Chapter 265: Mirror Milky Way Fishing Project

The human shell is just a small part of the white core thinking program. The change caused by the century-old adjustment and a little gift from Samuel is actually not really important, it should be ...
Anyway, in addition to the changes in the mind and the evolution of some thinking information, other things provided by Samer, such as electronic angels and mechanical life evolution trees, are actually not as strong as electromagnetic field types, gravitational strangeness, information states, etc. After the super-life shell of the apostle civilization gave force, it would be okay to read it again.
Leaving something a little embarrassing behind her, Cheng Bin and Bai maintained a high-speed information direct connection, discussed the experience and gains of the last world, and then helped her send a split to the negative space go with.
The widely-distributed old version of co-working intelligent atoms began to become active after Bai designed the upgrade plan, building a large number of advanced units, and began manufacturing mini black holes and building vacuum energy protocol terminals around them.
Inside the ordinary star disguised by a large number of co-working units, the new energy extraction device quickly entered the actual test phase.
Because of the detailed technical information and the bilateral agreement established by Cheng Bin, the co-working unit under the general control of Bai successfully connected with the port manufactured by the negative space split, extracted the first vacuum zero energy, and then Cheng Bin began to assign tasks.
Cheng Bin now has the ability to explore what was discovered a long time ago when he set up a Mars confusing base ...
"First of all, we must do a good job of protecting the bait, and then draw out the dark moon ..."
Regarding the dark moon that had wiped out the Earth ’s Blue Star civilization from thousands of years ago, through the pursuit of light and system confirmation, Cheng Bin can guarantee that his technology is ahead of it, so he is only interested in a few questions.
The specific reason why the dark moon wiped out the Blue Star civilization that reached the node of Superman upheaval? By what means does Heyue recognize and judge the Blue Stars need to interfere? Why does Heyue tell the Blue Star that his own judgment criterion is a jump in thinking? What is the so-called integration into the black moon?
Cheng Bin recalled and sorted out the relevant information of Heiyue, while letting Bai control a large number of co-working units that completed the upgrade, and built a puppet army that had a better ability to hide and intervene in space and time during the Apostolic Civilization War.
This type of puppet soldier is a normally unobservable ball. The body exists in an imaginary space created by four-dimensional oscillation. It is different from the imaginary space defined by general mathematics, and the place is similar to but slightly different from the subspace.
It completely overlaps with the three-dimensional main space on the four-dimensional level, just because it is out of phase with normal space-time, and there is a set of docking transformation keys based on complex mathematics. In addition to internal unlocking and externally destroying the space-time structure with absolute violence, It is impossible to observe the touch at all, so it has a very strong concealment performance, which is called Cheng Bin's imaginary space.
This apostle is essentially a half-field creature that resembles gravitational strangeness, but its ability is more inclined to interfere, control, and transform things at the material level.
Although the subsequent missions need a strong space-time interference ability, the movements such as gravitational strangeness are a little too large, and it would not be good if the dark moon was scared to dare not show up.
The space-time interference of the imaginary ball is weaker, but the quality is not enough to make up ...
Cheng Bin ’s own four-dimensional mentality is no matter how strong it is, and it cannot change its power ceiling. It can take effort to pull the biscuit no matter how easy it is, so he does not intend to use his own strength to complete the next huge project. After all, the idea of ​​scale is far worse than the endless vacuum zero energy.
Supported by endless energy anywhere, anytime, the co-workers near the Milky Way created a large number of apostles, and let these puppets start the self-splitting process.
Soon, the number rose exponentially, and the apostles surrounded the entire galaxy, densely and even overlapping them, but did not cause a trace of abnormal electromagnetic and gravitational fluctuations.
The Milky Way galaxy in Cheng Bin's panorama is completely lit, and all aspects of material and space-time information become more and more detailed with the installation of the Apostolic Army.
After confirming that the pre-deployment and preparations were completed, Cheng Bin sent a signal to the dialogue confirming the start of a large-scale project code-named "Mirror".
