Chapter 115: White dwarf matter and spaceship

The cricket was destroyed by various explosions to the rugged Mars ground. Cheng Bin slumped his hands together in front of his chest, with a strange crystal of about one cubic centimeter floating in the middle of the opposite palms.
Highly focused thoughts conduct a huge amount of nuclear energy released from the collapse of the nucleus, which will be transformed into a super strong force acting on the crystal in Cheng Bin's hand.
He could tear the terrible power of the mountain, and he could barely maintain the basic form of the crystal made of carbon.
This is a crystal formed by destroying the electron shell of the atom under strong pressure, compressing a large number of atomic nuclei together, and the atmosphere composed of free electrons is filled with every trace of voids between the atomic nuclei in this crystal.
According to Pauli's incompatibility principle, an atomic orbit can only accommodate two electrons with opposite spin directions. Forced electrons will repel each other due to wave interference. The force generated by this repulsion is the degenerative pressure of the electron. Or visually called electronic pressure.
In this crystal, all low-level electron orbits outside the nucleus have been filled, and the electron pressure will resist the strong pressure from the outside, preventing the material from being further compressed.
The crystal in this state is the main constituent of white dwarf, one of the possible formations when the star's life is exhausted and collapsed.
A cubic centimeter of white dwarf matter has a mass in tons.
On the surface of this crystal, due to the ultra-high density, the high temperature and intense radiation of nearly one million degrees Celsius are constrained by vacuum and strong magnetic field distortion.
程 Under the careful control of Cheng Bin, the crystals between the hands slowly began to change shape. After stretching, they stretched away toward both sides to form a layer of film, and then gathered together, changing various complex three-dimensional geometric shapes.
Cheng Chengbin is trying to test the physical properties of white dwarf matter in various situations, trying to adapt and fully control this dangerous thing with his mind.
But as the crystal's changing speed between Cheng Bin's hands gets faster and faster, his control effect becomes more and more unstable.
With a ray of uncontrollable dazzling light overflowing between his fingers, Cheng Bin sighed secretly, throwing out the material in his hand while flying back.
With the flash of plasma fire, white dwarf matter expanding at a speed of thousands of kilometers per second caused a terrorist explosion comparable to a nuclear explosion, and a strong shock wave once again blasted a nearby Martian land into a giant crater.
"Well, it failed again." Cheng Bin stopped shortly after avoiding the core area slightly. He was bathed in horrible light and heat and shock waves, and drifted steadily in the air. Super matter really is a bit difficult ... This is still the case where the idea of ​​high-dimensional interference can penetrate into the interior of the white dwarf's matter and directly transform its various energies. "
"How did I do that in World No. 2 World at first ... Sure enough, was there great terror and potential between life and death?"
Cheng Bin recalled the short white dwarf armor that he had made from a self-harm of a proton cannon, and shook his head. "However, the progress is slowly progressing. As long as it takes a little more time to maintain a small amount of white dwarf material on his body, There should be no problem with stability. "
程 While Cheng Bin was thinking and waiting for the radiation interference caused by the nearby white dwarf material to dissipate, a small car-sized high-speed aircraft flew over with a gas explosion.
Cheng Bin, who perceived the aircraft through the panoramic view, glanced over there--it was a one-time messenger sent by Bai, because the electromagnetic interference caused by various explosions in the place where he conducted the experiment was too large, and it was often in a hurry. He can only be contacted in this way.
"Well, although the detection and communication technology has not been upgraded and revised, but every time I return, I can solidify my thoughts in Bai as a communication medium, and I need to always back up Bai's core program anyway."
After muttering for a while, Cheng Bin flew up to meet the messenger who gradually lost stability in electromagnetic interference.
"I don't know what's happening to me this time ..."
Uh ...
In the quiet universe, a black-and-white intermittently-spaced aircraft resembling a locomotive resembling a large coffin, slowly moving with long white trails in blue.
The internal space of the seemingly huge aircraft is quite narrow. In the narrow space like a cuboid, two males in space suits are sitting on the front two seats.
"Fourth week ..." The woman with short hair glanced at the instrument on the side of her body, leaned her head and said to the man on the other chair, "Zhang Ping, we should enter the horizon soon."
"Hmm ..." Zhang Ping, who looks like a fake man, opened his eyes, raised his hand, and clicked on the keyboard and switches around him. "It's far away. The spaceship takes only one pixel in a normal telescope." Besides, what about being seen ... Are you still worried, Liu Jing? "
"Ah, although I have written my testament, I still hope to go home safely." Liu Jing, a short-haired woman, glanced ahead, the most important area of ​​the densely packed dashboard, "There are still 70% of helium 3 reserves, However, the material used by the ion engine to accelerate the backward throw is nearly half consumed. "
"After all, this is the first test ship to try," Zhang Ping sighed, "wrong estimate when filling the moon with helium 3 ... these are important data ~ ~ Do you want to shut down the engine? The rest of the distance can also be completed by inertia, "Liu Jing shrugged slightly," but it will take us a long time to get closer to the destination. "
"No, the long-distance flight of this spacecraft for the first time, the longer the potential risk, the greater the risk," Zhang Ping subconsciously looked up at a sealed box on the top of the cockpit and shook his head. "In theory, We can get supplies over there ... "
"You also said that it was theoretical. That person lost the audio for so long, and then it became ... hey ..." Liu Jing reluctantly glanced at his companion, then opened a lock on the side keyboard Beat it up.
A large screen in front of them turned on, and a light red planet-Mars appeared in the center of the screen.
晶 Liu Jing controls the zoom of the screen. In the image of the planet covering the screen, you can see the planet facing the screen. From the slowly rotating equator to the north pole, there is a large area showing strange color.
I do n’t know what electromagnetic interference is happening. No matter how high-precision telescopes can not see the specific details of that area, but the mosaic-like scene that is different from other Mars areas is an anomaly in itself.
Looking at the anomalous area, Liu Jing rubbed his eyebrows with a single finger and said, "We are still indistinguishable from this distance. I heard that the Observatory has taken a lot of incredible things near Mars. You are the leader of you. Have you seen those materials? "
"Ah, I have seen ..." Zhang Ping stared at the screen, his tone suddenly became strange, "... you can see it soon."
一 At the corner of the bright planet in the screen, there are several black dots flying towards this side in a precise formation.
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