Chapter 698: soul

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The sudden disappearance of Justice Gundam seemed to have blinded the steel giant, and the intensive non-stop attack also suddenly stagnated and turned around to find the disappearing figure of Justice Gundam, but the body from afar directly hit with golden light. To the giant god's arm hovering beyond the shield. Please search (品@书¥) to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel
"Ah! Drink!" With Basac's movements in the body, the fierce waving his fists kept leaving dozens of fist marks in the iron fist, almost denting one finger of the iron fist. Deflated, the ferocious pair of fists pierced through the huge iron fist, and every time it came in and out, it would bring scattered steel fragments.
The fierce final punch blasted out the left hand that had been holding something imaginary, and it seemed heavy but unwieldy to send the fist through the gap that was punched out. I saw the fierce wrist flipped and the palm suddenly changed from fist to claw. While the thing held by the hand was fed into the gap, he also used his claws to pinch the gap completely. In the end, the fierce violent directly kicked the iron fist a long distance with a rotating flying kick, and then once again flashed away from the vicinity of the giant with a burst of golden light.
After doing all of this, Basak was relieved as he watched the kicked iron fist regained control, and then let out a soft breath before he said: "Things have been sent in, so it seems fierce that I can’t do my best. The flirty attack is really not what a berserker like me is good at."
"Thank you, but only you have the time and ability to flexibly deliver things where you should go." Al Elf's voice sounded in the violent man-machine cockpit, the indifferent let Basak directly Want to go crazy: "But you should also control your emotions, especially when you run wild. I don't want you to be crazy when I let you retreat one day, and you end up dying in your own hands."
When Justice Gundam appeared again, it was in front of the Titan as before. The justice Gundam that appeared again not only attacked with hand weapons, but all the GN Dragoons also popped out and started to surround the Titan’s head. A beam of light that could not even be damaged by the appearance of a giant was emitted.
The light beam that appeared out of thin air seemed to fill the giant with doubts, and the red light on the head and eyes began to flicker, and I didn't know how it would suddenly disappear and suddenly appear Justice Gundam. If it weren't for the giant who couldn't make any more moves, there would be no expression on his face, maybe he would choose to look at Justice Gundam with a puzzled face.
But after seeing the Justice Gundam, the head of the giant also began to slowly rotate, and it directly aimed at the Galaxy Diva, which was accelerating in a circle and was about to attack the giant. After looking at the Galaxy Diva, the eyes flashed red. The speed of light has obviously changed, and all movements become more slow with the blinking of the eyes.
"What's the situation?" Xiao Ran's expressionless face of Justice Gundam saw the situation of the giant also flashed a flash of doubt in his eyes. But there was no relaxation to continue the attack, but after Al Elf of the Galaxy Diva saw this picture. When one hand tapped on the keyboard in front of him, there was an image of Shiryllu singing on the screen in front of him. There was a thoughtfulness flashing through his eyes and a heavy sudden realization.
"Is it really possible for this kind of thing to happen? Unconscious...subconscious...If that's the case, maybe I have done something superfluous. This matter can be regarded as a lesson for me. I can't do things so directly with things I don't understand. "Are." Al Elf sighed, turned his head to look at Moses, and said: "Moses, let the Black Hawk equip the vocal armament and eject it. Control is in my hands."
Moses was stunned when he heard Al Elf’s words, and then nodded and started to operate according to El Elf’s words, so that Heiqi equipped with a vocal weapon that had never been used before, and activated the master of Black Hawk. The computer handed over the operation authority to Al Elf, and saw that two operating levers suddenly popped up from the console in front of El Elf, and something like a foot pedal also appeared under his feet.
Before officially starting to control the Black Hawk, Al Elf also put the headset on his head. Seeing the fact that the black eagle on the screen in front of him came back, he held his hands on the operating stick in a hurry. Until the black eagle was sent to the deck, Al Elf pushed his left hand and stepped on both feet at the same time: "Al Elf, the Black Hawk strikes."
With the long-range driving of Al Elf, a bright light burst out from behind Black Hawk. It ejected directly and took a white trail at a very fast speed and then started flying towards the giant.
Al Elf also spoke again: "The system linking Miss Shiryllu's singing and vocal arms."
Moses nodded: "It's done."
"The new human, unconscious, brainwave connection device, if, if that's the case, absolutely must destroy the giant before the consciousness really wakes up, even if it pays a high price." Al Elf sees The synchronization screen before him. The eyes flashed with unprecedented firmness and coldness, and the heart sneered: "Huh, ghosts, even ghosts, but as long as you regain a little consciousness, they will disappear forever under my preparation!"
