Chapter 455: Play off experiments and traces of the Holy One

He said that he knew nothing about the status of Cheng Bin's quantum avatar cluster, and the system black cat was obviously joking.
Although to this point, its ability to interfere at the level of the world line has lagged far behind Cheng Bin's accelerated expansion of power, and the area touched by the power is far less extensive than the beginning of studying the quantum incarnation cluster in the chaotic domain, but in the internal domain Nearby, it doesn't even know what happened.
And Cheng Bin, of course, he will not really not know what the ontology side is doing-although limited by the carrier and abnormal conditions, he can't see clearly and completely, but access to some external records is still fine.
But when Cheng Bin wanted to communicate with the system in depth, his mother changed a set of clothes that she wore in the warm home and came over.
After looking at the cat food bowl over the sofa probe, Cheng Fang wondered: "Is there so much? Don't I remember wrong ... Binbin you don't have to go out, wait for dinner first, I will go out at night Then buy cat food by the way. "
Glancing at the vacuum zero-energy cat food that was being eaten by the little black cat, Cheng Bin flipped through the memory that was not distorted in the timeline change, and then asked a little curiously: "Mom, you are not Do you like cats and dogs? "
Lie down on the sofa back and touched the soft black fur on the back of the little black cat, Cheng Fang retracted his hand and looked at Cheng Bin strangely: "How come here and mention this ... I was not afraid of trouble or damage Furniture, briquettes do n’t shed hair and scratch everywhere, and I know I ’m looking for a sandbox to go to the toilet, and it ’s so humane, so it ’s fine to keep such a good pet ...

Cheng Chengfang looked down at the little black cat who laughed at the cat food and smiled, "Did you say that, briquettes? You and our family have a destiny."
The little black cat heard the words and looked up at the mother and child, then nodded to Cheng Fang's misfortune, held Cheng Fangle's inability, held the well-behaved black cat, and touched and scratched.
Cheng Bin watched the loving interaction between his mother and the black cat of the system, and there was an unstoppable muttering under his heart—aside from the spiritual source, the system was formed by the fusion of numerous Cheng Bin ’s parallel individuals on the material level. To say that it has a fate with this family ... it is indeed your son to some extent ...
After some frustration, Cheng Bin, who did not continue the dialogue with the system, was dragged by Cheng Fang to eat—Wen Jun has brought the prepared vegetables and beef stew to the table.
Although there is a situation on the ontology side, Cheng Bin does not have any sense of anxiety. As a low-dimensional individual inside the world line, the time passing by him is meaningless to the high dimensions, only the time line changes. Will consume a higher level of cosmic time.
After a home-cooked meal that was justified in nutrition and taste, Cheng Bin watched his parents going to the movies to go out, and then he took the little black cat to the kitchen while washing dishes slowly while continuing to interrupt. topic--
"I looked at the records. The quantum avatar cluster started to tinker with experiments related to the chaos domain after receiving the feedback from the Supreme Alliance on the World Tree side, so it became like this. The system has always had a high-dimensional vision. Really. Don't see what happened? "
"What? ... I still know a little," said the black cat squatting on the microwave, subtly. "The distortion of the consciousness of the world tree and high-dimensional life-making experiments are very interesting to us. The intensive erosion and experiments performed by the low-dimensional individuals of Red Dragon Skin, your ontology should have a lot of information in the chaotic domain ...
"Did I not mention the battle of souls in the process of upgrading? It just happened that the ideological differences in the virtual domain of the inner domain information came to an end. Your ontology seems to be too difficult to abandon the upgrading of the dimension, and you want to chaos the domain. The environment separated from the normal logic system was incorporated into the future high-dimensional soul construction project, so experiments were started to control the world line occupied by the quantum incarnation cluster, trying to create a special broken environment similar to the chaotic domain ...
"Looking now, your ontology is estimated to be playing off. The experiment does not know whether it is still running normally and how long it will take to end."
"Wait ..." After washing the wok with vegetables and putting it back on the gas stove, Cheng Bin looked a little surprised at the little black cat squatting on the microwave oven. "You say that ... You want to say that this matter has nothing to do with you? When you chose the retrospective target in the Time Gallery, did you deliberately guide me to find the wizard? Do you dare to say that you had no plan for the World Tree at that time? "
"... are you focusing on something wrong?" System Black Cat whispered, "What kind of image am I in your eyes? Don't rely on conspiracy theories, how can you experiment with your own soul? Are you wild yet unclear? How could I manage a quantum cluster of avatars far stronger than mine? "
"Based on your past performance of madly mixing up private goods, the image of your black conspiracy figure is difficult to wash from my mind ..." Cheng Bin came over with a bowl of unfinished beef and opened the microwave. The doorkeeper put the bowl in, then closed the door and raised his hand to set the sterilization time.
"Just whatever you want ..." The system black cat moved his buttocks and exposed the heat sink blocked by himself from below, and then he looked at the finishing Cheng Cheng. "Looking at your reaction, you should think about your own body. I have something in mind, so I don't worry about the soul experiment ...
但 "But now that you have actually come into contact with the Chaos Domain, there are some prohibitions that I should tell you now."
Cheng Bin, who was lifting his waistband, paused, then stared at the black cat and said, "I have reached this stage now. You still have the ban to be lifted depending on the situation? Is the information you want to say related to the Supreme Holy One? "
"Yes, it is the deepest information in the universe ..."
The system black cat extended a paw in the microwave oven to help open the door, and then continued to Cheng Bin wearing insulated gloves and holding a bowl: "Yao civilization exploration terminal completely collapsed and destroyed at the root of the universe Before, although we did n’t really understand the universe from the bottom, I still got some of the situation of the Most Holy Saint ...

After sealing the hot leftovers with plastic wrap, Cheng Bin continued to organize the dishwasher while showing a serious listening expression on his face.
"Did I mention it to you before?" The system black cat reminded after thinking about it, "The Lord of Infinite is the remains of the terminal, an existence infested by the power of a supreme saint, to some extent represents The little will of the Most High Holy One, and the sniping of the World Tree by the Infinite Lord, as well as its special ontology and mental state, all involve things of the Most High Holy One ... "
The movement of Cheng Bin's hand was a slight pause ~ ~ He turned off the faucet and frowned, "The other side of the world tree ... is it time to touch something on this level ... Speaking of, high-dimensional soul The construction of experiments also requires the situation of the saints as a reference. What are the forms of existence of the most holy saints who can influence high-dimensional life and even the entire universe? "
"The specific form and perspective of the Holy One ca n’t be described. After all, the universe in our eyes is not necessarily the same, let alone a higher-level saint? The quantum bubble theory of your ontology and the underlying observation model of the universe, Have n’t many revisions been made in the midst of power expansion?

The black cat of the system shook his head slightly, and then continued: "I can tell you not much, but it is certain that the current distribution of the overall world line environment of the universe is closely related to the Supreme Holy One, that is, the world you are familiar with The line architecture, and the alternative system over the broken chaotic domain, have the potential influence of the Supreme Holy One ...
"And the world tree near the chaos domain, where the ontology and spirit are stuck in the superposition of order and chaos, should be regarded in some sense as the product of interactive dialogue between the two supreme saints ..."
Uh ...
When the system communicated with the low-dimensional individuals Cheng Bin used to accompany his parents in the Inner World Line Beam Node, a world line timeline was randomly and discretely broken in the World Line area near the inner edge. In the region, Cheng Bin's subjective consciousness in the quantum avatar cluster is slowly changing during self-regulation ...
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