Chapter 260: [瞿芸萱VSXie Huilan]

Chapter 260瞿芸萱V Xie Huilan
Yesterday, some people said that b is a bug for five minutes. Maybe I didn’t write it clearly. I’ve clicked on it and shouted for five minutes to maximize the use of b, because I don’t know how much is left, actually Did not retreat for five minutes, but for dozens of seconds. WWw.YZUU point m
In the evening, seven o'clock.
County People's Hospital, single ward.
Dong Xuebin was filled with emotions. He said that he was hospitalized again. He lived in the hospital three times in half a year.
Deputy Feng, the captain of the investigation, said: "Where is the Dong Bureau, where are you hurt?"
"Nothing." Dong Xuebin on the hospital bed smiled: "When the airbag pops up, it hits it, and Minger is fine."
Vice-President Feng said: "Fortunately, you are here, you have dismantled the bomb and arrested the prisoner. I seem to hear that this time I will approve you a second-class work, plus a third-class that I did not have time to award." Gong and a first-class merit, when you are better, you must be one, two, three, and so on. This kind of thing is not to say that we are in Yantai County, that is, the country has not encountered an example, you are the first one."
Dong Xuebin snorted, "It’s also a coincidence." My heart is pretty.
After complimenting for a while, Vice Captain Feng did not bother him to rest, and left without saying goodbye.
Then, several people came to visit the comrades, or the comrades of the bureau, or Dong Xuebin's relatives and friends.
After an afternoon, Dong Xuebin’s glorious deeds were once again widely circulated. If the last time he rescued the trapped people at the foot of the mountain, many people still disagreed. I feel that as long as there is some courage, anyone can go up, but this time However, many people were shocked to say nothing, and the bombs were demolished. It’s technical work, not just guts. So far, everyone has a new understanding of the combat effectiveness of Director Xiao Dong. I feel that this is true. Too versatile, it is almost impossible to get on!
At 8 o'clock in the evening, the talents who visited the disease went clean.
In the quiet and quiet ward, Dong Xuebin stole a cigarette and slammed it.
Think about the scene of the morning, now Dong Xuebin still has some feelings and sorrows. If you take the wrong step, you will lose all your life. Fortunately, you are blessed with great fate. Another learning of the harvest of this incident, Dong Xuebin satisfactorily spit out a smoke circle and saved. Xie Sister, who eased the contradiction between Xie Huilan and the previous days, made a good deed, gained fame, took political achievements, and worked hard for her life. The things I exchanged are still worthwhile.
By the way, why didn’t Xie Jie come to see my buddy?
When Dong Xuebin smashed the cigarette butt, he called Xie Huilan.
Dudu, toot, toot, just three times, the phone was hung up.
Dong Xuebin is depressed. Since he mentioned the deputy, how long have you been afraid to hang up his own phone? Khan, in the morning, said that if I can live out, I will marry me next year. I also said that my next life will marry me, and I will marry me in the next life. Well, it’s not you in the blink of an eye. Dong Xuebin was a little angry, and immediately comforted himself. The bomb thing was so big. Xie Huilan was still still dealing with the follow-up influence there. It would take a while to get away.
It’s already very dark.
Long nights, Dong Xuebin was bored and screamed at the cell phone.
The phone was connected, and the sigh was outside. The phone could clearly hear the slamming of the high-heeled shoes and the engine sound of the car passing by.
Dong Xuebin said: "You just got off work there? Why is it so late?"
"Don't be too tired, go to work early, and it's not safe at night."
Dong Xuebin heard something wrong, "Hey, what happened?"
The awkward voice was filled with grievances. "Nothing, hang up the line."
"Don't talk, don't tell me, what happened, hurry to talk to me." Dong Xuebin was in a hurry.
The head was silent for a few seconds. "Someone told me that you have a girlfriend in Yantai County, is it true?"
