Chapter 699: Pinch

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When the black eagle appeared next to Justice Gundam and activated the vocal armament, the vocal armament equipped by the black eagle, which was transformed into a human form, instantly unfolded, and under the increase of Shirley's singing voice, the visible purple energy was instantly ejected. , This kind of purple energy seems to have produced a ripple in the universe out of thin air and spread out. The spreading energy is positive, and a wave of rotating energy rushes towards the giant who is accelerating and approaching the Galaxy Diva. http://%77%77%77%2e%6c%6e%77%6f%77%2e%6e%65%74 book
This energy converted from singing under the increase of vocal weapons may not have the powerful and direct lethality of beam energy. It is not Shirley who sits in the Black Hawk singing in person, but the soul sings through skills and remote signals. The song could not show the real effect of the vocal armament, and the purple energy wave that flew towards the giant also caused ripples on the shield of the giant.
This kind of ripple can't even be caused by the simultaneous attacks of the three units such as Justice Gundam in front. The singing energy that obviously can't cause obvious damage to the entity can have a huge impact on the pure energy shield constructed by the giant god, even causing In the shield, something like water splashed continuously.
It was not until seeing this scene that Xiao Ran recalled the description of this only B-level armed component. The effect on the energy body, the non-spiritual body, and the missing soul target was doubled, and it could also be based on the singer's spirit, beliefs, and singing ability. And mood affects attack intensity. In other words, as long as the user's level is high enough, the effects that vocal weapons can exert can also be infinitely enhanced, just like the hot Basara of the Macross resists primitive demons.
Shiryllu's spirit, belief and singing ability needless to say, the beloved is fighting outside, Shiryllu devoted herself to singing, fighting is not what she is good at, but she sings. The shield of the giant belongs to the pure energy body and is naturally in the range of doubling the effect. The body and soul, including the soul, are invested in the action of the singing Shirley. The vocal armament has exploded with powerful energy, and under the doubled effect, it has a great influence on the shield of the giant god.
Xiao Ran didn’t know whether the giant was considered a non-spiritual body, or a soul body, or a soul-absent body without a soul at all, but what Shiryllu’s song exudes made the giant chase like a demon. , Even the attack forgot to ignore it until the energy wave emitted by the Black Hawk vocal armament blocked it.
The giant god's only intact arm stretched forward as if he wanted to catch the black eagle in front. But under the resistance of the energy wave emitted by the black eagle, he couldn't make any progress, suddenly. Xiao Ran seemed to see the giant struggling under the energy of music. It wanted to catch the song, but the song firmly resisted it until the giant god’s steel head was raised high, and the entire universe seemed to be filled with unnecessary The roar expressed by voice, it wants to resist, it wants to resist the singing that makes it uncomfortable, but the fluctuations caused by the singing are not it can shield at all.
For a super robot up to 100 meters. Let Xiao Ran, Kluzer, Graham, and Basac all have a huge body that was helpless, and was blocked by a body as small as the Black Hawk. The result of the vocal armament made the people present first. This time, he really looked straight at the possibilities brought by vocal weapons.
Even Xiao Ran, the Skeleton Team and the Frontier. Even knowing that vocal weapons will exert powerful effects under special circumstances, they did not expect such terrifying effects to be exerted. It's completely as good as the utility that more than four B-class pilots can produce together.
"Arriving at the target point, the Frontier, the Titan, and the Galaxy Diva are already in a line, and the MACROSS cannon is charged."
"Received." Xiao Ran glanced at the Black Hawk who was stalemate with the giant with shock. Pulling the operating lever, he immediately adjusted the direction of the body and began to allow the MACROSS Cannon’s attack path. While operating the body to leave, Xiao Ran also looked at the scene behind from the rear monitor of the screen, and his heart was only deeply shocked: "This is Is the vocal weapon the power that Shirley can exert, a pure energy body, a non-spiritual body. Without the existence of a soul, all the actions of the giant are inspired by the consciousness that is not fully awakened, and the consciousness is absorbed but there is no The giant who walks the soul, whether it is the shield or the body, is completely defeated by Shirley’s singing in all aspects. Many super systems have the ability to run away, and there are also many super systems that rely solely on spirit and belief to gain strength. In terms of strength, that is to say... Shirley can gain powerful power in the super zone, and even the power against the super zone body!"
On the Galaxy Diva, Moses glanced at Al Elf who was still controlling the Black Hawk, and said into the microphone: "All preparations are complete. The launch timing is determined by the Border, and we will cooperate."
