Chapter 697: response

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"According to the information obtained, the original front of the destroyed Titan has been completely modified and repaired. In fact, the front of the Titan's shield does not have any shield generator at all, and even the material is different from other places. The book uses Axis technology. It is impossible to make the same thing at all, and after the shield of the giant is activated, it is completely relied on the power of the shield generators in other parts and the support of infinite energy to forcibly supplement the shield, so the shield’s The front is the weakest and the slowest in energy replenishment."
"But even though I know that the front is the weak point of the Titan shield, this place is also the strongest point. The Axis technicians must know this point, so they chose to install this kind of scattering on the chest. It can also gather large beam cannons for attack, and it is a very powerful super beam weapon that does not need to consider energy issues."
"The power of the beam attack that can penetrate the strong shield of the giant is absolutely too great to resist directly, and if you want to accurately hit the weakest point at the right time, you must face the strongest attack of the giant, let alone Is it possible to find a gap in the rain-like attack of the Titan, and there is no weapon in our hand that is strong enough to break the Titan's shield in a single attack, even if the Justice Gundam is equipped with tactical armor. ."
"That is to say, even if you know the weakness of the shield, the justice is up, and the divine will is up to four units, there is no way to break the giant's shield."
"The only thing that can be done..." Al Elf turned his head and glanced at Maru not far away, frowned and thought: "There are also the MACROSS cannons of the Galaxy Diva and the Border, but if you want to attack, you must switch. In the form of a giant robot, attacking a giant will inevitably suffer a frontal attack from the giant, and the possible result will be both sides."
"If the Titan does not recycle the Iron Fist, would it be necessary to use the Galaxy Diva or the Frontier in exchange for the opportunity to destroy the Titan? Will this loss be too great, but if it can defeat the Titan and allow Xiao Ran to recycle the waste? As long as useful things can be recovered, the value of the warships that can be regained from the 25th Fleet Regiment only by using combat power points for those belonging to the super zone technology or components will of course be higher."
Thinking of this, Al Elf shook his head. If the Titan’s shield can withstand all the MACROSS cannons, then in the end, it is natural to use this method of replacing damage or loss to directly hit the front of the Titan. However, the Titan’s shield is strong, MACROSS level. Cannon’s offensive power is not a joke. The super weapon that directly distorts the gravity field may also destroy the defensive position of the Titan, so it is not certain whether it will pay the price of a battleship in the end.
The current situation is that the Titan cannot chase two battleships. It could not hit Xiao Ran and the other four bodies, and the two warships did not continue to participate in the battle except for launching a wave of missiles for safety. The Justice Gundam waited for the four units to cause no harm to the giant. The two sides seemed to be in a stalemate. You can't hold me down, and I can't do anything about you.
This situation seems to be good, but in reality it is not the case. Titan seems to use self-learning ability. Over time, the experience of fighting will also accumulate. Then the longer the time, the more difficult it is to deal with, and the justice is up to The four airframes are after all the airframes driven by humans. There is no need to consume energy at all with the Titans, and the steel body of physical strength is completely unworthy. Entangling is also extremely detrimental to the four units such as Justice Gundam. Therefore, the Titans must be resolved as soon as possible to truly rest assured.
Faced with the tortoise shell, which is extremely lethal even with its shield, Xiao Ran is actually quite a headache. In addition to the unexpected attacks that accompany the giant to evade the giant from time to time, he can't stay in the giant's shield for multiple attacks. With such a little ripple, this kind of unreasonable super-type machine can be encountered in such a task. Xiao Ran thought about it and felt that he was unlucky enough.
If you switch to a real A-level body, I’m afraid Xiao Ran won’t have that headache. At most, it’s a bit fierce in the battle, but at least you can see the results. Think about tactics and other things. Although slow, the turtle shell is too hard. It makes people feel helpless.
Barsack didn't join when Xiao Ran and the three of them attacked the Titan. Instead, they flew to the Galaxy Diva, but after receiving something dropped from the Galaxy Diva, they returned to the vicinity of the Giant. What Basac received from the Galaxy Diva was not too big, and it was considered very small compared to the violent palms. At most, it was only an oval object of the size of a normal person so that it was violently held with his left hand. In time, I didn't dare to use too much force but I was able to just keep this thing in my hand.