Dong Xuebin was shocked at the time. "I rely on who is so wicked. This is not a relationship between provocations. Who told you this?" What did he think of? Dong Xuebin’s face was white. "Is it a name?" Wei Nan's? Paralysis! This is endless, isn't it? Hey, how do you know him?" On the day of the fall of Xie Huilan, Dong Xuebin expected that there would be an accident here, but he did not want to come. So fast.
"You said that there is no such thing."
"Oh, my, actually..."
"I will ask you if he is telling the truth."
Anyway, it’s time to come, Dong Xuebin’s face is crying:
Almost... yes.

The phone was quiet at the end of the phone. For a second, two seconds, beeping, the phone was hung up.
Dong Xuebin was anxious, and he quickly dialed back. He couldn't pick it up three or four times. Finally, he shut down and couldn't get through. A wave of unrest has started again, Dong Xuebin sneaked a word, this can anger the cockroaches, and immediately, thinking of Wei Nan picking up Xie Jie and provoking, Dong Xuebin touched the pillow, already Hate him to the bones!
However, it is also self-defeating.
What should we do now? Going back to Beijing to find an explanation? Can explain oh!
Dong Xuebin is like an ant on a hot pot. It’s uncomfortable, tangled, and the heart is blocked. It’s crazy. At the end, he sat up from the bed and didn’t, even if he didn’t forgive himself, then he had to explain the explanation. Don't regret yourself for a lifetime.
Who knows this time, the ward door suddenly opened.
Hey, he stood at the door!
Dong Xuebin's eyes widened. "Hey, how come you? Ah? You are on the floor when you call?"
The original temper was extremely soft, and at this moment, he had a face, and closed the door without any words and went into the ward.
Dong Xuebin quickly said: "You listen to me first, wait for me to say that you are jealous of me, this is the case. When the two were still with the capital, I didn't always say that I wanted to talk to you about it. You didn't have it at the time. Say a word, of course, I am not blaming you, that is to say this thing, then I met Xie Jie, her family forced her to get engaged and married, Xie sister did not agree, I pushed out to block Let me say that I am his boyfriend, and then..." Dong Xuebin was afraid to leave the room without saying anything, and said the two things at the fastest speed.
I listened without a word.
Dong Xuebin sighed. "Probably this is the case. I know that I am sorry for you, me, hey, I am not a thing, I am not a person."
Pouting, a different head, touched the tears in the corners of his eyes.
"Hey." Dong Xuebin hurriedly jumped out of bed and pulled her hand in the past. "Don't cry, don't cry, thousands of mistakes are my fault, you, you have to blame me for it."
As soon as he gritted his teeth, he raised his slap and hit his face.
Dong Xuebin closed his eyes with a grin and couldn't wait for a pain in his face for a long time.
The hand stopped in the air and wanted to hit him, but he didn't want to fall. She licked her hand and wiped a few drops of tears.
Last night, I didn’t sleep all night. I was in the mind of Wei Nan’s words on the phone. Wei Nan had shot at the Jude auction company. They met each other a month ago, but the relationship I am not very familiar. I didn't want to take those words seriously, but she also knew that there was no wind and no waves. Wei Nan would not say this for no reason, so this evening, he was upset and drove to Yantai County. I want to get a certificate from Xiaobin’s mouth. Whoever thinks that the matter is actually true, this time, the whole person seems to be awkward.
Dong Xuebin was very distressed. "Don't be like this, you are more uncomfortable than taking my life."
"Do you still know that you are uncomfortable? Do you still know that you are uncomfortable?"
"Of course I know, I, uh..."
Dong Xuebin didn't know what to say. He was very eager to jump from the upstairs. He was desperately trying to squat, and his heart was wondering how to be good. Xie and the singer were reluctant to give up. What can't be done, this is not an old society. The marriage certificate can only be led by one person. Damn, how can you not be such a thing! Dong Xuebin hates himself! In all fairness, Dong Xuebin’s feelings towards Xie Huilan and Yi are very true, so it’s only a bit of a pain, and she’s going to be with Xie’s sister. Dong Xuebin can’t accept it. She’s down with Xie’s sister and Dong, and Dong Xuebin can’t accept it. He doesn't know what to do.
