Chapter 387: The bear child finally left

On Saturday afternoon of the second week of the smashing of Thanos’ conspiracy to invade the earth, the founder and funder of the Bear Shield, the magic consultant, and the little Annie of the Avengers, finally left this place and was broken by her. The little Marvel universe world, intends to take the three new original factory infinite gems that she once again obtained with various tricks and tricks, and start to set foot again with a lot of imitations containing powerful energy. Her journey to other world misfortunes.
After all, Annie has actually been in this world long enough! And now, when she got all the things she wanted, there was no excuse and need to stay in this world.
"Uncle Coleson, Aunt Melinda, and you all, let's see you soon!"
After waving her hand skillfully to open a plane portal to other worlds, Annie waved her small hand vigorously at these people who came here to see her off for the last time.
Among them, in addition to Melinda and Coleson, whom Anne is very familiar with, there is also Uncle Heitantou, the director of the Bear Shield, and of course the tin man Tony who is standing with Pepper’s sister. , And what is the name of the Uncle Hammer Thor who always loses in fights and the one who turns into a green guy...?
Forget it, his name doesn't really matter!
Anyway, Annie is about to leave this cosmic world, so she won't waste her brain cells to remember the names of passerby characters!
"If I have time in the future or if I think of you, I will definitely come back to see you! You guys, don't be beaten by aliens to cry!"
This statement of concern for Annie came from her sincerity, but when she was free or when she would accidentally think of people like them, it is open to question...
Therefore, sometimes, in some polite scenes, you must not be too serious, and whoever takes it seriously will lose.
"Goodbye, little guy!"
"Boy, remember to call me next time you come back!"
"Remember to come back if you have time, the earth will always be your home here."
"Annie, goodbye! Remember to take care of yourself. If anyone dares to bully you, just burn him, but don't be merciless!"
I don't know who said such a cruel sentence last, causing other people to turn their heads in shock and start paying attention.
At this time, among the crowd, Sally Whitemane, the self-appointed Archbishop of the Church of the Earth’s Holy Light, and the Paladin Lord Renault Mograine were also in the Iron Bear headquarters on the moon, together with the director of the Bear Shield and most Senior agents, all members of the Avengers, representatives of all major forces on the earth, etc., all saw off in this square a little girl who had saved the earth many times.
I am afraid that the leaders of the strongest countries on the planet do not have this kind of treatment.
Among them, like Melinda, who had a particularly good relationship with Annie, saw that the jumping figure of the little girl waved into the portal and disappeared completely, she couldn't help but squeeze tightly. The lord said, they knew that after this farewell, that little girl might never come back again.
Or, when Little Annie suddenly thought of this world one day and came back to take a look, these people, except Thor or other long-lived people, probably no longer exist in this world, right?
"Okay, Melinda, it took a long time to have a long vacation. Let's go on a vacation together! You don't know that little fellow Annie. Don't worry too much. Worrying is useless. Take care of yourself."
Seriously, for Annie, Coleson is not worried at all!
That naughty little girl, not to mention her own super strength, even her quirky mind, it is estimated that she will basically be guaranteed that she will not suffer! Although, the other person’s mind is no different from that of ordinary little girls, but their experience is much better than those of the terrapins who have been staying around the earth and rolling around, and they are fundamentally different from their natives. People of the world!
"I'm not worried... I just think that I might not see her anymore, it's a bit sad..."
Thinking of this, Melinda sighed again sadly.
During the time when Annie came to Earth for the second time, they were busy performing tasks, and didn't have much time to accompany or take care of the little guy from beginning to end. This made Melinda feel a little regretful. If you think about it, it was actually the time when she was the guardian of the little guy in the villa by the sea in New York, which made her feel more comfortable and comfortable.
At that time, Annie was really like her Melinda's daughter. Taking care of each other's food, clothing, shelter and transportation every day can make her live a full life, but it can make her more attentive than going out to perform those cold-blooded tasks.
"Hi! Carol, let's take the time to have a couple of drinks?"
After the farewell crowd began to disperse, Thor, the of thunder, moved towards his goal for the first time, and a little shyly invited this powerful earth woman. This is something he has decided long ago. After all, Hulk can hug left and right, so why should he continue to play bachelor as a prince?
