Chapter 456: Indescribable life, soul transcoding experiment in chaos domain

到底 What exactly is life?
普通 For ordinary humans, life is a bunch of organic compounds with metabolism, stress, and reproduction capabilities.
某些 For some scientists, life is a unique system that continuously engulfes high-order energy and emits high chaos energy to maintain its own anti-entropy operation in an environment with increasing entropy.
程 For Cheng Bin not long ago, life is an information system with complex interactive logic, self-cognition, and self-derivative ability, which is carried by the body within the numerous cross-sections of the world line.
However, his view has been severely challenged now ...
Cheng Chengbin, while receiving feedback from the Supreme Alliance on the other side of the World Tree, touched the consciousness of the World Tree in the chaos domain through high-dimensional interference that is closely linked to the cores of many low-dimensional individual souls.
The strange mental state of the world tree, and the strange connection between order and chaos in his experimental field, made Cheng Bin interested in things in the chaotic domain, so after collecting the information needed for research, he began to regulate the quantum avatar. Clusters, a little twisted change the form of their high-dimensional information body
试图 He tried to reverse the experimental steps of the high-dimensional assembly of the world line of the world tree, based on the gradual understanding, dismantled the world line he occupied, and simulated a special broken environment with a chaotic domain.
高 In the high-dimensional field of view, the distance between the world lines depends on the properties of the large unified field assembled by the quantum foam in each world section.
Just as Cheng Bin once encountered humans with highly consistent information structures in a world with different physical rules, it is not difficult for powerful high-dimensional life to greatly distort the laws of world physics while maintaining the world's surface scenery unchanged. Things.
Cheng Chengbin's behavior in this world line fragmentation experiment is essentially pushing the experimental area to the real chaos field. He is repeating the encounter of the world tree itself in another way.
After a large number of low-dimensional individuals as experimental pioneers completed the extremely chaotic abyss in the experimental field of the World Tree, Cheng Bin who touched the context also successfully touched the real chaos domain in a step-by-step attempt, turning part of his body Into shards of worldlines that have no logic or relevance.
After completing one step of the transformation of the side dimensions of the quantum bubble world, Cheng Bin began to explore the chaotic environment of chaotic domains that does not even exist in the world time, and tried to derive a low-dimensional and high-dimensional information architecture based on this environment. The state of the world tree is constantly exploring the similarities and differences between the two universe environments.
Taking the world tree as a research reference object, Cheng Bin quickly constructed a high-dimensional information body corresponding to his environment in the shallow broken land in the chaotic domain. As he expected, the shape of the material carrier changed. As long as the cognition is deep enough, it will not affect the soul core of his information level.
However, as Cheng Bin gradually shifted his mind to the chaos domain, he discovered a rather serious problem—
Starting from the chaos domain, everything seen in his high-dimensional perspective has been distorted. In response to the high-dimensional information body constructed by the environment of the chaos domain, it shifts when it touches the dimensions of the quantum bubble. The more he adapts firmly In the environment of the chaos domain, the original world line became more strange in his eyes.
This is also the case where he did not touch the chaos domain deeply, and some quantum avatar clusters maintained normal operation near the inner domain.
As Cheng Bin, who has not yet upgraded his dimensionality and does not have a complete high-dimensional vision, can't confirm which dimension of the quantum bubble lies outside the world line during this conversion process, he can only temporarily stop deepening and try Follow the previous steps to reverse the experiment and convert yourself back.
At this time, Cheng Bin found that the problem was far more serious than he thought--
He thought that every step of the soul transcoding process was under control. I didn't know where the alienation had occurred. Not only was there something distorted in what he saw. At present, he seems to be operating normally, and it is almost impossible to be normal by another part. Recognized by the quantum avatar.
Even, Cheng Bin found that he had problems with the boundary between the normal world and the chaos domain, and the definition of the world line's architecture and environment had diverged from the quantum incarnation over the inner domain, which led him to identify himself and the inner domain. There are contradictions in the positioning of where they are.
A part of the soul carrier has transformed from the ordered quantum incarnation into Cheng Bin's discrete and broken quantum bubble Cheng Bin. At this time, he has doubts about the definition of life-now he, in his eyes before him, is still a life ?
The only thing in the chaos domain that can be called behavior is the chaos storm that destroys and assimilate everything. Every thinking activity of Cheng Bin in the chaos domain represents the rise of chaos in the broken domain and the normality. Erosion of the world line.
Unlike the World Devourer, who is completely out of the chaos domain environment, he cannot do anything else, but as long as he continues to transform the soul form until the assimilation of consciousness is embedded in the entire chaos domain, he will no longer be seen by any previous high dimensions. Attack effects, unless the entire Chaos Domain disappears completely.
