Chapter 557: Apostles and neutrals of the world

In the historical data recorded by human civilization, the earliest clear record of this mysterious thing appeared in ancient civilization hundreds of years ago.
Corrugated messengers, practitioners, witches, fortunetellers, vampires ... In the era of almost a group of devil dances, as substitutes for many sources of abnormal abilities, they were not very conspicuous.
Because of the stand-in of that period, the basic qualities and abilities are far from being as weird and powerful as possible.
Even the awakened ambassadors ten years ago and the latest generation of avatars have a visible gap, which is particularly evident in the overall number and diversity of capabilities.
Relevant experts believe that scientific progress and the initial information explosion are one of the major driving factors for the development of avatars. In recent years, the mysterious arrows that can stimulate avatars have also played a key role in this process.
But the fact is not the case.
From the silver chariot of the league known as the Dark Marshal of the Alliance, the soul repertoire, Polunarev, who tried to synchronize with the substitute, obtained a lot of fragmented pieces of information, including a part of the "force map" at the substitute level.
The picture beyond the scope of human sensory comprehension cannot be clearly stated by Polunarev, but it is certain that the rise of the avatars in modern times is not because the avatar system has developed to this point with the historical process. But because--
In this era, it is not far from the main battlefield between the alliance and the world.
The stunts who are higher than the monolithic world, most of their powers are focused on a few key nodes on the timeline, and they have no time to pay attention to other places before the end of this vast and long war.
The closer the time is, as the key node on the battlefield, the more active and influential the avatars are in the world, but this is only the manifestation of the spread of the strength aftermath of the participants in each main battlefield along the time axis.
世界 A world far away from the key time nodes, even the reality of itself cannot be maintained, and a stable past and future cannot be maintained. Most of them can only follow the trajectory of fate in the delicate balance ...
Uh ...
In the smoky battle conference room, since having a daughter, Cheng Taro completely quit smoking, and silently annihilated the cigarette butts in his ashtray, which was almost full on the table.
After pressing his eyes several times with his eyes closed, Cheng Tailang pressed down the fatigue of the whole body. He looked up and glanced over Polunarev and Cheng Bin who were whispering, focusing his eyes on the whiteboard wall across the table. .
At this moment, the wall is covered with information files with magnetic nails. These are all information gathered by the SPW Group in a short period of time using secure and secret channels, from regular medical files to small newspapers and magazines that do not know which corner, to handwritings. It's like a sketch of a dog crawling, with all kinds of information.
All the information is collected around two people-two terrible enemies worthy of anyone's care.
In the feedback from the dark marshal, these two nails must be removed from the world, one is a neutral who is outside the alliance, and the other is an apostle who has not yet awakened in the "world".
The pieces of information that Polunarev obtained contained the past and future destiny trajectories of this world and other parallel worlds, which allowed him to spoil as a prophet to a certain extent, which greatly facilitated the group's resistance to the enemy. Investigation action.
Shōtarou's gaze swept across the right-hand wall, whose key information such as name, face, location, etc. were blackened out of the "neutral" data group-somehow, Polunalev strongly emphasized that we must avoid Anyone directly involved in the operation knows too much about the intelligence these intelligence personnel have obtained through careful indirect investigations, especially those that have been blacked out.
Even all those involved in the indirect investigation of the neutrals were completely quarantined and detained at this time, forbidding them from any information exchange with the outside world.
This makes Cheng Taro a bit puzzling-although he knows that Porunarev's behavior is mostly due to the special ability of the unknown enemy, but what kind of ability is it that requires such a degree of prevention?
It makes him feel stressed.
Compared to other confused people, Cheng Bin seems to know a little about fate, but he agrees with Polunarev's cautious decision.
He glanced at the two men whispering and discussing something, Cheng Tailang's gaze turned back to the wall, he stared at the "Apostle" on the left, and took out a new cigarette in his mouth.
The blue-violet phantom flickered in front of Cheng Taro's face, and the part of the star of the platinum star flicked his fingers with terrible high-speed, created high temperature by air friction in a small space, and ignited the cigarette that Cheng Tailang was holding.
After taking a deep breath, Cheng Tailang's gaze at the target's head was gradually sharpened in the rising smoke--
Zernike Puch ... a priest with a twist.
Trimmed weird white short hair, dark bronze skin close to black, slightly luxurious golden cross purple black robe ... This priest who believes in Dior or "world" has a different appearance than ordinary people. Underneath his seemingly ordinary life history, the hidden twisted soul and the malicious unknowingness of all beings.
"... yielded to Dior's evil charm and willingly sacrificed all beings and even himself to that devourer ..."
