Chapter 322: 0 points and 0 hits.

Heaven has long cleared the arrangement of many containment objects, and is only waiting to finally transform the crystals of these sinking forces into the high-dimensional life ontological power of heaven.
So the purpose of Samal and Cheng Bin at the gate of Eden where SCP-001's gatekeeper is located is very obvious--
At the genesis node, Samael, who sacrificed his own demon spirit, urgently needed new power to be brought under the control of his authority, and reconstructed a high-dimensional information body belonging to him only.
Of course, if Samuel went directly to the infinite Lord who had countered him and made relevant promises, he would also be divided into some power, but this is fundamentally different from the situation where his original power was placed in God ?
However, it is all a puppet under the fence, just like the immortal lizard that has completely given up its independent power and become a vassal of the infinite master.
On the contrary, the numerous containment objects represented by the SCP Foundation have not only been separated from the Devourer of the World, but have not yet been completely transformed by Heaven. As long as they absorb its dominance with their core, Samael can at least get far Super original immortal lizard's power.
But even if Heaven is struggling to cope with the two-line battles on the upper and lower reaches of the timeline, and the strength of the world line is weak in the current time period, it is not something that can be shaken by Samael, who has just died. It's really hard to say if we can do this.
In this regard, Samuel needs to cooperate with Cheng Bin--
Cheng Bin has enough power to close the world line over a period of time and expel the interference of other high-dimensional life, and Samael can use his high-dimensional life authority to rewrite the back door left by God in the bottom seal of the containment After all, he originally belonged to God and knew the power of heaven very well, and had done similar things when he stabbed his back.
O5-1's identity as the will of the SCP Foundation is very important. It can affect all containment at one time. The original plan was to usurp SCP Foundation's leadership by Samuel, but since Cheng Bin snatched it first, Samuel also He will not be judged on this issue of minor impact.
Anyway ... Cheng Bin is willing to face the potential risks in it himself, and many things that Samel hasn't stated are happy to see it happen.
Each of the two people who were born with ghosts came into contact with the giant of SCP-001's gatekeeper, the light, and began to implement different plans.
The giant of light, which is hundreds of meters high, is full of majesty. The wings of light fluttering behind it draw endless energy, and the sword of light flame in your hand can cut time and space.
SCP-001, created using Adam's power as a primer, watched the two walking around, slowly raising the great sword in his hand, and an inexplicable groan full of sacredness spread the clear thoughts: "Sinner You are not qualified to set foot in the sacred kingdom. "
Samael shrugged and told Cheng Bin: "This guy who doesn't know the truth is not very clear-headed. It probably doesn't even know what the door behind him is. Are you coming or me?"
Cheng Bin glanced at him, raised his palm and pinched a plain plastic flying knife that emerged out of the air—this is not even extracting the vacuum zero-point to fabricate the material, but the real out of nothing, in the information change of the quantum bubble. Level by level, a toy flying knife was "defined" on the surface of the material.
Although it looks like a plastic toy, it is essentially a flying knife made of high-dimensional interference into the bottom of the universe and possessing singular regular characteristics--
Its characteristics include "Hundred Percent Hits", "Never Wear", "Kill One Strike", and ... "Speed ​​Loot".
"Is Wenwen's speed-grabbing power at the beginning, is this form of power? It is indeed the crystallization of the settlement of high-dimensional terminal power ... It was really a fluke that the gladiatorial field was able to support it at that time ..." I glanced at myself After making the flying knife, Cheng Bin sighed with an inexplicable feeling in his heart, and then threw the toy knife out—
It's not throwing with your hands, it's the kind of throwing your hands from your fingers.
After leaving the hand, the plastic toy fell freely for a moment, and then stopped in a vacuum to point the tip of the knife and point at the huge angel in the distance.
The angel who noticed the great crisis shook the lightsaber gently, and the destructive force turned the space where Cheng Bin and the two were broken into a black crack in time and space.
But a plastic toy flying knife ignored the chaotic time and space, slowly floating out of it, and flew straight to the angel.
In the next instant, the speed-sweeping feature locked the speed of the earth's rotating flying knife beyond the speed of sound, and quickly switched to the speed of the earth's revolution around the sun and the speed of the sun's revolution around the core of the galaxy, and it was still rising.
Looking at the flying knife approaching at high speed, the light wing behind the angel suddenly lights up, infinite electromagnetic waves and high-energy particles form terrible rays, focus on an extremely tiny point, and release it.
