Chapter 825: : Fengyunjihui

Niu Mu handed over the company's accounts to Chen Mo. Today, the Warframe order was successfully delivered to the training base of Party B. The final payment of the order was received. The profit of this order was 100 million yuan, which was more than their previous years' profits.
He remembered the expression on the training base owner's face when he received the sample A test, it was just the excitement of picking up Bao, and he gave them the order without hesitation.
At that time he knew that the Rising Star Warrior Company was back to life.
During this time he was fortunate how wise his decision to stay was.
"Dongdong and Kariz are three million each, and you five million are considered bonuses."
Chen Mo swiftly allocated 11 million star coins to Niu Mu. It was not difficult for him to earn star coins. It was also courage for the three men to decide to stay and follow him.
After hearing millions of bonuses, Niumu was almost happy.
Such a big bonus is something they never dared to think about before, which is equivalent to their one-year salary. The boss's generosity is beyond his imagination.
"It's a bit slow to make money like this, so hurry up."
Looking at the remaining funds, Chen Mo muttered.
Chen Mo, who was still excited, heard Chen Mo's muttering, her smile froze. It didn't take long for this new star company to make a hundred million. Is it still making money slowly?
Niu Mu doubts that poverty has limited his imagination.
Chen Mo thought for a while and said, "I'll give you a list, you go and buy the materials and equipment of the list, the sooner the better."
"OK." Niu Mu agreed without hesitation.
"Also, you release the news, we accept the customized business of the blue warframe."
"Blue ... blue-level battle armor?" Niu stammered.
The boss will design even the blue-level battle armor.
In terms of material technology, power engines, weapons, and energy shields, the blue-level armor is one level higher than the green-level armor.
Although all major civilized companies now sell materials and technologies for Blue-Grade Armor, Blue-Grade Armor does not rely on simple assembly.
It can be assembled randomly, and the function will not be too powerful.
The customization of the blue-level warframe is generally a teamwork, and the warframe is designed according to the requirements of the customizer. Individual warframe designers have few designs, but each one who can design blue-level warframes individually is a top warframe designer, and the citrons grabbed by major civilizations.
Now Chen Mo is more mysterious in his eyes.
What exactly is the boss?
Chen Mo's identity and origin are not what he should ask. He knows that he only needs to execute according to Chen Mo's orders and then manage the company. In the future, his benefits will be indispensable. A three million bonus is a good example.
The bill of materials was given to Niumu, and Chen Mo began to design the battle armor.
The earning speed of the green-level warframe is slower. He needs to design several blue-level warframes in order to quickly raise money to supplement anti-material energy. The price of the blue-level armor is much higher than the green-level armor, and the profit is considerable.
For him, the difficulty of the blue warframe is not too great.
Now that he has returned to Earth, he just hopes that he can make enough money quickly, replenish antimatter energy, and return directly to the earth with a space curvature ship.
Niumu's efficiency is indeed okay. He gave him the bill of materials. In less than three hours, he purchased all the materials and equipment he needed.
The design of the blue armor is different from the green armor. The green armor is generally a junior armor, the armor used by ordinary armor divisions, and the blue armor is generally the armor used by intermediate and advanced armor divisions. .
They have obvious requirements for the performance and style of the armor.
Many middle and senior armor divisions will actively seek out armor companies and armor design teams to design unique armor for him. Therefore, the Wanjin oil-type blue-level armor is not popular in the market.
It's the same, it can't show its strength and style. .
To sell the unique blue-level armors, they need to be seen by middle- and high-level armors, and they must be suitable for their body shape and also meet their style and characteristics. Therefore, uncustomized blue-level armors are often relatively difficult. sell away.
I don't know when Niu Mu can receive customized orders, so Chen Mo plans to design a few models and try to sell them.
The interior of the Rising Star Company building is as usual, but it is not quiet outside.
A message appeared, causing a stir on the Universe Channel of the Universe.
"I am King Morric of the Kenilkburn Super Galaxy, the Supersatellite Cloud Saturn, and the Magic Flame civilization of the Shigan Galaxy of the Long River. Here, I announce good news to the Universe Alliance. Yanming Wenming successfully developed super-capable development technology, and is now looking for technical partners for the entire universe. "
A short image made the whole universe shake.
Superpower is the most mysterious power in the universe, even if the divine civilization has not understood the essential principle. And this special ability is a unique ability of God-level life.
Science in the universe believes that superpower is a way for life to evolve to god-level life. Countless civilizations in the universe are studying this technology and experimenting countlessly, but without exception, no one has succeeded.
Now the magic flame civilization has announced the success of the super power development technology, and the whole universe is shocked.
What is even more surprising is that the Moyan civilization chose to announce this technology and find partners.
Once you have this kind of technology, it is best to develop and grow in secret, but the magic flame civilization is actually open, which makes many civilizations puzzled. However, the civilization on Shi Ganxing soon understood that it was probably related to the Siyuan City explosion some time ago.
For a moment, a dark tide surged in the Universe.
Super ability development technology is a possibility for life to evolve to a higher level of life, and it is also a way to become a top warframe division. Many high-level life is desperately desperate, and now it really appears.
Shortly after the news of the Demon Flame Civilization was issued, it was answered.
Heitui Civilization sent a message that it would send personnel to Shi Ganxing to discuss cooperation with Moyan Civilization on super power development technology. Immediately afterwards, Lagerstroemia civilization, endless sea civilization, Thor civilization, dark forest civilization, ghost civilization, and Baixing civilization all opened up, and they will be sent to discuss and cooperate with the magic flame civilization.
The entire Universe was uproar.
For seven hundred million years, the seven mysterious civilizations that are so high and mysterious have manifested themselves at this moment and gathered in the Shigan galaxy.
The importance of superpower development technology has been pushed to a new level again.
Because of this news, the magic flame civilization immediately became the most dazzling star in the universe. Almost all universe-level newspapers and media are promoting and touting. The promotion of the magic flame civilization to the top civilization is already a matter of prestige.
The several major civilizations of Shi Ganxing, who had put pressure on the Demon Flame civilization, collectively snorted, and even the sanctions originally prepared were all withdrawn, and they did not dare to spit.
The pressured magic flame civilization had disappeared instantly.
The entire Universe has focused on the Shigan galaxy. At this moment, the Shigan galaxy has become the focus of the entire universe. This is the first such feast to appear after the Great War.
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