Chapter 147: Illidan and the Flame Alliance (3)

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In the 21st year of the Dark Portal of Azeroth, in the summer, the large-scale corps of the Four Nations of the Flame Alliance finally came under the ruins of Lordaeron. This undead natural disaster that has ravaged the northern continent of the Eastern Kingdom for more than a year is about to be painted. The last period is over, and the end of the dead is coming.
Now, here in Tirisfal Woodland, outside of the original royal city of Lordaeron that was ruined by the undead, there are nearly 150,000 elite legions of the Flame Alliance gathered here and there.
They surrounded a great city of Lordaeron, and even the Lake Lordamere south of Lordaeron had a large number of pure blood fire eagles, dragon eagle hunters of high elves, and Eagle Nest Mountain. The wildhammer dwarf griffon rider is patrolling and closely monitoring the lake, not giving any undead and their minions any chance to escape from the waterway.
At this point, apart from the necessary troops staying in the Western Plaguelands and the large number of patrol squads that are sweeping scattered undeads throughout the Tirisfal Glades, almost all the Alliance troops have gathered here.
No one wants to miss this important moment today!
Because, the villain who killed the master and the father, the death knight Arthas, and all the sins he committed against the people of Lordaeron and the high elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas, today, the Alliance is about to attack Destroy his last lair, and hold his trial of Arthas!
boom! ! !
A violent explosion sounded, and a huge meteorite composed of lava and flames roared down from the sky, and slammed into the city of Lordaeron. Amidst a huge explosion, the flames instantly swallowed a little In the area of ​​the block, a number of undead were destroyed.
When the Fire Alliance's army was stepping up time to coordinate the formation of General Marshal Garithus and other military officers of various races, Xiao Annie, who was so bored and idle with nothing to do, finally couldn't help taking the lead.
"Listen to the undead inside! You are already surrounded, now, hurry up and surrender to beg for mercy, otherwise, after we break through your city, we won't stay!"
After casting a meteorite spell casually, Annie stood on the back of her pure-blooded fire eagle lord Celia with one hand on her waist, and pointed at the far end of the city and the one standing there. The death knight yelled loudly at first.
Her behavior caused the flame coalition soldiers and the big bosses to look up at her standing on the back of the fire eagle, all wondering what she wanted to say next.
Powers like Shane Knox who know her Majesty the Queen better can only pray secretly in their hearts, hoping that she will not talk nonsense about surrendering and not killing, otherwise, they will not end up next. Up! They have already discussed some of the undead in Lordaeron, and for some heinous existences, kill them! No mercy!
Little Annie seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and quickly added another sentence.
"Haha! Actually, whether you surrender or not, we will burn you all! You can't escape!"
Little Annie is so proud, it's not too good to be bullying others with a lot of dog legs! Fortunately, she had listened to Tibbers and summoned Shan Knox's gang, so that she could comfortably enjoy this dangerous world until now.
As everyone knows, her irresponsible and non-brained words made the three tribal leaders who were expecting her to say something, stretched out their hands to support their foreheads, turned their heads and left, and continued. Going to do their own things.
Got it! This is all right, their flame queen, the great Anne, the adorable master of the flame alliance, has successfully done a desperate resistance to the undead in the city, and the pre-war mobilization of burning jade and stone, this is really beautiful!
Lordaeron in the distance heard a cold snort.
On the filthy wall of Lordaeron that can still be used, Arthas, Kel'Thuzad, and Tichondrius who quickly surrendered to the death knight after learning of Archimonde’s death, the three of them are standing on the wall. Here, frowning, or frightened, or suspiciously scanning the flame alliance four-nation coalition forces that are forming in the distance of the city.
By now, the three of them actually knew that this king's capital of Lordaeron was definitely unstoppable.
Although before, after learning that the Flame Alliance had invaded the Western Plaguelands, Arthas, who had returned to Lordaeron, ordered the undead to retract into the city of Lordaeron. Now, here, there are also nearly 300,000 undead Scourge Legions!
