Chapter 1358: Flying

Genius remembers the website URL in 3 seconds【】
Leaving the place where they met with the Overlord Legion, the only three who had gone were Xiao Ran and Cruze slowly returning to the ship regiment territory.
On the way, Xiao Ran suddenly asked Cruze: "Do you think they will agree?"
"Should be." Kruze thought for a while and nodded slightly: "After all, their situation is already in a very dangerous situation. Our help is very important to them. No one can help and will not necessarily die, but If someone helps, they will live, I think they will not refuse."
"In fact, even if they don’t accept the command power, it’s a big deal. But the problem is that they have no way to play their own. It’s just command power. Although it may cause a gap in the contact status of the two parties in the future, it’s important to take them seriously. It should be clearly distinguished."
"From their performance, even S-level pilots are probably not omnipotent. There should be a certain number of A-level pilots who will be beaten to death. After all, there is no real perfection in this world."
"And where are you going to find more than a dozen A-level pilots? We're just the ones who are full of calculations now."
Xiao Ran smiled and listened to Cruze’s analysis, and nodded slightly:
Then you don’t need to find a dozen a-level pilots. We are enough. There are not many a-level pilots in the Overlord’s Legion. There is also an s-level pilot that is almost there. As for the low-level pilots, the significance is actually not great. Eliminate Leonard to carry out the new recruit task. Al Elf may not proceed according to the original plan this time. Up."
Cruze also nodded in agreement: "His intelligence processing ability is indeed indispensable. Have you already thought about it?"
"Anyway, you can withdraw from the mission at any time. It's a good thing to go and see it." Xiao Ran glanced at Kruze, squinted and smiled: "In fact, there is another thing I also hope to be able to do in this kind of legion battle mission. To confirm, every time I get the reminder after getting the faction territory, I feel very curious about the identity of the faction territory forces."
Kluzer smiled lightly: "That is to gamble on luck."
Xiao Ran spread his hands: "A game that you will never lose, but not every time you have such a good opportunity to gamble on luck."
Cruze also didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed: "Are there other mission worlds related to the territorial forces? It sounds a bit interesting."
Xiao Ran slapped his hands: "Then it's so decided. Now that the arrangements are made, I will start to prepare in advance. After all, the number of people is smaller and it is impossible to share a battleship with the Overlord Legion, um...using the Burning Legion, But I’m afraid we have to prepare something useful."
Cruzer suddenly spoke again: "This Overlord Legion is a bit interesting, but I don't think you are trying to annex them."
"The bosses hidden behind the scenes have to have a target pushed to the front desk, right?" Xiao Ran glanced at Cruzer with a smile, and said: "But this target is suitable, you need to touch it more. Up."
The two of them went back to the ship regiment territory with gossip all the way, Luo Ze was left behind by Fades and Nazi, preparing to receive the body, this matter Luo can handle it alone, but it is also I still contacted Leonard and rushed over, and the two people should move faster when they come together. After all, they have to ask each pilot's different needs clearly.
In the past, Leonard could also learn more about the Overlord Legion in his contact with the members of the opposing legion. After all, Leonard is also an oss of a force. This point of view is at least better than Luo. Some.
The contact with the Overlord Legion was quite pleasant. The Overlord Legion got what they wanted, and Xiao Ran also felt that he had some gains. Compared with the merits of the battle, the warehouse of the Overlord Legion was actually more interested in Xiao Ran. If there is no good thing, it is really a matter of comparing the heart to the heart, but if the other party really doesn't come up with a few good things, I am afraid it will not be so easy to deal with Xiao Ran.
Furthermore, it was confirmed that Xiao Ran would join the Overlord Army in a legion battle during the next mission. During this period, Xiao Ran would never leave Na Zi aside. After all, he was also an S-rank pilot. It had to be used to allow an S-class pilot to practice sparring. This kind of thing was more valuable to Xiao Ran than a battleship.
On the second and third day, Xiao Ran took Cruze and Luo to participate in the meeting with the other two legions. The first was called the Leap Legion, with five a-level pilots and over a hundred b-level pilots. , Owns faction territory.
If the Leaping Legion eliminates the faction territory at this time, it is actually a bit larger than the Burning Legion. After all, the opponent is a veteran Legion with enough numbers, and a large number of B-level pilots.
The commander of the Leaping Legion looks like a young man in his thirties. His name is Iv. From Kluzer’s observation, he is full of vitality and passion. He is a normal development and good centripetal force. After all, With such a vigorous and passionate legion commander, the entire legion will almost have this atmosphere.
And the second legion with a+ level pilots, the Heavy Shield Legion, is also a man as the commander of the legion. It is also in his early thirties, but it looks very calm ~ ~ to a bit like The feeling of a big brother Zeng Jia, his name is Wism, but the commander of the legion is not the strongest a+ pilot in the legion, but just an iceberg man with the name of the deputy commander. The relationship seems to be very good. Iceberg male a+-class pilot Corussi can clearly see that he respects the captain Wism.
Both the Leaping Legion and the Heavy Shield Legion are interested in establishing a real exchange relationship with Xiao Ran’s Burning Legion, so when they met, both sides seemed to be more harmonious and harmonious. They basically exchanged the situation of the two legions, but it was only basic information. , For example, regarding the faction territory, it just says yes, what is the special product, and it doesn’t involve a deeper level.
With the different exchanges with the two legions, the Burning Legion can be considered to have established a preliminary exchange relationship with the two legions. Whether there will be more cooperation requires more exchanges to determine, but the Heavy Shield Legion has never spent two Thousands of points of merit have purchased a new macross class from Xiao Ran.
In three days, they had contact and contact with the three legions, but they only had the most relationship with the Overlord Legion. The rest is to get to know each other, meet each other, and cooperate in this situation in the future.
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