Chapter 429: Meeting on the Abyss Expedition

? Although a long tug of war with the abyss has been called the Eternal War, killing the devil has become a habit of many gods, and there is no need to find any special reason, but the several gods in the source of the light discussed privately in a meeting However, there are many disputes over the original intention of the abyss expedition plan.
In the core hall of the Source of Light, Mandel, the God of Law, looked around carefully and said, "Everyone knows the secrets of the Supreme God, so you should be very clear. The dispute between the demons mainly lies in two points-the macro gains and losses of the astral plane under the control of the gods, and the distribution of the gods with a limited total ...
"The battle for the lands is to protect and expand faith, and killing the demon lord can increase the idle gods in the origin of the world. Therefore, the gods who have a clear understanding of these facts are deliberately or unconsciously promoting the eternal battle .. .But our most important tasks now are not these things. "
The goddess of joy and kindness Edas nodded and said, "Our actions some time ago have aroused the vigilance of the gods. Now we should keep a low profile and try to be as secure as possible when the epoch changes, so at this time we launch an abyss expedition. I feel a bit inappropriate ... "
After a pause, the goddess Adas cast her skeptical eyes on Tyre and the Red Dragon: "Speaking of which, at the beginning of this expedition against the abyss demons, it was not just a verbal stay to deceive the evil gods Something?
"After the evil gods were besieged, why did they start to gradually promote the implementation of the expedition plan? Do you have anything to tell us?"
尔 Tir, who was watched by several gods, coughed with a beard. He squinted and glanced at the red dragon, only to find that the guy was still lying on the self-concerned research, and didn't seem to care about the topics of the gods.
Because you can see the complex and delicate changes in the divine power related to the fundamental structure of the source of the Holy Light that are related to the seemingly sleepless red dragon, it is not good to try Tier who has been fainted. Interrupting the work of the Red Dragon, he turned his head and said to the goddess Edas:
"Nothing was deliberately concealed. The expedition plan only had a lot of problems. It was only recently confirmed ... After the new version of the trial of the Monet pilot, especially after the participation of the of fire and special experiments that touched the underlying laws of the element, , I met with Casa and Mistral because of some discoveries ... "
Tilton paused, pondered his words, and then slowly knocked on the armrest of the seat with knuckles: "If you want to delve into this, you have to mention the ultimate problem of the expedition plan-under normal circumstances, you think Did the abyss demons really finish? "
Several of the gods present here glanced at each other, then shook their heads unanimously.
"Since the total amount of godheads is limited, as long as the loss of godheads is controlled, the demon lord can theoretically kill them ..." Arthur, the of justice and judgment, who has just returned and whose content changes slightly, sighed, "But What's happening ... there are too many demons. "
Just turned back from the front line of the abyss, the appearance looks like a skinny and vengeful man's hall of suffering and vengeance with a goatee. He heard Arthur's feelings and nodded: "On the demon lord's The number is far above the gods. If it was not for the powerful demon lords in the depths of the abyss who had been fighting each other without a brain, the abyss demons would have flattened the front world ... "
Recalling that the most spectacular frontline of the Eternal War was the endless chaotic demon legion, Hall of Vengeance sighed with a bit of sigh: "This is just the demon lord ... from the astral to the void, all kinds The number of demons is almost endless, and the number of demons is constantly increasing. How easy is it to kill the demons? "
Hearing the helpless complaint of Hall of Vengeance, Tyre nodded countless times in the battlefield of the Eternal Battle, and then pulled back to the topic: "The ordinary demon is in front of the Holy Light, it is broken, the reason is internal chaos. Unbearable demons can confront the orderly gods of the positive world because of their unparalleled numbers ...
"So, where did the demon's quantitative advantage come from?" Tyre looked around, and then continued, "The answer is naturally many astral planes in the abyss. If you consider the entire astral plane as the world's Tree, then it is clear that the root system of this tree is far larger than its trunk and leaves, which is very abnormal. "
Hall of Vengeance sneered: "Isn't this because some of the gods are watching from the sidelines and are not willing to contribute? The eternal battle has continued for countless times, and the main position as the frontline base has been repeatedly contested. How many have been replaced?
"From the overall trend point of view, the root system of the world tree has been eroding and splitting its trunk and expanding. If this era is not the source of our holy light, it will always be at the forefront. How much will the abyss step forward? To what extent will it grow? "
"Oh, although that's the whole thing, don't expand the attacking face ..." Tier squinted his eyes full of complaining God of Vengeance. "There are still many gods fighting on the front line, our Holy Light The source is only a part of the main force ... Besides, other gods are not really stupid, they will still contribute if the situation is not right. "
Hall, the of revenge, snorted softly, and said nothing more.
The goddess of goodness Edas clapped her palms and reminded aloud, "Don't repeat those words that have been said countless times in the past, Tyr, please continue."
After a hum, Tir went back to the topic and continued: "In theory, even if we rely on Casa's special abilities to capture the gods and kill the demon lord a little, it is difficult to change the environment of the abyss, and endless demons In China, there are still many types that have the ability to touch the void. Even without the demon lord, the devil is not so easy to deal with ...
所以 "So to solve the threat of the devil, we must start from the root of its birth, that is, to seize a large number of planes in the abyss region and transform them into planes of normal nature."
Mandela, the of law, asked a little strangely, "Isn't this what our gods have been doing in the Eternal War?"
