Chapter 874: Unqualified, this time you choose

By saying these words of Livonz, it was already obvious that he was inviting Xiao Ran to join his alliance, and he was referring to let Xiao Ran return to the Federation, not to join their group of changers. The reason for this is that Livonz has remained quite jealous of Xiao Ran so far. 3k Novel Network
Four years ago, Xiao Ran appeared unexpectedly under his eyelids, and then directly exposed his identity at the first meeting. According to his investigation, Xiao Ran’s origins were extremely mysterious and unexplorable. At that time Xiao Ran was able to stir up the wind and rain in the world, and then returned again after four years after leaving his field of vision. Four years was enough to change a lot of lives. He couldn't grasp what Xiao Ran had in the end. One of them was enough to pose a serious threat to him. The hole cards in hand.
Moreover, Xiao Ran’s identity as a changer was determined by himself. The extent to which the changer’s ability reached Livonz is also unknown. With Xiao Ran’s scheming, ability, and powerful force, Livonz is impossible. Simply pulling Xiao Ran into his own organization and treating him as a subordinate, and at least now that everything is a mystery, Livonz can only treat Xiao Ran as an equal person.
Let Xiao Ran return to the federation, it means that Xiao Ran became the ruler of the federation in the subsequent great changes, and these artificial changers became the world leaders. Xiao Ran gained absolute rights, and they also got the Ran and the status of the leader, the status of the two sides will not be superior or inferior. From Livonz’s mind, it can be seen that Xiao Ran is definitely not the kind of person who is willing to obey other people’s orders. He doesn't care about the power of the federation. His mission is to guide the world to reform and he can do this at all costs, so Livonz is currently able to show the greatest sincerity.
But Livonz would not know that the ruling power of this world had no meaning to Xiao Ran at all, because it was impossible for Xiao Ran to obtain his really useful things from this world, his camp territory.
This was almost certain from the very beginning when I joined the Celestial camp. The conditions for obtaining the camp’s territory are quite restrictive. The most difficult thing to grasp is the people’s sentiments, and this cannot be accomplished by relying on the depraved Celestials. It is impossible for the heavens to occupy a territory to conquer the world, and the time of this mission does not allow Xiao Ran to do so.
And things like the core of the world can be encountered but not sought. In Xiao Ran’s eyes, this world is probably the Sun Furnace and the changer, but now he has the Sun Furnace, and so does the changer, and he also didn’t get anything about The hint of the core of the world, so in Xiao Ran's view, either the core of the world does not exist in the world, or the core of the world does not know what a ghost thing is, and there is no way to control the world through the core of the world. (3K Chinese Network--Domain name of this site:)
As for the control of the federation within the federation, it may not be possible at all. Let alone Xiao Ran’s camp is not part of the federation at all, and the question of which camp that appeared on the scale of the legion mission belongs to is that Xiao Ran once arranged for the king. The things done by Liu U.S., Laguna, and even other people, such as digging walls and pitting teammates, have completely cut off Xiao Ran's possibility of obtaining camp territory in the name of the Federation.
For these reasons, even if Livonz really has the energy to push Xiao Ran to the position of the world's number one person, it doesn’t make any sense at all, but Livonz’s sincerity expressed is indeed satisfying, relying solely on the celestial organization within half a year It is indeed very difficult to complete reunification and to overthrow the existing government and form a new government, so Xiao Ran is also wondering at this time whether he should borrow Livonz's power to help him complete the task.
Speaking of it, Livonz is called Crazy Li, completely because he is too unscrupulous, the style that he can do anything to achieve his goal, the kind of contempt for non-change people, and the normal people are almost like slaves. The practice occupies most of the reasons, but Xiao Ran seems to dislike these practices and behaviors of Livonz, but he can understand Livonz's actions.
Even if Xiao Ran is included, it will also cause more killings due to the reasons within the mission. At the beginning, Xiao Ran throwing trash toward the earth, it may not be possible that Livonz can do it. Once that thing is not well controlled. It will definitely evolve into a world-class disaster. It is not that simple at all.
Xiao Ran was silent for a while, and suddenly raised his head to look at Livonz and asked, "How much time do you think we have."
Regarding Xiao Ran’s sudden change of topic and the problem that emerged, Livonz was also taken aback for a while, but then said,
I’m afraid there is not much time left, so we must rule the world and complete the world as quickly as possible by direct means. Unity."
"Yes, we really haven't been for too long. I agree with the quickest means to unify the world, but it doesn't mean that someone has to die meaninglessly in this process, especially Those excellent people, those who can help the dialogue later, should not let them die in the process because we need a unified process."
Xiao Ran looked at Livonz, with a pair of eyes that didn’t know whether he was indifferent or disdainful. He just listened to him saying:
Your current method is to restrain the world by force and let the whole world develop under the rules you set. Who opposes Whoever deserves to die, those who are disobedient deserve to die, those who get out of control deserve to die, but I want to tell you, if I use the same methods as you, believe it or not, I won’t take four years at all, it only takes one year at most one year. The world has already fallen into my hands, and I can easily solve it, including you changemakers."
Livonz frowned slightly, looking at Xiao Ran's indifferent expression, he couldn't figure out what Xiao Ran thought, and he didn't know exactly what Xiao Ran meant. Was it a threat or a fact? If you look at the position of Livonz, how can you guess that Xiao Ran still has a new maross class warship in his hands, large reflective warheads, large med warheads, countless miniature missiles, maross cannons, and even the Titans. An unscientific thing like the Sword of Idean really took only one year to crush all the opposition forces under the original general trend of the Federation.
