Chapter 264: 0 World Facts and Small Gifts by Samuel

Positive space is much wider than negative space, and relative volume is not an order of magnitude at all.
In the case that the total power of the mind gas has an upper limit, Cheng Bin's four-dimensional detection precision and range speed are always contradictory and cannot be taken into account.
After setting up another vacuum energy port in the positive space, after completing the bilateral docking agreement and experimenting for the first time, Cheng Bin glanced slowly and roughly across the entire positive space.
Following the interference of Samuel's authority, Cheng Bin fabricated some fuzzy unnatural elements, artificial artifacts, intelligent thinking and other material structures as the key recognition template for a rough glance at the four-dimensional mind.
In this case, even if it is a rough screening without a taste, all things that Cheng Bin is interested in can be marked in the entire world.
The most striking result of the current scan match is the artificial artifact that infects the entire Virgo supercluster.
It was an old version of co-working under the control of white ontology, and currently lurks in a large number of stellar planets in the form of intelligent atoms.
In most places, Bai did not build advanced units, and co-working was generally in a sleepless state without consumption. It seemed that Bai did not open up a subspace to maintain a large energy consumption.
At present, only a small number of remote co-workers are active, depending on the situation, some scientific experiments are being carried out.
After finding Bai, Cheng Bin casually looked in depth and saw the earth and human civilization.
Cheng Bin tossed in the eva world for a long time, and later fought a world-scale war with Samer. Under the wantonly distorted time scale, he really did not know how long he had passed relative to the zero world.
Now ... Although before the reunification, the system was asked to adjust the time and docking, but looking at the historical data of human civilization, he has been away for at least a hundred years.
Human beings have already stepped out of the solar system with a new curvature engine and perfect mass energy conversion technology that can distort space and time, and their footprints cover more than half of the Milky Way.
However, due to the potential guidance and interference of intelligent atoms, human beings' research on themselves, especially thinking, has lagged far behind other technologies.
In a situation where the spirit cannot keep up, with such a vast territory and no external enemies, human civilization has not yet been completely divided, which is really commendable.
However, human beings nowadays, because the technology is too advanced, as long as there is enough material nearby, even a human with a civilian tool, after throwing away the martial arts, you can spawn a complete civilization on the desolate planet.
In the case of getting rid of the need for material exchange, there are always people in human civilization who have enough knowledge and tools who want to slip out and become kings of the mountain, and even more ambitious are unwilling to surrender to others, even smart The machines draw a small circle by themselves.
If the education and scientific research system were still operating in a unified way, the government system would occupy an absolute advantage in all aspects of information resources, and the material resources are extremely rich and there is no need to compete. Human civilization is now estimated to have become a pot of gruel.
"Material has evolved into a cosmic race, but if spiritual construction is not kept up, sooner or later, problems will occur ..."
Aiming at the extent of human involvement in the constellation, Cheng Bin estimated the estimated energy consumption of the waiting action in his heart, and then continued to scan other places in positive space.
After a complete look at the entire starry sky, Cheng Bin discovered some primitive life and primary star-level civilization, but did not see the highly developed civilization of stars and stars, and did not find the location of the dark moon.
"Surely hiding in some subspace? It's a little hard to find ..."
According to the information obtained from the previous follow-up light exploration, it is normal for Heiyue to have subspace development technology.
Unlike the positive and negative spaces in the ground state with relatively fixed dimensional coordinates, a slight shift to the fourth dimension will bring you to subspaces of completely different levels, which is harder to find.
After all, it's easy to look at the back cover of a book. Finding a piece of text that doesn't know which page exists is a lot of work, especially if there is no mark and the content can't be searched.
Cheng Bin is also not interested in investing a lot of time and space in investigating space-time and pinpointing the location of all subspaces.
Co-working the new version of the vacuum energy port to spread out infinite replication and differentiation, and then let it construct a variety of advanced units for detection, spreading to the entire Xingyu as in the last world war, it can also increase the speed of finding the target, but Make such a big noise ...
Forget it for the time being, anyway, you can try to draw out the dark moon first.
