded people. I ’m really not loving! 】
[Is it whitewashed? What if she sounded the alarm and was trapped in the parking lot now? 】
[Why did you wash it white? ? _? Isn't it normal for newcomers to make mistakes? The other party is a female and scolded to death, a group of big masters are also embarrassed? 】
The barrage fell into a scolding battle, the more scolding the more fire, the countless screen swipes.
Bai Youwei rolled her eyes silently.
She could see through it. The bullets were all grassy heads. For a while, there was a wind direction, and they were all unreliable.
She squatted under the seat in the last row, next to Shen Mo.
Shen Mo held her hand silently.
No one in the car made a sound, all holding their breath, paying attention to the situation outside without a sound, only the heart beating nervously.
Although still noisy and chaotic, they can feel that the monsters that have lost their target are gradually calming down ...
They did not leave, at least for a short period of time without leaving, and drove around in the parking lot in search of suspicious signs.
Ada raised his head cautiously, it was dark outside the window, and it was difficult to wear a low-light night vision goggles. It can only be guessed from the sound and shock, there are still many different species nearby.
Short-term security cannot make people easy.
Ada lowered his voice and said, "We are trapped here ... Now, hundreds of aliens who should have been upstairs are all running into the underground parking lot."
Despite the low voice, everyone heard annoyance in his tone.
Of course it will be annoying. He changed jobs so many times, and the reason why he is now stable is because he thinks this team is the most reliable!
But this reliable team brought him such a big crisis!
If the enemy is too strong, he will recognize it, but in fact ... it is an extremely low-end mistake that has caused a dangerous situation!
Ada is so desperate!
Can't attack yet!
Yuri replied in a low voice: "Wait for the xenophobia to disperse, then find a way to leave."
"If it hasn't been scattered?" Ada gritted his teeth, "Yuri, now there are hundreds, hundreds! You understand? This is not a narrow corridor that can be attacked and guarded, but an open and flat parking lot, alien May attack from any direction! "
Yuri was silent, he was thinking of a way.
Bai Youwei whispered: "Almost all the different species that can come down have come down. Those who can't come down should stay upstairs. There should be no different species at the exit of the parking lot. We can rush out ..."
"Rushing out?" Ada was anxious, almost unable to control the volume, "Break through the hundreds of heterogeneous encirclement? Unless using bombs
bombs! There are cars everywhere, it is impossible for us to be blown up first!"
Bai Youwei said calmly: "We drove out."
Ada's head was dizzy, and he blurted out: "Drive? How do we drive ... Wait, you said drive?"
He suddenly looked at the steering wheel in front of him, and scolded: "Fuck! Why didn't I think that we can drive? Just hit the monster when he met the monster!"
And if the speed is fast enough, the xenophobia can't catch up!
"Yeah." Bai Youwei's voice was soft and soft, very nice. "Then there was a thunder. There are cars everywhere. One or two thunders can blow up the entire parking lot."
Good night ~
(End of this chapter)
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