Chapter 435: You bad guys

Chapter 435 You bad guys
everything's ready.
The next thing they had to do was to kill Mary while Mary and the cat were asleep!
Climbing the carousel is not difficult for Yan Qingwen.
The difficulty is to climb up silently without disturbing Mary and the cat.
In the past, players who wanted to sneak into Mary and Cat during the day all failed, for unknown reasons, so Yan Qingwen didn't expect much from his action.
He is a very sensible person who looks at success or failure. Now he puts more hope after failure. As long as he can successfully start the trap and let Mary and the puppet cat completely separate, then the efforts of this trip will not be in vain.
He grabbed the raised relief on the edge of the canopy, and before looking over, he looked at the left and right sides—
Shen Mo and Lu Ang stood in their respective positions and were ready. Once the cat jumped down, they would push down the brazier at the first place and ignite all the wax oil!
And Bai Youweian sat quietly beside Shen Mo. If the cat fought back, she would use lightning to create an evacuation opportunity for them.
Yan Qingwen looked at them, and his heart suddenly became very calm.
Offensive or defensive, everything is in the calculation, he only needs to follow the designed steps, step by step.
It doesn't matter if it fails.
There are also Shen Mo and Lu Ang.
It doesn't matter if they fail.
There is Bai Youwei.
Only after fighting together will you understand the power of trust and understanding between teammates.
He took a deep breath, his arms violently, his whole body leaping high, and landed firmly on the top of the carousel! Then quickly turned around!
Mary and the cat are sleeping.
There was only one cat with button eyes, curling Mary in the middle with her huge body, Mary closed her eyes, her body was gray, her hair was burnt, and there was no trace of blood on the broken arm wound cut by Shen Mo , But a material similar to vinyl dolls, with a skeleton like steel bars embedded in the middle.
One person and one cat on the carousel were not awakened.
Yan Qingwen pulled out the axe tied to his calf, his eyes fixed on Mary.
As long as Mary's head is cut off, everything will end.
It didn't look difficult. The little girl in front of me showed no signs of waking up, and the puppet cat was quiet, nothing unusual.
So, how did the previous players die?
Yan Qingwen approached step by step, and his mind was up and down until he was only one step away from Mary, still feeling that there was a danger he didn't realize.
He did not believe that the game would end so easily.
But where is the danger?
The axe he was holding did not lift up.
He was thinking.
Inadvertently saw the rag doll pressed behind Mary, the doll exposed half of his face, and his black eyes stared straight at him!
In an instant, Yan Qingwen's hair stood up!
Coolness slammed into the bone!
Mary is asleep, but she still has a doll!
The eyes of other dolls were blindfolded, but Mary's doll saw him! ! !
Yan Qingwen knew that it was going to be bad, and he no longer hesitated, raised his axe and slashed towards Mary!
The crunch of metal collisions!
An inverted triangular vertebral spike protrudes from Mary's broken arm! Toughly blocked Yan Qingwen's attack!
The steel thorn came urgently and fiercely. Yan Qingwen held the axe, and the tiger's mouth was numb.
"You bad guys ..." Mary sat up and stared at Yan Qingwen, "I want to squeeze all the jelly and cotton from your stomach!"
Yan Qingwen gave up the attack decisively and turned to escape! Jump off the carousel!
Mary caught up immediately!
(End of this chapter)
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