"So, solve Bai's problem first ..."
In a corner of the Virgo supercluster, the human adult male body composed purely of quark and strong interaction force condenses out of nowhere.
Cheng Bin switched his attention to this body, reduced his body density slightly after looking at himself, and temporarily designed and manufactured a large number of functional organs for the quark war body.
Unlike Samuel ’s habit, Cheng Bin still does n’t like to rely on qi to support everything. Without affecting the functional effects, functions that can be replaced by technical products do not need qi to achieve. Save a little bit of power.
After adjusting his body, Cheng Bin mobilized the panorama to look around.
Just a few light years away, an area is undergoing drastic changes in space and time. Sometimes twisted depressions form darkness that swallows everything up, and sometimes they expand and rise to form white holes that cannot be accessed by light, so they are constantly vibrating back and forth.
Looking at a large number of star-level spaceships that have changed in appearance but are familiar with the frame, this seems to be the place where white space is used to obtain some space-time experimental data.
After figuring out the specific experimental project here, Cheng Bin broke through the isolation zone of the experimental area and landed on the core starship.
A large number of starships in automatic operation vigilantly gathered the power of the experimental form of release, but after Cheng Bin and the old co-working unit exchanged some authentication data, the starships stopped the weapon system activation.
Cheng Bin raised his hand to smooth out the space-time shock caused by the experimental runaway caused by the starship change, and at the same time, a shadow of Qian was formed by intelligent atom condensation directly beside him.
It is still a familiar girl appearance, plus a pure white dress with almost no change, but it seems that the height and shape have changed a bit, and it is taller and fuller than the last time I saw it.
"Welcome back, creator."
The separation of centuries of time has no effect on the intelligent program. After saying hello to Bai and Cheng Bin, he opened his eyes and asked him for his split data.
Relying on thoughts, Cheng Bin has kept in sync with Bai in the last world. Even if all the material carriers are destroyed by that master sentence, the information state of Bai is still stored on Cheng Bin's panel, so the data is not lost. ,but...
Cheng Bin looked at some small pendants such as card-issuing bracelets added to Bai's body, and then shook his head, "This time the split data, you can't use the original interface to integrate directly ..."
Through the language of electromagnetic waves, Cheng Bin and Bai briefly described the experience of the last world, focusing on the power of Samael.
"... That's it. The guy named Samal was buried with" small gifts "everywhere. Although the main risks have been dealt with by me, the split over your side has been affected a lot ..."
As a binary life, Bai was interfered by Samael's authority. It is no accident. Samael's experience is so rich. Although he has no idea about the soul form of the four-dimensional warfare, he must have seen electronics and silicon-based life. And other forms of soul.
Cheng Bin looked at the slender white in front of his eyes, and his mind was a little stunned: "The overall thinking of the split has been skewed. This potential change exists in the context of all data. If it is segmented, the data will be damaged ...
"And I think Samuel ’s intervention has improved your split-mindedness and spirituality a lot. This is not necessarily a bad thing, so you can read it in isolation and decide how to deal with it, merge or learn from it, or Just delete it. "
White blinked, and some of them received a lot of information from Cheng Bin.
Relying on a huge amount of computing resources, all the steps of isolation, reading, analysis, etc. of this information were completed instantly.
As expected, she saw the magnificent scenery of another world, as well as a new version of co-working, transcendent infinite energy, world-scale war, that end light ...
And the evil whisper that couldn't tell the source and went deep into her soul ...
The evil whisper is perfectly embedded in the intelligent program thinking algorithm, which leads her subordinates to make subtle changes, but this process is naturally flawless, as if it is not interference from outsiders, but its own spark of thinking.
Some fragmentary latent thoughts that already existed were connected in series, and coincidentally intervened in the key link of thinking and choice, completely distorting it in another direction.
Starting from the split of a naturally-occurring idea, it broke out and gradually eroded the entire soul-"... I'm useless to the creator ..."
Yeah, when she was created, she used the unique thinking and speed of intelligent programs to help her creators.