Infinite energy is transformed into an interference force on time and space, and the dimension of curling expands steadily ...
Without being noticed by the prosperous human society, a giant subspace with a volume comparable to the Milky Way galaxy was opened up and constructed in a place parallel to the three-dimensional space.
With the injection of infinite energy, magnificent starlights appeared on the inner wall of the subspace, perfectly engraving the starry environment outside the Milky Way, and at the same time, countless stars condensed around a giant black hole to accurately reproduce the same Milky Way as the outside world.
The similarity of this galaxy at the material level has even penetrated into the atomic nucleus, completely simulating the form that the true galaxy should have to the greatest extent except life.
Cheng Bin sighed a bit after completing the current phase of the project--
With his existing capabilities, he recreates all the life of the original galaxy, allowing them to continue the normal life without any problems along the inertial seamless connection just created.
But the life just created, which can be controlled by him every change, without parallel world connection, is not called life? Cheng Bin had already thought about this issue in the EVA world against human reincarnation made by Samer.
Although being born is a kind of happiness, Cheng Bin will soon push out the mirror galaxy as a bait target. Human beings are not the apostles who sacrificed themselves at the end of the world ...
After shaking his head with emotion, the project continued.
A large number of invisible co-working units are permeated in the subspace. Countless data from the external space are integrated and transmitted here, and a large number of lives begin to appear in the mirror galaxy.
It is a projection that perfectly replicates all the leaked information of the original life. There is no difference from the kinetic energy of physical action to the gravity of its own mass.
After all the details have been adjusted, this mirrored galaxy looks exactly the same as the outer galaxy. If you do n’t think about it in four dimensions, Cheng Bin can't see any difference from the outside.
"Then it's replacement, this is a little more careful ..."
Cheng Bin looked at the huge project under the command of Bai, he himself raised his spirits and guarded himself, ready to check for leaks at any time.
The technique of replacing subspace and part of the main space was learned by Cheng Bin in the world of Naruto. Although the subspace replacement process using the civilization of skeletons as a searcher has not been seen in person, the chakra layers and skeletons at the subspace boundaries There are related traces in the records, and it is not difficult to reproduce them.
However, replacing the Milky Way-scale subspace is much more difficult than replacing one solar system-sized subspace in Naruto. Therefore, if you want to achieve seamless replacement without causing any anomalies, you can only do it carefully.
Fortunately, the current co-working unit is stronger than the simulated Chakra in the Naruto world, and Cheng Bin escorted with a four-dimensional mind. There was no accident in the entire replacement project. Detectors inside and outside the various river systems of human civilization are all It was not found that the starry sky suddenly transformed from real seamless into simulated information.
"Speaking of which, it is possible to perform such a replacement and search the matching world with the overall world information in a high dimension. Although this operation process is somewhat similar to authority, the difficulty, complexity, and intensity are too far away. The true standard of its enemies is much higher than that of Samuel ... "
Cheng Bin, while thinking, observed the original Milky Way galaxy transferred to subspace.
There are no problems in all aspects of operation, and none of the insurance measures have been used.
The black moon can make river-level space jumps. Even if it needs to rely on the central black hole in the river system for information, it can be sure that it has some understanding of the fourth dimension.
Therefore, in order to ensure that the original galaxy has sufficient security, this huge subspace must be raised to ten times the four-dimensional offset of ordinary subspace according to the plan, and this energy consumption is a bit large.
But big is also relatively speaking, this energy consumption is enough for human civilization to destroy them and reshape it countless times, but compared to the energy consumption scale of the EVA world space war, this consumption is nothing more than a candlelight under the sun, let alone Saying "there is light" enough to spur the end of the world ...
It's drizzle anyway.
Although the vacuum energy extraction of the "drizzle" scale accompanied by this kind of project will also affect the process of positive and negative space reincarnation in the world to some extent, this kind of thing cannot be avoided.
Otherwise, after the black moon is drawn out, he chooses to wave his face directly, then human civilization is not GG? After all, the existing information is an old version of millions of years ago. Cheng Bin did not have an inexplicable self-confidence to control the dark moon with an unknown state for the first time.