Is he like this a phenomenon or life? In the seemingly irregular empty chaotic domain, is there any soul similar to his current state? Will there already be many high-dimensional lives integrated into it that can no longer be observed in the normal way?
What are the different perspectives of the chaos domain and the inner domain?
A circle on the paper is a radiant sun in the eyes of some people, a rolling wheel in the eyes of some people, and only a straight line in the eyes of a person who observes from the side. A bunch of three-dimensional atoms ...
Matter is always that kind of material, but the information it carries will reflect a completely different appearance due to the observer ’s own form and observation angle, and this different appearance will not affect any observer from his own perspective Interference effects of the nature of matter ...
怎么 In the universe, how do you build a perspective that strips away all appearances and points to the essence of materialism?
In the shattering storm that constantly erodes the normal world line and expands its own field, the indescribable existence of form takes a look at his body that grows wildly in the thinking activities and integrates with the environment, and looks at the distantly closely connected form that gradually develops. The alienated quantum avatar cluster then decisively annihilated all its own thinking activities and destroyed all the carriers of the chaos domain.
For true high-dimensional life, this operation is undoubtedly suicide. Even if some high-dimensional life is difficult to change its gene of authority outside the world line dimension, it will not die on the spot, but the collapse of the kingdom of God and the body is enough to make it The terrible wounds that fell to the bottom of the valley.
No process bin has not yet been upgraded. His current so-called subjective consciousness is actually constructed by all quantum incarnation clusters in accordance with the soul algorithm and protocol. It is only necessary to re-create one, except for the loss of some carrier resources. No cost.
Even if he did not choose to self-destruct, as the distortion of consciousness brought by the chaos domain deepened, and the connection with the inner domain was completely cut off, the normal part of the quantum incarnation cluster would immediately re-construct a new subjective consciousness.
This is also the basis of Cheng Bin's courage to increase his risk of upgrading and conduct various soul experiments--
The disintegration and disintegration of the interconnected low-dimensional clusters are divided and contradictory, which is the end of all those who fail to upgrade the dimension, and Cheng Bin ... he is currently in disintegration. The cluster agreement is the result of the efforts of those who are willing to unite. A shock or personality difference will not be completely defeated.
Because the consciousness becomes disintegrated, the individual will eventually be eliminated by the quantum avatar cluster that is willing to continue the agreement, and the subjective consciousness will be reborn again to continue the unfinished journey. This is Cheng Bin ’s most powerful ability, and he truly surpasses other relying on high Keeping the soul upholds the low-dimensional unity, fearing the birth of high-dimensional life.
After being reborn from the cluster of quantum avatars near the inner domain, Cheng Bin thoughtfully reviewed all the records of the soul transcoding experiment in the chaos domain.
Just like observing the world lines of different physical rules in order to find common ground to deepen the unified field, his experiments in the chaos domain have harvested a lot of useful data, which made him update his theoretical model of quantum foam again, closer to the universe. His true face, and his future soul upgrading experiments will naturally benefit from it.
After glancing at the world line anchored by his own relationship at the core of the inner domain, after browsing through the information obtained by low-dimensional individuals from the system during the change of the world line, Cheng Bin pondered: "The difference between the chaotic domain and the environment here, Is it from the Supreme Holy One? Then my perspective and thinking have been distorted ~ ~ Will it not be the result of the interference of the two types of Supreme Holy One at the same time? Just like the world tree ...
"If the Supreme Holy One can do this kind of thing, then their power will not be measurable by the simple control of the world line ... The soul experiment will have to be continued. I do n’t know if we can get closer to the truth after the dimension upgrade. Perspective ... "
After turning his eyes and looking at the World Tree, Cheng Bin found that the Supreme Alliance, which constantly distorts a large number of world timelines, has extended its influence to the entire experimental area. Although it is far from affecting the will of the World Tree itself, it is also sufficient to reach The twigs of the world tree projected.
"... Many experiments related to the uplifting of the soul and the soul can only be carried out with the cooperation of a system with a truly high-dimensional soul," Cheng Bin looked at the disturbing points that constantly appear inexplicably at the level of the probabilities of various information in the inner domain. "Without solving the Lord of Infinite, high-risk experiments are simply unconditional. Is it time to find it troublesome ...
"However, if it ’s not just dragging on but actually breaking it down, the soul-up experiment must be timed, otherwise I ca n’t hurt it at all ... the low-dimensional parallel individuals and the seeker system The experiment seems to have to hurry up. I don't know what happened to Bai, Samer and Dr. Cheng ... "
After groaning for a while, Cheng Bin thought slightly, extended the high-dimensional tentacles to the inner area, and gently moved the world line ...
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