Unfortunately, they all know that most of the elite of the undead are still lost to Kalimdor, and the mobs and bones in the city now, if you really want to compare with the elite troops of the Flame Alliance outside, It seems that it can only be a gift.
Look at the huge lava giants with hundreds of heads shaking their heads in front of the two wings of the opponent's huge army formation. Once the enemy starts to order the siege, perhaps their giant stone men can almost smash the walls of Lordaeron. Right? After all, the height of the city wall under their feet is just as high as their knees or waist...
Let alone the sky above the opponent, there are a large number of Fire Eagle troops, the middle of the army formation, and an unknown number of dwarf heavy artillery battalions.
When the time comes, the enemy only needs the Firehawk troops to set fire from the sky, and the dwarf heavy artillery bombards indiscriminately, and then the enemy army rushes over behind the lava giants. There is no need to fight this battle. For the undead, the situation is long ago. There is no chance of winning!
"Kel'Thuzad, how is your teleportation circle prepared?"
Alsace, who had already left behind and was preparing to escape, had never thought of defending Lordaeron!
He had seen the situation clearly for a long time, and since she learned that the Flame Alliance had begun to fully conquer the Western Plaguelands and was so powerful, she knew that Lordaeron would definitely not be able to stay. Therefore, he ordered Kel'Thuzad to prepare a large fixed portal in the underground of Lordaeron.
He is only going to resist here a little bit and look at the approximate strength of the Flame Alliance. Once he sees a bad opportunity, he will directly use the prepared portal to teleport to the Northrend Continent, where is the base camp of the undead natural disasters. And the master of their undead natural disasters, the Lich King Ner'zhul was there.
"His Majesty Alsace, as long as you give an order, we can leave here at any time."
This large fixed portal was specially set by Kel'Thuzad in the depths of Lordaeron. Not only will it not be destroyed and discovered by the coalition forces, it is also very secretive!
And now, all the energy, coordinates, and magic gems needed to open the portal are ready. As long as His Majesty King Arthas needs it, Kel'Thuzad can activate it at any time.
"You did very well!"
In response to Kel'Thuzad's reply, Arthas nodded in satisfaction, which is one of the few good news now.
There is a mage under his hand that is really good. Whether it is traveling from Kalimdor or from here to Northrend, it is very convenient to have a mage proficient in teleporting spells to help! See, even if they are now besieged by the enemy in an isolated city, but as long as Arthas wants to, they can always be ready to run.
Although, Alsace used to dismiss such cowardly skills! But now it seems that his previous views were too extreme and one-sided. This kind of teleportation spells sometimes worked, especially when he needed them.
When the three of Arthas were observing the Flame Alliance army formation outside the city, the leaders of the Alliance Army on the opposite side also saw the death knight Alsace above the city.
So, after a commotion, Queen Sylvanas Windrunner of the High Elf Kingdom, alone, riding a tall and beautiful white chocobo, galloped quickly to the front of the army.
"You executioner! Butcher! You must have not thought of it? We should meet again so soon!"
Riding a beautiful chocobo, Sylvanas, who was riding on this mount unique to Quel'Thalas, was screaming at Arthas above the city.
"And now, today, we, Quel'Thalas, have finally come to avenge you! Today, your doomsday has arrived, are you ready to accept the justice of our Flame Alliance?"
She should have asked the mage to cast her a spell like a loud voice, so whether it is the undead in the city or the coalition outside the city, it seems that no matter how far away, everyone can clearly hear her crisp sound.
Actually, even Sylvanas hadn't expected that the revenge moment their high elves dreamed of would come so quickly and suddenly!
In less than a year, their high elves had already faced Arthas again. During the period when Quel'Thalas was destroyed, she was always imagining this scene before her eyes!
Right now, the situation of the two sides has been completely reversed. Last time, their high elves were besieged by the undead natural disasters and were exhausted; now, it is the four-nation army of their Flame Alliance, besieging the death knights trapped in Lordaeron, The changes in this world are simply not too fast or too sudden!