But this will only force the opposing forces to a more shadowy place. It does not mean that all opposing forces will be eliminated. The whole world will also have growing complaints, as long as there is a suitable one. Opportunities will immediately explode. Livonz has never thought about this. He is just stubbornly fulfilling his mission, just treating humans as pets in captivity and placing himself in the position of savior and leader. But such an approach is completely contrary to Aeolian's plan, and even the opposite of the road the world should be headed toward, and will naturally encounter inevitable failure.
Once again, Xiao Ran jumped off the topic again, and suddenly asked, "Iolia is already dead."
Aeolia puts himself into a deep sleep and merges with veda, so it happened before that Aeolia took over the connection between veda and Xiao Ran, but if Aeolia’s body dies, it is not his fundamental changer. It is impossible to transfer one's consciousness to veda, so it also represents true death.
Livonz was a little unhappy about Xiao Ran's behavior of jumping topics, but he also nodded, and said frankly, "Yes, although it was not my hand, it does not prevent me from becoming a real veda. Controlled by this plan, the plan to complete the world change is no longer Aeolian’s but Livonz’s. This is my plan."
"Do you know our biggest difference?"
Xiao Ran smiled slightly and said: "The biggest difference between us is that even if I am a changer, of course I am a changer different from yours. I have never underestimated the potential of human beings. The infinite potential can be made by humans. As for anything, it is precisely because everyone has different ideas that have become the cornerstone of this world exhibition, but different ideas can cause misunderstandings and disputes. Therefore, the existence of changers is to make the whole world understand each other and truly Unified together."
"The changer, who has a longer lifespan, physical strength, and unparalleled strength, should act as the protector, opener, and coordinator of the human world. Ordinary people and changers cooperate with each other to lead human evolution together."
"In your opinion, human beings are just a group of scum, bugs, militant, barbaric and unreasonable that damage the earth. If you don’t control them, it will only make humans go to extinction, so you have to control them, weed out those unqualified people, and die. It doesn't matter how many people are. Anyway, there are so many human beings, and more deaths just make the earth easier."
"For the change makers, you, who have a longer lifespan, smarter, stronger body and human abilities, are the rulers, managers and breeders of mankind. Mankind only needs to live obediently on the earth. , The other things are for your changers, of course this is also a way of protection, but it’s a bit so unacceptable."
Livonz did not object to Xiao Ran's words, because Livonz did think the same way as Xiao Ran said. Everything that Xiao Ran said was correct, but there was only a little difference, but the difference was completely negligible.
There is no objection to Xiao Ran, but it does not mean that Livonz does not oppose Xiao Ran’s ideas and positions, and he did not say too much and was going to argue with Xiao Ran. He just said: "Then you are prepared for those who have infinite in your eyes. The possible scums are fighting?"
"No." Xiao Ran shook his head, and Xiao Ran's answer made Livonz smile slightly, but more of it was the doubts about Xiao Ran's thoughts, but he did not have more time to think about it, Xiao Ran He continued: "I am not fighting for anyone. I will only fight for me this time, for the world, and for the tasks I should perform."
"You just said that we probably don't have much time, but I can tell you this time more accurately. In half a year, we only have half a year." Xiao Ran suddenly stood up and moved towards Livonz. The approach of step by step puts great pressure on Livonz, and said in a calm tone that is not rushed or slow: "The upcoming dialogue is close at hand, and the other party’s pioneers have also appeared, or as early as It has appeared many years ago, but we are still trapped in the contradiction between unity and infighting, and will continue endlessly for some time to come."
"Your thoughts reminded me that it is indeed a powerful force that should not be taken into account for too many things, but in order to be truly unified and understood, some contradictions must also be eliminated and the fuse that will burst into chaos in the future. "
Xiao Ran walked to the seated Livonz, slightly bent over to look straight at Livonz and said, "I can only give you unqualified evaluations of your performance over the past four years, so now I will ask you for it, or join My subordinates act in my own way, and see the potential of mankind in the course of action, or choose to refuse to be my enemy, but I believe that if you choose my enemy, then you will probably not have that easy life in the coming days. ."
"Hahaha." Livonz looked at Xiao Ran and burst into laughter. He covered his face with one hand and smiled so happily: "Fun, interesting, really interesting, I didn't expect you to have your plan, although I don't know. What do you want to But it’s really interesting, you want us to be your subordinates, you can tell me why you think I will agree? Choose to be the enemy, and you have been away for four years. What to fight against us?"
"Livonz, I know everything about you, but you don't know everything about me. You don't know what kind of power I hold. Even if you all the changemakers are together, it doesn't make any sense." Xiao Ran renewed Standing up straight and looking at Livonz indifferently, he said: "If you refuse, I will kill you directly here, even if you can transfer your consciousness by contacting veda now, because after I leave here as well, I You will go to the back of the moon and destroy veda yourself, you can’t run away.

Livonz has no worries at all about what Xiao Ran said to kill him. Instead, he looked at Xiao Ran with interest: "Do you think you can leave here after you refuse my invitation? Do you know how many people have moved this town? Are you surrounded?"
"You can try." Xiao Ran's reply is also very plain, but it can make people feel a powerful force in a few words, which is based on Xiao Ran's self-confidence. Moreover, Xiao Ran's eyes didn't know when the golden light had burst out, and the golden light surging in his eyes made Xiao Ran look full of a feeling of incomprehensibility.
Livonz felt Xiao Ran’s self-confidence, and under the influence of the brain quantum waves scattered in the state of Xiao Ran's purebred changer, his brain quantum waves also appeared to be suppressed, which made Livonz His smile also slowly dissipated, gradually turning into a serious look.
"Just now you said only half a year, is this true?" (To be continued.) 8
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