Chapter 263: Back to the city

When the convoys returned to the Holy City one after another.
The crow feathers attached to the carriage all changed back to the appearance of a crow and flew back to the unrecognizable Gain Forest.
When the crows flew over the newly built moat, they were not affected by the river.
Just because of the convoy, it became the cost for them to cross the river.
One of the more irritated ravens also glanced back at the convoy entering the city, and seemed to want to see if ‘Master Messenger’ was safe.
The gates are closed.
All convoys entered the city without any casualties, but the danger has not been ruled out.
The knights of the Holy Knights will conduct a sacred inspection of the trainee knights inside each carriage.
It cannot be ruled out that the low-level knight has already fallen completely in the compartment because he has seen the true appearance of the "old god".
The compartment door of the rookie squad opened.
The blonde knight, wearing a pair of sterling silver-trimmed goggles, entered the compartment ... A closer look turned out to be Han Dong's acquaintance.
"Nicholas !? Why are you here?"
"Sister Winow ..." Han Dong was helpless, sometimes just so coincidentally.
"It's not dead, you're in luck ... Sophia just seemed to be fine as soon as I got the news."
"Kas are they all right? That's fine."
The more 'intimate' conversation between Winnor Sylest Knight and Han Dong also shocked fellow travellers.
The Vino Cavaliers were highly rated in the last Cavaliers draft, and were selected by the Holy Knights as their talented knights.
Coupled with long golden wavy hair and a nice face, such a knight with excellent strength and looks is rarely seen.
So much so that the other five freshmen in the compartment heard.
Mia had a fierce look, and there was a feeling that Han Dong would be taken away by this woman.
"Not much nonsense, I will perform" sacred purification "on you one by one ... If you have nausea, nausea, dizziness and other discomforts, you need to go with me. "
The carriage the newcomers ride in is the most protective.
In addition, the carriage was at the front of the line, and the party in the carriage would not be stupid enough to look directly at the appearance of the old king and check that everything went well.
Just as the Knights of Wino Sileste were about to inspect Han Dong.
A dark shadow flew into the compartment.
At the same time with the compartment door closed.
For a time, everyone in the carriage, including the Knight of Westlest, lowered his head and whispered, "Crow Prophet."
When everyone shouted this title, every black line was connected to everyone's forehead, and their memory was slightly changed to eliminate all memories of Han Dong's 'secret'.
At the same time, they are stuck in a stagnant state.
This includes the Knights of Searest.
Mr. Black and White needs to communicate with Han Dong separately.
"You are so ambitious that you dare to steal something as important as a deed.
In addition, the "Old King" has been introduced. If the power of the Raven Tribe has grown wildly in recent years, I will also give you a crow breath.
I'm afraid you can't come back this time. "
"It's true that I didn't think about it."
With a smile on the black mask, he praised Han Dong: "However ... you are doing well!
"Land titles" are definitely useful to you.
But this time something so big, the Knights and even the council will conduct a one-to-one rigorous trial on your trainee knights.
I need you to think of everything to say about the trial within today's time.
Never let anyone know that your emergency is related, let alone let people know that the "land title" is in your hands.
Do you understand me? "
"There is something about" land title. "After this incident has completely subsided, you can think of a way to‘ take it for yourself ’... but you ’re really lucky.
By chance, the death council will return, and a large part of the attention of the council will focus on him. As long as the filling is not exposed, this matter will soon fade. "
"Death ... is that knight's code name?"
"Yes, [Knights of Life] current leader-Death. Alex ... also known as the messenger of the underworld, is the strongest fighting force in the holy city.
"The strongest ?!"
"Now you don't need to understand. With this time's harvest in training, you can settle down a little ... Prepare for the next" fate space ". "
"Okay, Mr. Black and White!"
In an instant.
The newcomer's carriage had returned to normal, and no one knew that Mr. Black and White had been there.
This concludes the routine inspection.
The out-of-city training activity under the responsibility of the Knights of Beamon was terminated due to a first-level emergency.
The casualties are as follows:
Number of deaths: 18 (including 15 trainee knights and 3 members of the Beamon Knights responsible for channeling in the castle)
Number of injured: 49 (including 3 deeply polluted and fallen persons, who have been sent to the Holy See for treatment)
Given that many teams have met the "qualified" criteria, the training and award ceremony will continue as usual after the investigation of the emergency has ended.
Han Dong became the biggest winner in this training session.
It is very difficult for the six newcomers to survive successfully and get high evaluation in the training.
Everyone also exchanged their contact information when they separated.
When the blacksmith Wen Li looked at the deputy captain, he had a more "adoration" look than ever.
Mia, who successfully fled and returned to the city, began to seriously think about the "request" to Han Dong, and must make a perfect request to make Han Dong her personal property.
"Brother Demps."
Han Dong shouted Demps.
Passed a full backpack with all the books collected from the Lord's study.
"Happy cooperation."
"Well ... happy cooperation."
"I may go to the [Library] in the future, and I hope Brother Demps can host me."
"welcome any time."
that's it.
The parliament's investigation into the unexpected "Old King Incident" will begin tomorrow.
Therefore, the trainee knights who have been exhausted to return to the Holy City can use the rest of today to take a good rest ... It is not easy to come back alive.
Mia took this opportunity to pester Han Dong. UC Reading
"Are you coming to my tree house tonight?"
"Does this count as your request?"
"Well ... that doesn't count, I'll just ask you."
"Okay, but I won't stay overnight, but I have some questions about [Mother] want to ask you ... this time the plan is successful, and thank you Mia for joining such an important part."
"Hmm ... who can do this group except me? They paid a very high price."
"Thank you."
Han Dong dropped his palm lightly on Mia's shoulder.
This kind of movement made Mia's mind tremble slightly, her eyes changed a little, and then disguised as a cute appearance, actively holding Han Dong's arm, and returned to the mysterious department together.
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