In the dead of night, I often think of those elves, her people, who died tragically under the claws of the undead, or were trapped in the destruction of the sun well and went crazy. As a queen, she often tossed and turned. Can't sleep... and now everything will be free! Just today, this butcher, this Alsace, he will face his ultimate fate!
"Ha ha ha... who am I? It turns out to be you elves with pointed ears. At the beginning, it was a shame that I could not kill you all.
Arthas sneered and looked at the beautiful figure riding on the white chocobo. Of course he recognized this female elf, and she was also unforgettable!
At that time, just as he was about to cut her off the horse, she actually summoned a terrifying demigod girl, and then... the other party not only burned his love horse invincible in a big fire, but also directly used strange His weapon exploded his hundreds of thousands of elite army...every time I think of this, it can make Arthas feel a pain in his heart.
It seems that all the frustrations he encountered in Arthas began after the long-eared female elf summoned the more little girl!
"Let me think about it, how many long ears did I kill you at the beginning?"
"Is it three hundred thousand? Four hundred thousand? Ah... I'm really sorry, it's too much, I can't remember it a bit."
Arthas sneered, looking down at the female elf in the distance, laughing at her in a sulky tone.
"Or, you can try, go back and count your long ears alive? Then, you can know how many I killed at that time. What do you think of this suggestion of mine?"
Although he was ready to run, Arthas didn't intend to be soft. Now is the time to ridicule each other, and there is no loss in the mouth-cannon mode. How could he be afraid of this elf? He is absolutely not afraid of this!
"Asshole! Keep going crazy! When this city is captured, I will personally tie you to the stone pillar, and then I will light the soul-eating flames that will completely burn you!"
Gritting her teeth at the despicable figure on the city's head, Sylvanas took a deep breath several times after her towering chest undulated violently, and then barely suppressed her soaring anger.
Anyway, this death knight, he estimated that it won’t be long, she plans to endure it anymore. Now the league's legions are almost all listed, she just needs to endure it...
"Hehe... I think you will be disappointed by then, and I will definitely not let you do what you want."
Arthas replied so indifferently, and watched the opposing party turn the reins with suppressed anger, and let the white chocobos seated her back into the army.
Anyway, he must not be able to beat the opponent now. When Alsace was about to continue to taunt the enemy a few words, he was stubbornly verbally cheap, but he found that the opponent's army slowly rode out again. Several knights.
Those knights, Arthas said he was familiar with them. When he saw the decorations of the opponent and the huge white warhammers or golden weapons on his back, he knew that they must be the holy of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Knights! Among them, there were several familiar figures, but he couldn't be more familiar!
Among the group of people who came out were the father and daughter of the original Lordaeron general Abydis, the commander of the Silver Hand, Sedan Dathrohan, and the father and son of Mograine, oh... and Tai Lan Fording?
Oh, sure enough, it seems that the remnants of the guy who was huddled in Hearthglen were all rescued by them, and the remnants of their silver hands were finally gathered all at once. They, are you going to come up together in a curse war?
Wait...who is the hooded knight they flocked in between?
When Arthas was about to taunt the remnants of these silver hands, he saw a strange human being surrounded by them, and, looking at that figure, it seemed that the other party was a woman? There is still a weak energy of the Holy Light in the opponent's body. Is it an apprentice priest?
Arthas had a vague premonition in his heart, as if... he seemed to have forgotten something.
He was wondering, what important person is there that they are worthy of such a careful protection of the large groups of the former Lordaeron Kingdom?
Are they guarding themselves? Ah! silly!
He wouldn't be foolish to jump down the city, can he be so defensive? How could he be so stupid that he jumped and smashed with this bunch of powerful Paladins? That's just asking for a dead end!
"Well, Her Majesty Queen Kalia of Lordaeron, I have cast an amplification spell for you. Now, you can talk to the other party, and I will pay attention to cast you anti-magic shield at any time."
