Chapter 186: 5 fireball gods of witches (4)

The British Empire, which is rising like the sun, is equipped with a Caribbean fleet in the Caribbean, in order to deal with their old enemy, the threat of the Spaniards, with a total of 42 large and small warships.
Among them, the flagship is the flagship "Zhi Li" of Lord Beckett's East India Company's invincible fleet. It is a battleship of the same level of "Victory", and it belongs to a first-class battleship! The number of artillery equipped on the ship has reached an astonishing 120! In the entire Caribbean, it can be worthy of being the warship with the strongest firepower!
In addition, in the Caribbean Fleet, there are five ships that belong to the same Tier 1 battleship. They are slightly smaller than the "Zhi Li". Each of these ships is equipped with 105 artillery! They are the same as the "Zhi Li", if not counting the top floor and dungeon cabins, they all have three decks.
Then, there are as many as twenty second-tier battleships below this!
These second-tier battleships also have three decks. However, each of them is equipped with only ninety artillery pieces. The firepower is slightly weaker than that of the first-tier battleships. The result is an increase in speed. An indispensable backbone force in the Caribbean fleet.
After that, there are six Tier 3 battleships with only two decks and a total of 64 artillery pieces!
However, their main task is not combat, but as a heavy carrier in the combat fleet. To a certain extent, they perform the task of transporting supplies. Therefore, the requirements for firepower are not too high, but the number of 64 artillery It is enough to be eye-catching.
Finally, there are a total of ten fast ships.
They are not known for their firepower, but only have a capacity of thirty or less guns. However, while reducing the load of the artillery, it increased the speed and increased the sailor room.
Under normal circumstances, their task is to be responsible for landing on the beach and receiving the Xuan battle. After the main force of the fleet defeats the enemy ship, they are also responsible for the task of chasing and boarding the enemy and capturing the enemy's ship.
The above is the composition of the British Caribbean Fleet. They have a total of one super battleship "Zi Li", five first-class battleships, 20 second-class battleships, six third-class battleship supply ships, and ten fast warships. !
However, at this time, the entire forty-two warships and some of the merchant ships that were recruited to serve as troop carriers are all converging on the outer seas of Port Royal, facing the sea breeze from the attack distance of the coastal defense guns, forming one by one. The bombardment formation, they are ready to bombard Port Royal!
Lord Cutler Beckett is a cruel, ambitious and dangerous East India Company chairman. He is not only one of the leaders of the East India Trading Company, but also the head of the company's expansion in the Caribbean. And, most importantly, his current identity is: the representative of King George II!
Before he came to serve in Port Royal, he had just been awarded the title of Lord by the great King George II of England.
On the way to the Caribbean, he had already figured out how to eliminate the numerous pirates in the Caribbean!
That is: David Jones and his ship, the flying Dutchman!
As long as you get or control this ship, then the pirates of the entire Caribbean will be wiped out! Then, everything in this area will be up to him, Lord Cutler Beckett said! Anyone who sails and transports here will act on his face.
However, according to records, if you want to control David Jones and his ship, you must first find the cabinet of the undead chest! And if you want to find this box, you need to get the pirate Jack Sparrow's compass that can't guide?
When Lord Cutler Beckett had a headache, how could he catch Jack Sparrow and the compass, he actually received a shocking news: Port Royal was captured?
Moreover, it was a group of witches who captured Port Royal?
At first, Lord Beckett, who received the information, thought he had read it wrong. After he checked and questioned several captains many times, he finally believed that there was nothing wrong in the information. Those two words were indeed correct. It's a witch!
In the end, after confirming that the information was correct, Lord Beckett laughed on the spot!
A group of witches can actually take over a city where there are thousands of regular troops stationed? Isn't the Governor of Port Royal Swann and the Brigadier General Norrington stationed there a waste?
Therefore, under the anger, he did not ask the king or the parliament at all, but directly gathered all the ships of the Caribbean Fleet and rushed toward Port Royal aggressively.
He wants to use the momentum of thunder to let those who dare to provoke the majesty of the British Empire know what will happen to those who violate the interests of the British Empire!
"Your Excellency! Our fleet is now complete and ready to enter Port Royal's coastal defense gun range. Please be careful!"
Lord Beckett, a small stature, was standing on the bridge not knowing what he was thinking, and an adjutant ran over to interrupt his thoughts.
Although their flagship will not enter the effective range of the opponent, it is better to give a reminder just in case.
"Are there any movements in Port Royal?"
After thinking about something, Lord Beckett, who came to his senses, asked the adjutant.
"Your Excellency! It's a bit strange, their cavalry seems to be parading in the harbor? They seem to be...
