Chapter 556: Devourer, DIO and the world

"Don't I stand here properly? How can I ask someone in person to die?"
Cheng Bin knew exactly what Cheng Taro wanted to ask, so he asked back with a smile, and then he turned his eyes to Polunarev, curiously saying, "Even if my soul died, , The silver chariot and requiem are very 'concerned' to me, shouldn't we have a frank talk? "
Polunalev and Chengtaro looked at each other, then he took a step forward, and opened his hands to Cheng Bin, and said frankly, "I know a little from the silver chariot · Requiem, although I don't know yet Specific reasons, but the current situation is indeed caused by his intentional guidance
"Now you have temporarily broken the connection with 'Infinite', and your past words and deeds generally conformed to 'some standard', so the avatar alliance represented by the Silver Chariot and Requiem is willing to make further contact with you. "
"Stand-in Alliance?" Cheng Bin thoughtfully looked at his palm-
As one of the humanoids with a special status in some fields, he is also currently responsible for several experimental projects on avatars, such as reshaping the soul that currently controls the unshaped, and trying to use the energy of the soul to reproduce the power of avatars. .
Although in the current exploration results and research conjectures, this strange thing of substitutes has a high probability that it is related to other parallel worlds. No single effort in the world can reproduce the miracle power of substitutes, but
Cheng Bin feels that, like him, he hates the trouble of Katz entanglement and abandons the "infinite" world. There should be far more than one case in the large cardinal environment of the normal world line. After all, the so-called avatar alliance seems to be happy to promote this. .
Then, with the convenient intermediary and carrier of soul energy, he can completely try to rely on his own tacit understanding with the parallel world, and customize a new stand-in through space.
This is also an exploratory experiment on the origin of the avatars—the various avatars that existed before the avatars. Where did they come from? Can it be born out of thin air in this way? Or, is the existing base of substitutes large enough to screen out individuals who fully match Cheng Bin's customization needs?
To be honest, such experiments are difficult to control, and whether there is progress and the direction of progress is very difficult for Cheng Bin in a separate world to judge.
However, there seems to be a more convenient verification channel avatar alliance now. How many secrets will you know?
After a brief groan, after Cheng Bin put down his hand that was looming over a layer of ghost, he looked at Polunarev and said to the guy who always wrote his mind and emotion on his face: "The fate of the ambassador is me I have long heard that from the perspective of the world, there are various contradictions and conflicts between avatars and between avatars.
"It's hard to imagine that a avatar, like a avatar, can use its ability to rule a special life in a specific field and can form a unified alliance. So, are the avatars of the alliance facing an extremely dangerous living environment, or do they have extremely terrible foreign enemies? "
It is only those factors that can allow a group full of contradictions to put down all disputes and form a unified collective.
Porunerev, who was not good at covering his emotions, heard that his expression changed slightly at the last moment, and Cheng Bin, who was observing him, nodded a little: "Is this so an external enemy? Seeing you like this, the external enemy still knows you A single individual? A powerful enemy who can force a large number of substitutes to unite against each other. "
Aside from Seitaro's faint hostility, Risut struggled to reduce his sense of existence, and he heard a shiver and unconsciously took a step back--
who am I? What are they talking about? What am I doing here?
Hearing the sound of stepping back, the eyes of the three Cheng Bins turned to Risut at the same time, and then they took it back casually, which caused Risut to know nothing about the situation and caused a huge psychological pressure and approached the door unconsciously. Up.
Watching Risut "consciously" retreating from the laboratory door, holding instinctively hostile Chengtaro to the vampire and pressing his hat, then he put his hand on Polunarev's shoulder and patted it, sighing After a voice, he told Cheng Bin: "The enemy of the alliance is a real monster."
Recalling that when he learned the truth from Polunarev not long ago, his inner shock and throbbing, Cheng Tailang stopped flying from the German research base intermittently with a complex look on his face: "That is a Other monsters that completely engulfed and completely wiped out its carrier soul from history
"Have the ability to accomplish almost everything you want, twist the reality that overwrites the entire universe, monsters that continue to devour more time, space and life, our old enemy, Dior! Or the‘ world ’!

The "world" in the "Platinum Star World" that can stop time.
的 The memory of the battle many years ago, with the disclosure of that name, came to the bottom of Chengtaro's heart again.
Entangled the centuries-old shadow of the Josda family, the culprit that killed the family for generations, the most vicious vampire Dior
Seitaro originally thought that the terrible enemy who was so desperately powerful had been awakened and killed by the same ability. But what he did not expect was that the cause and effect entanglement between him and the monster was far from over.
On the river of time and space where countless world lines converge, a monster with devouring ability hunts down weak substitutes. For each substitute, even if only a part of it is devoured, he will become stronger and possess the devoured Partial ability.
Constantly engulfing, constantly expanding and strengthening the power, even let this monster closer to the essence of the substitute ability in the essence of ability, his ability within the world, gradually out of the constraints of the box, towards the free and free mind It's a big step forward.
The crazy World of Devourers, in an attempt to swallow up all the substitutes, and bring the power of all the substitutes together to reach a higher realm.
Under the pressure of survival, most of the doubles have joined together, and ignited a huge war with the Devourer in countless worlds. Finally, with huge sacrifices, the progress of the Devourer was once alliance by the Alliance in the decisive battle. The strongest of them has stopped--
The star of time, Platinum Star, Requiem, gave up part of the self, and was actively engulfed by the world, and in the process joined other substitutes that were partially engulfed and not yet completely extinct, defeating the world's intellect from the inside.
But this is only a temporary battle that has not ended, it has just transformed into another form.
After listening to the brief description of the two ~ ~ Cheng Bin looked at Cheng Tailang in wonder and asked: "So, your current avatar Platinum Star and the world of Dior's avatar are essentially after the decisive battle. Consume the same individual? Can you both influence each other's spirits through your substitutes? "
Seitaro was silent for a while, then shook his head and said: "It can only be said that the connection is extremely close. Now I want to come. When he was discussing Diaw, he also used an intelligence class similar to my grandpa Joseph's" Hidden Purple ". Substitute ability, but this short-lived event did not attract much attention after his death
"I thought that my time-stopping ability, like the Hermit's Purple incident, was due to the interaction between the blood of Dior and the Josda family. Now, from another perspective, maybe this guy really swallowed our stand-in. Power has part of our abilities
"I now understand a little bit what the evil ritual that the guy left behind to ascend to 'Heaven' by devouring the soul is used for."
Seeing Cheng Bin wanting to ask more in-depth questions, Polunarev stepped forward and interrupted with a cough: "A lot of the information I know from the Silver Chariot · Requiem is actually incomplete. There is also a lot of speculation at this point, so there are some secrets that don't need to be studied for the time being. Let's solve the immediate problem first.
"In order for the power of the Alliance to truly intervene in the world and avoid being swallowed up by that monster, we must pull out the two remaining tricky nails outside the Scarlet King as soon as possible."
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