"Slightly different in degree," Tier thought for a while, then raised his hand a bit, and a large number of charts and calculation formulas appeared in the center of the temple. "Based on statistical analysis of the accumulated data in the past, we can get a relatively accurate The conclusion-
"The entropy value representing the chaos of the original magic torrent will increase as the torrent passes through the plane, and the extent of this increase will increase exponentially as the abyss region shrinks and the area above the main plane increases. Using ordinary erosion and transformation methods, even if the new version of the magic net expands to the entire frontal world, it will be difficult to converge the real name power to suppress the high entropy abyss of the plane near the critical point of the roots. "
Use logical and rigorous mathematical tools to describe various problems. The habit brought by the Red Dragon Casa has obviously been accepted by the gods of the source of light. They have no trouble understanding the data, icons, and formulas displayed by Tyre.
Even Arthur, who has just returned, is interested in these data because he has experienced various baptisms in the new demonet pilot plane.
Only Hall of Vengeance, the revenge who has just returned from the front line and has little contact with the Red Dragon, sees the face of aggression and cannot understand the connection between the image shown by Tyre and what he said.
However, Edas, a kind and kind goddess, translated for him in the language of the soul. He barely understood what Tir said, so he asked in doubt: "No matter how hard we try, the abyss is Can't be eliminated? "
Tyre waved away the data charts and then said to Hall: "To be precise, before we can unravel the mysteries of the origin of the world, the threat posed by the abyss cannot be completely avoided, even too deep. Compressing the range of the abyss may also be counterproductive ...
"From the information I have obtained from the origins of the world, even if all the gods converge to give birth to the Supreme God, it is difficult to erase the existence of the abyss by himself."
The atmosphere was a little dull for a while, and then Arthur broke the silence with a smile: "What do you want to do so much? In terms of the current scale comparison, can we press the abyss to that step?"
At this moment, the whole source of the holy light suddenly shook, and then the huge divine power fluctuations erupted in all corners of the whole source of the holy light, and the gods in the temple couldn't help showing a surprised expression.
After the gods soothed the prayers in the source of the Holy Light, they turned their eyes to the red dragon Kasa who opened his eyes.
"Don't be so surprised. I just took the opportunity of Arthur's return and the source of the Holy Light system to restore the integrity, and implemented the various system transformation plans that were originally prepared. Anyone who is willing to learn my technology can try it by himself. a bit."
Cheng Bin smiled at the gods who were looking at the doubt, and then continued: "I have successfully installed the divine power extraction device of the shadow in the last experiment into the divine pool. Even if these low-level general divine powers are not used against other gods, How effective it is, but it is still no problem to solve the brainless demon ...
不过 "However, this kind of magic engine using real name refresh mechanism has a potential unknown risk in the end. When you use the magic power, please take it easy, don't stop playing while playing."
After a pause, Cheng Bin turned the topic back to the previous abyss demons: "Me and Tyre mean that in fact, taking the opportunity of the epoch alternation has not yet fully arrived, they broke through the abyss area all the way to the bottom of the abyss Somewhere to see-
"The main purpose is to observe the final flow of the original magic torrent. The results of the exploration will involve the choice of specific implementation methods for subsequent plans, so the priority is higher than the steady delay."
The God of the Law Mandel pondered: "Go and study this? I remember that starting from the astral plane or the void, the closer we are to the source of the torrent of elements that support the existence of the entire physical world, the more terrible the resistance will be. No direct contact with the source record-at least not in our known history. "
"Yes, even the oldest deities like the elemental of fire don't know about this, so it has the value of exploration," said Cheng Bin. "And the expansion of the new version of the magic net and the elimination of the abyss threat, The solutions to these problems are related to this exploration ...
"If the result of the exploration is very ideal and in line with expectations, maybe the seeds of the new version of the magic net can be written into the original torrent of magic, giving it a great advantage in various confrontations and expansions, while also having the opportunity to completely eliminate the abyss and the demon. The presence."
"It's very difficult," Fowler, the of vengeance with frowning face, frowned. "The demon who is now fighting the gods may not be in the depths of the abyss, even if we can deal with the chaos of the demon. The environment is also very unfriendly to the Nether Kingdoms like the Source of the Holy Light ...
"You can see by looking at the form of the devil. The demons in the shallow abyss are all creatures with stable shapes, but the demons in the deep are all monsters that are extremely chaotic from body to soul. I can hardly imagine the environment in the deepest part of the abyss. What it looks like. "
"Imagination is impossible, you can calculate simulations." Cheng Bin smiled, drawn out the research data of the demon lord who was assimilated and assimilated by him last time and displayed it in the temple, and performed it with himself in the soul of Divine Slime. During the war of consciousness, the high-entropy environment simulation process was carried out and applied a bit ~ ~ So the gods present here intuitively saw the astral plane and its corresponding void, along with the original magic torrent entropy Continuous changes resulting from increasing values.
They even saw all the details of the birth and destruction of the abyss demons and even the demonic lord in this simulation world.
"Great," secretly comparing the bottom of my heart, and finding that the simulation is completely consistent with the various situations he observed on the front line, Hall of Vengeance sighed convincingly to the red dragon Casa who has not had much contact, "Since you have this Waiting for the ability, I also recognize the plan as you set it ...
但 "But I think you better explore the source of the original magic in the upper world first. After all, there are no demons blocking it. I believe that the source of the original magic must be closely related to the final destination."
Cheng Bin nodded: "I think so too. I will start to explore the entrance of the original magic torrent of the upper world. As for the abyss ... you better adapt to the center of the source of the Holy Light I transformed. System, you can start the expedition after you have prepared everything. "
The gods who were present here nodded one after another and parted out their spirits to see the various functions installed by the Red Dragon Casa.
At this time, Arthur suddenly turned his head and said to the Red Dragon: "According to what you and Tyre said before, I think the existence of the abyss may have some deeper secrets-if you are interested, you can go down the road The Lord of the Devil talks, maybe there will be unexpected gains. "
Cheng Chengbin took a moment's notice, then nodded: "Anyway, the expedition is going to go through the front line, I already had the idea to visit Hell, let's talk about it at that time."
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