The other adjutant with a telescope in his hand couldn't believe what he had just seen.
He just saw a group of armored cavalry lined up on the unloading plaza of the port in the binoculars. This strange behavior even made him think he was wrong?
You know, what age is this, those people, they still want to rely on heavy cavalry to fight guns and cannons? Moreover, still lined up so densely in the square? How many shots of the battleship go down, once the shots are accurate, one shot is almost damned?
"Oh? Interesting, show it to me."
After hearing the adjutant's words, Lord Beckett snatched his telescope and watched it himself.
"Ha! What a bunch of stupid natives! I really don't know how that stupid Norrington failed? Is that the Five Fireball Cult?"
Lord Beckett not only saw the cavalry lined up on the square in the binoculars, but also saw the golden five-fireball flag hung on the flagpole, but because of the distance, he did not see the weirdness of the opponent's flag.
It seems that those witches call their own witch organization the Flame Cult?
However, Lord Beckett himself prefers to call them the Five Fireball Cult!
Science has developed to this point, they still want to count on the cavalry to fight against the army of muskets and cannons?
If they are on the plain, when they are not prepared, they may still have a little hope of winning, but here, within the range of the cannon of the fleet, they still do that, it is just a dead end!
"Each formation moves forward! After reaching the firing range, they will fire immediately!"
Lord Beckett waved and ordered, he no longer wanted to waste time here, he wanted to defeat them in one fell swoop!
Then, hang the five fireball cultists and the Umno witches on the cross! This is what they should end up if they dare to challenge the majesty of the British Empire!
"Go forward! Fire the cannon immediately after reaching the predetermined position!!"
"go ahead!!"
"go ahead!!"
As the orders were issued one by one, the ships of the Caribbean Fleet, which had been organized for a long time, began to open their artillery doors and sails, and began to move faster along the sea breeze.
After they formed the battle line, they had to prepare to brave the enemy's coastal defense gun to cut into a place closer to the port. After reaching the effective range of the naval gun, they began to shell violently on the shore!
Finally, after destroying the enemy's coastal defense fortifications, merchant ships and warships carried sailors directly on the dock to retake this city belonging to the British Empire, and let the Pyramid flag fly above the city again.
"Sister Charlotte, the enemy is finally starting to move!"
When Mary Chaska saw the enemy fleet moving, Lema walked to Charlotte to report that she was now wearing red light plate armor and was a goddess sacrificial to the Flame God.
Here, I have to mention the class composition of Flame God.
In the highest position, of course, is the little Annie who has been revered as the flame goddess and leader of the flame cult, although she has not known anything about the flame cult so far!
Anyway, the Flame God Cult was established without her knowledge!
Then, the next level is Charlotte Millet, the high priest and servant of the flame goddess! Under normal circumstances, the high priest is wearing a golden armor, with five red magic flame patterns on his chest, and a golden cloak that is the same as a banner. On the cloak, there is also a huge red flame.
And under the high priest, there are four goddesses offering sacrifices, namely Corlia Beaufort, Marie Chaska, and Cecilia Eneco and Cecilia Eneco, who still follow Little Annie to play at sea. Listina Eneco is two twin sisters.
The goddess sacrificial ancestors are generally dressed in red armors and golden cloaks, except that the flame pattern on the cloak is not as big as that of the high priest.
The high priest of the Flame God Cult and the four goddess offerings symbolize the five flames on the Flame God Cult banner. The five of them are the core members of the Flame God Cult, which means that the five who followed the flame goddess Anne the earliest Witch!
Therefore, in the eyes of those outsiders who don't understand the inside story, the name of the Five Fire Balls is only derived from the banner of the five flames. As for the others, they obviously don't know.
Under the goddess sacrifice of the Flame Gods, there are an unlimited number of ordinary battle witches. They are all dressed in silver-white armors, and they wear closed pointed red tasseled helmets that only show two eyes, and they wear the same red color as the goddess sacrifice. cloak.
At present, there are only fifty-two combat witches of the Flame Gods, and they have only used the bracelet to quickly become fireball and levitating. They will not have any judicial ability, even the thorn shield. All are provided by the magic bracelet.
As the witch leader and high priest, Charlotte holds the authority to manipulate all bracelets, and is not afraid of things like theft or betrayal.
Finally, under the Battle Witch, there are more knights of the Guardian Order.
There are a total of nearly eight hundred people in total. They are all fanatical boys and girls who are addicted to power and fooled by Charlotte. Of course, there may be some speculators who have returned from the original British team. , But who cares about these?
These knights all wore silver-white full-body steel armor helmets and had no right to wear cloaks. The close-range attack method is a standard enchanted long sword that can only fool people for the time being. After leaving the sheath, the blade will burn with flame. At present, the only means of long-range attack is to obtain short-barreled muskets from the Port Royal inventory warehouse.
