Chapter 36: Have ulterior motives (2)

I don't know how to stop myself from continuing to be stupid. Can't make it clear. I just want to express that her composition is like waiting for someone who knows to read it. In other words, it is for some people to understand her after reading it.
Luo Zhi laughed for a while, then suddenly reached out and rubbed my hair.
We are at most one year old. But she made this move, not abrupt. She put away her smile and looked at me very seriously.
"Thank you. Geng Geng." She smiled again.
She remembered my name.
Suddenly I didn't know what to say, and she was not a talkative, we just stood in the corridor like this.
Just when I was embarrassed by this silence-of course I blamed me for making the situation so awkward-Luo Zhi suddenly said, "Do you know? In our school year, just like your first year in high school, you will also circulate excellent compositions. of."
I blinked, a little unresponsive.
"So..." She stopped and turned to look at me. "Are you going to the physics office to find a teacher?"
"No," she suddenly changed the subject, and I was a little slow to respond, "I was sick at the same table, so let me return a note. By the way, this is Sheng Huainan's note. I heard that he is you Where's the great of high school. Senior sister, do you know him?"
I raised the notes in my hand, and the paper rattled.
Luo Zhi slowly raised his eyes to look at the note in my hand.
That was the second time after my dad’s smile, I felt that someone’s expression was slowly blooming, as long as slow motion.
"I... can I see it?" she asked softly.
I was a little worried that Yu Huai would mind if I took the notes of the seniors he admired to curry favor with the seniors I admired.
So I said, "Okay, take it and watch it!"
Luo Zhi turned over for a long time. It's really long. After a long time, he gently and politely took it back to me with both hands, saying thank you.
"I don't know him, but he is very famous."
She took the physics paper I had just held for her, smiled and patted my shoulder: "Then you go quickly, people are still waiting for this notebook."
I nodded, somehow reluctant to give up, but fortunately she called me again before I turned around.
"By the way, you know how to get there? He's in Class 3. Do you... do you need me to take you there?"
"Oh, how come you are so nice, Senior Sister!" I hurried past like a pug and asked her to show me the way.
I also picked up Sheng Huainan's notes the way she was holding the physics paper. Unfortunately, the notes were too thin. It was weird how to hold it. I could only close my arms and hug them tightly.
We didn't talk too much along the way. The corridors and halls of the administrative district were empty and quiet, passing through the gray sky, only the sound of footsteps chasing us like little ghosts.
I don't know what she is thinking. We always have a sense of awe compared to our seniors. It has nothing to do with age. It is an indescribable feeling, just like when my cousin who was only one year older than me was in elementary school, I saw her lying on the table. The square with Tianzi written on it, although it is the same handwriting as a dog crawling, but the whole person looks different.
I was originally a person who was afraid of the cold, but then I forgot who I heard from this is called social anxiety, a very advanced term. Anyway, I'm with someone I don't know very well, but whenever everyone has nothing to say, I will blame myself for being too heavy. I always think it's my fault. But the magic is that with her, whether it was the silence under the podium on the anniversary day or today, I didn't feel embarrassed.
"Senior Sister," I said boldly, flattering, "It's really comfortable to be with you. It's so comfortable not to speak."
She glanced at me unexpectedly, thought about it, and smiled.
"It's also with you. You are special, Geng."
"Where? Where is it special?" I hurriedly climbed.
"You are the first person to make me feel that it is not a sin for me not to talk."
Well-written writing is different. I slapped me carefully for a while, but before I got too much reaction, she went on to say:
"I think anyone who is blessed to be with you in the future will be at ease. Very happy."
"That is, that is!" My smile bloomed, and I quickly added, "Senior sister, you too!"
She nodded pretentiously, "Well, I think so too."
Complimenting each other also requires a match. I gave myself a hard hit in my heart.
When she reached the fourth floor, she suddenly stopped at the top of the stairs and told me that there was Class 3 at the end of the corridor. Go ahead.
"Aren't you with me?"
She glanced at me, but did not answer.
I felt very reckless, so I quickly nodded and said, "Thank you, senior sister, then I will go over!"
After running for two steps, I turned my head back to look at her awkwardly. Luo Zhi was still standing on the spot, staring at the end of the corridor, not knowing what he was thinking, his concentrated expression was very moving. Maybe she felt my gaze and she met my gaze.
Then smiled, Luo Luo turned around and left generously.
Somehow, I feel a little upset.
It seemed that I had driven her away this time.
"Hello, senior sister, can you help me find senior Sheng Huainan?"
The senpai who was wiping the back door glass with a rag burst into a burst of laughter after hearing my words.
She turned around and shouted loudly to the classroom: "Sheng Huainan, someone is looking for you! You are really crazy, you are only a freshman!"
A fool can't hear what it means. Although I knew it was a joke, it made me feel a little uncomfortable.
If I really came to confess to the great god, I shouldn't be ashamed.
Amidst everyone’s laughter, I saw a boy in the second-to-last row by the window walked out in a school uniform, and a few boys hippy smiled and put on his shoulders and said something. He laughed and pushed them away. Walked towards me outside the door.