After a high elf high-level mage who followed them cast a spell properly, he nodded towards Kalia, and at the same time was ready to put on a shield for the other party to guard against any possible spell attacks.
After all, the queen of Lordaeron did not have the slightest ability to protect herself, so she would still take a great risk to let her come out in front of the battle and talk to the evil and powerful undead knight.
Even though she has a large group of powerful Paladins around her now, but, in order to avoid the undead above the city head jumping over the wall and casting some weird magic on this Queen Kalia, he was ordered to follow out here, for This human queen provides the necessary magical assistance, as for other things, it can only rely on the paladins and priests of their Kingdom of Lordaeron.
The Paladins beside and in front took up their weapons and said that when they were ready, Kalia took two steps immediately, under the support of Dathrohan holding the warhammer and Mograine holding the Ashbringer. , She gently took off the hood that hid her face, and then rode on the back of the gentle mare, raised her head, looking sadly at the top of the city, the one that made her both familiar and unfamiliar Figure.
Prior to this, although she had a thousand words to say, but when things came to an end, she finally just yelled out a whispering call from her mouth...
"It's you? Why are you still alive!"
Didn't the who cursed the gods say that they have killed her? Then how could she still be here?
The bad hunch in Alsace's heart really came true!
When he saw the appearance of the woman hidden behind the hood, he was even taken a short step behind him.
Now, he has not completely integrated with the Lich King Ner'zhul, and still has a lot of humanity left. Perhaps the most ashamed of him is his father Terenas Menethil, because he is ashamed of him. He also personally killed him...
At the same time, the person he was most reluctant to face with Arthas was his, the woman he thought was dead and turned into ashes, his sister Kalia Menethil.
Alsace and Kalia, the two of them looked at each other silently at a distance, one of them looked sulky and hideous, while the other was calm and sad.
"Alsace... my brother... you know?"
After both sides looked at each other for a while, after seeing each other's situation clearly, Kalia began to speak softly.
Although her voice was very small and gentle, but, under the blessing of that high elf magic, it seemed that the entire battlefield could hear what she said, it was like she was whispering in everyone's ears.
"Do you know? On the day you triumphed from Northrend... I regret not being able to go to the street to greet you personally, because they did not allow me, the princess of Lordaeron, to go on the street...; When I entered the palace and reported to my father at work, I still failed to go, because my identity is not suitable for such serious occasions..."
Kalia did not come up to question or abuse like Sylvanas.
Although, before this time, she was disappointed and saddened by his brother’s behavior to the point of breaking her heart. Just yesterday, she had more than once imagined what she should do when she saw him. Such vicious language to scold him, to question him...
However, when things came to the end, when she saw the other person's appearance, she suddenly felt softened for some reason, and she could no longer speak the vicious language that she had prepared.
"Did you know... At that time, I listened to the melodious and magnificent bell, and imagined you stepping into the city triumphantly with flowers... I wish I would run to the gate of the palace to see you... …"
It seemed that the bell was ringing in Kalia's ear again.
She still remembered what the kind father and king said to him at that time: Child, when you were born, the forest of Lordaeron whispered your name Alsace...
One day, my life will reach the end, and you will be crowned king... the end...why did it become like this?
Kalia didn't look at the younger brother whose face was already tangled above the city. Instead, she began to look down her head and remember.
"But, because of etiquette, I can't do, I have been waiting for you in the back garden, and want to wait until you are done with everything, then come back and tell me that you defeated the undead in Northrend The glorious deeds..."
"Then, our family can happily eat dinner in the restaurant as before... It seems that we haven't had a family dinner together for a long time..."
Click... It seems that there is a sound of dripping.
"Did you know? At the time... I always thought that my brother must be a great hero... And I, this useless prince of Lordaeron, can only stay in the back garden of the palace and give it to you. I made a wreath of heroes myself..."
"Do you know? Later...the guards who rushed in, when they said bad things about you, I actually didn't believe it..."
