Chapter 321: Changing battlefield situation and the familiar Adam

The core authority of the World Devourer is chaos and destruction. The world it touches is destined to be destroyed and transformed into a chaos thick soup that does not even exist in the law to blend into its essence.
Therefore, this unnameable monster is a pure scourge for the existence of any order, and Cheng Bin is no exception.
Even if this monster would not trace his information traces to the Inland World, Cheng Bin would not be able to let it turn around in this battlefield.
From this perspective, although Cheng Bin temporarily disrupted the suppression of Heaven ’s repression, in essence, he and Heaven are in the same position on this issue. While dismantling each other, you must not forget to continue to black hands on this monster. .
However, unless Heaven is mad and renounces the suppression and annihilation of the Devourer of the World at a close distance, it is impossible for this monster to slip away from the battlefield. Cheng Bin does not need to worry about this aspect for now.
Besides, the most anxious side of the World Devourer after recovering his consciousness is not the paradise that the fat in his mouth almost flew away, but the immortal lizard that is its derivative or descendant.
According to Samer's past, this son born from the devil's authority has the same origin as the father, so both have the ability to completely kill each other, and because of the resonance of the soul core, Lianduo escapes There is no room for it.
So after the World Devourer was awakened by Samer's use of the power of the heaven and system, the main energy was still on the spot of the immortal lizard on the end of the doom fault downstream of the timeline.
Almost without hesitation, the Immortal Lizard completely fell to the Lord of Infinite who opposed Samar, just as Samer became a part of the heaven and system and became part of the power of God, and bowed his head to become Infinite Lord. Vassal to get a greater win rate in this father-son round.
As for why you do n’t fall to heaven ... let ’s not talk about how deep the hatred is when you kill you and jump on your grave for so long, but heaven has even bitten the fat in your mouth. It is naturally better to swallow it than to spit it out. More simple and comfortable.
The Infinite Lord ’s chain digging, pitting, countering, enemies, and annexation operations are extremely skilled. Until now, it can be said that it has completed all the steps of the first stage of the Cardinals.
Even so, compared with the advantages of heaven, the time, the place, the people, and the entirety, the late Lord Infinite is currently only able to pull the balance back a little. Although the power has skyrocketed in the battlefield, it is still too early to cause qualitative changes.
If you do n’t forget about Bin Bin, the Lord of Infinite will come to him essentially, or to the inner domain and high-dimensional information body behind him.
Mastering the Infinite Lord of the Immortal Lizard is equivalent to indirectly acquiring part of the permissions and interfaces of the battlefield built on the corpse of the Devourer of the World. In addition to allowing the power of the Infinite Lord to exert greater effects, it can also Do something in detail.
For example, one of the power carriers in heaven—the human and the SCP-X parasitic on the SCP Foundation—was in direct contact with the thoughts enclosing the shell, and tried to pursue the location of the inner area through it.
Cheng Bin, who has been told the truth by the system, knows this well, so while Samael stabbed his back, he forced the many world lines to complete in the weakest time period after the power was adjusted by heaven downstream from the timeline. The beams overlap and form the focal point of countless world lines.
He was then on this completely overlapping world line, relying on the authority key obtained from O5-1 Bright to usurp the SCP Foundation's leadership and become the new O5-1.
In this way, Cheng Bin kept the only body in the world that was connected to the mind, and replaced it with a shell that is deeper in connection with heaven, to prevent the mind from being caught by the infinite master while misleading it again. It is more entangled with the power of heaven.
However, Cheng Bin, the new body of the O5-1 world, has to face the erosion and transformation of the power of heaven directly, but this is also in Cheng Bin's plan.
In fact, the best way to hide is to completely disconnect the system directly from Cheng Bin and completely return to the inner domain. But then ... Cheng Bin, who is driving the incarnation of the quantum, still needs to stay here to dig for the infinite master. By doing so, he has completely separated the high-dimensional Cheng Bin information body that he really condensed from the countless parallel worlds in the inner domain.