If you beat yourself a few slaps, Dong Xuebin can still be better.
The is so gentle, even now, I am not willing to do it with myself, and I am not guilty of myself. This makes Dong Xuebin even more uncomfortable.
Suddenly, the door of the ward opened again!
Dong Xuebin looked at the past, and his face was on a trip. Xie Jie actually came!
Xie Huilan came in and saw Dong Xuebin holding a very beautiful woman. Her eyes were glimpsed and she recognized it. This person is the "萱姨" in the photo. Xie Huilan closed the door without delay. , smiled, "Hey, I am bothering you both?"
Dong Xuebin bitterly said: "Xie sister."
As soon as I heard the name, my face changed slightly.
Xie Huilan smiled and reached out and introduced herself: "Xie Huilan, Xiaobin's boyfriend."
Hearing words, he immediately changed his expression and shook hands with her without hesitation. "Hey, Xiaobin's object."
"Oh, this is really a coincidence." Xie Huilan said with a smile: "You are also his object? Why haven't I heard of it?"
The face is expressionless: "I have never heard of you."
The smell of gunpowder suddenly spread in the house!
Xie Huilan didn't look at it again. He turned to Dong Xuebin and smiled and said: "Xiao Bin, what is going on here, tell me, okay?"
Dong Xuebin was a little sweaty on his forehead, knowing that Xie Jie was deliberate, and he said something early.
I also looked at Dong Xuebin, "Xiao Bin, how does this claim to be your girlfriend? Also tell me, can't you?"
Dong Xuebin was arrogant, and his heart was bitter, and Xie and He were both his heart. Now that the two people have touched each other, Dong Xuebin only feels that his head is turning a little bit, and it has become a pot of porridge. Not talking or not, it is very entangled.
Xie Huilan looked at him with a sigh of relief, and smiled at the corner of his lips. "Don't we say that we are good? Let's find a good day to get married next year."
Dong Xuebin said: "I am..."
When the eyebrows are sinking, they also said: "Xiao Bin, aren't we saying that we want children this year?" Who said that you wouldn't say anything, this is a mouthful!
Xie Huilan smiled and smiled: "Hey, the two of you are developing very fast, are you pondering your child?"
He said: "You are not slow to develop. Do you remember to get a marriage certificate?"
Dong Xuebin listened with trepidation and quickly said: "Xie sister, hey, say less, say less."
"I don't want to say more." Xie Huilan found a place to sit down, and looked up at Erlang's legs and smiled. "You can explain it to me. Xiaobin, my parents." You also met, they have a very good impression on you, your mother I also met, the old man also impressed me very well, huh, huh, we both seem to have a marriage certificate, but how come it suddenly A fox comes?" This is also a squint, and Mrs. Xie and Han’s impression of Dong Xuebin is very general.
Dong Xuebin, "I am this..."
I don't retreat: "Xiao Bin, my sister-in-law recognizes the relationship between you and me? Why didn't you hear about it? You know that my parents saw you as a son-in-law, don't tell you that you have to repent now?"
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "Xiao Bin, my father always saw you as a granddaughter. Do you think you should say something at this time?"
When you say a word to me, Dong Xuebin is driving crazy.
Suddenly, he took Dong Xuebin’s hand and sat on his bed, biting his teeth:
I know that you are blindfolded by the fox, this thing doesn’t blame you, as long as you break the fox with the fox. I will sever all the relations, and I will never have happened to this incident. How have we been in the past? What are we going to do in the future? We promise not to pursue it and guarantee that it will be like you."
Xie Huilan’s eyelid jumped and said:
Xiao Bin, you are still young, you can’t stand the temptation of the fox, I don’t blame you, as long as you are single-minded to me, as I said in the morning, you have done it. I am forgiving you for how much I am sorry for you. We are still in love as before. Are you saying good?"
Hey: "Xiao Bin."
