Chapter 882: turmoil

The contact person selected by Wang Liumei for the resistance organization was a young man named Lyle Dirandi. He might look young, but in fact, the age column was 29 years old. The brownish shoulder-length, as a man, having such a head does not feel weird at all. 360 search: Aoxue has the fastest update without pop-up reading! Chinese website
The name Lyle Durandi might sound unfamiliar, but if you talk about Lochon Stratos, you know exactly who this person is.
Lok On’s twin brother also has a very high MS driving talent, and has the same excellent long-range shooting skills as Lok On. After the death of Lok On, he became the second real driver of Lok On, the Wise Angel Gundam, but now In the case that his brother did not die, this guy who worked in the original aeu large company still joined the resistance organization like the original plot, became a main member of it and received the code name gin-1.
But in fact, whether it’s Lok Ang or Lok Ang, both sides don’t know what the other side is doing. The two brothers are in the heavens and the other is in the rebellion organization, but they both show their true side to each other. It was hidden in the eyes that the two had met from time to time in the past four years, but they did not know the true situation of each other.
But now, although Xiao Ran is not malicious towards these two brothers, speaking of him and Lok Ang are also friends, but it is inevitable that in order to implement the next plan, both of them will become Xiao Ran's chess pieces, compared to other chess pieces. , The safety of at least two people is also under Xiao Ran's consideration.
The identity of Xiao Rooke was not discovered by Wang Liumei himself. Otherwise, how could Rooke Ang in the original plot as a member of the resistance organization be concealed? Xiao Ran counted out the identity of Rooke Ang. I told Wang Liumei that such a person who has a close relationship with the heavens and is an important member of the resistance organization is naturally the most suitable person to contact all parties, and also a person that both parties can trust.
Wang Liumei was already attached to Livonz and wanted to stand on Livonz’s side to witness the chaos of the world with his own eyes, but she never expected Livonz to lean on Xiao Ran’s initiative within a few days after Xiao Ran appeared. On the other hand, Wang Liumei’s situation suddenly became quite embarrassing, but Xiao Ran did not blame Wang Liumei more for this, but took the initiative to open this page and re-accept Wang Liumei into himself. In the camp. 360 search: Aoxue has the fastest update without pop-up reading!
After all, although Wang Liumei is attached to Livonz, he has also intervened in the gods and even done more than Laguna, but at least he restrained and did not cause more things. In addition, Xiao Ran is indeed beside him. There is a lack of heavyweights who can coordinate all parties on the bright side, and Xiao Ran has the confidence to be able to suppress Livonz and Wang Liumei, so he ignored all that Wang Liumei did.
For Xiao Ran, he did not feel the feeling of being betrayed. After all, he had some understanding of Wang Liumei’s life trajectory, and it was very possible to know that Wang Liumei and Livonz came together. I also had this recognition in my heart, and I didn't feel any discomfort.
Whether it is Xiao Ran or Livonz, both of them are destined to control everything behind their backs. Fortunately, Xiao Ran can at least stand up at the right time as a banner to resist the Confederacy, but Livonz is at least established in the new federal government. Before, he could only hide in the dark. Even if the federal government is now overthrown and a new government is established, Livonz will never have the opportunity to intervene in the federal government.
Therefore, Wang Liumei, who is a big entrepreneur and the head of a large family, has become the most suitable contact for all parties to help Xiao Ran contact more people who want to overthrow the current federal government and coordinate the interests of all parties. , Unite the most basic of everyone, and then after the overthrow of the existing federal government, all the waves can be calmed in the fastest time.
In the universe, the battle with the four machines of heaven and man is still like fire, but with the addition of the ferocious bird, the only quantitative advantage becomes useless under absolute quality, not to mention the number of five machines. The b-class body, a dozen or even +-class bodies, replaced by Xiao Ran driving Justice Gundam can completely wipe out the opponent without any help. Baidu search 3K Chinese network update faster!
Although the Oriole that Graham drove is only a mass-produced machine, it is also a mass-produced machine that has reached the level of B. It is a mass-produced machine from the mixed world og world of the class and the real system, so Manufactured with standard technology, although it is only a mass-produced machine, its performance is basically the same as that of a prototype machine that only produced three units. It is stable and has considerable strength, and it has the ability to instantly fight against the class.
With the addition of Graham, a real b-class pilot, the fighting ability displayed made the fierce bird even more terrifying. At the moment when the Chi Angel Gundam passed from a distance with a very high degree, the two A beam boomerang was thrown away from the fierce bird. The beam boomerang that was thrown passed through a few milliseconds, but soon it revolved and started to return. The red aperture drew a long curve from The lower limbs of the two machine bodies had been chopped, and the next second the fierce bird had appeared in front of these ms holding two plasma beam sabers.
As soon as the staggered red afterimages appeared, the fierce bird kept rushing towards the farther oo Gundam waiting for the three machines without stopping.
At the moment when the bird appeared, the pilots of the Celestial and the Four Machines were all taken aback, not to mention the members of the faraway Torremi, but the green sun furnace behind the bird seemed to be pointing at them again. What was said, and when the Torremi received a message, Miss Huang was relieved.
"Tell them that this machine is your own." Miss Huang turned to look at Filute next to her, who also nodded quickly with a sigh of relief, and forwarded Miss Huang's words to Setsuna with a text message. Tieria, Lokon and Areluja are four.
After the news was sent, everyone on the Torremi had more time to observe the machine Graham was driving, but the more he looked at it, the more heavier his expression became. The king said: "This machine seems to be more At that moment, their bodies were stronger, and the pilots’ abilities completely surpassed them, as well as the solar furnace. Why did a brand new and undocumented solar furnace appear? Where did this machine come from?"
