Chapter 54:

Ding Ji, the upper bunk, suddenly lost his voice.
Lin Wuyu estimated that he was right, and after feeling relieved, he felt that his ears were a bit hot.
Saying I like you is much harder than saying you like me...
After waiting for a while, Ding Ji opened his mouth, holding his voice in a low voice: "Are you afraid that I will cry again, so coax me."
"It's not appropriate to use this kind of thing to coax people. I'm a of learning anyway, so I'm not so brainless," Lin Wuyu sat up. "Besides, I can't coax you, I'll finish you like this. You have to cry even more?"
"Hmm." Ding Jiying responded.
Then Lin Wuyu felt that the bed was shaking, Ding Ji should have been crying, and crying very fiercely, after a while he heard Ding Ji's suppressed cry from the upper bunk, and said so.
"Ding Ji," Lin Wuyu stood up with his elbows against the bed of the upper bunk, reached out and touched it, only Ding Ji's arm was touched, he lay down sideways, Lin Wuyu grabbed his arm , "Ding Ji?"
"Um." Ding Jiying said again and again with several sounds.
"I wanted to say it at noon," Lin Wuyu said, "You didn't let me say it."
"You take it back now," Ding Ji said while chatting.
"Then you wait." Lin Wuyu jumped out of bed and walked out of the bedroom.
"Why are you there?" Ding Ji shouted with a cry.
"Retract," Lin Wuyu said, "Wait a moment."
Walking to the kitchen door, he was suddenly rubbed with a fluffy foot, scaring him to almost hit the wall: "What--"
"What should I do," Ding Ji let him cry so loudly, "It may feel hot and not sleeping..."
Lin Wuyu glanced down in the darkness with his eyes wide open, and saw nothing. After all, what to do is the color of a dirty rag, but he heard a humming sound, and he was relieved and entered the kitchen. .
"What are you doing?" Ding Ji asked again, and he had jumped out of bed.
Lin Wuyu came out of the kitchen and turned on the light in the living room.
Ding Ji was shocked when he saw the kitchen knife in his hand, and retreated several steps: "What do you mean?"
"Mouth," Lin Wuyu stared at him. "This sentence is only heard by you. If you kill your mouth, it will be taken back."
Ding Ji opened his mouth halfway and watched him say nothing for a long time.
Lin Wuyu raised his knife and shook at him.
Ding Ji's eyes and nose were still flushed, but suddenly a burst of laughter broke out, and he couldn't breathe while watching him: "Lin Wuyu, are you stupid?"
Lin Wuyu smiled, turned back to the kitchen and put the knife back.
When he came out again, Ding Ji was already squatting on the ground with a smile, clutching his stomach, and seeing him come out, he laughed again, how to laugh, sitting next to a confused face.
"How is it?" Lin Wuyu walked over and crouched in front of him. "Stop crying?"
Ding Ji laughed again before recovering, and smiled and looked at him: "I rely on..."
Lin Wuyu wiped away the tears that hung under the tip of his nose: "Is this a snot, smile like this and hang?"
"Go!" Ding Ji wiped his eyes.
"Go wash your face," Lin Wuyu said, "I'll get you some ice cubes, or my eyes will be swollen if I wake up tomorrow."
"Uh." Ding Ji got up and entered the bathroom.
After the bathroom door was locked and locked, he put it on the door again and listened to the outside. Lin Wuyu opened the refrigerator, but instead of taking ice cubes, he took Coke, and Ding Ji heard him open the jar. .
Then I heard what to do, humming and begging for food.
Ding Ji sighed lightly and turned to open the faucet of the washbasin.
After pouring water through his face with one hand, he raised his head, holding the edge of the pool with his hand, looking at himself in the mirror, his eyes were not so red, and the tip of his nose was still a little, it was like crying.
He lowered his head and smiled, feeling that he was slowing down.
After froze for a while, he suddenly looked up suddenly.
Tossed the slippers aside, and then began to jump, from the door to the window over there, and back to the door from the window.
After jumping back and forth three times, he raised his arms and jumped back and forth while shaking again.
Oh too!
Oh la la la la...