Recalling the corner of fate revealed by Polunarev, Cheng Taro's eyes narrowed slightly, and he could not help revealing a dangerous look: "In the future of many worlds, the people who killed me and my daughter Xu Lun ..."
A monster trying to destroy and devour everything, actually still has a large number of believers and apostles in the vast world ... I don't know if Dior could conquer a group of evildoers at first. It has a similar evil and lethal charm to the double.
The spirit of fighting spirit and momentum that burst into Taro's body, the kind of flame that is almost visible to the naked eye and formed by the influence of soul energy on electromagnetic waves, caused the other two in the room to look at him sideways.
Looking back, Cheng Bin continued to ask Polunarev: "... Can't your silver chariot · Requiem be used to directly solve them like you did when dealing with the Crimson King last time? Although you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you seem to have killed the Scarlet King directly? "
"How can it be so easy," Polunarev sighed. "At that time it was the Crimson King who worked first and gave up most of the future by himself, so that we could have a chance ... even then, we just came A little bit of strength of the alliance members, preventing the Scarlet King from extending to a farther future ...
"Unless Diapolo disappears directly from history and our memories, the alliance and this powerful neutral can't make a difference for a while ... the same goes for those who have been devoured by Dior and the world, ordinary people I never remember who was sacrificed around me ...
"Also, the power of the avatar is strong, but it is not infinite. The use of real power here means that there is a price to be paid elsewhere, especially in the world in direct contact with the hostile camp ...
"Now that the all-out war is under way, it is difficult for the stunt alliance to extract strength to deal with those enemies in non-core battlefields. Therefore, to clean up the nails in each time period of each world, we can only use the least effort to move our destiny, and try our best in Internally, in the absence of foreign aid, it is done by basic carriers like us. "
After a pause, Polunarev explained: "Not all potential adversaries are qualified to be 'nails' that hinder the Alliance's advent. Most of these nails are related to 'World Beyond Heaven' and 'Platinum Star' · The Requiem is related to that battle, most of them therefore have some characteristics of time-like abilities in the world. "
"Oh? Did they inherit part of the world's power?" Cheng Bin nodded thoughtfully, and then continued to ask, "In this way, as a member of the hostile camp, the world's apostle Puqi should hide an extremely powerful force Right? But looking at your arrangement, it doesn't seem to pay much attention to it? "
After the preliminary intelligence collection and analysis, Polunarev planned to work with Cheng Taro to solve the apostle of the world named Puqi, and the work to deal with the neutral was handed to Cheng Bin, and they would Come to support the apostles as appropriate.
Although the power of the Platinum Star and the Silver Chariot · Requiem is very strong, before the real power behind the stand-in came down, on the diversity and difficulty of the ability, Cheng Bin still far surpassed both of them- Even if Cheng Bin himself died before cutting himself.
And most importantly, Cheng Bin's immortality far surpasses Cheng Tailang them-Polunarev believes that the danger of contact with the neutral is far more than the battle with that apostle in the world.
"Because the apostles of the world, like us, have extremely demanding conditions for the release of real power," Porunarev frowned. "Strictly speaking, the world we live in is, on the whole, free from the battlefield. The powerful neutral is like the crimson king ...
"These guys have more power in the world here, and unlike most of us who are occupied by the main battlefield, they do n’t have so many restrictions on putting more power into the world at a certain time-this is also the two sides of the war I want to find a way out to solve their reasons ~ ~ The world naturally wants to swallow up or include each of those guys who have not joined the alliance, each fighting, and the alliance naturally will not watch the world grow wild If you can pull in, you must pull in, if you ca n’t pull in ... then I ’m sorry, at least I have to spit out the occupied territory and strength. Whether I can save my life depends on the situation.
Those substitutes who are independent and have an independent consciousness, whether they are independent and do not want to participate in the war, or those who are looking at the mountains and watching tigers and fighting for profits, are doomed to escape this round of cleaning.
"The unawakened apostle is not terrible before the time stops, but the apostle itself has a close connection with the world. The platinum star and the world are already considered to be the same source, so this enemy must be confronted by me and Chengtarou. As for that, Neutral ... "
After hesitating for a moment, Polunarev told Cheng Bin with a serious face: "... From a higher perspective, that guy is relatively peaceful, in principle, the alliance can ignore the other party's original behavior, Suck it in, but ... "
The contradiction and conflict of ideas between the stand-in perspective and the world ’s own perspective made Polunarev's emotions a bit complicated, but the mind that he has refined over decades has made him choose to conform to his own insistence:
"... At least in this world, that guy is a real demon, be careful! If you have the chance ... kill him!
而且 "And ... as soon as possible!"
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