Kalia finally raised her head slowly. She had already burst into tears, and she let them slide over the rounded chin like crystal pearls, and drip onto the dark and dirty land that had been polluted by the plague. on.
"My brother is a great hero! He just returned triumphantly from Northrend... How could he be a villain who slaughtered the nation and cruelly killed his father? You know? At that time, I really didn't believe it. ..."
Tears had completely flooded Kalia's eyes. She could no longer see the figure in the blue and black hideous armor on the city head. He had begun to blur in her sight.
"My brother, my Arthas is a great hero...How could he do such a terrible thing?"
"But...until I saw you stepping into the garden gate with my own eyes, and until I saw the blood stained on your sword, I didn't know that... what the guard commander said... is all true... "
Tears have flowed into Kalia’s mouth, she is already familiar with this, it is a salty and bitter taste...
" you know?"
"When the brave guards hid me, and they rushed out of the cabin to attract the attention of the monsters, I stayed in that small wooden cabinet and cried for a long time... At that time, I even felt , If it were to die like that, how good would it be... you don't have to think about anything..."
"Enough! Stop talking!"
Arthas snorted impatiently, and roughly thought about what the other party had said.
I don’t know why, although the sister below in name, Kalya, although she didn’t scold herself any harsh words, let alone blame herself, he didn’t know why, he always felt that he was already cold. My heart started to aches.
He actually prefers that the other party is cursing and cursing himself, rather than coming to say these inexplicable things! He doesn't want to hear these!
"That's right... Yeah, now, what's the use of talking about this?"
With a light sigh, Kalia paused for a while, barely stopped those tears, then raised her head, and continued to look at the person in the distance through her already wet eyelashes. Once... He is her most beloved brother.
"I forgot to tell you. Not long ago, I became the queen of the new Kingdom of Lordaeron."
As if two acquaintances were chatting about family life, Kalia continued to say some seemingly irrelevant words.
"Oh? Really, then I want to congratulate you!"
Arthas continued to snorted coldly, still looking blankly at the so-called Queen of Lordaeron below.
"But, I actually don't want to be the queen... It's all they forced me... If everything can be restored, I would even rather use what I have now to change back to the old days... "
"At that time, our family happily nestled together, frolicking on the balcony of the palace castle, watching the setting sun in the distance... The big lake reflected the beautiful sunshine... At that time, I Still an ordinary princess of the kingdom, and you are the future king of Lordaeron..."
Kalia remembered when she was a child, at that time, their family often frolicked together on the balcony.
While playing, while waiting for the beautiful scenery of the sunset, at that time, her brother Alsace was still a great boy, and their father and king were still not old...the red sun was caught by Lordan After the reflection of Lake Mill, it is really beautiful...
"Enough! Everything is over!"
Arthas waved the Frostmourne in his hand arbitrarily, causing the paladins below to become nervous as if they were approaching enemies, for fear that the other party suddenly couldn't think of it, and jumping down would be a sword to their queen.
"You actually don't know anything! You only know how to cry, what's the use?"
"I tell you: I tried hard at that time! I tried it at the time! I made my best effort! However, I still can't save my people! I can't save my country either! I was even abandoned by the Holy Light! "
"At that time, under the threat of those powerful enemies, I couldn't do anything! Therefore, only succumbed to a stronger force, let this country, let it fall with me into the eternal kingdom of darkness, this is what The best choice! Only in this way will Lordaeron be reborn!"
Is this to blame himself? Can't! His original intention was good, but unfortunately, the enemy's strength exceeded his imagination. For this, he must do whatever it takes!
Kalia was a little surprised and stared at the hysterical knight on the top of the city in the distance. She seemed to see a trace of her brother in it.
"I don't blame you suddenly, Arthas..."
"My brother, I suddenly understood... Actually, no one needs you to save. What you really need to save is actually yourself..."
I don’t know why, Kalia suddenly understood. She saw her brother clearly and saw his heart. He was actually a poor man... She suddenly completely let go of everything she had for him. Hatred.