The next moment, the speed sweep locked the ray's plastic flying knife, yielding the rules of matter and space and time, breaking through the upper limit of the interaction speed between space units, surpassing the speed of light, tearing the ray and space and time stabbing into the angel.
If this place with a radius of one kilometer is essentially an isolated area outside the ordinary world line, and there is Cheng Bin who is watching the show, then the dagger will break through the speed of light, and the distortion of energy and time and space may be caused. Erase the entire galaxy, and even create rule turmoil to destroy the entire world.
When adding special effects to plastic flying knives, shouldn't you add something like "environmental protection and stability" that is more world-friendly?
Faced with unreasonable plastic toy flying knives, the angels who could not react in theory, finally showed the power of the real material characteristics beyond the temporal and spatial changes of ordinary materials.
As if the place where it was separated from the environment, the angel's posture suddenly changed, just like the process of lifting the sword and slashing was deleted, and the results were directly realized. The sword of Guangyan did not consume any time. Flying knife.
With the huge cross filled with sacred patterns and the shadow of the flying sword, the angel roared: "Judgment!"
The privilege of being able to exclude all impure things in front of the gate of the Holy Kingdom, allows the foreign object designated by the angel, the plastic flying knife, to be completely wiped from the source of its creation upstream of the time axis in a short time shock.
After erasing the terrible toy flying knife that brought great threats, the Giant of Light turned his eyes to the two people Cheng Bin who were still standing in place after the gap in the space was leveled up, and then raised the great sword with flames again.
"Although it is not a real demon, but this pseudo-Adam also possesses some of the abilities of the demon ..." Samer turned to look at Cheng Bin, and then smiled, "Are you missing?" "
"You don't have much high-dimensional power here, and it's normal to not see clearly ..." Cheng Bin said casually that a pocket watch with only a second hand and a countdown came up on his hands and tilted the watch to Samael. A glance.
Cheng Bin, who then lost his pocket watch, looked at the angel who was about to attack, and said indifferently: "... it's dead."
At the moment when the pointer of the grounded pocket watch returned to zero, the angel of light suddenly became stiff, and a faint black spot appeared on its glowing head--the handle of the plastic flying knife inserted into its head.
I do n’t know where the plastic flying knife comes from. It has no movement track and does not cause any vision. It is so strangely embedded in the angel's head made of light, as if it should have been there.
The so-called 100% hit feature is actually the result of the plastic toy flying knife inserted into the angel at a certain point below the time axis, and then the ability to distort the world line.
Cheng Bin first produced the results, and then pushed the evolution world line in the opposite direction, and created the birth process of the flying knife upstream of the time axis.
So no matter where this flying knife was before or whether it still exists, as long as the facts at this point in time have not changed, then the angel being hit by the flying knife is the destined end.
Obviously, the interference of this angel at a high-dimensional level is far from being sufficient to counteract the plastic toy flying knife that Cheng Bin has made, and chose to obliterate the time point that Cheng Bin made and throws it. " "Source" is a very serious strategic mistake.
Because the origin of the plastic toy flying knife is downstream of the time axis, the transmission of information and power is against the conventional bottom-up.
But the angel was no longer aware of his ability to make mistakes.
At the moment it was hit by a plastic flying knife, the one-kill feature was triggered, and all the structural systems that supported life forms and thinking logic completely collapsed in various internal errors and contradictions.
With the disappearance of the disposable flying knife, the angelic form of light of hundreds of meters high completely collapsed in the blink of an eye, turned into a pure and qualitative brilliance, and then condensed into a dazzling crystal and fell on Samael's Hand.
Cheng Bin gave a subtle look at the crystal of Samuel's hand, which was essentially similar to the relic fragments he had previously contacted.
After seeing that Samael swallowed the crystal casually, Cheng Bin nodded to him, and then the two of them appeared before the gate of the Garden of Eden, which was like a ghost and full of symbolic meaning.
As the leader of the SCP Foundation's O5 Council, Cheng Bin, indirectly associated with all the contained contents of the Foundation's transformation, pressed his hand on the illusory lintel.
In other words, the last point of connection between this highly overlapping world line and heaven.
After Samer also came in contact with this lintel, the whole world experienced turbulence that ordinary people could not detect. At the level of the time axis, you can see that this world line is centered on the singularity point of the lintel, and it has begun to violently change. .
