Chapter 430: Exploration of Nether Transfer and the Source of Elements

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In the void, Cheng Bin, who had the body of a red dragon, turned his head to look at the information to represent the source of the unusually striking light.
观察 From the perspective of a normal god, you can see that near the source of the holy light, a kingdom of God exuding flames and metal is slowly approaching, and finally overlaps and merges with the source of the holy light.
That was the kingdom of Morrigan, the of forging and melting furnace. He had already reached an agreement with Tyre, and after Cheng Bin's transformation of the source system of the source of Holy Light was completed, he immediately merged along the new interface.
"Counting Morrigan and Mystra, don't you have ten deities on this side clearly ... Even with Tyre's connections, you can't find many truly reliable deities ..."
After sighing for the belief in the system, Cheng Bin observed the first time that the kingdom control system designed by him was connected and annexed with the kingdom of God. After confirming that there was no problem, he glanced into the source of divine light. The engine that was transformed by the God of Shadow all the way.
Losing his manual power-assisted magic engine, although the efficiency of diving has generally dropped a lot, it still works normally, and the scale of output of magic power is quite considerable.
"I do n’t know the source and destination of the refreshed real name, so is the original torrent of magic. Is there anything relevant?"
After thinking for a moment, the red dragon in the void shook his head slightly and began to prepare to move upstream of the original magic torrent.
From a deeper level of data and information, the movement of things in the void is a modification of complex address information. In theory, the gods can easily start from the kingdom of God and reach any position in the void in an instant-the void There is no such thing as network latency.
But in practice, most gods can't do this kind of thing.
First of all, the problem of perception. In the data layer corresponding to the astral plane, the information that the gods can detect outside the area near the kingdom of God is all derived from belief connections and clergy.
Faith connection is established directly between real names. The priesthood agreement is a bridge that bridges the void and the material. The deities can detect the condition of the believer and grant the magic by the real name or the magic net.
But if the believer's area is outside the sight of the and there is no convenient magic net cover, then the must locate the void where the believer is located from the perspective of that believer, which is quite difficult-unless the believer is A tightly connected saint, or a powerful person who touches the existence of the void.
Therefore, most gods can only move a little within their own perception range in the void, and it is difficult to achieve target-free ultra-long-range teleportation-after all, even if viewed from a similar perspective of ordinary gods and mortal creatures, the void is also It is difficult to define direction and distance.
But Cheng Bin has a deeper understanding of the nature of the void and real name than the gods. In his eyes, moving across the void is a very simple matter.
He first deployed a large amount of divine power for backup, then constructed an avatar for exploration, and then randomly selected a group of lives that had a sense of clergy, and reversely analyzed the void environment parameters along their real name.
Then Cheng Bin chose one of the real names that was farthest away from the upstream of the original magic torrent as the temporary endpoint. Without corresponding detection of his life, he directly compressed the transcoded red dragon detection avatar and transcoded it. The real name of life was transmitted in the past, and it was immediately decompressed in the empty space opposite it and resumed normal operation.
Then Cheng Bin turned his perspective to the detection of the avatar and conducted a more detailed examination of the void environment, and then docked directly with the divine source of the Holy Light source prepared in advance. In this way, a void transfer across a distant distance was completed.
The time spent in the whole process is basically spent on the low real name traffic of the life being borrowed.
Seriously, if the clever demon on the other side of the abyss resonates with Cheng Bin ’s priesthood, he may be able to skip the front of the eternal battle in the void and slide directly to the inner area of ​​the abyss-but the abyss area There are some problems with the environmental parameters, and the implementation will definitely be troublesome.
Cheng Bin, who completed the transfer, took a moment to glance at the plane where the life he was borrowed was located. He found that this plane did not have the basic structure of the so-called sky and earth near the trunk of the world tree.
The life inside the puppet is somewhat similar to the wind element, and the entire plane is a cloudless, gravity-free appearance.
After all, here is close to the source of all elements. The torrent of primitive magic in this area is like an infinitely subdivided branch. The macro background effect on a single plane line is already minimal.