"Received." Monica also replied in the communication: "The countdown...3...2...1!"
As Monica counted, Captain Geoffrey grabbed the armrest of the chair and leaned forward and shouted loudly, "Milai, launch!"
When Miley Hachisu, who was already prepared, heard Captain Jeffrey’s yelling, his right hand squeezed the trigger he was holding, and the three streams of swirling and intertwined streamers suddenly felt strong. The electromagnetic position of the Boundary Trumpeter was ejected from the main gun of the Boundary Trumpeter, and at the same time that Boundary’s muzzle was lit up, Bao, who has extensive experience, also directly pulled the trigger.
The Frontier and the Galaxy Diva launched their strongest attacks almost at the same time. The time difference between the front and back was less than half a second, and the two long energy beams flew toward the giant so fast.
Moses kept staring at the screen in front of him, looking at the two lines and two dots on the screen, and suddenly shouted: "Go straight to the time, two seconds, one second, Al Elf!"
Al Elf's reflexive left hand twisted and pulled both hands. At the moment of the moment, the black black eagle suddenly transformed into a fighter form. All the propellers behind him lit up and the Galaxy Diva launched an attack from the back. The slightest difference flashed past thousands of miles, the rotating light distorted everything in the path, and a vortex visible to the naked eye appeared in the universe.
When the Frontier’s attack hit the Titan, the Galaxy Diva’s attack also hit the Titan’s shield at the same time as a laser. The gravitational distortion caused by the MACROSS Cannon in the front and rear directions of the Frontier and the Galaxy Diva Hit the shield directly, and started to tear up the giant shield with infinite energy support from the completely opposite position.
For half a second, the Titan's shield followed the position back and forth and appeared abnormally rotating and twisting, everything seemed to be sucked in by the attack of two battleships, pulling the entire shield into distortion. The completely distorted shield of the main ship began to twist, and only a second later, the position of the defensive shield had already collapsed. After the weakest point of the Titan’s frontal shield was broken by the beam and could not be replenished, the whole The shield began to shatter like glass, and the two beams finally hit the giant giant.
After hitting the giant god, the two attacks did not stop there. The completely opposite positions penetrated the body of the giant and bumped into each other. At the moment when the two attacks collided together, time seemed to have stagnated along with it. The abnormal distortion at the beginning was the kind of distortion that was torn back and forth. It was torn but did not tear off a piece of the giant's armor. It was twisted but not broken. The entire giant was also distorted, but the whole was turned towards two. Twists in different directions.
The two heavy particle cannons penetrated the giant and directly collided in the body of steel. They were completely opposite and also had huge energy. They were not too dazzling and too shocking. They were silent and calm enough to let Unbelievable. But everyone knows that this calm is just the last calm before the storm.
The two positions are brewing and there is an earth-shattering explosion. The opposing positions are originally from the same source and merged without any obstacle at all, but the opposite position direction is generally hindered by the sky and the earth. The two positions collide in this way. Melting together, it quickly turned into a rapidly twisting and rotating circle, with a black dot slowly spreading inside the giant to absorb everything inside the giant huge mass The entry caused the sphere to continue to expand, but with the energy supplement of the main guns of the two battleships, it could not explode even if it wanted to explode.
Until the main guns of the two battleships of the Galaxy Diva and the Frontier went out, the light beams that seemed to be a long time but actually only lasted for a few seconds disappeared so slowly. Without the support of the main gun energy and the support of the stand, the black one The ball turned into an unfettered mad dog and continued to expand at a fast speed just now. Al Elf also shouted into the communication at this time: "Basak, it is now."
"Get ready!" Basak's excited shout appeared in Al Elf's ears, and saw that the distorted giant of the universe also followed the sphere in the body and began to expand, not that the giant was really expanding , But the distortion of space makes the picture that people see is swelling.
The fierce body burst out with dazzling golden light once again turned into a golden arrow and rushed back to the vicinity of the giant, like a meteor, hit the giant arm that seemed to have lost control, and the huge force slammed the giant arm directly into the already twisted one. The swelling giant, and the fierce burst of golden light, seemed to cross a straight line and disappear again as if nothing had happened.
The next moment, when the giant arm was smashed into the twisted space, black light emerged from the giant arm before the giant had exploded, swallowing everything in.
[Ma is going to be 515, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelopes list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and add promotional works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】(To be continued.)
PS:                                                            , I really want to see
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