Chapter 101: The Queen of Lordaeron (1)

   Looking at the hideous ghouls who were about to surround him, and the black-robed wizard behind the ghouls, Kalia sighed gently.
They have been hiding in this remote mountain area for a long time. She had always thought that she might be able to stay here quietly, and then slowly grow old until the day of complete liberation. This might be for her. That is the best ending.
   Where can I think that these undead found her after all...
   For Kalia Menethil, she is undoubtedly lucky.
  Because she is now the last member of the alive Menethil royal family of Lordaeron. If she went out under the name Menethil under the signboard, and shouted with her arms, it would be based on the words Menethil, most of the remaining army of the original Lordaeron Kingdom and the Silver The knights in hand will gather under her banner without any hesitation. At that time, it is not impossible for her to be crowned Queen of Lordaeron.
   However, Kalia Menethil was unfortunate at the same time.
  Because she experienced the biggest family tragedy in the world not long ago-her most beloved brother, the brave, kind, just, and responsible Alsace Menethil, he was so depraved! Not only did he kill his father and king himself, but he also wanted to harm himself as his own sister. Up to now, he has also destroyed the kingdom of Lordaeron in Nuo Da!
   Now, on this land of the original Kingdom of Lordaeron, the undead and natural disasters that raged and slaughtered the people were all the masterpieces of her good brother! He not only destroyed her home with his own hands, but also destroyed his own country with his own hands, ruining everything that is beautiful in front of him!
  Kaliya still remembers clearly, on that day, what happened at that time, everything, seems to still be vivid...
   She still remembers that when she was rescued by the guards, his cold words-kill her...
   It was a sunny afternoon
  Today is a good day for Alsace to return in triumph...
   Princess Kalia is in the back garden of Lordaeron's palace, she is walking boringly alone at this time.
   On the street outside the palace, huge cheers from the people of the city began to faintly sound. At the same time, in the city, the special bell that hadn't been ringed for a long time finally rang again.
   She knows what the people outside are cheering—they are cheering for the victorious return of their prince! Cheering for the victory of their Prince Alsace in Northrend!
   As for the melodious and magnificent bell, Kaliya certainly knows, she knows exactly what that special bell means! They are generally only sounded during important state affairs—for example: the royal wedding, the birth of an heir, or...the funeral of the king during his long sleep.
   In Kalia's impression, she has only heard such a bell.
   Kaliya still remembers very clearly, that was the day her brother, Arthas Menethil was born when she was just two years old. It was this same bell. At that time, they rang all day, and the melodious and pleasant sound echoed through the Tirisfal Woodland for a long time...
  It was that day when the royal family of Lordaeron ushered in the birth of a male heir they most hoped and most urgently! On that day, it seemed that the entire forest of Lordaeron was whispering the same name-Alsace...
   Kalya couldn't help but smile when she thought of the scene when her brother was born.
Although she is the princess of Lordaeron and the eldest daughter of King Terenas and Queen Lianne, the hereditary system prioritizes males and then regenerates their elders. Therefore, the crown prince has always been from the moment the prince was born. It was Arthas, but Kalia was never the first priority to succeed to the throne.
However, Kaliya didn’t care about it. She never thought about being the queen of Lordaeron. She liked her Alsace brother very much, and she also liked her current harmonious and happy royal family. There was no persecution, no overturning, and she already felt very, very content with everything she had before her.
But today, when she heard this melodious bell ringing again, Kalia in the garden couldn't help but stop and began to listen attentively. She seemed to see the citizens of Lordaeron on both sides of the street. While waving petals of various colors, she called out her brother's name loudly.
   As she listened, a subtle smile began to appear on her face. Anyway, no matter what, she liked the bell very much.
   Actually, once, she almost had the privilege of enjoying the bell ringing for herself before, Kalia!
   She still remembers that when she was about to turn sixteenth birthday that year, King Terenas was almost determined to give Jialia to a young human nobleman for political marriage.
At the beginning, this practice made the young Jialia heartbroken. She had never seen the man named Prestor before, and she was about to be mortgaged by her father as a bargaining chip. It was then that she was disappointed with her father for the first time.
   But then, after she met the Prestor, she was deeply fascinated by him. He was a handsome, polite, and talented young nobleman.
   And, I don’t know why, every time Kaliya approaches him, she will unconsciously have a kind of sincere conviction for him at first sight! It was a special kind of magic. At the time, she almost thought that she fell in love with him. For this reason, she had secretly dropped a coin in the Trevi Fountain in Dalaran.
