Chapter 114: Nuclear energy release and material reorganization

In the face of Bai, who tilted his head and showed a doubtful expression, Cheng Bin coughed and changed his opinion.
"I mean the particle-accelerated collider that I set up before."
After seeing the achievements of Bai ’s terror construction, Cheng Bin could not help but feel a sense of urgency. There are no qualitative changes in two or three of his core abilities.
Under the condition that his creation is soaring, he is still on the spot ...
感觉 It feels like parents who have been surpassed by their children and are about to lose their head status.
"Snail shell ... spiral particle accelerator ..."
After curiously whispering, she nodded her little head and raised her hands to make a hug gesture. The nano-metal of her two arms completed the structural reorganization in a very short time, releasing special electromagnetic waves. She met before her.
"Uh ..." Looking at the three-dimensional projection emerging in front of Bai, Cheng Bin wondered a little awkwardly--is the knowledge base left by Yingying Base too partial? It seems that Bai has no concept at all about this earth creature ...
怕 I was afraid that Bai had become crooked in the early stage of growth. The information that Cheng Bin imported from the panel into the confusing base was screened. Basically, it was objective knowledge, and the information related to the earth was extremely poor.
Looking at the current situation, it should be no problem to let her visit the information freely ... probably ...
Suffice it to say, where did you learn Bai Bai's human girl pronunciation and standard human lady etiquette?
程 While Cheng Bin's thoughts were floating, Bai used a fast-forward three-dimensional projection to vividly show how Cheng Bin's snail shell was demolished by a mechanical octopus.
后 After the spiral particle accelerator like a circle of glasses was removed, the projection content in front of the white body was changed again, depicting the process of Gonggong 3.0 building a straight long tunnel under the surface of Mars at high speed ...
"That's the case, thank you ..." Watching the white projected side projected a lovely expression of praise, Cheng Bin smiled, patted her metal head and thanked him, "Linear accelerator In the case of particle energy to a certain extent, the operability, accuracy, and stability are indeed much stronger than the spiral type. "
那些 If those countries on the earth are capable, if it is not limited to cost, land and terrain, there is really no condition to make too long linear accelerators, who will do the spiral type? In the case of accelerated particles approaching the speed of light, it is much more difficult to restrict the particles to accurately advance along a spiral orbit than to go straight all the way.
After seeing Bai's projection, Cheng Bin quickly found the relevant information of the linear particle accelerator in the huge data of the confusing base.
Cheng Chengbin closed his eyes and repeated the implantation of the knowledge of quantum mechanics, which had been done in the World No. 7 world with detailed experimental process data.
After feeling the wonderful feeling of knowledge implantation, Cheng Bin opened his eyes and stood up from the seat, and the figure floated into the air.
I glanced down at the white and black thrones that turned into nano-metals and merged into the earth. Cheng Bin speed flew towards the sky.
I haven't noticed a rough sweep of the previous panorama, and Cheng Bin flew to the sky to find that, except for the core metal abyss, all areas of the confusing base have strange shapes.
The forest simulated by the previous co-work is normal, other ones ... like a child's graffiti, a metal mountain area stacked with various geometric shapes of twisted spirals, etc., the meaning is unknown ...
"Well ... Bai is a new life after all. I did not follow the model of the Mechanical King in the initialization information base to guide growth. Now it seems that some performances are more like human children ..."
Sighing at the various surfaces below in rapid flight, Cheng Bin came to the position of the linear particle accelerator, or an end point of this ultra-long line segment.
Cheng Bin, who emits a clear electromagnetic signal, was ignored by various defense weapon systems. He passed through the open isolation door on the ground and fell to the launching end of the accelerator buried in the ground.
Glancing at the whiteness that appeared on the ground during the remodeling, Cheng Bin turned around and stared at the super complex instrument with an unusually complex structure in front of him. He retrieved it in the panel and loaded some knowledge related to this super instrument. In your own head.
听说 "I heard that this kind of particle collider has the probability to create miniature black holes, but in terms of energy level, this probability is very small ..."
Wu Chengbin drove his thoughts to relive the vast knowledge just loaded, and then started to try to start this complicated super device with the help of Bai.
Uh ...
The experiment went much smoother than expected.
Chengbin Bin mainly uses an accelerator to accelerate the nucleus, conduct high-energy collisions at predetermined positions, and then try to obtain data on all aspects of the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus.
Maybe it is beyond the five senses, and the sixth sense panorama of the world of data cognition has played a role. As Cheng Bin collected more and more detailed data in all aspects, relying on his cognition to conduct physical interference, finally A single proton from the nucleus burst was captured at a precise location, and this deeper substance was firmly parsed and memorized.
Although neutrons, which are not charged and are not affected by electromagnetic influences, have a lower degree of resolution, Cheng Bin ’s thoughts are also deeply penetrated into the nucleus ...
However, the experiment of trying to penetrate deep into the protons and neutrons and identify the types of quarks that constitute the two failed--
Because of the strong interaction force and the quark closing effect, quarks will not exist in the universe alone. Forcibly separating two connected quarks will only generate two new quarks at the breakpoint and connect with the original two quarks.
However, Cheng Bin has already achieved his goal by going deep into the proton and neutron level, so there is no regret.
Cheng Bin, who had long waited for manipulation in the nucleus, immediately started various capacity expansion experiments with excitement.
Then there are all kinds of explosions, explosions, and explosions ...
Uh ...
Away from the control of the confusing base, or on the other side of Mars directly facing the confusing base.
Cheng Bin stood on the ground of molten Mars, raised his right hand in front of his eyes, and stared at the golden grain-sized golden substance gently pinched between his thumb and forefinger-that was, he was forcibly dismantled under the huge energy and ultra-precision control. The solution of the proton and neutrons that have been solved to synthesize gold ~ ~ Stones become gold ... Is it so difficult? If the fairy's method in the myth is not illusion, how strong are they ... "
Xu glanced around the sunken surface of Mars, and Cheng Bin flicked his precious metal particles with his fingers and flew to the distance. At the same time, he touched the thought attached to the gold and penetrated into the nucleus.
With a violent explosion, a huge fireball rises in the distance and quickly forms a towering mushroom cloud.
In a strong shock wave, Cheng Bin, holding his chin with one hand and holding his chest, watching the spectacular nuclear explosion in the distance pondered: "It is easy to dismantle the nuclear release of heavy elements to release some nuclear energy, but the fusion and designation of light elements The reorganization of elemental materials is a bit inefficient. Sure enough, construction is more difficult than destruction ... "
"Anyway, the scale of energy interference is a step forward ... now, there is a restriction on the fundamental power of mindful energy. It is the most cost-effective to advance the depth of mindfulness analysis before the development of products that can replace mindful energy."
After waving his hand to gradually spread the nearby smoke and dust, Cheng Bin looked at his palm and thought: "There is endless nuclear energy when there is material, so the energy storage mechanism of the electromagnetic warfare body is not very important. Butt the tightest body, shift the center of gravity to a level that can increase significantly. "
"Increased strength, the carrying capacity will be enhanced when nuclear energy is released, and the scale can be increased by slightly weakening the gas control, and the gravitational detection technology of the Matrix also needs this as the basis ..."
I thought about Cheng Bin for a while, put his palms together on his chest, and focused his attention on the air between the fingers.
A large amount of material is controlled to converge, and is compressed toward the narrow gap between Cheng Bin's hands ...
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