Although Cheng Bin himself felt that in terms of his conceptual personality, temporarily cutting it out didn't seem to be a big problem, but the system discouraged him and said that it involved a key point of upgrading, and let him return to the inner area to start upgrading. Let's talk about the maintenance program.
Cheng Bin didn't say anything about this, but he didn't have to split his connection with his hometown. After all, the Infinite Lord always had to deal with it, and he always had feelings for the place where he was born.
Anyway, unless Heaven now ignores the danger of the Devourer of the World turning over, and in turn joins hands with the Infinite Lord who has pitted himself deeply and found out Cheng Bin from his own body, otherwise in this high-dimensional battlefield, read The air-connected carrier is still very safe.
Near the Arabian Peninsula of the Earth's Middle East, at the intersection of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, one of the biggest secrets of the SCP Foundation exists. The source of the foundation's birth-preservation, or monitoring of SCP-001's Gatekeeper Zero base.
Like ordinary SCP personnel, Cheng Bin and Samer transferred to Site Zero via SCP-004 relay, and then slowly walked to the location of the SCP-001 gatekeeper.
Time in the world is meaningless to high-dimensional life. For high dimensions, the process of all events has been completed after the timeline has migrated. However, Cheng Bin and the Samer carrier in the world will experience this completely.
Therefore, they can experience a little in this world, and have a rare leisure in the situation where the high-dimensional battlefield is becoming more and more fierce.
At this moment, Samael, facing Abel's appearance, is telling the heavenly intelligence he knows:
"... The nature of the containment is the product of the settlement of the Devourer of the World. Because of the transformation seal of heaven, the containment will slowly transform into a human shape in the change of the world line, and it will be related to the cross classics. The event will complete the angelic upgrade and completely integrate into heaven. At this step, the heavenly man in this war has established a victory. "
After a pause, Samer glanced at his demon-printed palm and said, "Abbott's type of containment has been transformed a bit. If it went well, they would soon arrive. Our place, finally entering the Garden of Eden guarded by SCP-001, was fused by their prototype in the heaven and system ... or devoured.
"After all, the transformation seals of these containments were originally made using the power of a certain type of angel as a primer, and they must have evolved to be extremely similar and closely related to the master of this primer, and it is no problem to say that the same life .. .
"The system of heaven and divides everything in the world into different personalities and realms. Each realm has a corresponding ruler, like the angels that symbolize the concepts of compassion, flame, secrets, judgment, and so on. Hell Devil of Sin ...
"Any existence and power of any nature can find a corresponding higher existence in this system, so the SCP Foundation's containment can be merged and digested in the end ..." Samer glanced at Cheng Bin and said in a subtle tone. "Of course, except you ...
"Before you have achieved the demon, the power you are now showing has surpassed the past cognition of heaven. If you have successfully passed through the robbery of becoming a god, what kind of situation is it?"
Cheng Bin did not respond to Samer, he raised his eyes and looked into the distance.
Although walking, the speed of the two was completely random, so a few words of effort had already arrived near SCP-001.
From the perspective of ordinary people, there is still an empty ordinary wilderness in front of it, and no abnormality will be found by visual inspection or instrument detection.
But in Cheng Bin's multidimensional observation with the help of other quantum incarnations, an invisible boundary existing on the concept and information level is looming ahead.
In previous SCP Foundation records, SCP-001's gatekeepers were within a radius of one kilometer's point of control. Crossing this boundary, you can see the hundreds of meters high angel of light and the behind him. The gate of Eden, which looks like a fantasy.
Unrelated persons who cross the border will be ordered to "forget" and "leave" by the gatekeeper, and those who make abnormal moves will be attacked by the gatekeeper with the sword of light inflammation in their hands. Incinerated by a lightsaber ignoring distance.
However, after observing it in the field, Cheng Bin found that the situation is far more complicated than the original record of the SCP-this boundary is not a simple division of perception or space, but creates a local distortion of the world line, causing countless parallel worlds to overlap and merge. Were together.
That is to say, people who originally had different parallel worlds came here, essentially came to the same angel and the large facade of the Garden of Eden. Although they did not have the senses across the dimensions, they could not find this problem at all ...