After the two sides entangled for a while, Al Elf, the operational staff officer, also spoke on the Galaxy Diva again: "Let the frontier deform and use the MACROSS cannon. The target is the front of the Titan, and the Galaxy Diva circled Later, you will also use the MACROSS cannon, Bao, you must directly attack the Frontier’s attack. The helmsman of the Frontier is just a newcomer, so you can coordinate the timing of the attack."
"Understood." Bao Luya smiled, and said mysteriously: "Two MACROSS cannons shooting at each other will cause a lot of reaction."
Al Elf glanced at Bao faintly, and said calmly: "Completely opposite gravitational fields may cause the two attacking positions to collapse due to gravity and cause chaos. This process will cause the subiation of matter, and perhaps even Leading to mass ejection, the duration of the collapse with gravity is extremely short and even triggers a rebound. There will be a great reflection of the energy mixing of the cannon. In other words, there is a high possibility that a scene similar to a large-yield nuclear bomb will occur. "
"Eh..." Bao wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, and laughed awkwardly: "Hey hey, what Al Elf knows, hehe."
Al Elf ignored Bao, clutching the microphone of the headset and continued: "Xiao Ran, Kluzer, Graham, entangled the Titan to create opportunities for the two warships."
"I know." Xiao Ran took a deep breath and nodded. The creation opportunity Al Elf said was not to continue to stalemate with the giants like this, but to attract all the attention of the giants to them. Physically, the Titan cannot be aware of the actions of the two battleships, which means that Xiao Ran or Kluzer, Graham must have someone to attract the Titan’s firepower frontally.
This is a more dangerous task, but Graham still actively requested that he be the main target: "I will go."
"No." Xiao Ran looked at the communication screen and shook his head, wearing a combat uniform, and said, "I'll go. Even in dangerous situations, my body can be quantized to avoid the attack of the giant. And it’s not easy for the giant to hit me in a state of mental explosion."
"Shirley, let's get started."
"Get ready." The communication screen turned again and turned to the stage in the Galaxy Diva. At this time, Shirley's exposed clothes had turned into a gorgeous costume, and the whip in her hand quickly Rotating in a circle, Shiryllu gently shakes her feet as the music beats.
When Shirley Lu’s singing reached Xiao Ran’s ears, Xiao Ran’s face instantly became extremely calm, and a pair of eyes began to show golden light that humans shouldn’t have. Xiao Ran pushed with his left hand and stepped on his right hand to control it. In the direction of the body, he took the initiative to leave from behind the giant god, flew directly over the giant god's head, and shot no less than twenty attacks towards the giant along the way.
Faced with this little bug giant who dared to jump to his head, it was impossible. The remaining arm swung directly towards the Justice Gundam, but the speed was still much slower after all, until the Justice Gundam completely staggered the Titan. After Fang's position, the huge steel arm flew past with a powerful force.
The Justice Gundam, which flew again in front of the Titan, aimed at the Titan’s head and shot beams after and the Titan also used his steel giant arm to follow the movement of Justice Gundam like flying flies. Normally swinging from left to right, Justice Gundam can only continuously change his position, or go down, left or right to avoid the giant palm of the giant.
But even if it’s moving, Justice Gundam’s attacks that do no harm to the giant but are like provocative attacks will kill the giant’s huge head every time, but it cannot accurately target the same location or area. when.
Perhaps the giant saw that his palm was unable to attack this tiny fellow, and soon changed his response. The big iron fist, which was not allowed to be destroyed by Al Elf, was unattended and flew towards Justice Gundam again. , With the final slap of the giant god, Xiao Ran faced the double attack of iron palm and iron fist entangled, and had to pull a little away.
But in this short period of time, the Titan seems to have made a backward dumping movement in the universe. It is such a small movement that the Justice Gundam and the space around the body are completely included in the attack range of the Titan beam cannon cluster. Titan The front of his chest only lit up for such a short period of time, and countless beams were shot out toward Justice Gundam.
When the beam of light sprayed from the chest of the giant god, the golden light in Xiao Ran's eyes became brighter, and the green particles emitted by the two solar furnaces of Justice up to two began to gush out like a waterfall, facing the upcoming The incoming light beam disappeared in the universe like this.
But at this moment, a machine shadow rushed towards the giant with a golden light, to be precise, it was an iron fist hovering around the giant. (To be continued.)
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