Chapter 1357: That's it

Genius remembers the website URL in 3 seconds【】
Xiao Ran, who turned his head, smiled apologetically at Nazi and Fades, and said, "I'm sorry to make such a rude act at such a time. Our smile is not aimed at you, but just remembered something very interesting. Matter. Read the novel."
"It's okay." Although Fades didn't understand what Xiao Ran and the others were laughing at, at least Xiao Ran explained that they were not laughing because of their legionary battle, and the expression on his face was slightly better, and then said: "Yes, we You can only rely on such a few people to fight against an enemy legion that has the power of the legion territory, and you still don’t know how many participants the opponent will send to join."
Xiao Ran asked, "May I ask, can only two opposing corps be allowed to conduct legion battles?"
Fades shook his head; "No, multiple legions can participate in the melee and alliance battles of different legions. There is no clear number limit. Once war is declared to other legions, it can be carried out by one legion alone. It can also be carried out jointly by multiple legions. Although the legion that is declared war can refuse, it must enter the next step of the defeat process, and in short, it will pay something."
"In principle, a legion can only accept a declaration of war once per mission cycle, and at the same time, it can only declare war once. Although there are many conflicts between many legions, in general, unless there is really unreasonable hatred, basically The words are still relatively calm, and there is rarely such a thing as a true full-scale legion battle."
"I probably understand." Xiao Ran and Kruze looked at each other, and both seemed to understand what kind of problem the Overlord Legion encountered.
Not surprisingly, it must be the enemy of the Overlord Legion who launched a full-scale legion battle against them in a special mission. No matter what the idea is, they should also want to directly cut down the s-class pilot, Nazi, and destroy the Overlord Legion.
And the Overlord Legion, who knew that their background was not enough, definitely chose to reject it 100%. After paying some compensation without fighting, they turned to that legion to launch a general-scale clan battle. After all, only a general-scale clan battle can be used. Let them see some hope of victory.
Seeing Xiao Ran's clear expression, Fades also knew that he had missed the bottom, and smiled bitterly without saying anything.
But Xiao Ran turned his head to look at Cruze: "What do you think?"
Cruze also touched his chin, nodded and said: "It's a bit interesting, a battle that is sure to win is worth going."
"I think so too." Xiao Ran nodded, suddenly showing a weird smile and looking at Na Zi: "Then whether our Burning Legion can declare war against you, the bargaining chip is just a merit point."
"Ah!?" Na Zi didn't seem to react, but Fades smiled bitterly and shook her head: "This is not possible. If we declare war now, we will have to wait until the next mission to be together. The legionary battle must be launched one earlier. The task will do."
"That's really a pity." Xiao Ran shrugged and said, "It's quite natural."
Na Zi reflected it now, looking at Xiao Ran in disbelief, "You mean you are willing to help us?"
Xiao Ran spread his hands and said, "I just feel that a certain war that must be won is a bit of a part. You can also understand what is going on in a legionary battle, but it seems that it is not working now."
"No, if you want, there is a way." Na Zi's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said without thinking: "There is also an ally option in a legion battle. Allies can send no more than the main one. One-fifth of the number of participants in the participating corps provides support. In terms of the number of our corps, if you are willing to help, you can let more than a dozen people join in."
Xiao Ran raised his brows, and said softly, "Is it just a dozen people? Isn't that very safe?"
Na Zi shook her head repeatedly: "If you encounter danger, you can choose to quit the mission at any time. After all, you are just volunteers and not the main participants."
"There is still this kind of operation? That's quite interesting." Xiao Ran squinted his eyes and thought about it. If he could choose to quit freely, there would be some security problems, but it's not like Na Zi. , You have to go to the mascot Winnie and ask carefully.
And if this is the case, Xiao Ran also has the idea to follow the Overlord Legion to feel it. After all, once the Burning Legion stands on the table, sooner or later, he will meet the declaration of war by other legions. So learn about the Legion War in advance and experience the Legion War in person. It is a very necessary thing.
Xiao Ran unconsciously put his hand on his chin, his elbow supported the armrest, and the other one tapped gently on the other side: "Tell me about the other side."
Before Nazi spoke, Fades replied: "A-level pilots are about 20, the exact number is unknown, the number of b-level pilots is over 400, and they have a faction territory, and there are new humans in the territory. Race and territory should be in the process of recovery after the war. At least seven huge wars have occurred in that territory."
"There are new humans? Seven wars?" Xiao Ran frowned slightly. With the existence of new humans, we can roughly determine what the world is like. There are only a few worlds with new humans, and there have been seven great wars. I can't be too sure.
After seeing Desi, Xiao Ran also motioned to the other party to continue. The latter thought for a while and then said: "If you want to be special, it should be a MS weapon that can be launched with the help of perseverance energy."
"Wait a minute." Cruzer suddenly said, and asked curiously: "How do you know this?"
"Because we used to be members of this Nazi gritted her teeth and said, "It is because of the territory that I left that corps. I know what you mean by that. I'm leaving that There were no restrictions when I was in the legion, but I left the legion after I got the territory, so I only knew so much about the territory. "
"Understood." Cruze nodded and didn't speak, and Xiao Ran already had a general idea in his heart. The miniaturized MS weapon that can be launched with the help of star energy, the possession of new humans, and the Seven World Wars has made Xiao Ran clear about the other party. What exactly is the realm of the camp — up to x
Think about the special items that exist in that territory. Perhaps only the Moonlight Cannon is considered a more advanced item. In addition, there may be drones that can be used by new humans. The other things are really nothing. So in this way, even if the opponent has faction territory, it will not be as strong as that.
"I have already made it clear. In that case, I think we should be able to participate in this legion battle." Xiao Ran smiled slightly and said, "But I also have a requirement. If I don't have any special requirements, you can take any action, but I do. Any request, you must do things according to my request."
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