Chapter 37: The Yellow River is roaring (1)

What song should be sung on "January, Two and Nine"? Xu Yanliang engaged in several referendums on this matter, but there was no result. Xu Yanliang once complained that the classmates love learning too much and their enthusiasm for participating in all group activities is not high. However, this time the enthusiasm of everyone has increased, and things are not easy to handle.
All the students were too independent and unconventional. The candidate songs proposed by everyone in the class meeting had already occupied half of the blackboard. The classroom was already heated by the heating, and the atmosphere was tense. Xu Yanliang stood on the podium and couldn't help but wipe his sweat.
The school stipulates that each class must sing two songs in the competition. The first song must be selected from "The Yellow River Cantata", "My Motherland", "On the Songhua River" and "Volunteer March", and the second song is a free choice. , As long as it's not love, love and love, which can cause the principal to have a heart attack.
So a bunch of songs suggested simply were killed.
At noon, Yu Huai saw a blackboard with the title of the song as soon as he walked in, and sat down for a moment in a daze.
"Why is this?" he asked.
"'One Two Nine' chorus. Are you better?"
"I'm not sick, I'm just sleepy. Now I have enough sleep." He rubbed his face.
No one noticed that he came to class. Xu Yanliang was lying on the podium, submerged in a pile of saliva.
"Who still sings "Let the world be filled with love" and "Tomorrow will be better" now, it's not earthy, and it's not for disaster relief."
"You don't mean anything, what are you talking about, "My Future Is Not a Dream", hey, is that a chorus?"
"What's wrong with the solo repertoire? Isn't a chorus just a group of people standing in several rows to sing solo?"
When everyone was in a quarrel, Yu Huai suddenly took out his PHS and fiddled with it a few times. He smiled and said to me, "Lin Yang texted me to complain, saying that'January Two Nine' is about to kill him. ."
"Is he the monitor?" I asked in surprise.
"Yes, Daban Lin, he was the monitor in our junior high school."
"Did they choose which song to sing?"
"It's not because of this," Yu Huai smiled and closed his phone. "It was the first class and the second class on the bar again."
Class 1 and Class 2 are the top two classes in our class. They have been suffocating their energy since the first mid-term exam. I heard that the average score of the first class was higher than that of the second class. The first class of the school year was Chu Tiankuo. This unfavorable start made the second class excited.
Of course, the chorus of "One Two Nine" has to win a round.
"Isn't it just a chorus competition? It's not an exam. I think the people in Class 1 and Class 2 don't care about anything except grades." I was surprised.
Yu Huai shrugged, "They are all people with two legs, why don't you care? Class one did better than class two, so class two turned around and said that class one were all four-eyed frogs studying hard, and class one said There is something for you to find someone who is wider and better than Chu Tian to come out and have a look..."
"Lin Yang is difficult to do?" I couldn't help but think.
He looks good, but not as good as Chu Tiankuo; for good grades, he was overwhelmed by Chu Tiankuo; as a squad leader, he must naturally safeguard the collective honor... I am afraid that Yu Huai has thought of it with me and started to serve Lin. Yang Ming is unbalanced:
"Originally, Lin Yang suggested that this time the '1-2 9'chorus should not be accompanied by an accompaniment tape. It was a bright spot to come out to do the live piano and violin accompaniment. As a result, some of the people in the first class also knew it, and they actually played With four guitars and a drum set, Class Two is completely annoying. If you go upstairs now, you should be able to find a bunch of musical instruments in the hallway, from triangles to double basses, and the whole circus will be a boost."
People who study well are so stylish even in fighting.
While I was chatting with Yu Huai, a simple voice suddenly appeared: "Xu Yanliang Xu Yanliang, I have a suggestion!"
"Call the monitor!"
I don't even care about the simple reasoning: "I heard that both the first and second classes have formed their own accompaniment troupe, or maybe our class also has one."
This suggestion quickly won the approval of people around, and β raised his hand confidently: "Count me!"
"Shut up if you play the clarinet," Xu Yanliang quickly stifled her ambitions in front of the podium, "but a simple proposal is good. There are a few in our class who have musical instruments, and I will ask you to open a separate one later. meeting……"
"I heard that Class 9 has also formed a small band, as well as electronic bass!" A boy in the front row suddenly mentioned.
"Too shameless! Learning from others!" the whole class scolded angrily.
In the end, the class committee meeting decided that we would sing "Yellow River Cantata" and "My Future Is Not a Dream". Xu Yanliang said that the contrast between the two songs is easier to produce results, which embodies the strong plasticity, variety of styles and full of vigor of the people in Class 5 . The proposal of the small orchestra is still invalid, but Wen Xiaoxiao, the literary and artistic committee member, is at the tenth level of piano. It is enough for her to play the electronic piano in the "Yellow River Cantata" by herself.
Yu Huai is not very cold on "January, Two and Nine". I can understand his sense of urgency in the competition. I don’t know what he said to Xu Yanliang. When the class committee met for the second time, Xu Yanliang actually called me. Take the place of his sports committee member.
I ran out of the classroom, seven people were already standing in the corridor.
"Why didn't Yu Huai come by himself?" Wen Xiaoxiao said, and glanced at the class from the back door. "Didn't he come to class just now?"