   It's a pity that later this Prestor, who was said to be related to Lord Perenolde [Perenolde], suddenly disappeared somehow. This not only made Kaliya's marriage ruined, but also wiped out all her father's arrangements. It was precisely this plan that prevented Kaliya from marrying even a girl in her twenties!
   It is said that the identity of the nobleman named Prestor is very doubtful, and a lot of gossips came later, but her father never let her know, and she was not allowed to mention it again.
   Now that the matter is, Kalia no longer has the slightest affection for that Prestor, but she still has a faint hatred.
   If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be still in the palace of Lordaeron now!
   If it weren’t for him, her father wouldn’t have dared to mention her marriage arrangements so far, because this incident had become a nightmare for her father!
   The bell outside was still ringing, and after listening to it for a while, Kalia began to wander in the garden. Although she also wanted to go out to welcome her brother's return, but on this important occasion, she, Princess Lordaeron, was not suitable for appearing in the king's hall, and her identity could not go outside casually. The streets were crowded with the citizens, so she could only wait in the garden awkwardly.
   Anyway, she can only wait patiently for a while now. Maybe, when eating in the evening, the family can eat while listening to her brother talking about Northrend's interesting things? It must be interesting, right? Their family hasn't eaten together for a long time, but Kalia is looking forward to it.
   Kalia stopped as she walked around a cluster of beautiful flowers, and she watched silently at the colorful butterfly dancing on the flower. She was already in a trance. She thought, if she could fly freely and carefree like this little creature, how good would it be? In that case, she wouldn't have to be locked up in this prison-like palace again, right?
   Or maybe, if she is a man, then, like her brother Alsace, can she wander around in the colorful world outside?
   I don’t know what Northrend is like? Is it really cold there? It is said that there are huge rock giants there? There are all kinds of weird and honest seal men? Moreover, it seems that the ancestors of human beings also came down to this continent from Northrend in the north? In that case, there is really a magical place.
   If there is a chance, Kalya really wants to see it in person, but it's a pity... She can only think about these things.
   While Kalia was thinking about it, the melodious bell that had been reverberating in the city of Lordaeron finally stopped. She knew that it must be her brother Arthas. He has already entered the palace. Maybe, soon, she will be able to see her heroic brother here soon!
   Thinking of this, Kalia laughed. She decided to use the flowers in front of her to make a beautiful wreath for his brother. Later, when he comes, it will hang on his neck. This, just treat it as a gift from her sister to the triumphant return of her brother!
   That’s right, this is really a good idea, it doesn’t cost much, and it expresses her deep feelings for her brother! Then, without further ado, Kalia decided to make the hero's wreath as soon as they were in the king's hall.
After thinking about it, Kalia stretched out her tender hand with delicate white skin and began to pull in the flowers. She needed to find a few long branches as the backbone of the wreath outline, and then carefully put those individual flowers into one. One embellishment.
Suddenly, when Kaliya was busy and happy, there were loud screams outside the kingdom, as well as the clanging of weapons and shields. This incident made me scared to pick a beautiful rose. Kaliya was accidentally pierced deeply by the thorn on it, and then, on her white and tender fingers, a little bright red blood flowed out immediately.
   turned around, Kalia carried the half-finished wreath in one hand, and put her injured right index finger into her mouth to suck. Then, she looked towards the outside with a puzzled expression, and only for a while, the sound of those screams colliding with weapons seemed to be louder and louder, spreading wider and wider, and after a while, almost half of the time. The city of Lordaeron began to noisy.
   What is going on?
  Kalia is puzzled, shouldn't it be the triumphant day of her brother Arthas? Why did it seem to be a fight outside? If it's a city carnival, the sound shouldn't be like this, right?
   Kalya continued to stand there and listened for a while. She didn't know what was happening outside now. When the sounds of fighting began to slowly spread to the palace, she finally got a little flustered.
   There seems to be no one in the garden here. The guards are not allowed to enter the palace garden at will, and she has just repelled her two maids, and now, she has no one to ask for questioning!
After a loud noise, the front gate of the garden was knocked open by a few guards covered in black and red blood. Seeing this sight, Kalia screamed in fright, and stepped back several steps. , Almost collapsed to the ground, she was just an ordinary prince, where did she ever see such a sight?
   "I found it, the princess is here!"
   A sharp-eyed palace guard screamed when he saw Kalia who was standing in the distance with a wreath in a daze.
After that, more guards began to rush in, and then, a big man who looked at the color and decoration of the armor showed that he was the adjutant of the guards, rushed to Kalia's side, so scared that she almost didn't slumped because of her weak feet. On the ground.