But Miss Huang would never think that this machine does not belong to this world at all, but this does not affect her associating the new machine with the solar furnace to Xiao Ran's body: "Is it him, it should be right, the sun Even if we have not mastered the technology of the furnace, he is the only person who has the opportunity and authority to access all the information of the solar furnace. It seems that he has not done nothing in the past four years, even if he has left the gods. Other powers are also displayed."
"By the way, the person named Luo is also a very capable technician. Even Ian is amazed by the technician. It is not surprising that he developed his own new type of machine, although only one has appeared now. Maybe there are more organisms yet to appear."
Miss Huang thought about these in her heart, but her eyes did not let go of everything that was happening in the battlefield. Seeing that the ship of the resistance organization that crashed into the mine had already started to slowly withdraw, Miss Huang also ordered again: "Let Wisdom Angel Gundam protected the ship from the combat area and stopped fighting and returned. The Torremi departed to the assembly area and gathered at st1."
Among the transport ships in the distance, Livonz and Wang Liumei looked at the leaving Torremi and the warship of the resistance organization, Livonz also smiled slightly: "It seems that the battle is over, and the things to be collected are also collected. The rest is left to you, but remember that although the adult let you go this time, it does not mean that he can tolerate your next mistake. All information can only be spread within a small area. Of course I will cooperate with you in this regard."
Wang Liumei's smile froze after hearing Livonz's words, but he was dissatisfied with Livonz but did not show it on his face. She bent down slightly and said, "I know what to do. I will definitely not let that adult Disappointed."
"That's good." Livonz smiled, did not feel that he was drawing Wang Liumei to his side, and finally let Wang Liumei put on a traitor like a black pot is his problem, and Lifengz also He didn't care what Wang Liumei thought. Although he did stand on Xiao Ran's side, it did not mean that his views on ordinary people would change.
The dissatisfaction in Wang Liumei’s heart is also due to Livonz. If Livonz did not contact her, she would not be overwhelmed by choosing to stand on Livonz’s side, and the same did not think about it. She made this choice because of her own problems, but no matter what, Xiao Ran stood at the highest point among the three of Xiao Ran, Livonz, and Wang Liumei, while Wang Liumei chose to lean towards Livonz. , She could only stand at the bottom of the pyramid, who should have the same status as Livonz.
It was a loss for the members of the Tianren and Fight to resist the organization to successfully escape. The Tianren triumphed and left smoothly and ended, but this matter spread to the entire world in a very short time. Heaven and humans have truly entered the eyes of the entire world again.
However, the information disseminated was all modified information. Among them, the information of the resistance organization that led to the battle was completely erased, and it was only announced to the world that a person was born in the universe and heaven. Battle, and the result of the battle ended in defeat.
Because what the heavens did four years ago, although they received a lot of support, there were more opponents. Without knowing the reason for the battle, the appearance of the heavens and the start of the war have been settled within the Federation. From the perspective of people of peace, heaven and human are like the fuse that once again led to chaos in the world, and many people have come forward to oppose heaven and human.
However, some supporters of Tianren began to doubt the motives of Tianren's emergence, and were more fascinated by the several new machines used by Tianren, but only a small number of people knew the real reason for the emergence of Tianren.
The world once again became turbulent due to the appearance of heaven and humans, but the federal leadership quickly changed the direction of the discussion when the reasons were unknown. Naturally, it was also beneficial to Fontz's fanning relationship and made the heaven and human organization once again. It was hated by the world, and the Federation also declared that Tianren belonged to an illegal armed organization and that terrorists must be eliminated, which ultimately won a lot of support.
Therefore, with such support, the Federation, knowing the inside story of the matter, once again increased its rights in order to deal with the resistance organizations and the devas, and even now, with Xiao Ran, officially appointed Homer Katagiri. After the commander-in-chief began to greatly increase his strength, more outstanding soldiers were transferred into one member.
For the first time, Homer Katagiri took over both in name and in fact, and he gathered Katie Manikin and Sergey and a series of factions in the name of Xiao Ran to speak in person~www.mtlnovel .com ~ Strictly order Katie, Sergey and others must obey the order and not disobey, but they still made a little concession to prevent Katy Manikin and Sergey and others from performing dark missions, just deal with it There are tasks related to devas and resistance organizations.
And these were all reported by Katie Manikin to Xiao Ran over the phone. After learning about this, Xiao Ran only asked Katie Manikin to obey the orders, and temporarily ignore other things. But after hanging up the phone, the corners of Xiao Ran's mouth were raised high. A small-scale battle in the universe officially set off the prelude to the overthrow of the Federation, and the development of things was exactly the same as planned.
Gaining more rights, greater armed forces, completely surpassing the normal military system of the Confederation, and having the absolute right to kill first and then play, also makes many people in the Confederation feel terrified.
Xiao Ran, who hung up the phone, contacted Livonz again, and said directly: "Now that the plan has officially begun, the next step is to continue to expand the shadow of the world's domination. Isn't the Middle East and Africa very chaotic? It's time to show It's powerful."
Livonz on the other end of the phone also smiled and said: "Everything has been arranged. Wang Liumei has successfully contacted the other party. According to your arrangement, your identity will be kept secret for the time being, and you have promised to give the other party certain supplies and force. Support, when this raid is over, you can also have formal contact with the other party."
"Well, to determine the specific time for the raid, I will arrange the manpower before, and you and Wang Liumei will need to arrange the materials."
"Understand." (To be continued.) 8
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