Chapter 1098: Fanwai Live World 66

Chapter 1098 Fanwai's Live World 66
【Emmmm ……】
[I think it ’s a bit overdone ...]
[Excuse me, this time I'm standing cabbage]
【Station Cabbage + 1】
【Station Cabbage + 2】
[Little Cabbage has a good idea, I appreciate it ~ By the way, destroy the formation]
[Pink powder! From now on, I am cabbage powder! Sister Cabbage, come on! 】
[I ’ve already said that it ’s not easy to have a woman in the game, and look at and cherish, why are your mouths so dirty ~]
[Did some cabbage powder jump too high? This car hasn't started yet, even without the car keys, do you think it's easy to drive? 】
Bai Youwei cat squeezed to the front driving position.
The light is too dark, no one can see her movements, only to see a sudden flash of electricity in the driving seat, and then, the van engine is on!
[Lying trough? 】
[Lying trough lying trough lying trough! 】
[What happened to the engine? ! How did she get it? Why didn't I see clearly! 】
[I did not see clearly! I saw something flashing! 】
[This cabbage is amazing! 】
[What did she do? ? ? 】
[You reward, I reward, the popularity of cabbage is rising ~]
[You reward, I reward, Cabbage dreaming tonight ~]
[World News: User W735670783 rewards a "Bai Youwei" castle worth 5000000 points ......]
Bai Youwei allows the rabbit to supply power to the generator through the circuit and drive the engine to run.
The engine made a dull noise, and there were harsh alarms and strange roars outside.
And everyone in the car was quiet.
She got the engine, turned around the furry doll rabbit, and asked, "Who will drive?"
Goose bumps on Ada's arm.
He rubbed his hands, eager to try: "I'm coming?"
"Let's drive." Yuri put his arms in Natasha's arms, squeezing forward and squeezing, and said in a deep voice, "Ada came in front, Natasha is on the left, Shen Mo is on the right, we fight Rushed out in one breath. "
Bai Youwei consciously changed to the back of the van, and as soon as he came, he was dragged to the side by Shen Mo. His voice was extremely low, with a bit of sternness: "It is forbidden to run blindly."
Bai Youwei was scolded, but she was in a very good mood. She smiled sweetly and didn't justify anything. She crouched beside Shen Mo and touched it.
Shen Mo: "..."
That inexplicable familiarity is here again.
"Supported!" Yuri suddenly sipped and reversed suddenly! Then hit the steering wheel hard, and a sharp turn will drive the car out of the parking space!
Bai Youwei's head slammed into the seat, and was dragged by Shen Mo again, firmly held in his arms.
Boom! ! !
The van was hit the right side and almost overturned! There are several aliens that are rushing to the car!
Natasha and Ada immediately grabbed the window and fired fully! Grabbing the sound of gunpowder and sweeping around, grabbing Lin Danyu, Bai Youwei saw one shadow after another in the darkness chasing them!
A xenophobia threw itself into the car window, and as soon as he reached half of his head, Shen Mo grabbed his throat! The body was stuck in the car window. As the van swayed, Shen Mo made a few more grabs. The head was disconnected directly, and the smelly mucus flowed all the way-
Everyone was tense and tried their best to stop the influx of foreign species!
At this time the car has been driven to the first floor underground!
The light on the ground is in front of you, and more exotic species behind the car will gather! Yuri yelled: "Throw a bomb
bomb !!!"
As soon as the words fell, a huge shadow rushed up!
It's a guard!
The size is twice that of ordinary xenophobia! Faster and stronger! As soon as it pounced, the van's roof immediately sagged, and as it roared, the right door was also flipped!
The five people in the car seemed to have lost their protective shells and were exposed to the fast wind!
(End of this chapter)
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