Chapter 635: : Pretty unreasonable means

"Damn barbarian."
"Can you be shameless?"

Can you be shameless?

At the entrance of the island’s prime minister’s office, at the entrance of the office, Sato Ryuichi and Kishida Hiroshi stood up, and could clearly hear the sounds of various buzzing and smashing things in the office where the door was locked.
The Prime Minister is angry and they are no exception.
The impact of the CIA’s press conference was terrible, only they knew it.
Originally, ‘Tianzhao’ was taken away. They were already very annoyed. The CIA also participated. They did not announce it, but chose to swallow.
Because of that incident, they formed a confrontation with Russia. The two sides were in the same situation. Unexpectedly, at the crucial moment, the Americans personally came up and smashed their deadly knife from behind.
They are also required to hand over the ‘Azure’ team and the program code.
The American Sima Zhao’s heart is already very obvious. The last time he snatched the defeat, he was overthrown by the Russians, and he did not get the artificial intelligence procedure. This time he chose this shameless means to put pressure on them.
Smart viruses are not distributed by them, who spread them?
It is not important.
It may be spread by the Russians. Americans use this opportunity to put pressure on them, take the opportunity to get artificial intelligence procedures and the ‘Azure’ team, and maybe even just a play by Americans.
But they can't refute that the Murakami water stop team is indeed studying, and the Americans have taken control of the relevant evidence and cannot explain it at all.
Not long after, the roar and crash in the office disappeared and the surroundings were quiet.
"Come in."
A low, voice came out of the office, and the spirits of Sato Ryuichi and Kishida Hiroshi at the door were shocked and carefully opened.
When I opened the door, I saw the mess of the house, the messy books, the torn paper, the broken tea set, the decorations, and the North of the chair, black and scary.
"What do Americans say?" Anbei said, his voice was cold, and he could choose someone at any time.
"The ambassador said that the White House wants us to hand over the ‘virus program’ and the virus's R&D team. Otherwise, it will sanction us.
Sato Ryu whispered openly, fearing a louder sound, and smashing the bomb in front of him.
They all understand that the so-called virus program of the Americans is the program code of ‘Azure’, and the virus research and development team is the R&D team of artificial intelligence.
Hearing the sanctions, Anbei’s face turned from black to red and angered.
Their economic lifeline is in the hands of the Americans. After Tom exposed the news, their domestic economic market has begun to fluctuate, the yen has a sharp depreciation trend, and their national financial team is striving to maintain stability.
If they are not handled well and sanctioned by the Americans, they will experience multiple disasters. The economic market, which has just begun to pick up, will completely collapse and fall back for 30 years.
By then, their only global status will be greatly regressed and become a third-rate or even a fourth-rate.
For those who are proud, that is unacceptable.
If artificial intelligence is not robbed, they use artificial intelligence to develop technology. After a few years or ten years, after China becomes the world leader, the influence of the United States declines, and they do not need to be jealous of Americans.
But now that Americans seize their lives, they are sure to take them.
"Do they not promise us compensation?"
"Don't agree, they must develop a virus team and a 'virus program.'" Sato's look is not very good.
Not what they did, they promised compensation, they were already whispering. As a result, the other party must have artificial intelligence to recognize death. From the beginning, the other party came to artificial intelligence.
"A group of shameless robbers."
Anbei’s face turned from red to black again.
"Tell them, we can never hand over the team, we can promise to pay them compensation."
After seeing the functions of some artificial intelligence, they now firmly believe that artificial intelligence is the key to future development. The artificial intelligence talents that stop the water in the village are fundamental.
With those talents, artificial intelligence technology can advance rapidly and perfect. If they are handed over, their losses are definitely not as simple as some money compensation.
The CIA announced the results of the investigation.
The reversal of things is too fast and too fast, and it has received much attention at this critical moment. In the early stage, it was the trend of confrontation between the United States and Russia.
It is now said that the island nation is the chief culprit in attacking the US network.
Everything is a little off guard.
At the beginning, some people believed that there was a conspiracy in it, but the research team involved in the ‘Satan’ virus was among them. Many people who had encountered the Satan virus incident chose to believe the CIA’s findings.
Only the experience only knows how much the loss caused by the Satan virus, which almost shakes the foundation of the Internet, and the memory is still very new.
"Is the island people wanting to use those people to continue to develop smart viruses and attack the whole world? To support the Americans' decision, the people of this team must not let go, ask them to hand in immediately, and permanently prohibit them from accessing the computer."
"The terrible team, the last time almost shaken the foundation of network security, but fortunately, the termite system as the last line of defense, and then let them crack the line of defense of the termite system, I am afraid they want to use computer intelligence virus to control the global Internet."