Heh ha ha ha ha ha!
After a few blind jumps, there was some breathing, and he rushed to the front of the full-length mirror and began to dance in front of it.
I think that before he entered the of the college entrance examination, he and Liu Jinpeng were also members of the small square hip-hop group. They have won many awards for many years. The bonus has also bought a lot of things for grandparents, and it is also the strongest opponent of the square dance aunt... …
It took five minutes to jump, the bathroom was not active, he was sweating a little, and then he stopped and sat down on the toilet lid.
I don't know if Lin Wuyu has prepared ice cubes for him. After such a jump, he feels that his blood is flowing smoothly. It is estimated that his eyes have been swollen.
He touched his eyes, and then subconsciously glanced at the hole in the bathroom door.
Suddenly the whole person froze.
The hair from the tail bone to the back of the head stood up, and the ears instantly reddened.
The paper shell attached to the door was opened halfway, and Lin Wuyu was watching him from the exposed hole.
"Fuck!" Ding Ji grabbed the tissue tube next to it and smashed it past, "Pervert you Lin Wuyu!"
"You went in and washed your face for ten minutes," Lin Wuyu reattached the paper shell on the door. "I mustn't see what happened to you?"
"Can't you ask!" Ding Ji shouted.
"Last time I asked you, you didn't say anything," Lin Wuyu said.
"Can you still say nothing back?" Ding Ji roared, a little embarrassed after the roar, "What the did you see?"
"I see you without lifting the toilet lid." Lin Wuyu said.
"Go!" Ding Ji stood up and rushed out of the bathroom, pointing at him, "Lin Wuyu, you really... look at a serious person, I'm really blind, I confess to you..."
"Would I give myself a watch," Lin Wuyu smiled and put a pack of ice cubes wrapped in a towel into his raised hand. "Ice my eyes and dance hard."
Ding Ji took a towel and sat down on the sofa in depression.
"Drink Coke?" Lin Wuyu asked.
"Uh." He nodded.
Lin Wuyu took Coke from the refrigerator, opened it and handed it over.
He reached out and said, "Don't help me open it next time, depriving me of the pleasure of opening cans..."
Without speaking, Lin Wuyu took it back with a Coke hand, and he took the empty space: "Huh?"
Lin Wuyu took it again, threw it to him, and took a sip of the opened jar with his head up.
"You have two cans, you should not be able to sleep for a while." Ding Ji opened the Coke.
"I'm going to sleep," Lin Wuyu came over and sat next to him. "I just sit here with my eyes closed, and I can fall asleep in three seconds."
This is probably exhaustion after nervousness. Anyway, Ding Ji is like this. He is so sleepy now that he doesn't want to move.
But when Lin Wuyu sat next to him, the sofa flickered slightly, giving him a subtle feeling that he couldn't express immediately. He subconsciously put his legs up and hugged him.
Lin Wuyu glanced at him and said nothing.
He was a little embarrassed, and this action was obviously a bit of precautions. If you don't feel it, you can see through Lin Wuyu.
He sighed and simply fell to the sofa with his knees, his head resting on the armrest.
"In a moment you also set an alarm clock," Lin Wuyu said, "I'm afraid it's too late to get too many people in the past."
"Are there many people?" Ding Ji asked. "Are there many people when you went today?"
"It's quite a lot. Xu Tianbo waited for a long time to take a picture." Lin Wuyu said.
"Still take pictures?" Ding Ji froze.
"The photo of the student card can be made as soon as it is taken. Waiting." Lin Wuyu nodded.
"I'm leaning, I knew I should go get a haircut..." Ding Ji was a little unhappy, "I got the haircut when I came, and it's been messy for a while!"
"It's pretty," Lin Wuyu turned his head to look at him, "especially... handsome."
"Look when I'm not handsome." Ding Ji snorted.
"When I cry, I am not so handsome, and my face is wrinkled," Lin Wuyu said. "Looking at the poor, I don't know I thought I would choke you."
Ding Ji thought about it and smiled for a while.
After he smiled, he looked at Lin Wuyu's profile and felt that it was a little unreal: "Hey."
"Well." Lin Wuyu turned his head.