"This... well!"
Corolla also has a slight liking for this Asgard who once fought side by side with him against Thanos, the so-called Thor, the Thor. Therefore, after hesitating for a while, she nodded and accepted the other party's invitation.
In the future, the two might still have the opportunity to continue fighting side by side, and the other's abilities are also very strong. It's always right to cultivate a little feeling. Besides, as powerful as Carol, it is really not easy to find a friend of comparable strength.
"By the way, I have seen the report you wrote. I heard... At that time, Little Annie really gave the Infinite Gems to the Thanos?"
As they walked back together, Thor suddenly asked about this thing that had always puzzled him, but it was a pity that he himself was knocked out at the time and he couldn't see what happened.
"Yes, it seems to be the case!"
Although he didn't know that the other party asked about it, Carol nodded and admitted it.
"This is really incredible. You may not know. As far as I know about that kid, the probability of this kind of thing will be infinitely close to zero! That kid, how could she get the good things in hand? Send it out again? Anyway, this is absolutely impossible! I would rather believe that the earth is turning from east to west, or the fact that the moon is actually larger than the earth?"
"So, I always feel that there must be some kind of trickiness in it! But, I still don't understand what is wrong with it!"
The more you speak, the more Thor feels there is a problem!
That little girl, who had worked so hard for the stones and used all kinds of methods to get them, it is absolutely impossible for her to easily give it away! Unless, that Thanos can give her a better exchange? Otherwise, how could she do that kind of loss-making business?
"Tor...Since it's something that has already happened, don't think too much about it...In any case, now the crisis of the earth has passed, we have to learn to look forward! And, that Thanos will definitely not It’s a good thing to come to Earth again, isn’t it?"
Although Carol knew what was going on at the time, she didn't intend to tell anyone this secret!
There are some things that she knows by herself that are secrets, but... once the second person knows it, it is difficult to predict what will happen next! Therefore, she intends to strictly guard this secret and never think of it again!
"Yes, you are right!"
When Little Annie's figure and the plane portal gradually disappeared, and there was no trace of her in the world, the crowd left in twos and threes, and Renault Mograine and his sister and lover Sally Whitemane snuggled and sat together on a small wooden chair in the reconstructed base square, just looking up at the gorgeous Milky Way in the sky.
Renault and Sally are now legal couples on earth!
Although some people who knew the inside story would always cast a strange look at their brother and sister, Renault didn't care about it at all! Anyway, they are not brothers and sisters, and the laws of the people on earth also recognize the legal relationship between him and Sally. They are a legal and reasonable combination, and this is enough.
"Sally...are we really never going back to the world of Azeroth?"
Compared to the others, Renault and Sally knew clearly: Their cute lord and Queen of Fire, this time, should be going back to the world of Azeroth to see. Yesterday, the other party also specifically came to ask the two of them.
But, before he waited for Renault to reply, Sally who was next to her hurriedly rejected Her Majesty the Flame Queen's proposal to take them back to Azeroth.
Although Renault was a bit puzzled at the time, he did not refute his wife on the spot. After all, he takes Sally's opinion very seriously on many things now!
In fact, the truth is: Whether it’s the Holy Light Church or the family’s affairs, everything inside and out now is his sister and wife who has the final say. He only has the option of executing orders and running errands. No words!
And now, the reason why Renault dared to ask about this matter was because he had endured it for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask after the Queen's departure.
"My dear brother Renault, think about it... If you go back to the world of Azeroth, then you may still be a high-ranking knight in the Knights of the Silver Hand, and Dingtian will be a mid-level officer! And I am just a very ordinary priest in the Knights of the Silver Hand, and I have to listen to their arrangements and instructions for everything..."
"However, what shall we do now?"
"Look, I am the Archbishop of the Church of the Holy Light on Earth! There are currently millions of church members, which is much more than the total population of our Kingdom of Lordaeron... And you, my good brother, You are now the high lord of the Paladin! And we have just obtained the joint authorization of the Bear Shield and the World Security Council to prepare a batch of cold weapon troops! The new Knights of the Silver Hand, which is in the plan, has a whole How about a three-thousand-person establishment! Do you still want to go back to being controlled by our father?"