So handsome.
Although I didn't come to confess my confession, but at that moment, I suddenly felt that since I have come, I should confess it by the way...
"Classmate, can you find me something?"
Sheng Huainan's voice was better than what I heard under the podium during the school celebration, with a faint smile on his face.
"Sorry, they just joked, don't mind."
What a nice person. I shook my head like a wavy, the door-cleaner did not avoid us, but leaned toward the door to see how bad my eyes were.
The disgust I had just aroused by the joke resurrected.
So I gathered up the courage and glared at her, and then handed out the notebook in my hand with the most indifferent attitude: "Hello senior, I am in the first five class of high school, and Yu Huai is at the same table. He is sick and can't come to class today, let me Help him return the notes to you, and he says thank you."
"You..." Sheng Huainan took the notes, laughing and crying, "You...what are you polite, you call me like an old man."
"Huh? That, that, you."
This time, even the senpai who was cleaning the glass at the door couldn't listen anymore, and went back to her seat with a smile.
"Thank you, elementary school girl." He said.
I bowed and ran away, looking back while running, he was still standing at the door, looking at me with a gentle smile on his face.
The heartbeat is so fast.
Good-looking, but also joking.
When I went back to class, the room was still noisy. Jian and β were holding a new winter hotdog from the commissary and eating happily.
As soon as I sat down on the beta table, I began to talk about my adventures in the second year of high school. I talked so much, and when I was tired, I took a bite of the hot dog I handed over.
"Really handsome?"
"Then why didn't you take a picture? Is your digital camera used as a paperweight when you bring it to school every day?" β hummed aside.
I rolled my eyes: "You are so embarrassed!"
"Then, isn't he better than..." Simple sitting behind me, quietly glanced at Han Xu, who was playing the game console with his head down from the corner of his eyes, and asked dryly, "Well more handsome than... Chu Tiankuo?"
Chu Tiankuo's appearance is the benchmark for our grade. Zhenhua boys are mainly divided into two categories-gods who are not handsome and handsome.
"God. Great God level." I said.
Of course, Han Xu is also the of simplicity in his heart. We think Han Xu is too cold and thin, but simple but think that Chu Tiankuo is a little too beautiful.
"It's the kind of big doll holding a carp in the New Year picture. It's too traditional and beautiful." Simplicity is still overwhelming.
"I have never thought that a doll holding a carp is good-looking," β sneered at the simplicity. "The only difference between a doll holding a carp and Xu Yanliang is the carp."
Fortunately, Xu Yanliang is not there.
"Look at your spring," β began to be silent again, "what's the matter, Genggeng, do you like the great god?"
I bowed my head shyly: "Where is it."
While everyone was laughing, my mobile phone shook wildly on the desktop, and I ran back to pick it up.
"Why don't you reply to text messages?"
It's Yu Huai. I turned sideways, avoiding β and the others' inquiring gaze not far away.
"Didn't I just come back after sending my notes? The phone was on the table just now."
"If the mobile phone is not carried with me, what is the difference between it and the landline?"
Come on, you, use your lesson, I even texted the landline an hour ago. "What's the matter with you?" I asked.
"Nothing, I just want to ask if you sent the notes."
"It's over," I was excited, "Sheng Huainan is so handsome!"
Dare to hang up my phone!
Before the physics class, Zhang Ping communicated to us about the "One Twenty Nine Chorus" competition.
"This matter is led by Xu Yanliang. The class committee and the league committee will cooperate well and practice a little bit, but it does not take too much energy. After all, the final exam is about to be taken. If you feel you want to buy some costumes and props in a unified way, you can use the class fee. Come out. Oh, for specific matters, Xu Yanliang, you will know when you go to the Youth League Office at one noon for a meeting."
There was a small commotion in the class for an instant.
I have always hated November. The northern winter is dull and gloomy, especially in November. There is no holiday, and it seems that it will not be over. Now I finally have some fun, and it seems that many people think so.
At this time, I heard Xu Yanliang asking in a low voice: "What is one twenty nine?"
β replied: "The anniversary of December 9th has something to do with the War of Resistance. Have you ever studied modern Chinese history?"
"Why is December 9th, not January 29th?"
"Because the winter vacation is already on January 29th, the hearts of the people are scattered, the team is not easy to lead, and it is not suitable for revolutionary activities."
"It makes sense."
I was in a cold sweat when I heard it beside me. For the first time, I felt that no one could learn liberal arts.
Suddenly the phone buzzed twice, and I took it out from the table and took a look at it. It was Yu Huai again.
"Superficial woman."
I was stunned for a moment before I realized that he was talking about me yelling about Sheng Huainanshuai. Yu Huai's awkward expression when he uttered these two words could almost be seen in his mind, and his heart was suddenly as sweet as honey.
Even I can't figure out why this happens. Suddenly those suspicions and uneasiness disappeared without a trace, even about him, I still don't know anything.
Special and very sweet.
(End of volume)
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