After the sub-space uplift project is over, the final steps begin.
In the original galaxy of the subspace, upgrade and revise the co-working unit, begin to release the shackles of the evolution of human thinking under the control of Bai, gradually guide the human society to start the development of related science and technology, and gently promote a wave of superhuman drastic changes.
This process is a bit tedious and long, but neither Bai nor Cheng Bin take it seriously--
Bai worked and slept for a hundred years at the same time. It didn't matter at all. But to this day, Cheng Bin's analytical control of his soul is extraordinary. He can even count until the end of the world if necessary. There is nothing wrong with what he wants.
Human society has changed in a short period of time, and new human beings with the ability to operate in mind and work have been born in large numbers, and quickly formed the most powerful social class.
Except for the handful of senior human elders who have relied on advanced technology to survive to the present day, no one knows what these new, slightly obscure new humans actually mean.
In addition to sighing "He's finally back", the old people just took a little nervous look at the social changes destined to make humans fly. After all, the ability of Black Moon to show in the Blue Star profile, but also Far from being able to resist today.
Naturally, they did not know that the entire human race and the Milky Way had been transported to a safe area by Cheng Bin.
Cheng Bin did not care at all about the response of some people in the human race. After the task was successfully performed by Bai, he focused on observing the entire positive space. Even if the absence of Heiyue makes humans feel that their feelings have been deceived?
Er, as for what Bai would still do with a certain level of activity and presence in human society, then I don't know.
Cheng Bin watched the changes in the entire positive space silently. The latent detection-type puppet soldiers attacking everywhere made his perception breadth and depth continue to increase. If the dark moon appeared, he would immediately notice.
The waiting process is a bit long, but in the process, Bin found some very interesting things-
Light and shadow and gravitational messages left by the dark moon when destroying other alien civilizations.
Seeing the accidental collection of historical information spreading in the sky, Cheng Bin was a little stunned--
No wonder when he looked before, he didn't find any civilizations in the world, and his feelings were wiped out by the black moon ...
Indeed, most of the civilizations that can move towards the stars need to complete the evolution of individual thinking. This behavior will inevitably attract the attention of the dark moon. The strange kinds of science and technology in the spiritual aspect of the earth are an exception ...
After watching these civilizations with various strange life forms wiped out by Heiyue, Cheng Bin's aversion to Heiyue is even deeper, although the motive of Heiyue is not necessarily to exclude all progressive civilizations ... 啧 .. .
While maintaining monitoring, Cheng Bin conducted research step by step in a research-oriented subspace, relying on four-dimensional ideas to continuously upgrade and improve existing technology products.
After waiting for more than ten years, when the human society has completely transformed, the fish is finally hooked.
The non-owner's subspace response caused Cheng Bin to immediately turn his attention away, and then he saw that the positive space was close to a certain position of the expanding core, and the space-time tremor was transient for a moment. A dark body that did not emit any electromagnetic and gravitational changes Silently appear in the dark starry background ~ ~ caught you ... "
As soon as Cheng Bin's heart moved, he temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​immediately shooting. After all, he completed the positioning of the marker, and he could shoot at any time.
He wanted to look at the natural course of action of the black moon itself.
When watching the black moon unfolding the technical level far beyond the four-dimensional snorkeling of space jumping in the data, moving straight towards the galaxy, Cheng Bin's thoughts had ignored all distances and obstacles and penetrated into it.
In a dark moon with a density that exceeds ordinary neutron stars and is close to the quark warfare, Cheng Bin found an unusually strong parallel world resonance. If it is the previous thought, I am afraid that it will be blocked by interference and cannot continue to go deep.
But now ... Cheng Bin ’s thoughts have penetrated the interior of the black moon unobstructed from the real four-dimensional space, and his new perspective has shown all his material and space-time structure without any interference.
"This is ..." Cheng Bin was a little surprised to see the internal situation of Heiyue, "... a complicated central structure ..."
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