After squinting her eyes slightly and smiling and talking about these things, Sally leaned gently on her husband's shoulders and began to close her eyes, enjoying this rare peaceful and warm time on the moon.
Anyway, Azeroth definitely won't go back again!
Now, on this earth, she has a great career that she founded, and has her own emotional support, and she can no longer look at the face of a bad old man. This life is so beautiful, why should she go back?
Hum... She Sally Whitemane is not stupid, she also wants to have her own pursuit!
You know, what she has achieved now is higher than that of Archbishop Alonthos Faw, who was respected and loved by all human kingdoms! Moreover, she has to work slowly, trying to squeeze out the indigenous churches on the earth that do not have extraordinary powers, so that the golden light of the Holy Light Church can completely illuminate the entire earth!
She wants to dye this world completely golden with holy light! Let the church of the Holy Light Church be built in the most prosperous area of ​​every city, so that all people on earth can feel the greatness of the Holy Light!
She had discovered that as the Holy Light Church she had set up by herself became larger and more followers, it became easier for her to gain the favor of the Holy Light herself! The power of the Holy Light that she can mobilize now is something she couldn't even imagine when she was in the world of Azeroth.
She Sally Whitemane seems to have faintly revealed more secrets of the Holy Light, so she still wants to get more...
"Of course I don't want to go back!"
"Actually, what you said is right. If we really go back, my father...he will definitely object to our being together, and even break us up unreasonably, that is sure to happen!"
"So... Sally, my beloved lady... I will never mention things back. I will always stand by your side, in the honor of the Paladin, in the name of the Holy Light!"
Thinking of the bad old man in Azeroth who relied on his qualifications and strength to treat himself extremely harshly and resolutely opposed him and Sally, Renault stretched out his arm and hugged himself tightly. The shoulders of the younger sister, then, became more determined to stay by Sally's side and guard her determination forever!
For Sally, who was leaning on his shoulders, this lover who grew up with him as a childhood sweetheart, he cherishes it very much! Renault has always felt that the other party is the best gift given to him by the Holy Light! After coming to this world, his own strength is also steadily increasing. Although he is not as strong as Sally, his own achievements can be seen in the future!
Because of this, Renault faintly felt that the claim that feelings and sensuality would make the Paladin lose the will to fight and reduce the strength of the old man at home was completely nonsense, without the slightest basis!
"So, Brother Renault... we are determined, and we will stay on Earth in the future and never return to Azeroth..."
"Of course! Everything is up to you!"
Now, with the departure of Her Majesty the Flame Queen, in this unfamiliar earth, they are only left with each other. If something happens, there will be no backing to help them! Therefore, Renault secretly made up his mind: He will continue to work hard, become stronger, and turn himself into the most shining warhammer, the strongest Holy Shield, and will always guard Sally's side!
"Nick Fury..."
"Unexpectedly, you guys would be able to rescue me again... it was really a magical experience..."
At this time, in the office of the director at the top of the Bear Shield Steel Barracks, the black charcoal-headed director Nick Ferry in the mouth of Annie, with his left hand tied with a bandage around his neck, was staying in the office with Professor X. In front of this floor-to-ceiling window, I looked at the scenery in the base and chatted casually.
You are not mistaken, the bald professor Charles, he is indeed alive again!
"That's a misunderstanding. In fact, it was not I who saved you, but the next Ms. Sally Whitemane who was embraced by countless people on earth... You know, she is a powerful priest of the Holy Light! In addition to not being proficient in combat, when it comes to treating illnesses and saving people, that's a good one!"
Nick Fury’s hand was injured when the Bear Shield’s battlecruiser made a crash landing on Mars. Until now, their ship was renamed "Tibbers" in memory of a little girl. The cruisers are still lying in the temporary base on Mars, and it will take at least three to five months for maintenance before they can fly again.
For the Bear Shield, this may be a bad thing, but this is not without good news!
Due to the maintenance of the warship, they are now on Mars, and they finally had to open up a second sub-base! Except for the shield, all the buildings inside were designed and manufactured by the people on Earth using SCV engineering robots and built little by little. This gave them valuable first-hand experience in interstellar colonization!
Presumably, they will be able to build a real colonial city belonging to mankind on Mars soon!
"Pastor Whitemane... That kind of Holy Light and that Holy Light Church are indeed a kind of magical energy and a belief worth promoting!"