However, because this world line was originally pinched together by Cheng Bin, he did not see more derivatives of local overlap-but want to come, he should be fighting with the original world line in the second world, the overlapping world line. The experience on the field is similar.
Standing on the invisible boundary, Samal showed his hand to Cheng Bin and said, "The door in the record is not a big problem. It should be the closest point of this battlefield to heaven. The janitor might be familiar to you ... "
There is no doubt that the rank of the angel who can stay at the gate of Eden is not low. From the perspective of the overlapping world lines, it is at least a pseudo-high-dimensional life.
But what does Samal mean by familiarity? Have you seen high-dimensional angels from other heavens in the past?
Cheng Bin looked at Samer in confusion, and then followed him to cross the invisible boundary.
This seemingly simple step actually has an extremely complicated process in the deeper part of the world. After all, approaching heaven means passing through various external defense systems. If it is not for the newly-released Leading Party of Samer, you can easily break through this. Obstacles, what ordinary people will experience in this step is really hard to say.
As if the timeline felt like a shock, Cheng Bin suddenly appeared in the distance in front of a huge, pure white, fuzzy human figure with a height of several hundred meters, and the unrecognizable number of light wings behind him continued to intertwine and fluctuate, a volatile phenomenon. Something that has the concept of doors and doors floats behind it.
Cheng Bin's face changed slightly as if he was remembering something, and then his face showed such an expression--
Although due to the boundary, the body of the world behind his mind cannot clearly observe the high-dimensional ontology of the giant light angel outside the world, but some of the information characteristics in the world can still be seen clearly.
Whether it is the shape or the breath emanating from its core, it has indeed been associated with certain memories of Cheng Bin
That is Adam ... or, in the EVA world, Xun Xun who devoured the apostolic civilization and completed the angelic ritual.
Also ... At the beginning, Cheng Bin could only interfere with one world line, and that world was eventually destroyed under the power of heaven. Samuel, who had only invested a little power in that world, obviously had his energy in other related parallel worlds. It's busy, and the angel transformation plans of other world lines seem to be successfully completed ...
"The angels I cultivated in those world lines that you met at the beginning eventually became a part of the" Adam "in heaven. Of course, you will feel a little familiar with this containment made by Adam and providing power that is close to being completely transformed. ..
"But it naturally does not know you. After all, the world line you interfered with did not merge into the body of the angel Adam, and after mixing with too many other world experiences, many things may not be able to stay on it with a lack of personality. Under the trace.
"How about? Do you have any feelings after seeing the old acquaintances?" After that, Samal was interested in observing Cheng Bin's expression. Although they are only using the avatar, they also have the core algorithm that communicates with the ontology. He was curious about Cheng Bin's feelings about the previous failure ~ ~ Cheng Bin glanced at Samer with a strange look, then turned back and walked forward with an inexplicable smile, and at the same time said casually "Sammer, your bad taste is annoying ... let's finish the 'transaction' as soon as possible ..."
"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't have any feelings for Adam, or you can twist the world line at will ... Your perspective and concept are getting closer and closer to gods and demons, and people will grow up after all ..." Samael sighed, then stepped forward to keep up.
Cheng Bin, who was slowly approaching the core area, looked at the light giant who turned around and stared at them, and couldn't help sighing--
Indeed, as Samaire said, as his vision transcended the world and time, the life that exists in the world and their experiences are no longer important to himself now ...
Even if I still retain my respect for intelligent life and civilization, this respect is also for the existence of these things on the timeline and the world line as a whole, rather than tangled at a certain point in the world line. Details of changes due to upstream time shocks.
In my own eyes, has the definition of man changed from the flesh and blood material creatures in the world to the meandering vines that meander on the time axis?
Sighed by Cheng Bin's change of his concept, once again with a strange glance, he tried to pluck his own who was once the enemy of life and death.
Kill Samael
, one of the core contents of the transaction, I will really try to perform it next time ... This time is not the kind of Genesis node that only defeated the high-dimensional information body. Degree, I hope you and Dr. T are both ready, don't let me down ... 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school
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