Chapter 434: Worked

Chapter 434 has worked
Bai Youwei smiled and said, "Do you have any props?"
Shen Fei was stunned.
What does this matter have to do with Tao?
As a member of the organization, he does not have to be forced into the game regularly, regularly, but in turn, but he must turn in all the props on his body and provide it to the evaluation team specializing in the game, so ...
Shen Fei dumbly replied: "No."
"It's right if you don't." Bai Youwei's tone was cheerful, with a trace of gloating, "Just because you don't have any props, it's safe to be with Jiang Hao."
"What do you mean?" Shen Fei frowned.
Luo Bin listened and glanced thoughtfully at Bai Youwei.
"Okay, we are going to speed up." Yu Yaqing interrupted them. "You continue to deal with the dolls, I will accompany Wei Wei to confirm some other routes."
"Good job ~ Work! Work!" Tan Xiao shouted, spontaneously regarded Luo Bin and Shen Fei as his younger brother, and dragged on to work.
Time flies.
At that time the needle was pointing at four o'clock and everyone gathered under the carousel again.
It has changed a lot here.
A bonfire was set up around the carousel, and large pieces of floor tiles were pryed open. I do n’t know where they got the candles. They burned in the grooves without floor tiles and turned into a hot waxy oil around them.
Further to the periphery, there are high-hanging hemp rope fishing nets, rows of wooden masts, and piles of dismembered plush toys like hills.
These are excellent combustibles.
"Ah ..." Bai Youwei looked at the layout and couldn't help feeling, "Yan Qingwen, don't you burn with us."
Yan Qingwen laughed: "Relax, the burning range is controllable, but these wax oils are indeed very dangerous. Then you will find a place to hide in advance."
Once the burning wax oil splashes on people, it will cause serious burns, and it will be difficult to clean for a while.
Bai Youwei sighed quietly, "I want Su Man a little."
Yu Yaqing heard her and looked at her, her mouth curled up, "Yeah, I miss her a little too."
Su Man is good at using a whip, if she is there, she can easily pull Mary off the cat, and they will not need such a large arrangement of traps.
Yan Qingwen said with a smile: "Although it took a lot of effort, I still hope that the trap will come in handy. It is better to hit with a hit later."
Bai Youwei blinked and asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"
Luang next to him said fiercely: "Go up and cut her off with a knife!"
"Okay, I will do it later." Yan Qingwen said, "I am most familiar with traps. Once an accident occurs, it is easier to evacuate than you. Shen Mo and Lu Ang pay attention to control the direction of the fire, and the rest find a place to hide. "
"Let Weiwei stay." Shen Mo looked at Bai Youwei. "She can help when it matters."
Shen Mo will not blindly protect Bai Youwei.
He believed she was able to stay.
Shen Fei hesitated: "Brother, then I ..."
"You find a place to hide." Shen Modao said, "Once the fire cannot be controlled, leave according to the evacuation route."
Shen Fei: "..."
Why is the treatment so poor?
"I stay too." Luo Bin stood up and said firmly, "I don't need your consent. My brother died in this game. That cat, that Mary, I won't let them go!"
Yan Qingwen looked at Shen Mo and Bai Youwei.
The expression on their faces was faint.
Yan Qingwen pondered for a moment, and looked at everyone: "Then I and Shen Mo, Bai Youwei, Lu Ang, and Luo Bin, five people stayed, and the others found a place to cover. In any case, they immediately evacuated according to the planned evacuation route."
(End of this chapter)
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