Chapter 45: This girl is a bit evil

Chapter 45 This girl is a bit evil
Shen Mo's eyes were a bit cold.
"How can you tell?" He asked.
There is no mention of this in the rules.
Bai Youwei smiled lightly and looked at Shen Mo. "Actually, did you notice? The game's inspector has been deliberately avoiding the rules related to frogs."
Shen Mo is silent, be regarded as the default.
"The player's preparation time is one minute. The Ombudsman counts down properly every time. The time to find the golden ball is only 20 seconds. It is such a vital part that it does not count. Isn't it strange?"
Bai Youwei said something, her bright red lips slanted, her smile cold.
"No timing is because there is no time constraint at all. The inspector decided that we will be eaten by the frog, so he gave a time range of 20 seconds. In fact, according to the speed of the frog every time, the time to find the golden ball is also It will change accordingly-so you will have the idea of ​​killing the frog, because as long as you kill the frog, with unlimited time, we will find the golden ball sooner or later. "
Shen Mo gave her a deep look.
What he thought was actually guessed by her.
He used to think that she was sharp-minded and a little smart, but now ... he felt that this girl was a bit evil.
"Tell me about Zhang Hua." Shen Mo asked her, "What did Zhang Hua think?"
Bai Youwei's smile slightly converged, and she pondered for a while.
"Zhang Hua ... He should have discovered it in the third round. The game settings need to be balanced. Since the frog will feel hungry, then the frog will also feel full. What effect will it have if you feed more worms? Hua wants to try it. "
"Just to try it?" Shen Mo sneered. "It's all speculation. Didn't he think he would fail?"
Bai Youwei looked at him seriously: "Actually, I think ... he is very likely to succeed."
Shen Mo raised his eyebrows with no expression, but Bai Youwei could not tell from his eyes.
"It's still that sentence, the game needs to be balanced." She said slowly, "Not everyone is as brave as you are, the game needs to leave room for others, for example, the middle-aged business in the last turtle-rabbit race Male, he does n’t run fast, and his brain is not smart, but he is not good enough. If it is not the last person who violates the rules and pushes the finish line, he can pass the game ... "
Shen Mo's eyes cooled down completely, "No means ... So, the game wants to tame us as such a person?"
Bai Youwei looked at his eyes, knowing that his words were causing him, and shut his mouth.
At this juncture, she didn't want to face him.
Golden Ball didn't know which corner to slosh out from, and flew around in a big swing to count the number of people.
"The current game has failed, there are 8 surviving players, and now enters the fifth round of" Frog's Golden Ball ", please prepare for the players! The one-minute countdown begins, 59, 58, 57 ..."
Eight surviving players.
Bai Youwei, Shen Mo, Tan Xiao, Teacher Cheng, Hui Ge, Monkey, Zhang Hua, and a middle-aged fat man who shrank in the shell of the whole process.
The casualties were heavy.
With such few people left, how do you find the ball? Teacher Cheng was unconscious, Zhang Hua avoided it, and the fat man was so timid that it was impossible to help him. As for Bai Youwei, her legs were disabled and her mobility was directly equal to zero.
The fewer people there are, the more time it takes to find the ball. As for killing the frog ...
Fighting a monster in the mud, the physical consumption is huge.
Bai Youwei is right. What he needs most now is rest.
"Boss, what are we going to do?" In the distance, he stared at him with a smile.
Unconsciously, Shen Mo has become the backbone of these people.
Shen Mo lowered his eyes and swept Bai Youwei next to his eyes, then raised his arm and swung, his expression faintly spit out two words:
(End of this chapter)
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