Xie Huilan: "Xiao Bin."
Dong Xuebin’s mouth is bitter,
I don’t know.

Xie Huilan put his face down, "If you don't let you choose one!"
I don’t look very good on my face. "Follow me with her! You give me a quick talk today!"
Dong Xuebin knew in his heart that although both of them said that after doing something, they did not happen or forgive you for not thinking about it, but in fact, how can such a sinful thing be easily forgiven, even if you choose one, you will definitely If you are wearing a small shoe, even another person will be offended by himself. This is a question that you don’t have to ask, but if Dong Xuebin still says that both of them like it and say that both of them want it, it’s bound to take both sides. All of them are offended, and this is also asking questions.
How to choose?
There is no way to choose his mother!
Dong Xuebin knows that his heart is soft, he is ill and smothered, and his chest is packed into a small sample of painful pain. He his breath. "Hey, hey..." I want to be able to drag for a few days. .
Xie Huilan did not eat his set. "Do you think you can drag on for a few days? One day? Two days? Does this make sense? It is better to say something clearly today. I think Miss Yan thinks so too?"
Look at Dong Xuebin’s eyes.
Do you like her or like her?

Dong Xuebin couldn’t keep going, but he took a shot and said nothing.
Xie Huilan said: "Xiao Bin, if you want to talk to Miss Xiao, I will thank Hui Huilan for turning around and leaving."
Listening to her threatening posture, frowning, also said: "Xiao Bin, if you say that I like her more, then I will return to Beijing immediately, and I will not bother you again in this life!"
Xie Huilan smiled and looked at her. "Miss Yan’s words are too rushing?"
Look at her, "I can't compare with Miss Xie."
"Xiao Bin." Xie Huilan said: "Should you talk?"
Pout, "You tell us who you like."
Dong Xuebin is getting more and more anxious and getting more and more bitter. He also understands that it is time to make a choice. This matter has dragged on for a while, but he will not be able to get it at the end, but he will choose Who? He has already hurt Xie Huilan and his aunt very deeply. He still has the heart to let them feel uncomfortable. This is a matter of entanglement in the family, and it is not a person!
Xie Huilan blinked. "Is it better?"
Look at him, "Who do you like?"
Dong Xuebin has already succumbed to the blast, and the election is not good. Choosing Xie Jie can't be done. It is not good to choose two people. This is not a way to live. Dong Xuebin is also hating himself. He simply broke the can and broke. He shouted aloud. Xunzi, "I don't like either of you! Go!"
Xie Huilan smiled. "Is this what you said?"
瞿芸萱 The expression is a bit ugly, "Xiao Bin, don't regret it!"
Dong Xuebin said: "I understand that although you are arguing with your mouth, I am angry with my heart, hate me and hate it, I know that I am not something, not worthy of you, I will not delay you, Let's go all the way in the future, each bridge, and you both waste time on me. It's not worth it. Don't say you, now I just want to take my own bricks and kill myself." Taking a breath, Dong Xuebin screamed: "That's it!"
Xie Huilan breathed a sigh of relief. "Xiao Dong, can you think clearly?"
"I am not arrogant, I really want to be clear!" Dong Xuebin said: "You both go, I really can't deserve you, this is the truth!"
Since there is no way to be with both of them, then no one chooses - this is Dong Xuebin's decision!
Xie Huilan nodded stand up and go outside.
The same is true of 瞿芸萱.
After saying this very uncomfortable words, Dong Xuebin’s mind suddenly fainted, only to feel a whirl between the ward, and even the breathing was very painful. The feeling of gasping could not be breathed, and the back of Xie Huilan and Yan’s back gradually became distorted. Unclear, Dong Xuebin’s footsteps, his body went straight down!
"Xiao Bin!"
"What happened to Xiaobin?"
Anxious calls from Xie and Xie Huilan came from the ear.
"Call the doctor! Call the doctor!"
"Come on! Come on!"
The next moment, Dong Xuebin did not know anything. ! ~!

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