"Princess Kalia! Run! Arthas just killed the king! He killed all the ministers! He, he is no longer the original prince! He is now a monster! He is about to kill here soon! , Princess! Let's cover you and run away!"
   The adjutant ran to Kalia in several strides, knelt down on one knee, and after a simple salute, he immediately stood up again and reported it in the most anxious tone.
   "What?!" Kalia felt her head suddenly stunned, and she almost turned around.
How can this be? Isn't today Alsace's triumphant day? Today should be a happy day, why did he kill his father? Why does he have to do this? impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could her brother Alsace do such a thing?
  Kalia is very reluctant to believe this fact, she is more willing to believe: It is the group of soldiers in front of me who are launching a mutiny, they want to hold themselves hostage!
   That's right, it must be like this! Her heroic brother Arthas couldn't do anything like killing the king, it was absolutely impossible!
"your Highness!!"
   The adjutant yelled again anxiously, however, their Princess Kalia stood in a daze, and her pale face was constantly changing colors.
   This can be regarded as anxious for the adjutant, but for a while, he didn't dare to be rude to the princess without authorization, so he could only stand still in a hurry.
At this moment, the two guards who were guarding outside the garden seemed to be suddenly attacked by some huge force. Then, after their abdomen and armor were torn apart by a huge wound, they screamed and flew sideways. When I got up, I hit the grass in the garden. After rolling twice, I dragged my intestines to the ground, and after twitching twice, he stopped moving.
   Then, a tall figure slowly appeared at the gate. That was Arthas, the original prince of the Kingdom of Lordaeron! Following him, there were also a few ferocious monsters, they were ghouls! There are also two unknown big spiders!
   "You block them for me!" The adjutant sighed in his heart, and after giving a harsh command to the guards, he turned around again.
"His Royal Highness, offended!" After finishing speaking, without waiting for any reaction from the other party, he leaned over and carried Kalya on his majestic shoulder, and then rushed directly towards the back door of the garden. Away.
A few guards covered the adjutant and the princess and ran back, while the others turned around in silence. After looking at each other for a few times, they raised the elite palace steel that still had blood stains in their hands. sword.
   "Long live Lordaeron!!!"
   After these guards raised their weapons and yelled, they pulled their lower armour fiercely, and madly charged Arthas and the monsters who were about to enter the garden gate...
   Kalia, who was carried on the shoulder by the adjutant of the guard, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar figure that appeared at the garden gate in tears.
That was her brother Arthas, but, it seems that it is not anymore... His once beautiful long blond hair has turned pale, his charming and handsome face has also turned blue, and the corners of his mouth still have a trace of evil. laugh…..
   On his dark and ferocious long sword, drops of bright red blood are falling...
   He really killed the father...
   He really isn’t her brother anymore...
   Why is this...
   The half-finished hero wreath finally slipped silently from Kalia’s left hand. At the same time, what fell to the ground together was her crystal tears...
  In the distance, at the garden gate, the figure that seemed a little bewildered under her tears began to become more and more strange in Kalia's mind... and more and more terrifying...
   "Humph! Catch them! Kill her!"
   This is the last voice Kalia heard after being carried out of the small door by the guards.
   is the voice she is familiar with, which broke the last glimmer of luck in her heart, UU reading www. At this moment, her heart shattered into countless pieces...
   In the end, how Kalia escaped from the city of Lordaeron, she didn't know, and she didn't want to know! She only knew that when she came back to her senses again, she had already appeared in a remote cabin on the north side of Barnier Farm.
   However, she was not safe at the time. Because, before they had time to rest, she vaguely heard the guards say that more undead began to surround themselves!
Then, after Kalia finally remembered that she was stuffed into a large wooden cabinet by the adjutant, and pushed to the bottom of the bed and covered with some rags, they shouted and rushed out, they The cry of killing is getting farther and farther and farther...
After that day, she never saw them again. She didn't even know who they were and what their names were. The last time she saw them from the cracks in the wooden cabinet, there were only those blood-stained ones. Armor, fearless back...
  Kalia doesn’t know how long she has been in the wooden cabinet, maybe one day, maybe two days...
Then she curled up inside without saying a word. She was neither afraid nor thought of going out by herself. She just lay there quietly, letting the seemingly unstoppable running water fill her cheeks and soak Her shoulder...
   Until... On that afternoon when it was drizzling, a strange undead found her from here and gently carried her out of the wooden cabinet. He said that his name is-Fao, Alonthos Fao...
   first more
   It seems that no one guessed yesterday...
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