"El Elf, what are you doing." Xiao Ran's indifferent voice in the state of a changer erupted into El Elf's ears: "Why do you want to dispatch the Black Hawk and use vocal weapons."
Xiao Ran’s indifference in voice was brought about by his absolute reason, and it did not mean that Xiao Ran’s feelings were also indifferent. It is true that the emotions in it should be good and doubtful, and Al Elf also He didn't care about Xiao Ran's tone. After Xiao Ran asked, he said directly:
"I did an extra thing to cause the Titan to run away. Now I understand that this should be caused by the consciousness that cannot be dissipated after the death of the new human. When I killed the test pilot, the opponent and the Titan's main system were linked. With the brainwave contact device, I speculate that the pilot’s will or consciousness should have entered the main control system of the giant god, because I don’t understand the reason, and there is no real awakening at this time, so it will be detected by you. Presents a state of unconscious rampage."
"This kind of consciousness may also be called a soul. Once we really wake up, we will probably face a super robot with a human mind. Even if the other party intends to destroy it, we will not escape the final failure. So Never let that soul wake up."
"Miss Shiryllu’s singing seems to have a certain ability to interfere with that thing. I found that the giant god’s movements have also become more slow. It should be affected by the singing, and the vocal weapons can directly damage the soul... "
"I see." Xiao Ran's voice sounded again, and said: "Let Graham and Kluzer cover you."
"Yeah." Al Elf responded softly, and did not continue to say the last sentence.
After listening to Al Elf’s explanation, Xiao Ran finally understood why the giant would run away inexplicably. After all, this thing is not EVA, it can run away casually. If it is a new human, the consciousness that will never disappear. If it is absorbed by the giant, everything that can be explained, including why the giant has the ability to grow and learn by itself, is also entirely due to the consciousness of the dead test pilot.
"This situation cannot be delayed any longer." After Xiao Ran relayed Al Elf's words to Graham and Kluzer, and asked them to protect the Black Hawks, he also glanced at the current status of the Galaxy Diva and the Frontier. location.
"It will take ten seconds to reach the predetermined location."
The accident happened at this time, the Titan gave up continuing to deal with Justice Gundam, but started to turn around with a rusty body movement, the thruster behind him began to explode and then began to fly in the direction of the Galaxy Diva Past.
Xiao Ran, who saw the action of the giant, frowned slightly, and hurriedly drove the Justice Gundam in front of the giant again, but the giant statue did not see the Justice Gundam at all, and he ran directly into it regardless, and had a shield to defend himself Where is the Titan that Justice Gundam dared to really hit, even if he wanted to use a full cannon, he couldn't stop the Titan's footsteps.
"There are still eight seconds." Moses' report resounded in the enough, did Shirleylu's singing lead the giant? "Xiao Ran's brow furrowed even more tightly. It was useless to face this attack, and the Titan, who couldn't stop it, really had nothing to do.
However, the Galaxy Diva was originally quite far away from the Titan, even if it took ten seconds to come out, the Giant might not be able to include the Galaxy Diva into the attack range, so Xiao Ran could only drive the Justice Gundam to follow the Titan slowly back. The black eagle flying from a distance also changed from a single point of light to a single point, and then quickly became larger.
"There are four seconds left before it starts to deform."
After the voice of Moses fell, the two battleships Galaxy Diva and Frontier also began to transform at the same time, and when the transformation was completed, the cannon raised its hand and began to charge, but the Titan's actions suddenly changed in an instant. He had to be flexible, the thruster behind him again emitted a brighter light, and the speed of his advance suddenly doubled and the speed was gradually increasing.
"Oops." Everyone who saw this scene screamed to themselves. If the speed of the giant is allowed to continue to increase, then maybe the Galaxy Diva will be included in the attack range, and it will be out of charge while still being charged. In the speed of the attack range of the Borderland.
"Arrive at the predetermined location, start charging!"
But at this time, only Al Elf on the Galaxy Diva still kept his calm. When the giant of the picture became bigger and bigger, he calmly tapped on the keyboard in front of him. Said: "If the song of the soul attracts you, will the song of the soul under the increased vocal force draw your attention."
PS:    ask for a day off tomorrow, there is something to go out, there is no way to update it.
This book comes from Pin&Book#
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