However, fortunately, there is a weakened version of the thorn shield on their armor. It is all the simple enchanting knowledge that Charlotte obtained from Tibbers after signing the contract. They can offset the firing of the rifle to a certain extent. In addition, the steel armor itself has a good protective effect, so when they charge on land, no one is their opponent!
Of course, the premise is that the enemy has no artillery!
According to the strength of the weakened version of their current enchanted shield, if one shot goes down, as long as it hits the front, it will definitely kill people!
"Brothers and sisters!"
After Charlotte signaled Mary to step back, she rode her horse to the phalanx of all-white armored cavalry.
Looking at the hundreds of knights neatly lined up in front of her eyes, looking at the zealous or anxious eyes from the gaps in their helmets, she knew what they were worried about.
Therefore, after being silent for a while, she took a deep breath and started to trot before the formation and said loudly:
"Brothers and sisters! Conquer your inner fears and drive away your hesitation and anxiety!"
After running from the front to the end, she reined the horse and turned back.
"Countless years! Our witch has been accused and persecuted for countless years!"
"Countless brothers and sisters died tragically on torture and ropes, or burned to death in flames!"
"And today, here, I can tell you: we will never fail today! Never!"
"Today, this land under the flames of the Flame Goddess! In this sacred place where this Goddess descends! In the place where our Flame God Sect was born! Here, we will sound our first fight against evil persecution. Sound horn!"
Seeing these fanatical believers, Charlotte sighed for a while, took out her golden pointed red tasseled helmet from the saddle, and firmly brought it to her head, so that everyone here could never see her again. A clear and firm face, but only those eyes that are more fanatical than anyone else.
"Although the enemy in front of you is very powerful...but!"
Charlotte pulled up the reins abruptly, and turned the horse's head with the volley of the front hooves of the hip-horse.
Then, she suddenly pulled out the simple enchanted long sword on her waist, and the burning blade pointed at the dense enemy ships on the sea.
"You will see that they will eventually burn in the flames of our Flame God Cult!!"
After speaking, the horse under her crotch roared again and neighed in the air.
"We will win!"
"Long live the flame teaching!!"
"Long live the flame goddess!!!"
The knights were infected by Charlotte's words and self-confidence. One by one, they drew out their long swords from their waists, held them high, and shouted various slogans feverishly at the same time!
"All fighting witches, take orders!"
Seeing the morale rise, she nodded with satisfaction, then she turned and looked at the witch's phalanx that had been silent on the other side.
Although there are only fifty-two of them, they are the main force in the fight today!
As for the others, even the cavalry of these Guardian Knights, Charlotte does not intend to let them do it! Today's battle must be performed by these few fighting witches.
This is what she thought of, the best way for the Flame God Cult to show off extraordinary force to all the world!
She wants to show the fangs of their flame gods to the world, so that no enemy in the future will have the slightest resistance to it!
"Follow me!"
As soon as he finished speaking, Charlotte let go of the reins of the horse and began to use the floating technique, letting her body float slowly from the saddle.
Following her movements, the two goddesses, Coriya and Mary, and the fifty-two battle witches with white armor and red cloaks also slowly floated up from the saddle together, and followed Charlotte firmly toward the sea. The fleet flew away!
"Long live the goddess!"
"Long live the high priest!"
"Long live the flame god!"
"Sure victory! Sure victory! Sure victory!"
Seeing such a scene, the phalanx of knights on the ground cheered with a more fanatical and louder voice. Today, they will witness this historic moment together!
It seemed that the sound of an object falling into the sea sounded, and then the entire Caribbean fleet began to riot.
"This...must be a joke made by must be?"
Lord Beckett whispered in his mouth, staring blankly at the soldiers wielding the flame swords in the distant square, and the armored witches flying in the sky, slowly but firmly flying toward his fleet. , He didn't even notice that the telescope in his hand fell into the sea.
"Could it be... Am I dreaming?"
He thought, maybe, in the next moment, he would find himself waking up on a comfortable and soft feather? Maybe if this is the case, it would be better?
Or maybe... I have been too busy in military affairs recently, UU reading www.uukanshu. com hallucinations?
"How did that happen?"
In the previous moment, their fleet was preparing to enter the firing range to shell out the five fireball cult members who were still playing heavy cavalry, and then continued to land and break through Port Royal, and then captured and hanged all the pagans on the cross!
But now?
After the opponent mobilized for a while, he even grabbed the burning magic sword, flew directly, and attacked his fleet?
This style of painting...obviously a bit wrong...isn't it, something is wrong?
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