"Oh, Yu Huai has something to do. Let Geng Geng temporarily replace it," Xu Yanliang explained. "Class is about to start. Let's hurry up and talk about business."
Wen Xiaoxiao wanted to say something but held back, turned to look at me, but looked away when I looked up at her.
"Just now Wen Xiaoxiao talked about uniform clothing, and the class fee is less than two thousand yuan left," Xu Yanliang said, "Is it enough to buy clothing?"
"Of course it's not enough," Wen Xiaoxiao shook his head, "At any rate, a complete set of clothes costs fifty yuan. Even if the material is not good, sixty people are three thousand yuan, so we have to charge more than one thousand."
"That's only twenty yuan per person," Xu Yan nodded brightly, "That's it."
"Does everyone have any opinions?" I was a little worried.
Some people in the class are in bad family circumstances, such as Zhu Yao's deskmate Zheng Yamin.
Xu Yanliang was also aware of this, and looked at Wen Xiaoxiao awkwardly: "Why don't you go outside this weekend, if you have clothing that can be wholesaled, cut down the price, let's buy it, if not, forget it, the big deal is like It’s the same at the sports meeting. Wear a white shirt and black pants again."
Wen Xiaoxiao said embarrassingly: "It was a funeral procession at the Games."
"How about wearing white gloves again? Neatly." Xu Yanliang remedied it unwillingly.
"Then become a cremator." I reminded him.
Xu Yanliang waved his hand a little impatiently: "Let’s talk about this later, let’s split up. Wen Xiaoxiao, ask a few people to copy the lyrics and notation and send them to everyone. Geng, you can borrow the accompaniment tape from the music teacher, oh , By the way, go to the English office to borrow Teacher Lai’s tape recorder. We will start rehearsing for the third self-study class this afternoon."
I agreed, and I felt something was wrong when I returned to the classroom and sat down.
"Where is the squad leader?" I stood up and looked around, and found that Wen Xiaoxiao and Xu Yanliang hadn't come back. They should have been busy preparing.
"Β, β," I yelled softly, "Can you help me go to the English office?"
β turned around puzzledly: "Why, do you want to hit the muzzle yourself?"
"I asked you to help me because I didn't want to bump into it. Will you help me borrow the tape recorder? The third class is about to rehearse."
"I don't want it," Beta's head shook like a rattle. "I also have grudges with her. She just scolded me when she was speaking English papers last week."
Not righteous. No wonder the protagonist of "Young and Dangerous" is not a woman. With this kind of awareness, how can you hold hands and chop people on the street in the future? !
"Why do you say'have enmity'?" Yu Huai interrupted at this time, "When did you offend Teacher Lai?"
I simply told him his text message that almost killed me.
"Although I think it is not good to be caught by mobile phone vibration during class, but this is obviously asking you to give up, right?" Yu Huai said absently.
I thought for a while, Lai Chunyang's last sentence, "One or two, neither listens to me" is really confusing.
"No matter what the reason, she just scolded me in the morning, and I would never go to death by myself in the afternoon. You go for me, I was the one who went to the meeting for you today, and bought you valuable review time. The English office is a big effort, so go, go, go!"
"Too lazy to move. I don't like Teacher Lai either."
"I also sent notes to Sheng Huainan for you. I ran a long way!"
"Aren't you supposed to thank me for this?!"
This is also true.
Seeing that I didn't refute, Yu Huai turned black in an instant.
"Death." He got up and left, leaving me alone for a long time. Was this promised or not?
As soon as the bell rang for the third class in the afternoon, Wen Xiaoxiao began to send out the notation and lyrics of two songs. I held my chin in a daze and saw Xu Yanliang carrying Lai Chunyang's baby tape recorder onto the podium. I couldn't help but laugh and turned to thank Yu Huai again.
Yu Huai was still working on the question and didn't hear it.
When I picked up the lyrics, I remembered a very important thing.
I am out of tune.
I glanced at Yu Huai, who was writing like flying, with my left light, and my heart suddenly beaten up.
I do not know how to sing.
This did not shame my mother less.
When my mother first joined the city branch, I was in the second grade of elementary school. At that time, the private rooms of our restaurants were often equipped with a TV screen and a bulky karaoke machine. If you want to order a song, you have to turn over a heavy songbook for a long time, and find the four corresponding songs in alphabetical order. Digit input machine. Singing after eating, or singing while eating, was a relatively high-end leisure way in our city at that time, and cultivated the first batch of middle-aged and elderly wheat tyrants in our city.
Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Karaoke becomes a colosseum where parents can compete with each other in parties that can bring their children together. Whose child will host Sweet Mouth is called a little star, whose child’s voice is so loud that they have competed in "Little Boy", whose child has color will click songs to make the audience happy...
Nothing to do with me anyway. I run out of tune, stage fright, and the mud doesn't make it to the wall. In this kind of social occasions, the "breeders" of outstanding boys and girls can often become the focus, and I never gave my mother a face.
My mother's heart is higher than the sky, and my life is thinner than paper.
The eight-year-old wallflower Miss Geng Geng learned "Nanping Evening Bell", "A Game and a Dream", "Katyusha", "Bearded Love", and "The One Who Cares About You" in the Huashan Lunjian after one after another. When she sang popular songs like "It's Me" in her mind, she really never tuned out.
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