Now, everything is no longer important.
"Shut up! I'm telling you, I'm so good now, I don't need you to pretend to be pitiful! Now, let's use the sword to speak!"
I don't know why, Alsace always felt that his heart began to ache sharply, becoming more and more severe and more uncomfortable! He hated this feeling, so he decided to dig it out whenever he had a chance after he went to Northrend!
"Enough! Your Majesty, let's go! This place is dangerous now, he is completely crazy!"
When Kalia wanted to say something, the Grand Marshal Garithos, who had been a calm face, rode forward cleanly, reached out and grabbed the reins of Kalia's mount, and let other paladins guard her. , Slowly returned to the coalition's main formation.
Now, the aura that Arthas exudes from the upper city head is very dangerous, he will no longer let the queen stay in front, it is better to retreat back to the back of the formation quickly.
Moreover, he has just begun to give orders, and the commanders of all races have begun to coordinate the combat steps. A earth-shattering siege war will soon begin.
Near the King’s City of Lordaeron to the north, when the Undead Scourge and the Flame Alliance were about to start a battle that would determine the fate of both sides, at the ruins of Dalaran just separated from Lordaeron by Lake Lordamere, Yili After Dan and Vaschi cleared the scattered undead in an area, they began to prepare for their ritual.
"Master Illidan, why do you have to cross the sea to come here to cast spells? Isn't it good to be directly on the Broken Isles? Anyway, Maiev has only defensive power under our offensive. She is definitely not bad. of."
For Illidan, who traveled all the way to Dalaran to prepare for the ceremony, Vasqi was actually quite puzzled. Although that Maiev was under collapse, she managed to escape her life miraculously.
However, there was not much left of her men, who had been besieged by their naga and murlocs and fled in embarrassment. So, is it not good to cast spells directly on the Broken Isles? Why did you run so far across the sea to the ruins of Dalaran in the Eastern Kingdom?
"Because, here are the remnants of the spell when Archimonde destroyed Dalaran, which can provide some reference for my ritual to destroy the Icecrown."
To put it bluntly, Illidan wanted to learn a little bit about the spell that Archimonde used to destroy Dalaran, which Kil'jaeden told him before. When he came here, he was indeed inspired by it. As for whether Kil'jaeden had any conspiracy, he didn't know for the time being.
"That's it? It's just... my murlocs just came to report. They are in the north, on the opposite side of this big lake. There is a coalition of powerful humans and flame creatures. They are besieging a large city of undead, fighting. It is very fierce. If we hold a ceremony here now, will they disturb them?"
After all, the two places are too close, Vasiqi is a bit worried that the ceremony she and Illidan hold will alarm the powerful troops in the north. Once they cross the Great Lake indiscriminately and go south, the naga under her And fish people can't stand it.
At least a fierce battle of hundreds of thousands of armies between the two sides, Vasqi was a little scared thinking about it, they don't have many manpower here now. Although their naga have dominated the bottom of the sea for many years, they have never encountered such a large-scale battle in the north.
Fire element? Humanity? Siege the undead?
Illidan is very strange the countries on the mainland so powerful? On Kalimdor's side, it is estimated that they are still cleaning the undead and demons, right? On their side, have they all begun to attack the undead city?
"Forget it! Don't worry about them! Let's try to find a secret place first, hoping to complete the ritual before they can react."
As long as the ceremony is completed, Illidan immediately rolls over and leaves.
He believed that those troops in the north should not cross the Great Lake to embarrass him. After all, he was not against the opponent, but to help them destroy the lair of the undead and destroy the Lich King Ner'zhul of the Icecrown Glacier.
"As you wish, my lord, I will order now."
Now that Illidan had already decided, Vasqi didn't want to say more.
Moreover, Vaschi felt that they did need to speed up, because it is said that the watchman named Maiev had already sent a messenger, and she did not know when she and her helpers would come after him. Here, so if you act faster, you can't go wrong.
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