"Is it true?" he asked. "Just what you just said..."
If Lin Wuyu dared to interrupt, he would dare to kick off the Coke in his hand.
"It's true," Lin Wuyu smiled. "Why do you think I lie to you with such a thing?"
"I don't know," Ding Ji sighed, got up and drank the cola, and lay back on the sofa, what to do with his arms touching the sofa, "I can't believe it. "
"I have lent you the little starfish," Lin Wuyu said, "never used it for anyone else."
Ding Ji stunned for a while and smiled: "Are you a dog and still feeding?"
"I'm not used to people using my things," Lin Wuyu said softly, "I'm not used to people being too close to me."
"Territory awareness is very strong," Ding Ji said, "I haven't had any space of my own since I was a child, and I hope that my parents won't notice you, so you don't have to be thorny."
"Well," Lin Wuyu nodded. "So... I broke a lot of cases for you, I didn't expect it myself."
Ding Ji smiled, turned over and lay on his back, with his arms on his back: "But... I said before, I was not prepared, it was true, I was not prepared."
"Well, I know." Lin Wuyu responded.
"I don't think I can accept it, so..." Ding Ji raised his hand in the air and didn't know what he was going to make a few strokes. "You know, love, couple, those of me... not. "
"It's okay to say that you can't accept it, don't say no." Lin Wuyu said.
"Fuck!" Ding Ji smiled. "Why are you so annoying!"
"Is your eyes comfortable?" Lin Wuyu stood up and stretched out. "Sleep comfortably and go to bed quickly. Tomorrow will pass early. After finishing the formalities, please ask Xu Tianbo to have a meal. A lap."
"Good." Ding Ji suddenly looked forward to tomorrow.
If you know there will be so many people, don't expect it.
Ding Ji and Lin Wuyu were squeezing back and forth in the crowd, feeling that they had been lining up, but fortunately their luggage had already been helped by Xu Tianbo and his roommate to get to the dormitory first.
Although many of them are from the same family, there may be roommates, but he can't take care of others at this moment, just want to get rid of the leave quickly.
After finishing all kinds of cards, Ding Ji's head was full of sweat.
"Go to the dormitory," Lin Wuyu looked at the card in his hand. "Is it a college student now?"
"Yeah," Ding Ji patted with piapia holding the card in his hand, "still a college student at a famous university... wait, hold it for me, I will take a few photos."
"Can't you shoot in the dormitory later?" Lin Wuyu sighed.
"No," Ding Ji put his card into Lin Wuyu's hand and took out his mobile phone. "When I arrive at the dormitory, I will take a video and let them see how cool the famous school dormitory is."
Lin Wuyu had to spread his hands and put his card in the palm of his hand.
Ding Jika snapped several photos: "Your hands are really beautiful."
"Your classmates and friends can see that this is not your hand." Lin Wuyu said.
"My hand is not ugly!" Ding Ji snorted. "It's just that there is an injury now."
"Will there be scars in the future?" Lin Wuyu asked.
"The doctor said he would leave a scar," Ding Ji finished collecting his phone in his circle of friends, "I checked it, and my palms were all muddled."
"I changed my life." Lin Wuyu said with a smile.
"This thing is changing," Ding Ji looked at his hand. "I haven't figured out that I will like a man in the future."
The dormitory is beautiful and comfortable beyond Ding Ji's expectations. When he walked into their dormitory, he stood in the middle of the living room for a while and froze for a while: "Also with a living room?"
"The two big houses have a living room," Xu Tianbo helped them push their luggage over. "It's very comfortable. Which one are you?"
"This one." Lin Wuyu answered the number and walked into the room on the right, with the futon prepared by the school on the bed and his student number.
When he turned back to see who was the owner of the other bed, Ding Ji had quickly followed in and grabbed a glance in front of him: "I'm leaning, not me."
"That's the one." Lin Wuyu casually put his luggage on the bed, followed Ding Ji into the next room.
"This." Ding Ji patted the bed.
When looking back, Lin Wuyu could see the depression on his face, but Xu Tianbo was still on the edge. He couldn't say anything. He could only put his luggage beside the bed.