From the perspective of Cheng Bin ’s only remaining body that penetrates into the world ’s grand unified field, it can be seen that most of the hubs in the Lawnet ’s web flash like stars, and the large association with him through the SCP Foundation Some of the contents were disturbed by invisible forces and were changing little by little.
The reason for this is mostly because there are some alternative styles of paintings, such as the Dragon Ball or the like, which are modified by the Lord of Infinity. These things are fundamentally different from those made by heaven. Cheng Bin used with Samuel.
The change of the containment is not only reflected at this point in time. All the overlapping world lines have appeared under the pressure of Cheng Bin's quantum avatar to suppress the world. It has appeared in the period of about five days from the past to the future. This change.
This is the result of Cheng Bin using all the forces in this area to interfere. While executing the transaction with Samer, he intends to take this opportunity to weave some other things on this world line ...
Cheng Bin's lurking cluster of quantum incarnations, in terms of mass alone, is doubling every moment, and this multiple is increasing every moment.
If at the beginning of the quantum avatar, Cheng Bin's high-dimensional interference force based on the quantum bubble level is 1, then the power he has now is far from trillions of words to describe, even if only writing numbers The number of digits needs to be described in scientific notation ...
It can also be seen from this perspective that, compared to Cheng Bin, who still failed to occupy a large range of world lines on the battlefield after slipping down from the genesis node, how powerful the parties that had originally participated in the battle have accumulated.
The reason why Cheng Bin ’s power can expand so fast on the battlefield is because other high-dimensional life does not have the same depth at all, to perceive the specific form and operating process of the quantum avatar, which allows Cheng Bin to easily lurk to other high-dimensional Go everywhere beyond the direct control of life--
If it is not at this level, observation alone will cause the other party ’s alertness. For unknown reasons, high-dimensional life can still directly use the power of quantum bubbles through thought activities, and Cheng Bin can even operate without affecting other high-dimensional life forces. Erosion occupies its core area.
Although many of the quantum bubbles are not exposed to the side of the world because they have not yet been upgraded, Cheng Bin ’s high-dimensional sensory and interference capabilities are not as efficient as those of other established high-dimensional life, but in addition to some authority-level information resonance, matching Apart from special means such as this, there is no gap in strength between the two sides.
If this is not a high-dimensional battlefield, but another ordinary world where Cheng Bin can exert his forces to interfere freely, the time zone he can influence is definitely not only a few days, but only a few flicks upstream of the time axis, just The world line can be influenced by the operation of the world itself.
It is meaningless to do this in the high-dimensional battlefield alone, because the world at each point on the timeline is devoted to the power of high-dimensional life. It is impossible to banish these forces without antagonizing them and only change other time points outside the scope. Cause too much impact.
Besides, the seemingly scarce world lines in the battlefield do not know how many world matrices have been merged ~ ~ Its "quality" is "heavy" countless times compared to the ordinary world line, which not only requires greater strength and difficulty to affect The degree has also increased countless times.
Because of this, Cheng Bin has inflated countless times of strength, and collectively can only affect the timeline for a few days, but compared to when he first entered the world, he can only protect himself in the tsunami aftermath of the high-dimensional battlefield, and even The inability to fight timeline migration is far better.
Compared with the main battlefield area above the genesis node and below the doomsday fault, Cheng Bin stuck in this middle section for several days. The world line seems short and weak, but it is enough for him to try to build on it. Coming up-
For example, killing Samael, borrowing his body and numerous containments, and training a few interesting things in the upcoming tumor of the World Line to add pits to the infinite master, so that he can return to the inner territory and maintain his own ...
In the fiercely twisted focus of the world line, like the haven in front of the gate of Eden, Samuel, who tampered with the angelic back door of the containment, sensed that he was constantly absorbing the power of the dominance of the containment, and turned his eyes to the side around him. Cheng Bin.
As expected by Samael, Cheng Bin, who is closely related to many containment objects as O5-1, inevitably accelerated the process of approaching heaven, and angelic rituals loomed on him.
And by betraying what he had mastered before and the backdoor that had just been tampered with, Samael he only needed to push a little here and ...
At this time, Cheng Bin also turned his gaze, staring at Samael who was looking at himself, and then a little meaningless smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.
Under the embarrassing premonition of Samuel's heart, the next moment, under the destruction of external forces, it also completely collapsed with the severe distortion of the timeline and merged into the new world line that is about to take shape ...
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