"It's just... Nick, during the period of fighting against the invasion of Thanos, so many soldiers and innocent people sacrificed, but you only resurrected a few dozen of us. Is this really good?"
"I always feel that this seems a bit unfair to others..."
Although Charles himself was very happy to be alive, if he could live, then no one would want to die.
However, thinking about the countless soldiers who died in battle and New Yorkers who died tragically at the guns of Cheritas, he couldn't help feeling a deep sense of guilt. Charles always feels that he himself seems to have become as sinful and degraded as that kind of bureaucracy. If there is a good thing, it will always be his turn first, such as the resurrection quota?
"Come on, Charles, you know better than I do, where on earth is there any absolute justice?"
"Although there are more and more priests and knights in the Holy Light Church who understand the Holy Light, there are many who can use the Holy Light to heal others... However, at present, only Ms. Sally Whitemane can resurrect the dead. One person! Moreover, the conditions for resurrection are still very strict, and it must be done within a short time! Therefore, her ability is actually limited, and with such a small number of places, I can order one to be reserved for you, you Just be content!"
This is why Nick Fury and the World Security Council strongly support the expansion of the Holy Light Church and the recruitment of pastors and paladins.
After all, human beings are all afraid of death, and those high-ranking officials and the rich and powerful have even higher requirements for their own health and life! Because of this, those of them became the secret driving force behind the rapid development of the Holy Light Church.
In fact, they will not oppose anything about the development of the church. Moreover, they have already notified the government officials and asked them to do everything about the Holy Light Church quickly and without delay!
"It's also...Where is there any real fairness in this world..."
Professor X, who was sitting in a wheelchair, couldn't help but sighed softly, and finally stopped worrying about the fact that the director of Xiong Shield Bureau misappropriated the resurrection quota and did not disclose to the public the resurrection of the dead.
"By the way, about Eric Lanchel and the Mutant Brotherhood, do you really plan to build a mutant city for them on the moon?"
"Listen to me, Nick, I think that might not be a good choice..."
Charles had heard of this before, so, under amazement, he finally asked Nick Fury about this matter.
Although there was a brief collaboration with the mutant brothers during this period, Charles still felt that Eric’s idea was a bit too extreme. Once there were no external threats, he would probably make trouble again and continue to work for His unrealistic idea of ​​letting mutants replace ordinary people's power and control the earth.
"Of course I know!"
"So, we plan to build a small city for him not far from the alien city Attilan. Of course, it also includes the lunar base of the Earth Union! It's just that it may be two or three years later, you I know, to establish a base, even if it is the current Bear Shield, the strength is not enough."
The strength is actually enough, but the Bear Shield is now to build a Mars base and a magic school on the back of the moon. As for the projects of other people's homes, it must be temporarily delayed.
"I said Charles...Can you stop trying to pry into my mind? Since we just started talking, my Protoss alarm has sounded several times!"
Finally, the unbearable Nick Fury had to look down at the old guy next to him.
Now their senior agents and important figures of the Bear Shield are all equipped with Protoss equipment to guard against mind control or read memory, so how can this old guy easily see it? Those things that involve secrets?
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I used this ability subconsciously, and I have almost formed a habit..."
"By the way, that little girl Annie, where did she go?"
"I don't know, but it is said to go to a world called Azeroth? That is, the hometown of the two below!"
Looking at the couple of dogs and men who were showing their affection on the benches in their Bear Shield Park, Nick Fury's tone couldn't help but become colder.
You know, their Bear Shield is a special agent and combat organization, and some requirements are quite strict! And the behaviors of the two below will harm the agents under him, which is very bad!
This is now, and the rules of their Xiong Shield Bureau have become relatively looser. After all, after the equipment is improved, there is no need to force the agents not to fall in love while on duty and affect their combat effectiveness.
And if it was at S.H.I.E.L.D., if any field agents dared to show signs of love each other, once they were evaluated by the evaluation team and felt that their combat effectiveness would be affected, they would have to be transferred from field service to logistics or directly dismissed!
"Heh! It's nice to be young..."
Unlike the slightly strict rules of the Bear Shield, in Charles's X-Men or Xavier Genius Youth School, he never forbids students from close contact.
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