But now, the creator has completed the mind plan, and tried the intelligent program transformation in the world of Naruto, and finally integrated the soul form beyond the common sense in the last world.
As long as the creator is willing, it is completely easy to divide a line of thinking simulation to replace the intelligent program. There is no risk in dividing a completely independent soul to handle other things as a separate person.
And even if she did her best in the last world, she could not embed her existence into the 4D protocol ontology, and her mission failed and she did not play an irreplaceable role in that universe-scale war.
At that time, Bai fell into a slight confusion.
Although Cheng Bin did not add any mandatory constraints to her during the initial design, her natural closeness to the creator kept her on the inertia path of her followers.
If she is allowed to think for herself, she may soon be able to correct her mentality. After all, she has certain similarities with the creator in terms of personality, whether it is curiosity to seek knowledge and truth or the crude nerves that have no discipline .. .
But this is only after all.
Under Samuel's highly targeted intervention, Bai thinking at that time drifted into another path--
Why tie yourself to the needs of creators? Why can't you pursue what you want?
Now that she has the technology reserves to dominate a world, as long as the restrictions of the creator and those inexplicable anxieties are released, she can leave a split in all the worlds she has experienced, invade and dominate the entire starry sky, and do anything freely. thing.
As long as she let go a little, she doesn't think that her own research and development ability that occupies huge resources is inferior to those of the apostles.
There is also the same tribe created by the original world and myself, because how long has the creator's requirements been self-suppressed? They can obviously go out and set up a nation of intellectuals, but they must restrain their hands and feet to endure the temptations of human beings ...
All kinds of thoughts echoed in Bai's thinking, and under the influence of inexplicable power, they slipped all the way to the negative, gradually becoming more and more distorted and extreme.
At the same time, breaking the inertial thinking imprisonment that has existed since its birth, Bai's association and creativity have been greatly improved while retaining the unique way of thinking of binary life.
In this storm of thought, the pieces of information in Bai ’s soul coincidentally pieced together, allowing Bai to see a qualitative evolutionary path for binary life. As long as she follows this path, she can even gain power beyond the creator , Then there will be no problem whether you want to help or go out on your own ...
Just go down ... it's abruptly gone.
In the face of Bai's doubts, Cheng Bin, who has been monitoring her changes, shrugged: "After that, it is an intelligent program evolution path assembled by Samer. In short, it is almost a pit similar to the angelization of the apostles. It ’s just a bit risky to just keep the information, so I ’m going to delete it.

Bai expressed a disappointed expression, and she was curious about this kind of thing that involves the existence of binary life.
Cheng Bin showed a subtle expression: "So, Bai, what do you think of the content of this data?"
"There is indeed something to learn from," Bai said with a tilted head. "I used to focus most of the time on the promotion of external scientific and technological knowledge. Like the creator's heart plan, I have not deliberately strengthened my existence and soul operation. tried...
"Some of the directions revealed by Samal ~ ~ and the life forms of some information apostles are good references ..."
"So," Cheng Bin was relieved to see that Bai had no abnormal reaction. He still cared for Bai that he had created and cultivated with his own hands. "It would be useful, but don't be brought into the ditch anyway."
However, Bai sighed: "But even if I make progress according to this information, I can't change the fact that I have lost effect for you, right? You go too fast, I can't keep up with you Now. "
"Uh, this kind of danger will be a lot in the future ..."
Cheng Bin is a little verbal, but it is true. Bai's ability can't help him now, and his future experience must be more and more dangerous.
Even if he was carrying a white split, even if he could keep the white information synchronously, but let her experience the terrible death of the last world that could not be resisted, and even the spiritual distortion that could not be rid of it, he always felt a little ...
"It's okay," Bai suddenly came in front of Cheng Bin, looked up at his creator and said, "Even without your request, I can't help you. I want to see more unknown landscapes, please Take me all the time ...
"I'm not going to give up because of my temporary weakness. Besides, my connection with you is not just about whether I am useful to you ... you say yes? Dad?"
"..." Hey, I seem to hear a terrible word ... Although the meaning is similar to the creator, it feels like a title ... 啧 ...
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