After a curious observation of the unique and intelligent life in this plane that often confuses his body, Cheng Bin retracted his sight, and the red dragon detection avatar in the void transformed into a projection in the six-dimensional astral world, while occupying Void and matter correspond to each other, and then they set off towards the source of primitive magic.
As the Red Dragon advances rapidly, the shape of the astral plane becomes stranger. After that cloud and fog plane, no plane of intelligent life exists, and as the Red Dragon continues to deepen, the void Even the last trace of life in the plane disappeared completely.
After continuing to travel upstream for a distance, Cheng Bin found that even the Astral Plane could not maintain its own form in the original magic torrent that has been refined to a certain degree-an torrent of elements that scales infinitely and the texture returns to the original pure state. Can't support a plane with a stable architecture.
He is also in this area, Cheng Bin began to feel the kind of pressure that the of the law said,
At the physical level, the spatiotemporal properties of the dependent elements begin to converge with the simplification of the subject, and the space-time environment of the entire region begins to lose stability. In the void, Cheng Bin finds that the information corresponding to the original magic torrent begins to dissociate. Blur.
His close connection and correspondence with the physical layer, just like the red dragon projection of that physical layer, began to gradually distort and distort.
"For ordinary gods, what the mind intends but has nothing to do is indeed understandable as an external force of oppression and exclusion ... The elements here show the original appearance without transforming the sides of various attributes. No wonder the element of fire The rule of elements like God is invalid here ... "
After groaning for a moment, Cheng Bin hovered back and forth for a while, and studied the process of degrading and differentiating the original elements into different attributes.
After a careful interpretation of this process, Cheng Bin has a deeper understanding of the principle of the rule gods embedding their own rules into the world when the epochs alternate. He thought for a while: "The innate rules before differentiation include differentiation Extended interface for post-element rules ...
"The discrete primitive elements have some kind of holistic connection, or some kind of shared innate attributes. This is a fixed operating law that was fixed at the time of its birth. When the epochs alternate, this characteristic will be exposed and let the fire Beings like the Elemental God have successfully written their own rules ... "
After performing some calculations and deductions on the original innate attributes of the element, Cheng Bin sighed helplessly at the bottom of his heart: "The original elements were born from zero dimensions, and they contained inherent logic rules ... the inherent attribute rules of this innate possession It ’s completely unsearchable, is this the ceiling of the data-like world ...

Cheng Bin has long known that this bottom layer builds a special world similar to virtual data. Some things are difficult to study without open permissions-this is also the biggest development of civilization.
It is like an independent computer program without connected sensors. It is almost impossible to understand the situation and changes in the real world. It can only passively accept settings and inputs from a higher level.
The birth and operation of primitive elements, like real names and godheads, have internal logical operations that exist on another level, but the gods of this world cannot be detected.
In this case, the idealistic gods may be better accepted, they can take for granted that the performance of things originates from their cognition, so no matter how complicated it is, there will not be a deeper structure. The life of the painting style is a bit uncomfortable.
Without permission and no high-dimensional interference, Cheng Bin would like to continue to explore ... his behavior is described in general terms, like a software program trapped in a computer, trying to indirectly control the motherboard through program operation The electric charges flowing above build an extremely complex electromagnetic field life between special components, thereby interfering with reality.
In the absence of any sense of reality, and all the concepts of reality rules such as computers, motherboards, and electromagnetics are uncertain, it is no longer a question of good or bad probability to want to do this kind of thing beyond the box ...
Therefore, the journey of knowing how to maintain and maintain peace will never end ... Cheng Bin thought with a bit of emotion and wondered: "I am afraid that the mystery of the twigs of the world tree will only be higher than these things that are difficult to study, I hope that the Supreme Godhead is enough Permission to access something ...
"Forget it, first go to the source to collect some data, and compare it with the data left by the torrent at the end of the abyss expedition. This should be a bit useful ... at least the new version of the magic net will know which level to develop."
Cheng Bin, who was thinking so, set off to face the increasingly unstable environmental pressure and marched towards a higher place in the world.
