Chapter 817: :disturb

The light mass of the antimatter explosion will brighten the surrounding sky.
The sky has never been brighter at this moment, and it is at least a hundred times brighter than usual during the day. Abnormal light awakened the life around the explosion, many lives realized that the big bang appeared, and did not hesitate to drive their own aircraft and armor to escape.
The panic spread around the explosion.
The city closest to the explosion was the first to suffer a disaster.
The shock wave of terror is mixed with heat waves, and the autumn wind sweeps the leaves and sweeps across the city. For a time, I didn’t have time to get on the plane or hide my life. At this moment, I was buried in the heat and heat, and I was mournful.
However, the city's buildings are strong enough, only partially damaged, the overall is relatively intact, and did not become ruin under the shock wave. Shi Ganxing is not an oxygen-rich planet. The ordinary matter cannot be burned, only the damage of the shock wave.
The rushing alarm sounds awaken the Planet Security Agency.
An San is investigating the attempted murder of Jogri. He is thinking about it, awakened by the alarm, and the exhaustion of his work disappears instantly. He hurriedly dropped his hand and put on the armor and left the office: "What happened?"
"Head, the planetary radar shows that there are giant energetic energy groups." A police officer has already worn the armor, and the voice is heavy: "It is like an anti-material bomb that has exceeded the equivalent of the Cosmic Alliance's use on the planet."
An San is a big hole.
Exceeding the equivalent of the Cosmos Union means an explosion that is enough to destroy a very large city.
Some people made large explosions in Shiganxing.
In the fierce environment of the Universe Alliance, Battlegear battles often occur, but no one dares to use super-high-altitude weapons. Otherwise, they will challenge the authority of the Planetary Security Agency and face sanctions from the Star Security Agency and the Space Alliance.
This is the first time since An San’s work.
I didn't even think about it, An San went to the platform of the battle armor, and the moment the helmet was closed, it rose to the sky. The members of other security bureaus followed closely, and the direction was where the energetic energy group appeared.
In the armor, Bai Hao used the fastest speed to urge the armor to go in the direction of the explosion. The communication device of the armor was connected, and the daylight opened.
"How can I not contact me?"
"Your communicator is always in a call." In the communication channel, a player has a very good tone.
A little white.
"I was talking to the boss just now. Now everyone is rushing over and listening to my orders."
The white hangs up the communication of the armor, and here, the communication of the egrets is again dialed.
"What happened?" The egret looked very tight. Just now, he saw through the holographic video that he was white, and when he was connected to the communication again, he was already in the battle.
"Anti-material explosions, as well as lasers, should be fighting," Bai said.
"Is it a magical civilization?"
"Yes, there may be an accident." Bai Yu voice worried, the speed of the armor is still rising, and the distance between the moments is a thousand miles away.
"I am leaving for Shi Ganxing, you pay attention to safety."
After confirming that this goal is the super-capacity development technology of Magic Flame Civilization, Bai Hao’s heart is a lot heavier. If the news spreads, I am afraid things will become complicated.
The shock wave and the heat wave disappeared, and Chen Mo and Jing Ge were suspended at high altitude, overlooking the source of the explosion.
They witnessed a chase and an anti-material explosion. There was a city of 100 kilometers nearby, and half of the city was involved in the shock wave.
It takes only one or two grams of antimatter explosion to cause this damage.
Here is the middle-class literary star ball, the building materials are very strong, the ordinary building can be lower than the damage of the nuclear bomb, so the impact of the impact on the city is not great, but it is certain that there are still many lives that are too late to hide under the shock wave and heat wave. .
"Looking at the past."
Chen Mo lowered the flying height and went to the position of the explosion. He was curious, what kind of hatred was in the end, and the battle required the use of antimatter weapons. Jing Ge did not hesitate, followed Chen Mo, lowered the flight altitude, and almost passed the ground at high speed.
Flying high in the air, easy to expose, almost exposed to the other side's radar and gaze, close to the ground, reducing the probability of being discovered, and the armor materials of the two are stealth materials, can be quietly approached, without being easily discovered by the other party's radar .
"Look for him, die to see the corpse."
Vijay opened the radar to find the trace of the Jue, the explosion center more than five kilometers, even if the energy shield of the battle armor can block the high temperature, but the horrible shock wave is enough for him to eat a pot.
With the physical strength of Jue, you should not be able to withstand such a terrible impact.
But that thing is still on Jue, and Vijay is not sure if it has been destroyed. If he does not find the body of Jue, he is not at ease.
A group of ten people are overlooking the trail of the ruins.
The large pit at the center of the explosion, the ground has melted, the surface of the rock and the soil, is baked at high temperature into a smooth glazed glaze, some places like magma, or red.
The radar of the armor suddenly alerted, and the pedestrians who were looking for people changed their appearance. The radar showed more than 20 armores entering their scanning range, surrounded by three different directions.
"Good speed."
Seeing a quick armor, Vijay looked dignified.
At such a fast speed, he was the first to see that the distance of 100,000 kilometers could not be reached in a long time. It must be a higher-level armor than them, otherwise it is impossible to have such a fast speed.
Is the Star Wars Armored Class so advanced?
Vijay let go of the radar picture, a leopard armor, looking like a female armored division, they have eight armored divisions here to fight, but the other armor behind them is a bit troublesome.
The other party must have found them, knowing that the battle is coming over here, and it is definitely not good.
"Nawu and Sinan continue to look for others, and others are ready to fight."
Have prepared and waiting for the rabbit.
The moment when Bai Bai entered the attack range of Vijas and others, Mars hit the Earth.
The white scorpion is covered with leopard armor, and the great advantage of its own armor is speed. Obviously the other party is not afraid of her. When she entered the attack range, she was greeted by several corrosive venoms and antimatter bullets, and eight lasers from all directions.
Originally, I felt that the other party was a blue-level life. Without her heart, she immediately put away her contempt.
Even if the other person's life level is lower than her, she is not as fast as her speed and reaction, and her skill is not as good as her, but eight to one, with a degree of cooperation, if it is taken lightly, she may also overturn the ship in the gutter.
When the two sides collided, she realized the problem.
The other armored division did not choose to fight with her, but instead used the advantage of the number to take a long-range battle and not be close to her. Moreover, the other party's vigilance is very strong, did not escape, but chose to stop her, the other two armor in the position near the explosion center irregular movement.
They are looking for something!
Almost shortly after the two sides played against each other, Bai Hao realized what the other party was doing. Procrastinating her, the two rear armor divisions are looking for something.
What is the ability to develop technology?
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