Chapter 883: Professor Raphael

Although Xiao Ran is considered to have great power and more control over all the forces in an important territory for the Federation, in terms of intelligence circulation within the Federation, it is far less than the behind-the-scenes control that affects the Federation and Livon. Hereby. 3k-Shuwu Tianren helped the resistance organization to save people, and the Federation has already had the voice of the alliance between the heaven and the resistance organization. Under the impetus of Livonz, the Federation quickly passed the agreement on the Middle East and the Middle East. These two federations in Africa have the least control capabilities, and are also the sweeping operations in the most active areas of resistance organizations.
During the time when the Federation was planning a sweeping operation, a large number of ammunition, living supplies, medicines, and even a very small amount of MS gathered through Wang Liumei and Laguna were sent to the hands of the resistance organization with the help of Livonz. This kind of generous help to the resistance organization also made the important personnel of the resistance organization aware of how extraordinary their new allies are.
This amount of aid, which is basically contraband to the Federation, can be delivered to their hands unimpeded, which also shows that this ally supporter also has considerable energy in the Federation. , And being able to get the help of such an ally is definitely a good thing for the resistance organization, but it also has to be made to keep them sufficiently vigilant against this mysterious ally, Xiao Ran.
And with the arrival of this batch of materials, Xiao Ran’s Burning Legion was also completely disrupted by squads. Now, after many veterans from the color ed-d world have joined, and with the addition of the squad, new participants and The number of veterans was almost equal to each other, so the old team brought the new team as a support for combat strength was temporarily added to the resistance organization.
In this way, even if all the members of the corps add up, there is actually not too many teams, but each team has a slightly larger number of people, and it is impossible to fully cover the extremely large African and Middle East regions. , It can only be said to give support, and this does not include the six pilots of the Skeleton Team, Ozma, Art, Little Luca, Michel, Glenn and Brera.
However, if you really separate the veteran and the newcomer completely, the consequences can be imagined. The newcomers are basically D-class pilots. Faced with a +-class body, the result can only be haha. Xiao Ran's purpose is to let all The members have grown up and united in this mission, and for the newcomers, it is even more hoped that they will accumulate enough experience to grow into a class pilot through this mission. Of course, it is impossible to really put them in danger. In the situation.
Therefore, the six pilots of the Skeleton Team became a mobile unit. They also came to the earth but only rushed to help them remove the threat as quickly as possible when a certain unit was in danger, and they already knew enough about the world. Al Elf, as the commander-in-chief of all units, entered the resistance organization and became the captain of the support team.
Kluzer entered the Federation through the arrangement of Livonz, got a decent job at the Federation Headquarters and started contacting the members of the Federation. With his ability, he believed that he would soon be able to find a group with the same overthrow of the existing People from the government’s ideas gathered around him, while Basac stayed behind the Border. The strong personal ability and excellent operational ability were enough for Basac to protect the equally extraordinary Border at the Livonz base. Si wearing the helmet-like mask was arranged to enter by Livonz, Graham replaced Xiao Ran and Alex officially joined the Celestial Man, and Na Luo returned to Xiao Ran's side.
Everything is properly arranged. The four aspects of heaven and human, the federal resistance organization have inserted their own people in the shortest time. For the huge federal government, the two people will not receive any attention or attention. , And the heavens and humans have complete trust in Xiao Ran. Only the resistance organization is grateful for the great material support and personnel support given by Xiao Ran, but also has a certain degree of vigilance, but generally still maintains the basic trust.
It was only a few hours before the start of the full-scale sweep of the resistance organization that this incident was passed to the resistance organization through Wang Liumei, and soon the resistance organization began to retreat completely, but how could it be true within a few hours? A huge organization was completely hidden, and the war began.
Under the leadership of this powerful armed force, countless ordinary federal ms have also joined this sweep of the resistance organization. The federal and intelligence capabilities should not be underestimated, not to mention Livonz, where Wang Liumei was involved. The important role of this group was that the bases of the resistance organization were destroyed one by one. Even if they were notified in advance, most of the members of the base were also pursued and slaughtered. The losses were very large, even when they were assembled. Restore the power of this.
But in terms of several important bases, because of the help of members of the Burning Legion, it has provided enough time and combat power for the evacuation of the members of the organization. In the process of retreating, it has broken a lot of ms and the Federation. Let these The members of the resistance group at the base escaped safely.
This raid lasted for several days. The base of a resistance organization was discovered. Either it was empty and began to chase after the traces. The chase was a brutal massacre, or it was a battle if there were people. The Force fights unequal and then uses drones to carry out massacres.
A sweep of this scale cannot hide from the world at all. Even if the Federation is controlling information, a lot of information about the sweeping process has been leaked out, and it has caused a huge shock in the world for a while.
In this leading sweep operation, the devas also appeared again and joined the battle, but this does not mean that the devas’ actions were completely helping the rebellion organizations to withdraw. They were more unilateral. The deterrence action has absolutely nothing to do with the resistance organization, but this will also give the members of the resistance organization scattered around more time to hide and evacuate.
Xiao Ran has also been paying attention to the military operations on the other side of the earth. Every day or even every few hours, different people will report everything to him about the situation here and there. This includes Katie Manikin and Xie. Gal and the two, Xiao Ran's reply to them was to try not to hurt the members of the resistance organization as much as possible, and let the two of them come and meet him after the raid.