"Clean it up," Xu Tianbo said, "I might come to someone when I eat later."
"After eating...just clean up." Lin Wuyu said.
"It's okay. If you come and discuss it, you can change to a house." Xu Tianbo said.
Ding Ji quickly glanced at Xu Tianbo, and then looked at Lin Wuyu.
Lin Wuyu smiled and did not speak.
Ding Ji leaned into his ear as he went outside: "Does he know?"
"Well," Lin Wuyu nodded and whispered away, "He guessed it, don't worry, he won't talk much or make a fuss."
"I know," Ding Ji said, "I just kind of..."
"Go out from here..." Xu Tianbo turned around and saw that they were paused, and quickly turned back, "It's the direction of the cafeteria."
"Well." Lin Wuyu responded.
Ding Ji was a little embarrassed and pushed Lin Wuyu to let him go side by side with Xu Tianbo.
There are many places to eat next to the school. The three major food and beverage giants in the western, western, southeastern, and southwestern regions are all in order.
They hadn’t eaten it before, so they went to a shabu mutton on the recommendation of Xu Tianbo’s local roommate.
"Are all the people in your dormitory coming?" Ding Ji asked Xu Tianbo after sitting down.
"A total of three have arrived," said Xu Tianbo. "Yesterday we had a canteen at noon."
"Checking the dishes?" Lin Wuyu looked at the menu.
"Almost," Xu Tianbo said, "Each canteen has special dishes, you can taste it slowly... I'll get some dipping dishes, what do you want?"
"I'm going," Lin Wuyu just finished ordering and stood up. "There are a lot of people, and they all come according to my taste."
Without waiting for Ding Ji and Xu Tianbo to answer, he already walked away.
"...Why?" Ding Ji didn't reach him.
Xu Tianbo laughed: "Then you go."
"Forget it," Ding Ji glanced at the feeder table, and there were indeed a lot of people. "Today I queued up enough, I really don't want to be crowded."
"There are more people today than yesterday." Xu Tianbo said.
"Uh." Ding Ji nodded.
Then there was nothing to say.
He doesn’t like to take care of others, but he can become familiar with him if necessary, but Xu Tianbo is obviously not a person who talks too much, and he is not familiar, the only thing he knows is that this person is Lin Wuyu, good friend And former crush crush object.
It is not easy to find a topic.
"Lin Wuyu said you would read palms." Xu Tianbo said.
"I will mask my palms," Ding Ji said. "Did he tell you that I was deceived?"
"No." Xu Tianbo laughed, "Is it really ill?"
"It's also somewhat theoretically supportive," Ding Ji said with a smile. "But generally I still look at people."
"Can you see me?" Xu Tianbo put his hand in front of him.
"You are a school bully," Ding Ji said, "college entrance exam."
"Too accurate." Xu Tianbo raised his thumbs up. "It's a master."
"Overwhelming." Ding Ji said.
Xu Tianbo took a sip of tea with a smile: "You are very interesting."
No wonder Lin Wuyu likes it.
Ding Ji used his inertia to complete his unfinished sentence.
Lin Wuyu came back with the dipping dish that matched his taste. Ding Ji felt regret at first glance and should squeeze it by himself.
Lin Wuyu's taste is quite erratic, sometimes picky, sometimes not picky at all. This bowl of dip is supposed to put all the ingredients inside.
If Xu Tianbo is not here, he will definitely let Lin Wuyu get him another bowl...
Of course, this matter should not be blamed for Xu Tianbo here, just let him go to match him and did not go.
"Unpleasant?" Lin Wuyu asked next to him.
"No," Ding Ji shook his head quickly. "It tastes the same as it is together."
"That's impossible." Lin Wuyu said.
"...Eat it." Ding Ji pointed to the coke that the waiter had just brought.
"Wish you all," Xu Tianbo took the drink cup in front of him and thought for a while, "Wish you all..."
"You bought it from the list." Ding Ji said.
"Buy." Xu Tianbo nodded.
"Buy." Lin Wuyu said.
"Buy." Ding Ji also said.
Then everyone touched a cup together and drank the drink while having fun.
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