Put pressure on the islands and sanction them if they don’t hand over the ‘Satan’ team.

On the international network, there are many people who agree with Americans’ sanctions against island nations.
The report of the damage caused by the Satan virus has also been re-opened. No one can figure out the direct losses and indirect losses caused by the smart crisis.
Soon after the island country just experienced a ‘terrorism. The attack.’ Many people outside are still sympathizing with them. Now the R&D team of the ‘Satan’ virus continues to develop smart virus weapons, so that the sympathy of the outside world disappears completely.
Many of the victims who had been in the 'Satan' smart virus crisis turned their sympathy into anger and began to attack the island official on the Internet.
Enthusiastic discussion and condemnation spread on the web.
The island nation that was already fighting against Russia’s airspace has no hesitation.
Things continue to ferment.
After receiving the news that the island country refused to hand over 'Satan', the White House officially announced that it would require the island country to hand over the 'Satan' team and the 'virus program' within one week, otherwise it would launch a sanctions plan against the island nation on the grounds of threat to US security. .
The plan will require countries around the world that are supplying oil and other mineral resources to island countries to interrupt the export of resources to island countries.
Once the news of the sanctions came out, the world was once again shocked.
The Americans came to the truth, this time the sanctions plan was almost a punch on the doorstep of the island nation.
As an island country with scarce resources, there is no controlled nuclear fusion power generation. New energy is not completely popularized. Oil has not been officially eliminated. Other resources are scarce. It also offends the bear in the north and has hatred with neighboring countries. It is almost in all directions. situation.
For the United States, which currently controls the lifeblood of the world's oil, it is not too difficult to sanction the island country.
Sure enough, the White House sanctions came out directly, causing panic in the island market.
The next day, the island stock market crashed directly, and the yen depreciated to the maximum extent since the burst of the economic bubble in the late 1980s.
The island economy, almost one day, fell to the brink of collapse, has not completely collapsed, is the plan has not officially launched, it is not clear whether the island official will promise to pay, in exchange for the US cancellation plan.
Once there is uncontrollable inflation in the island country and the currency depreciates sharply, the country has spent more than half of it.
The world was scared by the madness of the president of the United States. In order to lose a network invasion, it used the greatest influence and prepared to block a country.
Among the many countries, the easiest to be blocked is the island nation, which is also the country that has been controlled by the United States for economics and politics.
Because of this blockade, the people of the island nation are angry and fearful, angering the innocent sanctions of the United States and fearing the economics of the countries they may collapse.
Except for the demonstrations, they can't do anything.
The outside world also felt a bit wrong with this sanctions. The US response was a bit too radical, blocking a country for a virus-proliferation incident that was not thoroughly identified.
It’s just that in addition to the insider, there is no evidence that the Americans are playing other ideas.
Soon, the island official announced the news urgently. Prime Minister Anbei will bring the delegation to Washington to go to Washington to discuss the incident.
After the news was released, the collapse situation was alleviated, and the island’s economic market panic slowed down, but many people were still worried.
In the afternoon of the next day, Anbei took a think tank and important figures and took a special plane to negotiate in Washington.
The negotiations lasted for five days, and it was only on the morning of the sixth day that the ‘consensus’ was reached.
The island nation is willing to surrender the 'virus program' and promises to permanently monitor the 'Satan' team members, not to study the 'smart virus', and finally compensate the 13 cities for losses of nearly $5 billion due to virus attacks.
The White House also promised not to extradite the members of the ‘Satan virus’ team. The members of the ‘Satan’ team continued to be monitored by the island nation and were not allowed to develop intelligent viruses. The previous sanctions were all revoked.
The news came out and the storm eased.
Only a few countries that knew it knew that the artificial intelligence successfully developed by the island nation was officially captured by the United States with unreasonable means.
A crazy and sensational game came to an end and ended in victory in the United States.
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