Uh ...
In the new version of the demonet pilot plane where United Civilization is located, all the high-end mage research planes are gathered, and Lacey returns to her studio and residence with a strange look.
Because he has the highest authority in the new version of the magic net, and is taught by the of knowledge himself, Lacey often stays in the forefront of magic or local scientific research.
However, it is the highest scientific research institution, but in fact, most of the researchers are alone in a relatively isolated space to carry out their own work. Anyway, the multi-channel information transmission relying on the magic network is efficient enough, except for some particularly significant joint research. They don't need to get together outside the project.
Lacey just walked into her lounge, and a green jelly fell from the ceiling to the sky that could simulate the blue sky and white clouds. After buffering, she slammed on Lacey's shoulder and squirmed softly. He whispered: "Lacey, I don't want to be a ..."
"Ivy, can't you suppress the feedback in the real name again?" Lacey helplessly poked at the mollusk on her shoulder, "Would you like to learn the modular mechanical mind? Now Monet One Key loading is so convenient, it's not a problem to always ask me to help you. "
"No," Slime, who had cleared his soul with one finger, wriggled twice, and then Ivy, who gathered into a two-headed elf, sat on his friend's shoulders and shook his feet. "You are totally subjective. It replaces the underlying consciousness that even sleeping has to be controlled by hand, which is too boring. "
Taking a few steps in the garden-like lounge, Lacey stretched out on a rattan woven lounge chair, and then bowed her head to Ai Wei, who leaned against his chest, and said, "Then you will become a god." Then, at least your godhead can be shaped, and then you can ask Lord Casa to help you. "
"Ah ..." Speaking of becoming a god, Ivy showed a depressed expression again. "Those slimmers have wonderful ideas one by one. If I really become the of slime, they don't even treat me. Annoying, I have to be embarrassed myself. "
After sighing, Ivey skipped the topic, which was repeated many times, and asked Lacey, "Why did you go before? Why did you come back with a weird expression on my face?"
"I went to the high priest for an operation. After all, I have friendship ..." Lacey stared at the bright simulated sun in the sky with a deliberately reserved, red dragon-like pupil, and said with a vague tone, "mainly Transforming the body, strengthening strength, reducing the need for subsistence, and extending life ... "
咦 "Oh?" Ivey was surprised and said, "Why did the high priest suddenly change his mind? Isn't that wave of them a natural party with Slime?"
Laixi glanced over the World Tree Shrine through the magic net, and replied casually: "Because Lord Casa had told the high priest something, and given him an important task, he had to choose this way."
"It is indeed Lord Casa ~ ~ Even the old stubborn can persuade, I really hope that those slimes can also be so flexible, I always say what kind of ghost I am when death returns ..." Ivy shook his head and sighed. Road.
"With that kind of responsibility, even the high priest can't refuse ..." Thinking of the high priest's finding the matter for the record in case of accident, Lacey couldn't help sweeping with a strange look. Eye on the half plane where the ancient tree group is.
"What responsibility?" Ivey asked curiously.
"Look at yourself," Lacey said casually while observing various information over the ancient trees of the war. "The most advanced new confidential documents, you have the right to visit the overview."
Ivy hurriedly opened the magic net interface and toured it, then said with emotion: "Is it the last resort against the threat of the gods ... so I don't want to be a god, what's the point of jumping from a new ship to an old ship at this point?"
After a pause, Ivey wondered: "Does the ancient tree of war have such a strange hiding ability? But I remember that when the Casa first studied the teleportation for the first time, he had the original version of the seed to ponder— —I was aiming at you when I was okay. "
"You're getting better now ..." Lacey glanced at Ivey, trying to say something, and then suddenly hit a stunner and sat up sharply. Ivey's mini avatar didn't check for a moment. Was dumped and flew out.
When Ai Wei's desperate flight came back, Lacey watched the magic net and whispered: "Six-dimensional starship trial? It's been a long time waiting, but the barrier of the adult is still there, we need to suspend coordination ..."
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