Although Katie Manikin and Sergey are acting, they are really indifferent to the action. The slaughter of people who are unable to resist makes them and their people really disgusted. , So the squad led by the two became a clear stream in this sweeping operation. Except for those driving MS and various resistances, they did not actually create more killings, even if they caught resistance. The members of the organization just imprison them under their own wings in disguised form.
The action successfully reached Xiao Ran's expected goal, greatly weakened the strength of the resistance organization, and let the shadow of his own horror spread around the world. During the battle, the members of his own legion received more combat experience, and Mossana saw the scene of the massacre. Behind the scenes become more mature.
Just as the Federation was busy pursuing the raid, two people also appeared in the office of Xiao Ran’s Japanese military base. When Xiao Ran was unable to leave Japan, the two people left all the work at hand and came to Xiao Ran’s place in person. One was Professor Raphael who left the Federation and devoted himself to Tenjin because of his old age, and the other was Billy Katagiri, who was the director of the technical department but was actually also the director of the Tenjin Development Department, a subsidiary of Tenjin. .
The arrival of the two made Xiao Ran feel quite good, and the arrival of the two did not arouse other people's suspicion. After all, the relationship between the two and Xiao Ran was good, and both of them were and are considered to be important protections of the Federation. Personnel, this visit is purely normal, but no one would have thought that the real purpose of the two people coming to Xiao Ran is not just a visit.
After the two entered Xiao Ran’s office, Naluo, who led them in, turned and left. After seeing Professor Raphael who was getting older, Xiao Ran helped Professor Raphael himself as a junior. After arriving at the huge office, Sha sat down.
Professor Raphael was very pleased to see Xiao Ran's actions or Xiao Ran himself, and after he sat down with Xiao Ran's arm, he directly sighed and said, "It's good that you are back. It's been four years. After four years of absence, I really didn't expect the world to become like this."
Billy Katagiri also smiled at Xiao Ran, and after shouting the general, he sat beside Professor Raphael. One was sitting with a cane and the other sitting with his hands on his knees, but both of them looked at him. Focused on Xiao Ran's body.
Seeing Professor Raphael’s worrisome look at the world situation, Xiao Ran also sighed slightly:
I didn’t expect that after the establishment of the Federation, the world would become the way it is now. The initial establishment was to ensure the stability of the world. But I didn’t expect that in just four years of the world, this force would turn out to be like this, leading to so many massacres and battles. Coupled with this sweeping operation in the Middle East and Africa, the contradictions in the world have become more prominent. Completely separated from our previous plan."
When he said this, Professor Raphael was a little angry. He looked at Xiao Ran with a very dissatisfied look and knocked his crutches to the ground, and said angrily: "If I said you shouldn't leave at the beginning, if you didn't leave. How could that force become what it is today under your control? Even now that the aliens have not come, their own people have begun to beat their own people, what should we do if the aliens suddenly appear now!"
Xiao Ran can only apologize for what Professor Raphael said. For this wise old man, Xiao Ran, who has paid a lot for the gods, respects him from the bottom of his heart, but he can't decide whether he leaves or not, and this is short. The more rampant behavior in time was also caused by him. Naturally, it is impossible to say this in front of Professor Raphael. Billy was also quite helpless after hearing what Professor Raphael said. Who made the commander now officially officially It fell on his uncle's head, and even his uncle was arranging things before. If he really wanted to get in, he couldn't get out of the relationship.
Billy patted Professor Raphael on the back and said: "The teacher calmed down. There should be a necessary reason for the general to leave. Now the general is back, it should be a solution to the current situation."
When Billy's voice fell, Nalo walked in with a plate with three cups of coffee in her hand. After Nalo placed the coffee in front of the three like a secretary, Xiao Ran turned her head to face Nalo. Said: "Go out and guard not to let anyone in and disturb our conversation."
Nalo nodded and talked to Professor Raphael. Billy said hello and left again, guarding the office door and not allowing anyone to enter Xiao Ran's office. And until the door was closed, Xiao Ran said to the two of them: "I did have a reason to leave when I At that time, I had already noticed that there was an abnormal movement within the Federation, and I was Although the Goodman who came in obeyed my command on the surface, it was actually a that the Federation and some people arranged to restrict me internally."
"Even if I want to stay, some people will not want me to continue to stay in such an important position as the commander. If the internal Goodman and the external federal headquarters put pressure together, I will also be in the world when stability is most needed. I can only be forced to leave. Maybe I don’t know where I will be assigned. Once I resist, I might be regarded as rebellious. Tell me quietly. In that case, I might as well take the initiative to leave and leave a good reputation for returning. Make plans."
These Professor Raphael said by Xiao Ran can also be understood, but it is because he is too angry with the current Federation that he would say the same things to Xiao Ran. Professor Raphael can indeed feel that the Federation and the Confederacy at this time have been Some things that the black hand mastered were indeed helpless.
Professor Raphael was silent for a while, and then asked: "Then what are you going to do now, the world situation must not go into chaos, and the existence of this force also affects the peace of the world, and the nausea should not be tolerated. Otherwise, more innocent people will die because of this, and people who should have been the backbone of the resistance to alien life will die in vain."
Xiao Ran nodded and said, "I know and I have already made arrangements, and in the past four years, I did not waste time, but brought the family power to display things that could change the world. For the current Federation And what I want to do is to overthrow the current federal government and form a new federal government.
(To be continued.) 8
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