Chapter 46: rest

Chapter 46 Break
In the fifth round, everyone got into the snail shell and the mud was clean.
The impact of the golden ball stopped and no one came out.
Then the frog burrowed out of the mud and grunted in two voices. There were no bugs to eat. It was lying on the ground in the mud.
Shen Mo observed the frog through the cover of the snail shell, and found that the frog's eyeballs had recovered, and there were still scars.
This shows that his attack worked.
As long as the injury is serious, it is difficult to recover, maybe next time he can try other parts ...
Time passed by one minute and one second.
No one came out to find the ball, and the frog did not take the initiative to attack. The situation in front of him was deadlocked.
I do n’t know who started it, everyone started chatting across Tianluo
"The mud collapses too fast, it would be better if the ball could be skipped a few times, and there would be fewer holes to find."
"How can it be so easy? There are so many snails, unless you can push them away, uh ..." The speaker seemed to be exerting strength, and said after a moment, "Too heavy! But can push."
"Don't bother. There are at least a hundred snails in this hole. Even if it can be pushed, can you push each one away? The ball will hit either this one or that one. This method will not work."
"Then what? The frog rolls through the mud once, and the wound will heal more than half. How can it be killed ..."
"Consume it first, and see how to get the next round ..."
Everyone whispered, mostly talking and laughing, that Brother Hui and the monkey occasionally talked about each other.
The fifth round passed by without any worries.
In the sixth round of countdown, Teacher Cheng woke up.
Although the person woke up, he was in a trance. He saw most of his body soaked in the mud, and sighed in a confused way: "Where did you die, the body is in the same mountain, alas, it seems that I have come here in my life, It's over ... "
I didn't understand it when I talked and laughed, so I picked a field snail and patted the screw shell to teacher Cheng: "Old man, come here! Here is spacious!"
Cheng Weicai heard the prestige in the past, and even though he was embarrassed to see and talk, he was still full of spirit on the face, and his heart was suddenly mixed.
"Old and old, it's not as good as your young people's optimism when it comes to things. I want to learn from you."
He shook his head and sighed, slowly got up with his legs and wandered past the muddy water.
Talking and laughing, he was anxious and walked over a few steps to put the old man on his body. He was disgusted in his mouth: "It's not seventy eighty, no matter what the uncle is, hurry up! The countdown is almost over!"
Teacher Cheng hummed straight on his shoulder.
Tian Luo, who was talking and laughing, was big, and the two of them had room to dig into the space. It didn't take long for the posture to stabilize, and the golden ball outside bumped into the air.
One of them happened to hit the snails where they were, and the whole shell fell with a bang!
Suddenly poured muddy water into the shell, he almost choked and laughed, he quickly crawled deep into the shell, his mouth burst out: "Grass!"
Teacher Cheng was in the upper position. Although he was not stuck in the mud, it was no better. He was dizzy and tinnitused by the shock just now.
After the silt poured in, the air in the shell suddenly became cloudy, but for a short period of time, after about 20 seconds, the surroundings began to tremble, and there was a force surging from bottom to top, and the shell also turned up with this force. Mud surface
Talking and laughing was choked enough, and quickly reached out his head.
He saw that the frog was already squatting in the mud, and he was squandering, "The toad essence is here again, shit, the wound on the eyeball is all right!"
Teacher Cheng also looked out, "... Huh?"
"Huh, huh, don't squeeze here! Beware of being chewed by it!" Tan Xiao dragged him in.
Teacher Cheng suddenly said: "Small talk, I look at our position as if it were just now."
"What's the same?" The chatter replied impatiently. "Broken the ball back and bumped the snail into it. The frog returned to push the snail out. Anyway, I think the position is almost the same!"
Teacher Cheng immediately looked serious: "If the position remains unchanged, as long as you know the initial point, you can calculate the landing point according to the truth!"
(End of this chapter)
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